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Summer Reading Rubric

Criteria Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

88%-100% 74%-87% 60%-73% 42%-59% 24%-41%
almost flawless strong collaboration in weak no
collaboration in collaboration in creating the collaboration collaboration
Process creating the creating the presentation, which showed in the making
presentation, roles presentation, roles roles were through a of the
were well defined were clearly somewhat choppy presentation
and well executed defined and defined and presentation,
clearly executed somewhat roles unclear

questions were questions were questions were some questions questions

thoughtfully answered well somewhat unanswered, were not
Content answered to the and in a thorough answered vague answers answered
fullest extent manner although there whatsoever,
were some gaps one word
in responses answers.

clearly defined well defined body body language lacks does not
Physical body language language, but does not fit the involvement; demonstrate
Delivery of enhances message may have omitted character(s) no movement involvement;
Tableau to fit character or obvious character or gestures no movement
role behavior or gestures

adjusts volume, uses volume, uses volume, uses volume, does not use
tone, and pace to tone, and pace tone, and pace tone, and pace volume, tone,
Speaking achieve a special appropriate to the somewhat to inappropriately and pace
Techniques effect or for content and suit the content or appropriately
impact purpose and purpose; ineffectively; or

Total: _____ / 100

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