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How to make changes to BIMI variables in TradeStation v9.

5 Chart

1. Log into TradeStation v9.5. You must adde BIMI to your chart before trying to edit it

2. Open or go to a chart with BIMI already enabled

3. Go to the top Menu Bar and Click-on

a. [ Format ] button and then Click-on
b. [ Analysis Techniques ] from drop-down menu

4. BIMI should already be highlighted but if not

a. Click-on [ Duffree_BIMI_v95 ]
b. Click-on [ Format ] button

BIMI © 2019 Tom Duffree – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 4

5. Another Pop-up Window will appear with multiple variables that can be changed
a. Go to the [ Input ] tab
b. Edit any of the variables (see page 3 – 4) in the final right-hand column and then
c. Click-on [ OK ] button

6. Click-on the [ Close ] button to return to your chart

BIMI © 2019 Tom Duffree – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2 of 4

Customising BIMI Paintbar Study to suit your own rules

The pop-up window when you Edit BIMI study in TradeStation:

User Options:
1 ) Change basing candle colour* for any of the
2 ) 4 recognised patterns (RBD, DBD, DBR or RBR)
3 ) Default = Yellow for all 4 patterns
4 )
5 ) Change your colour* of Leg-IN and/or Leg-OUT
6 ) Default = Black for both
7 ) Option to switch off Leg-IN or Leg-OUT if unwanted**
8 Blank field
9 )
10 )
11 ) Restrict how many basing candles appear on
12 ) your chart or choose to have up to 8 basing
13 ) candles. Just switch them OFF by changing to
14 ) 0 (zero) or switch ON by changing to 1 (one)
15 ) Default = patterns with up to 4 basing candles
16 )
17 Blank field
18 ) See note 18 below. Default = 500
19 ) See note 19 below. Default = 500

* Choice of 17 colours to offset most chart background colours – see over the page for the 17 colour choices.

** Note 7 – If you switch this off by changing the word to [ false ] then Leg-IN/OUT candles will default to their
usual colour so you will only see the basing candles coloured on your chart. Switch on with the word [
True ]

Note 18 and 19 - an aid to back-testing

The Squeeze IN and Stretch OUT variables allow users to effectively restrict BIMI candle patterns appearing on their
charts to just extremely well-defined patterns based on their own rules about ‘excitable’ candles.
e.g. You could effectively restrict the BIMI patterns to just those that have very excitable Leg-IN and/or Leg-OUT
candles by changing these variables. More details below:

Note 18 – Squeeze IN % (i.e. emphasis is on the basing candle bodies compared to Leg-IN candle body)
This variable allows you to restrict the body size of ALL Basing Candles to a percentage that is less than
the Leg-IN body size

So if you change the number 500 to 25 then individually, ALL of the basing candle bodies must be less
than 25% of the Leg-IN candle body otherwise the pattern will not appear on your chart. Default is

Note 19 – Stretch OUT % (i.e. emphasis is on basing candle bodies compared to the Leg-OUT candle
This variable allows you to restrict the body size of ALL Basing Candles to a percentage that is less than
the Leg-OUT body size

So if you only wanted to see patterns on your chart which effectively have a strong Leg-OUT move
away then you would focus your attention on this variable e.g. if you change the number 500 to 20
then each of the basing candle bodies must be less than 20% of the Leg-OUT candle body size
otherwise the pattern will not appear on your chart. An alternative way of interpreting this change to

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20% is to say that the candle pattern will only appear on your chart if the Leg-OUT body size is at least
5 times the size of each of the basing candle bodies. Default is 500%.

The 17 colour changes that should be allowed with the BIMI

Colour Choice
Sample Tested Alpha Red Green Blue
Use these! @04Jul19
1 Black Yes 255 0 0 0
2 Blue Yes 255 0 0 255
3 Cyan Yes 255 0 255 255
4 DarkBlue 255 0 0 128
5 DarkBrown 255 128 128 0
6 DarkCyan Yes 255 0 128 128
7 DarkGray 255 128 128 128
8 DarkGreen 255 0 128 0
9 Dark Magenta 255 128 0 128
10 DarkRed 255 128 0 0
11 Gray 255 128 128 128
12 Green 255 0 128 0
13 LightGray Yes 255 192 192 192
14 Magenta Yes 255 255 0 255
15 Red 255 255 0 0
16 White Yes 255 255 255 255
17 Yellow Yes 255 255 255 0

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