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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Our Lady of Salvation College
Tigbi, Tiwi, Albay


Submitted by:

Al Francis B. Mendoza

Submitted to:

Nanette C. Rodriguez
 APRIL 28, 2024

After watching the reflection of Fr. Felloni for today, I looked back on the instances
where Jesus cut off some of the people that didn’t help me grow in all aspects of my life. I
am still thankful for all the people that I have met because they served as lessons,
blessings and even heartaches I will treasure as I embark in this earthly journey.
Also, I am reminded to also be a fruitful vine for others so that I can also be a blessing
for them that they can also treasure in their journey. I also recalled how St. Therese of
Lisieux once said, "Everything is a grace, everything is the direct effect of our Father's
love. Difficulties, contradictions, humiliations, all the soul’s misunderstandings,
sufferings, everything, is a grace."
I am once again reminded also of the Bible verse written by St. Peter in his first book,
“That in All things, God may be glorified.” In everything that I do, I do it for the Lord.

 APRIL 29, 2024

The Almusalita reflection by Fr. Felloni, reinstated the theme that I should do everything
for the glory of God. As the Comission on Youth Leader in our Brgy., I am once again
reminded on what I should do: to bring Jesus closer to the youth – ang paglaom kang
This is a big challenge for me but with the help of prayers, I know that though it will not
be in an instant, I know that it will have an effect in the future. Maybe, this is what the Lord
has given me to work for- to make His name known!
Also, this video is an affirmation of what I believe in as a Roman Catholic, that the Son
and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the three of them are adored and glorified at
the same time for they are three in person but only one true God.

 APRIL 30, 2024

With Fr. Felloni’s reflection, I remembered how Po, the main character in the movie Kung
Fu Panda was able to attain inner peace and that is through acceptance.
I know for myself that acceptance isn’t an easy thing to do but the peace emanating from
Jesus is different – His peace is because of love and that is what I aspire.
Sometimes, I don’t become a channel for peace, I also become sometimes a way for
someone to quarrel and I am ashamed of that. That is why, I always ask for the intercession of
St. Francis of Assisi and I pray the prayer that St. Francis’ composed, Make me a channel of
your peace.

 MAY 1, 2024
After listening to Fr. Felloni’s reflection for this day, I was reminded of how Jesus was
able to combat the boastfulness of the Pharisees during the time when Jesus was caught and
will be sentenced to death – He defeated them by humility.
Likewise, I was also reminded of how I should live in this world – with simplicity and
humility. As the head of the Commission on Youth of our Barangay Pastoral Council, I was
reminded of how I should move in order to guide the youth in my barangay to also reflect the
simplicity and humility of Jesus.
In addition, as we start our devotion to St. Isidore the Laborer and Our Lady of Salvation
through the AURORA, I was also moved by the life and works of St. Isidore as I read his
biography and as I share them through a catechesis after the aurora.
Also, as I remember the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, I was once again reminded of how
I should live my life and to ask the help and prayers of St. Joseph so that I can live my life
with simplicity, humility and plainness.

 MAY 2, 2024

With Fr. Felloni’s reflection, I look back on the theme of the celebration of the 300 years
of devotion to Inâ, Our Lady of Peñafrancia, “BALAOG INAKO, BALAOG ITAO.”
I am reminded of how the little me was always excited to join in the Aurora and as I grew
older, I realized that this isn’t just a simple procession, but a catechesis of how Jesus loves us
by giving us His mother, to be our Mother also that is why, I am capable of showing love.
I am reminded to sow love in my own little ways. Also, this Aurora will not be successful
if I do not love what I am doing, I will not be able to hold up the fatigue, the noise of the
children and even the weather if I do not love what I am doing.
This is also a training ground for the next in line, I am training them to share the love that
God has given. Because, I know that sharing has a magical touch that cannot be explained.

 MAY 3, 2024

As a Roman Catholic, I am once again reminded of who I am serving. There comes a time
when the youth in the BPC attended a Christian fellowship in a certain sect here in Tiwi,
I took it as a challenge for me to herd the flock of sheep that I am tending so that they will
retain in the grace of our Lord but I just reiterated to them that serving the Lord is what we
must do. If they are attracted to play music during worships, I invited them to be part of the
Music ministry in the parish and also, to always ask the Holy Spirit to ignite in them the fire
of serving and adoring the Lord.
I am always asking the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit to burn the flame in me of
serving the Lord and I am also including in my prayers the youth ministry that they will never
be confused and be guided by the Holy Spirit to remain in the Roman Catholic Faith because
serving Jesus is also serving God and the Holy Spirit.

 MAY 4, 2024

In my earthly journey here on Earth, I experienced different tribulations that made me cry,
weep and even made my heart ache.
I experienced different tribulations and trials that I do not want to remember and go
through again because of the hurtful things I experienced. There was once an instance that the
members of an organization slowly started to change and didn’t even tell me their reason why
they slowly did not attend any of our meetings and garden works.
It depleted my mental health that it even affected my study and resulted in me to stop
studying for some time and not being able to graduate in time.
But I just offered it to God and asked Him that I am forgiving them though they never
asked for any forgiveness.

 MAY 5, 2024

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13

I recall the time when I experienced the darkest times of my life. I experienced the
love of my friends when even I do not want to talk or approach people, they will still leave
their own little ways to check on me.

This is also a call for me, a Filipino, a resident of the Philippines to be a voice for all
the wrongdoings of China – even in sharing some awakening quotes in my timeline in
This also reminds me of the time when I also became a comforter to a friend when he
needed a shoulder to cry to. The passage doesn’t literally translate to laying down a life but
being able to be there for my friend when trouble comes because even that is a big help for
my friend.

 MAY 6, 2024

The Gospel reading for today reaffirms the power of God even if the disciple experienced
persecution when they were teaching & preaching the Gospel.

I also experienced this through an experience where in a certain person didn’t believe
what I was telling because she already believed the story that came first.

What I just did is pray and ask for fervor and to keep me strong in this trying times. I
know that Jesus is always behind me and I know that He will never give this tribulation that I
can’t surpass.
 MAY 7, 2024

I remember also the time when I need to let go – to let go of my former school,
friends, classmates and such so that I can move on. It was difficult but as time goes by, I
was able to cope up.

I experienced different times when I need to let go – to let go of an experience, a

person and even a blessing.

I do know that it will come back to me ten folds. I may have difficulty in adjusting but
I know that it is part of the process.
 MAY 8, 2024

Back when I was studying in CBSUA, there is always a mass conducted in order to
ask the gift of the Holy Spirit when another school year starts. In my opinion, this is a
good way to let the Holy Spirit descend upon the faculty and students and guide them in
spending their time in studying and teaching.

Also, I remember the time when I attended the Pentecost celebration in Albay
Astrodome – it ignited something in me. It is indeed true that the Holy Spirit is the giver
of life. That is also why I always ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to guide me and help
me in my earthly pilgrimage.
 MAY 9, 2024

As I reflect through Fr. Felloni’s video, I recall the times when I experienced
things that made my heart weep but it was also through Jesus’s reaffirmation that I
smiled through it all.

The gospel for today helps me to reflect that there is glory after all the hurtful
things that I have been through. It is what I have been hanging unto, “BUHAY AY
HINDI KARERA,” just like what BINI sings in one of their lyrics.

I know that all of these will be fruitful in the future and will help me to be
patient and believe that God always has a perfect timing.
 MAY 10, 2024

Through the reflections of Fr. Felloni, I am filled with joy and happiness. I
know that whatever I am experiencing today will be a stepping stone for me to ascend
to glory.

This reminds me of the time when I was in Grade 3 when my mother is

experiencing myoma and was bleeding nonstop. I was too little that time but I do
know that even the simple text messages I am sending to her is a big help for her to
fight and go on with life.
 MAY 12, 2024

As I reflect on the gospel today, I remember when I also left an organization or a group.
Since I was studying in CBSUA, I become an inactive youth member in the parish until I did
not attend any formation but as I transferred school, it became a way for me to go back in
serving the Lord.

This reminds me of Jesus’ promise to His disciples but this time, it is a promise to me
now. In my own little way, I am being a disciple of Jesus and helping spread the words of the

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