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Computerised Accounting Systems


Lesson Twelve

Learning Outcomes:
After this lesson the student should be able to:
1. Make payments to trade suppliers.
2. Write cheques to make specific payments.
In this unit you will pay suppliers through the Purchases commend centre and use the
Chequebook commend centre to write cheques for all other payments.

Paying Suppliers
MYOB can write cheques to suppliers, employees and any other payee. You can even print
your own cheques. Unlike other payments, to make a payment to a supplier you must use the
purchases function. Follow the steps below to record a payment to Stay On Paints for K1,225.

Follow these steps:

1) At the commend centre for Henry’s Paint, select the Purchases command
2) Click pay bills. The supplier pay bills window will appear.
3) Click the scroll down arrow next to supplier search box to see a list of
4) Select Stay On Paints. A vendor statement will appear, displaying all the
outstanding purchases.
5) Click cheque number and key 200001 then press TAB.
6) Key 1/4/98 as the date and press TAB.
7) Key 1225 as the amount.
8) Click the Amount Applied column next to Purchase #1. The Amount Applied
column will automatically the K1,225. See figure 5.8 completed cheque and
payment advice slip.

Fig: 5.8 Completed supplier cheque payment and advice slip

9) Click Record.
The cheque account balance should be reduced to K575 (shown at the top of
the Supplier pay bill window).
10) Click Cancel to return to the commend centre.

Activity 5.3
Make a payment (cheque 100001) of K600 as a part payment to Yellow Pages on 4th April 1998.
There is no discount for a payment so you will need to delete the K55 showing in the discount
column. (Highlight the discount amount and press delete).


MYOB uses the Banking commend centre to make payments other than to suppliers. You are going to
record a cash purchase of office requirements from OfficeWorkx on 3rd April 1998.

Follow these steps:

1) Select the Banking commend centre.

2) Click the Spend Money button. The write cheques window will appear. Enter
cheque# 200002.
3) Key 3/4/98 as the date.
4) Key 47.40 as the amount and press TAB.
5) As you do not have a vendor card for OfficeWorkx you need to create one.
6) Key OfficeWorkx in the box next to Card and press TAB.
7) Click New.
8) Change the card type to Supplier.
9) Enter the following card details:
Address: Whitehorse Road
Newcastle NSW 2999
Phone: 02 5222 1111
Fax: 02 5222 1112
10) Click Ok.
11) Click Memo field and key Calculator 10.40, Cash box 19.25 and Stapler
12) Click the first column of the allocation account, key 6 press TAB.
13) Scroll down until you highlight Office expenses and then click use account.
14) Click the amount column, the amount should appear.
15) Click the job column and allocate the expense to administration division.
If not on the job list, click new and create new job/division.
Name: administration
Code number: 1001
Description: all expenses related to administrative and office operations.
16) Click Ok and return to cheque payment window.
17) Select the job code 1001 from the list and click Ok.
18) Click Record. Shows you the next blank cheque.
19) Click Cancel to return to the commend centre.

Fig: 5.9 Completed Cheque Payment


Keeping Account with MYOB by Cathy Grundy & Doug Lyte.

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