Lesson 17 Notes Cash Sales & Analysis

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Computerised Accounting Systems


At the end of this lesson the student will:
1. Record cash sales
2. Print invoice
3. Analyse sales performance
4. Do MYOB inquiry

Recording cash sales

Without your knowledge MYOB has been tracking inventory as Henry has been
making sales. MYOB like all accounting software, can also do this for a cash sale if
you create a ‘pretend’ customer called Cash. Follow the steps below to record cash
sale to Henry’s mate Ashley, to whom he promised some cheap paint to finish off his
new house.
Follow these steps:

1) Select the Sales commend centre.

2) Click the enter sales button, a blank invoice will appear.
3) Click Layout and click on item invoice type, click Ok.
4) Click the search icon for customer. The customer list will appear.
5) Key Cash and click the Easy Add icon. The sales invoice will be displayed,
with Cash as the customer.
6) Click the date and key 4/4/98.
7) Click the Ship column.
8) Key 1 and press TAB three times.
9) Select Ceiling Paint. (Price is K35.00 and Henry’s has offered Ashley a 15 per
cent discount).
10) Click in the Discount column and key 15.
11) Click the Paid Today input field. The Paid Today field allocates debits to the
cheque account and credits the debtor account, closing the invoice.
12) Key the full amount of K29. 75 and press TAB. The balance due should now
be zero. Compare your solution with figure 5.19.
13) Click Record.
14) Click Cancel to return to the commend centre.

Fig: 5.19 Completed Cash Invoice

Printing invoices
MYOB invoices can be customised to suit any stationery or paper size. At this stage
Henry will settle for a plain paper invoice until he organises to select stationery. You
can print any invoice just before recording by clicking on the Print icon. You will
now go through the steps to print one or all recorded invoices in a batch.

Follow these steps:

1) Click the Sales commend centre icon.

2) Click the Print invoices/email button. The review sales before delivery
window will appear. See figure 5.20

Fig: 5.20 Invoice print dialog window

3) Click the input box next to sales type and select the item invoice.
4) Select the number of invoice copies to be printed.
5) Select the invoice to be printed and click the zoom arrow to view the invoice
to be printed.
6) Click Print.
7) Click Preview twice to view print view. (check your solution with figure 5.21)
8) Click Print again to print.

Fig: 5.21 Print preview of invoice

Analysing sales performance

MYOB can analyse sales by all items, customers or salespeople. It can compare this
year with last year, or selected periods of time.
Follow these steps:

1) Get back to the Sales commend centre.

2) Click Reports.
3) Click Sales. The list of reports windows will appear on your left.
4) Select Analysis Sales.
5) Click customise.
6) Select the month and item/product you want to analyse and click display.
7) The analysis report will appear, refer to figure 5.22.

Fig: 5.22 Sales Analysis Report for April 1998

Activity 5.7
1. Print one service and one professional invoice.
2. Analyse the Ceiling Paint sales performance. Use filters to view All
Customers. Who is this biggest customer in percentage terms?

MYOB Inquiry Register

Henry has had a telephone call from George at Pro Paint. George thinks that he has
been incorrectly invoiced for one can of ceiling paint. Follow the steps to locate the

Follow these steps:

1) Select Card icon from commend centre.

2) From the scroll down arrow of Find Transaction, click invoice.
3) Click Invoice. Find transaction window will appear.

4) Click invoice from the search by box and press TAB.
5) Click the scroll down arrow and a list of invoices will appear.
6) Select the invoice you want and click use invoice.
7) Click the zoom arrow and the invoice copy will be displayed.
8) Check the invoice and then click Cancel to return to the inquiry register.

Keeping Account with MYOB by Cathy Grundy & Doug Lyte.

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