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Computerised Accounting Systems


At the end of this lesson the student will:
1. Create a recurring invoice
2. Use a recurring invoice
3. Record Miscellaneous sales invoices
4. Record a bad debt
5. Record a customer payment.

Creating a recurring invoice

Henry has been contracted to temp at a local paint shop for seven hours every week. MYOB can create
a recurring invoice showing the same details each time, except for the date.

Activity 5.10
Create a service invoice from the details, but do not record.
Bradley’s Better Paint Shop
365 Alice Street
Sydney NSW 2136
Phone : 02 5213 6110
Fax : 02 5213 6111
Date : 18th April 1998
Description : Temp work
3 hours on Thursday and 4 hours on Friday
Account : Temp work
Amount : K103.25

Before recording, follow these steps to create a recurring invoice.

Follow these steps:

1) Click the Save as Recurring icon. The save a Recurring Transaction dialog box will

2) From Frequency box select weekly and press TAB.
3) In the date box and key 18th April 1998 and press TAB.
4) Reminder, on its due date.
5) Click Save to return to the invoice.
6) Click Record.
7) Click Cancel to return to the commend centre.

Using a recurring invoice

Follow these steps:
1) Click enter sales from the sales commend centre.
2) Click the Use recurring sales icon. The dialog box will appear displaying list of recurring
3) Highlight the invoice you want and click select.
4) Edit the date to 25/4/98 in the date field.
5) Click Record.
6) Click Cancel to return to the commend centre.

Miscellaneous sales invoices

Henry has been accumulating a number of paint roller handlers left over from building roller kits. On
April 30th 1998 a customer bought a couple of these handles for K10 cash. No invoice was necessary
and Henry does not want to bother with counting parts to record ongoing stock levels. MYOB provides
another invoice type (miscellaneous) to cover these situations. Follow the steps below to record this

Follow these steps:

1) Click the Sales commend centre icon.

2) Click enter sales button. A blank invoice appears.
3) Click Layout icon and select miscellaneous.
4) Click Ok. A blank miscellaneous sales invoice appears.
5) Key Cash for the customer name and press TAB.
6) Key 30/4/98 as the date and click the Description column.
7) Key 2 roller handles and press TAB.
MYBO needs you to specify an income account to allocate the revenue to. (Note: if not on the
account list create a new one).
8) Press 4 and TAB to view a list of income accounts.
9) Select the 4.8000 account and press TAB.
10) Key 10 as the amount and press enter.
11) Key 10 in Paid Today and press enter so that the balance due is zero.
12) Click Record.
13) Click Cancel.

Recording a bad debt
Henry visited Bradley’s Better Paint Shop and found that the shop had gone. On 30th April he received
confirmation that he was unlikely to receive the outstanding amount.

Activity 5.11
To record the bad debt, complete the following tasks:
a) Create a Bad Debts expense account (6.2010).
b) Check the receivables report through the MYOB Analyst for the outstanding balance for
Bradley’s Better Paint Shop (K206.50).
c) Record a sales-miscellaneous invoice dated 30/4/98 for the customer and include the negative
amount that will not be paid (CN3).Allocate the sale to the Bad Debts expense account. Key
Write off as bad debt in the description field. Click record.
d) Click the Sales Returns & Credits button and apply the negative miscellaneous sales invoice
against the original open invoices. The overall effect is to write off the debtor and record the
bad debt.

Check your receivables in the MYOB Analyst to ensure that Bradley’s Better Paint Shop balance has
been fully written off.


In this unit you will receive cash from the customers and other sources. You will record payments from
customers through the Sales commend centre and confirm receipts in the transaction journal. You will
use the Chequebook commend centre to record cash receipts from other sources and to record
dishonoured cheques. You will apply a finance charge and pay commissions and royalties.

Recording customer payments

You experienced your first MYOB cash receipt when Henry’s Paint make a cash sale. Aside from cash
sales, the other main receipt is when a customer pays the amount owing on the invoice you generated in
the sales function of MYOB. Follow the steps below to record the receipt of K1,864.50 from Sydney
Paint Shop as payment for historical sales.

Follow these steps:

1) Click the Sales commend centre icon.

2) Click the Receive Payments button. The receive payments dialog window will appear.
3) Select Sydney Paint Shop as the customer. Details of all outstanding amounts are provided.
4) Click the date, key 4/4/98 and press TAB.
5) K1,864.50 as the amount received.
6) Click the Amount Applied column next to total due column, see figure 5.29.

Fig: 5.29 Completed received payments window

7) Press enter.
8) Click Record. You will be provided with a blank dialog box to receive more customer
payments received.
9) Click Cancel to return to the commend centre.

Keeping Account with MYOB by Cathy Grundy & Doug Lyte.

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