Final Demo Lesson Plan For Senior High

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Lesson Plan in Statistics and Probability

Prepared by: Laurence Quiliquite

Year : Grade 11

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, the students must be able to:
a. identify the point estimator for the population proportion p;
b. compute the point estimator of a population proportion p;
c. discuss the importance of proportions in the reports of survey results.

II. Subject Area/Topic

Point Estimate for the Population Proportion p
III. References
Statistics and Probability
Pg. 178-185
Teacher Activity Student’s Activity

a) Prayer
(Students will stand up and lead a prayer)
b) Greetings

c) Checking of attendance

d) Classroom Rules

e) Learning objectives
Before we move on to our lesson this morning,
I. Learning Objectives
I want everyone to read our Learning Objectives
today. a. identify the point estimator for the
population proportion p;
b. compute the point estimator of a
population proportion p;
c. discuss the importance of proportions in the
reports of survey results.
IV. Explore
This time, I will be conducting a survey to all of

So I want to ask this question:

Do you believe in the saying that first love never


Please raise their hands to those who say yes. ( 22 students will raise their hands)

Now, Plaise raise their hands to those who say no.

(20 students will raise their hands)

Ok, Thank you.

Based on the results they are 22 students who still

believe that first love never die, while 20 students
say no.

So we have different perceptions about love

Because of our different experiences.

Now we are going to use this result to our topic in

finding the point estimate for the population
proporrtion p.
V. Firm Up

Who have any idea what is proportion? A proportion is a name we give to a statement that
two ratios are equal.
Very good!

That is the definition of proportion in math.

In statistics, Proportion is a fraction expression

where the favorable response is in the numerator
and the total number of respondents is in the
The basic operation involves division. Thus, the
result is a decimial value that can be expressed as

To facilate our discussions we shall use the

following symbols.

For a sample proportion

p̂ = X


p̂ = sample proportion ( read as “p hat”)

x = number of favorable response
n = total number of respondents

For example on our survey a while ago.

How many students say say?

22 students
And how many students say no?
20 students
How many students are there in all?
They are 42 students.

Lets find out what is the proportion responded

with a Yes and what proportion responded with

So in this class out of 42 students, 22 students say

yes about first love never die.

Who can find the The proportion for the students

(Student A will solve on the board)
who say yes using the formula we have?

p̂ = X
The proportion for Yes is:
p̂ = X

X = 22
N = 42
p̂ = 22/42
Very Good! 0.52 or 52%

This means that 52% of the students responded


Now, how about what is the proportion of who

responded No. (Student B will solve on the board)

Please try and solve it in the board. The proportion for students who say no
20/42= 0.48 or 48%

This means that 48% of the students responded

Ok, Job well done.
Thank You.

Any questions about finding the point estimator No!

for the population proportion p?

VI. Deepen

This time I will group you into 5 groups.

(Group Activity)
*Each group will form a circle and will be given a
survey result. 1.In a survey of 95 students, 40 students like math.
*Estimate the populations proportions for each of Find p̂ and q, where p̂ is the proportion of
the following data students who like math.
*Answer the questions raised in the problem.
2. An ICT major conduct a survey to 200 students if
they have PC or Personal Computer on their home.
95 students responded yes. What is the population
proportion of students who have PC in their
home? and What percent of the students who
don’t have?

3. For a particular school year, the Registrar of a

University wanted to know the proportion of
students in grade 11 who choose the strand GAS
as their specialized subject in Senior High.
The enrolment data showed a total enrolment of
195 students. Of this total, there were 85 students
Who choose this strand. What do numbers say
about the course preferences of the students.

VII. Transfer New Kind of Snack

Ok, This time I will be giving a survey sample The HE major a conducted a survey about the New
results. Kind of Snacks served by the school cafeteria.
With the same group this is what you are going to
do. A random selection of school children were asked
Whether they Like (1), Do not like (0), or Cannot
Instructions: decide (2), a new kind of snacks served by the
school cafeteria. The responses are shown as
1. Study the example” New Kind of Snack” follows:

2. Prepare a three-column table sa shown.

1 0 1 1 2 0
Response Tally Frequency 1 1 0 0 1 1
Like (code 1) 1 2 1 2 0 1
Do not like 0 1 0 2 0 2
(code 0) 2 1 1 1 2 0
Cannot decide 1 0 1 2 2 1
(code 2)

3. Tally the responses in the table.

4. Complete the entires in the table.
5. Answer the questions that follow using the
appropriate formula.

1. What is the proportion of respondents who like

the new snack?
2. What is the proportion of respondents who do
not like the new snack?
3. What is the proportion of respondents who
cannot decide?

4. How useful are proportions in the reports of

survey results?
VIII. Evaluation

This time lets have an individual quiz to check if Exercises:

everyon really understand how to estimate the
populations proportions. 1. Find p̂ and q given X and n.

a. X = 28 ; n= 100
b. X = 45 ; n = 240
c. X = 120 ; n = 1000

2. A certain barangay embarked on a QUIT

SMOKING program among the constituents. A
survey was made among a sample of 200 smoking
individuals of the village asking who would join the
program. 118 said they would join the program.
What are the values of p̂ and q.

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