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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO


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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in

Ethiopia for 2023

Ethiopian Business Opportunities

Great Business Ideas in Ethiopia
Ethiopian business opportunities can seem daunting due to the country's expanding economic scene and the fact that the
country has many sectors that are largely undeveloped.

This opens up an opportunity for individuals that are actively enterprising and hoping to get a bigger piece of the pie that is
Ethiopia's growing economy.

There are no more excuses for those that want to change theirs and their family's lives through engaging in business.

Especially, now with the new reforms taking place by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who is tackling large corporations and
opening up the door for small to medium traders, producers, and service sector players.

Hard work, dedication, and discipline are the only ingredients needed for an average Ethiopian to grow his income and live
the life they deserve.

We created this list of 20 business opportunities we believe can be useful for those with huge �nancial backing or those with
limited savings hoping to create a meaningful and pro�table business in Ethiopia.

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

See also:

Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in Ethiopia: The Million Dollar Return

1. Building Management

Building Management is a business that is also sometimes called facility management. The building management company is
responsible for supervising the hard and soft services of a residential or commercial building.

Hard services relate to physical structural services such as the elevators/lifts, �re alarms, etc., while the soft services are
cleaning, landscaping/gardening, security, and other human sourced services.

Today, Ethiopia has hundreds if not thousands of new buildings both residential and commercial. The need for building
management services is booming. Example: Tsehay Real Estate in CMC which uses a building management service to take

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

care of everything the residents need such as the cleaning (maids), security (security guards, cameras), water/electricity bills,
gardening, etc. The Chinese have the responsibility to only sell and construct the apartments, while the day-to-day running of
the building is left to the company they hired.

Residents currently pay about 1,000 ETB or 38 USD every month. With 13 buildings and 646 residential units, the company
receives about 646,000 ETB or 24,000 USD a month.

The biggest challenge in this business for Ethiopia is to manage the resident's expectations and match these up to the budget
constraints and legal requirements.

2. Child Care Service/School

Child Care Service or as it is also known as day care service, is the supervision and care of multiple children at a time. Their
ages range from a baby of 6 weeks old to a child of about 13 years of age.

Early child care is an important and often overlooked component of child development in Ethiopia. Quality care from a young
age can have a substantial impact on the future successes of children.

Childcare centers have teachers focus on the mental and physical developments of their students. In order to have a better
understanding of the student, the teachers must create a relationship with their student that bene�ts their wants and needs
while elevating them toward a higher set of core values.

The quality of the child care center in Ethiopia will have a very in�uential a�ect on the child's overall development; therefore a
clear mission objective of the school must be printed and displayed.

Example: A&E Pre-kindergarten which is owned by a female Ethiopian Diaspora who was living in the US for 32 years and
has a background in �nance. Wanting to do something for her country, and seeing the value of education at an early age, she
used her parents home to open up the pre-kindergarten.

She made extensive renovations to create a beautifully child friendly environment with an outdoor playground.

There is a 1 : 6 teacher to pupil ratio, and the child care center uses Montessori's methods which focuses on the sta�
encouraging each child's development through structured play and fun-learning in a non-competitive environment.

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

The child care center/school is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the fees are 36,000 ETB or 1,333 USD per child per year or
3,000 ETB or 111 USD a month.

Continuing the theme of business opportunities in education, it is worth mentioning the option of providing online help to
students and schoolchildren. This can be assistance in writing essays on various topics, as is organized on the website
studycrumb . It is also possible to give online lessons to schoolchildren and students for an hourly fee, etc. The �eld of education
provides many business opportunities even with minimal investment, which suits many people.

3. Brick Making

Construction of houses, o�ces, malls, government buildings, etc. has seen a veritable explosion in Ethiopia. But this boon in the
construction sector is not limited to huge companies with massive �nancial resources.

Small to medium businesses can also take part and pro�t very well from the construction boom in Ethiopia.

One automatic brick making machine costs in the range of about 29,180 ETB or 1,080 USD.

The biggest challenge that currently is an obstacle for brick making in Ethiopia is the access to land from the government and
the need for a constant supply of water, which is essential for mass production of brick blocks.

Some water related obstacles could be alleviated through the use of water containers in the ground, above ground water
tanks, and wooden pallets to raise the blocks till they harden.

4. Solar Panel Sales and Service

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

Solar Panel prices are reaching levels that are record lows, this coupled with rapid advances in battery storage technology
and you have the ingredients for a very lucratively pro�table business model for Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoWIE), the Ethiopia Standards Agency, and the
Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Electricity have recently drafted a plan to introduce a new standard for the
imports of residential solar panels.

This huge development for solar panel sales in Ethiopia means that low quality panels often imported from China will begin
to disappear from the Ethiopian market. This leaves a gap in the supply and demand of solar panels.

Any enterprising individual or company can now take advantage of this situation and import solar panels according to the
new standards.

Add to this initiatives put in place by the US government for Africa, Ethiopians can import them with incentives.

5. Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services or Janitorial Contracting Services are now increasingly becoming in demand in Ethiopia.

This is due to the many o�ces that exist, especially in Addis Ababa. With the increase in the number NGO's, international
companies, as well as local businesses, the need for cleaning service companies is increasing.

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

Unlike in other countries around the world, especially in the developed world, the provision of furniture, walls, and �oors
cleaning service is not common in Ethiopia.

As of 2014, there were only 48 licensed cleaning service companies in Ethiopia. Entrepreneurs should realize that this business
sector is very pro�table in terms that it has a very low input cost and Ethiopia's fairly good accessibility of human resources.

Example: The owner of Clean Way Plc. is an Ethiopian Diaspora from the United States who established his company in
Ethiopia, at a time when cleaning services were almost non-existent.

The company o�ers services such as cleaning buildings, carpets, houses, sofas and cars.

Today the company has about 100 employees with salaries ranging from 1,500 ETB or 55 USD to 2,500 ETB or 93 USD and
numerous contracts from businesses as well as from the private sector. Other cleaning services o�er employees 550 ETB or 20
USD to 800 ETB or 30 USD.

6. Consultancy Services

The Consultancy Services industry in Ethiopia is indeed a broad industry that covers a range of services, such as: strategy
consulting, management consulting, technology consulting, human resource consulting, marketing consulting, tax consulting,
training consulting, agriculture consulting, �nance consulting, and much, much more.

Consulting business are hired or contracted to o�er solutions to problems organizations face. The minimum requirement to
becoming a consultant in Ethiopia is to have good coaching skills, know how for technology implementation, good process
analysis, skill at strategy development, and/or the ability for operational improvement.

There are many bright and personable people in Ethiopia that can provide this service, and couple this with the many
organizations that need people that know how to navigate the often hectic business environment in Ethiopia, then you have
the making for a hugely successful business with very low startup cost.

International consultancy �rms are very expensive which leaves further room for Ethiopian consultancy �rms to �ll in the gap
at a�ordable prices for Ethiopian companies.

7. Advertising Agency

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

Advertising Agencies in Ethiopia are experiencing a huge increase in the prices that companies are o�ering them.

In 2016, there were a little over 1,000 licensed advertising agencies in Ethiopia, these to cater to the hundreds of thousands of

Although the number of agencies is increasing, there is no decline in the prices being o�ered, instead they are increasing

In the past the often used TV and radio medium has now reached costs ranging from 250,000 ETB or 9,300 USD for a one
minute TV advertisement segment to 25,000 ETB or 926 USD for a one minute radio broadcast.

These high prices are causing companies to look towards di�erent venues for advertising their products. This is where
Ethiopian advertising companies can �ll in the gap and expect to get lucrative pro�ts.

Furthermore, the advertising sector is protected by Ethiopian law, in that only Ethiopian and foreign nationals of Ethiopian
origin can participate, although, the law allows advertisements produced by foreigners, as long as it is done through an
Ethiopian advertising agent.

Advertising agencies in Ethiopia should also o�er newer services such as market research, developing strategies, and
undertaking public relations.

Example: 251 Advertising agency which began in 2011 now has over 70 companies as clients, and some include the huge
brewery companies that spend upwards of 50,000,000 ETB or 1,852,000 USD to 100,000,000 ETB or 3,704,000 USD a
year alone on advertising.

8. Mobile Phone Repair

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

Mobile Phone Repair is a huge business not only in Ethiopia but the world over. One research conducted in the UK states that
people have spent over 1,000,000,000 Pounds in the past three years alone.

Close to 1 in 5 people have cracked their screens by dropping them in the same time period and despite this a huge 77
percent of them have no insurance for their mobile phones and only about 56 percent of them cover their mobile phones with
protective/hard cases.

Take these statistics and consider how with the explosion of smart phone users in Ethiopia will provide a huge and extremely
lucrative business opportunity.

This business can be entered in as a small to medium enterprise or could be invested in to produce a large, modern type of
franchise, with a well known brand name.

9. Vending Machines

Vending Machines in Ethiopia are a new phenomenon and have been relatively left out of the market. A vending machine is
an automated machine that provides various items such as snacks, newspapers, beverages, lottery tickets, cigarettes, etc. to
customers after taking their money or credit cards.

A full-line vending company can set up several types of products for their consumers, such as candy, cookies, chips, fresh fruit,
milk, cold food (sandwiches), co�ee, and other hot drinks.

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

Seeing the rise of consumers in Ethiopia wanting to eat a quick snack of French fries, an enterprising individual can even
setup a vending machine which dispenses hot French Fries.

Start up cost is relatively low, with most machines being made in China and running the business requires only period
checkups and maintenance.

Example: Swift Media began their business by buying movie vending machines from China for the low cost of 50,000 ETB or
1,852 USD a machine which they sell for 85,000 ETB or 3,149 USD to interested buyers looking to engage in the business.

They run their own movie vending machines but also sell them out in order to �ll the gap in the city for movie renting centers.

Swift Media as so far setup their machines in 5 di�erent locations throughout the city of Addis Ababa and charge about 25
ETB or .93 USD to 300 ETB or 12 USD for the series and movies taken by �ash disks.

10. Real Estate

No list of business opportunities in Ethiopia would be complete without the juggernaut: Real Estate. The real estate market in
Ethiopia has been incrementally heating up and not only in the capital city Addis Ababa, but throughout the country.

It has been attracting capital from domestic and foreign investors due to the rapid urbanization and severe housing problems
facing the citizens.

The real estate sector has contributed over 12.5 percent to the domestic growth of Ethiopia in the past ten years.

Foreign investors are leading the market, as consumers are seeking more stability and transparency, due to local developers
being bogged down by accusations of overpricing and delays.

Being a property developer is not the only way to amass a small fortune from the Ethiopian real estate. Simply buying
property, renting it out for about 6 months to a year then selling it is a great way to optimize the use of your savings in the

Home and land prices have been going up by more than 50% in one year and it is now cheaper to buy property in the
developed world than it is in some cities of Ethiopia.

For example a 500 square meter plot in Addis Ababa's Bole area with a demolishable home is selling from 13,500,000 ETB
or 500,000 USD to 27,000,000 ETB or 1,000,000 USD. In the Merkato area of Addis Ababa, a 500 square meter plot is

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

selling for 189,000,000 ETB or 7,000,000 USD.

Buying condominiums for cheap, simply but beautifully designing the �nishing work, furnishing it and renting it out weekly or
monthly to foreigners is also another great way to make use of money sitting in the bank.

Some examples: a standard 300 square meter G+1 villa house in Addis Ababa's Ayat Real Estate bought for 460,000 ETB or
17,037 USD in 1996 is now selling for 9,000,000 ETB or 333,334 USD to 13,000,000 ETB or 481,482 USD, that's an average
of over 2000% increase of value.

As an investor with disposable cash, ones �rst job is to protect its value, and if the money is sitting in a bank then it is losing
value plain and simple.

An example of this is a deposit of 100,000 ETB or 4,486 USD on January 1, 2017 would leave you with about 110,000 ETB or
4,044 on January 1, 2018...a loss of about 10 percent in "real" value.

This makes investing in real estate a wise option to consider when planning on protecting your hard earned cash.

11. Bakery/Pastry Shop

With the growth of the Ethiopian economy, disposable income available to individuals is also rising. This has fueled the
popularity and boom of pastries and bakeries, as more and more entrepreneurs start baking with their own signature

One of the oldest and well known bakeries in Addis Ababa is Enrico Pastry located in Piassa.

They began business in 1954 and have been consistent in their products taste, freshness, and fair price. Most notably, to this
day, they hold their recipe with the utmost secrecy.

They provide 8 types of cakes for about 8 ETB or .30 USD a slice, and their torte cake which goes for about 230 ETB or 8.52
USD a kilo.

They bake an average of about 4000-9000 cakes depending if the season is one for fasting or not. Enrico has been used as
a guide for newer entrants in the bakery/pastry business in Ethiopia.

Semret Abate began Mulmul Bakery in 1999 using only 1 quintal of �our a day, but today they have 6 branches, over 320

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

employees, and 104 di�erent kinds of products.

Their products include breads and pastries made from 13 di�erent grains and ingredients, including barley, te�, oats...

Not only is Mulmul respected for their quality and taste by the general public, but large companies also have contracts with
them, namely, Ethiopian Airlines and Bambis Supermarket.

Karavan Cafe began with a branch in Addis Ababa's Megenagna area in 2012. They import di�erent ingredient such as
powders and �avors, directly from Turkey, to make their 27 di�erent cake varieties, with a slice costing about 16 ETB or .60
USD to 35 ETB or 1.30 USD.

Their business is expanding rapidly and they have now opened a second branch in the exclusive Bole Medhanialem, with plans
to open other stores throughout the city.

The keys to becoming successful in the Ethiopian bakery and pastry industry is to consistently have a great tasting and unique
product, special attention to hygiene, attractive displays, and great customer service.

12. Garbage Collection Service

Taking Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa as an example for how pro�table the Garbage Collection business can be, we see that
more than 3 million cubic meters of garbage is created in the city every year.

Institutions account for 18 percent of this garbage, while private households account for 76 percent of this astronomical
amount of garbage.

From the 3 million cubic meters of trash, only about 1 million is collected by Addis Ababa's Cleaning Management Agency
with their 169 trucks, leaving the business wide open for a public-private partnership to collect the remaining 2 million cubic
meters of garbage.

Furthermore, studies show that garbage production per person is to increase to 2.1 cubic meters causing the total yearly
amount to increase to 7 million cubic meters.

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

The government of Ethiopia has allowed the private sector, as well as, small and micro enterprises (SME) to collect the
garbage in a partnership system with Cleaning Management Agency cannot.

In 2017, there were only 27 companies representing the private sector and 610 SME's (each with 10 individual members).

For solid waste management and cleaning purposes, the Agency divided the city into 550 zones each containing a curving
average of about 900 households.

These zones have been allocated to SME's to serve the households, while private waste collection companies can only collect
from public and private institutions.

The Agency now dispenses the 2 ETB or .08 USD it collects from each resident's utility bills to pay 90 ETB or 3.34 USD per
cubic meter trash delivered to the land�lls. One cubic meter is de�ned as 330 kilograms.

All in all, the garbage collecting sector is ripe for an enterprising individual to take advantage of the many opportunities

13. Entertainment Venue

Ethiopia is widely considered the capital of Africa and this is proven by the many diplomatic missions, embassies, international
organizations, etc. that have made the country their home.

The large number of foreigners and foreign workers, especially in Addis Ababa, need a place where they can socialize, relax,
and even hold meetings after a long day at the o�ce.

To cater to these people by opening up a bar, hotel, restaurant or even a night club that targets their speci�c wants and
needs would likely lead to a successful business.

14. Music Industry

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

The Music Industry in Ethiopia is very pro�table for those that engage in the various sectors within the industry.

Event organizers and promoters make a killing with concerts in Ethiopia; they achieve this by preparing the venue, recruiting
performers, and advertising their shows.

In 2017, Jorka Promotion worked their sponsors Habesha Breweries S.C., paid 3,200,000 ETB or 118,519 USD to organize a
concert and their performers were paid from 20,000 ETB or 740,741 USD to 500,000 ETB or 18,513 USD depending on their

Estimates on pro�t vary from 2 to 5 times the initial investment.

Recording in Ethiopia, is most often not done in an institutionalized and professional manner, with artists or "bedroom
producers" creating their music in their homes or small studios.

Ethiopia is a country full of musically talented individuals that have produced great outputs but do not have a clue how to get
it out into the world.

The need for well-organized record labels, highly-equipped studios and music training institutions is one of the best
investments one can make entering into the music industry.

Music video production is another great sector within the Ethiopian music industry. The music business has changed due to the
introduction of YouTube and other video sharing sites.

Instead of recording and selling entire albums, artists are now just releasing singles, one at a time and monetizing the videos
online, dependent on the number of views per video.

As the industry becomes more and more reliant on music videos, the question of quality comes in to the picture, and video
producers can charge prices ranging from 60,000 ETB or 2,223 USD to about 150,000 ETB or 5,556 USD a video, making it
a great way to make money.

15. Private Security Service & Equipment

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

In Ethiopia, there is no real legislation that is separately and comprehensively enacted to provide regulations for private
security service providers.

As this is a relatively new sector and largely forgotten, there have been a few that have been able to take a lion share of the
pro�ts involved in this very lucrative venture.

Established in 1992, Sebhatu & Sons Property Administration and Security Services Plc. is now Ethiopia's leading private
security provider with a Level 1 Security and Quality Assurance Certi�cate from the Ethiopian Federal Police.

S&S provides security solutions to a variety of clients, most of which are diplomatic missions, international institutions, Fortune
500 companies, etc.

Beginning with only 40 permanent sta� members in 1992, S&S today has a little less than 3,000 employees which o�er
deterrence, detection, e�cient reporting services, as well as 24 hour emergency availability.

Although most �nancial information in the private security service business is not revealed, estimates range from a 4-man well-
armed and well-trained team protection costing about 40,500 ETB or 1,500 USD to 405,000 ETB or 15,000 USD making it
a very pro�table venture.

The sale, installation, service, and maintenance of modern IT-based security systems are also in high demand throughout
Ethiopia, with clients ranging from supermarkets to private residences.

16. Laundry Service

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

Most Ethiopians today are too busy to take care of simple things such as doing their laundry.

Add to this the growing number of middle income and unmarried people living in apartments and condominiums without any
servants and you have a simple business that is very pro�table.

Starts up costs consist of buying a couple of washing machines, dryers, pressing irons, and a few other items.

Once this initial investment has been made, then it is a matter of providing great customer service and further expenses are
limited to rent, salaries, etc.

17. Driving School

Driving Schools are very pro�table as there are an increasing number of students attempting to get their drivers licenses.

Every year there are eager young adults, and even older men and women who do not know how to drive that want to �nd a
way to learn.

Recently, there is public debate going on to take action upon the many illegal methods employed by many of the established

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

driving schools.

In 2012 alone, the Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau closed 48 out of the 58 driving schools in the city. It is likely
something close to this type of action is inevitable. This would open up the opportunity for people to invest in this business.

The driving school should be above board and obey all pertinent laws; furthermore they should focus on creating good drivers
and not only focus on getting them to pass tests.

18. Computer Service and Repair

Problems associated with computers range from viruses, malware, the blue screen of death, hacking, etc. If you have the
knowledge and experience in �xing computers, then you can start a computer repair business quickly and fairly cheaply.

Computer repair technicians in Ethiopia earn from about 100 ETB or 3.8 USD to about 800 ETB or 30 USD depending on
the issue at hand.

The business is a stable and highly in-demand service that both individuals and businesses need. Ethiopians of all ages and
ability have computers that they count on for banking, entertainment, communications, and much more.

Unfortunately, especially for computers connecting to the internet, there are always a myriad of problems, and this creates a
ready and steady pool of clients.

Advertising through �yers, word of mouth, reaching out to o�ces, etc. will get the word out.

This is a great business for someone who has the skills but does not have much in the way of �nances.

19. Car Decoration and Accessories

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

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Recent amendments to the existing regulations in Ethiopia concerning car parts and accessories have opened up a booming
business opportunity.
Belay Getachew, owner of Palace Decor located in Addis Ababa's Gullele area started his business with only 80,000 ETB or
Email Address
2,963 USD and has now grownGET
it toNOW
over 500,000 ETB or 18,519 USD.

Car decoration businesses o�er many services such as installing mud �aps, tinting windows, bumper guards, gas tank covers,
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body polish, car alarms, etc.

They import their materials from Dubai and/or China on a credit system since the prices are too high for some to a�ord.
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Taxes paid are also high, since they are considered luxury items but the cost is transferred to the customer, who apparently
does not mind, as the business is thriving.

Most of the customers are young individuals who own the popular Toyota Vitz/Yaris/Corolla.
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This is a great business for small and medium traders interested in importing and selling the products themselves.

20. Salt and/or Soap Production

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Everyone needs soap and salt, and this is a fact in Ethiopia as it is everywhere else in the world.
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At the moment, there are many small and medium entrepreneurs that use a small start up investment to begin their own salt
and soap business, some even at home.

Salt is bought in bulk from the major producers in Afar and it is ground and packaged with simple equipment.
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The major obstacle is to get a market share, and this can be achieved by having a good brand name and a lively and active
marketing team.

Once you have established regular customers from stores, restaurants, hotels, etc., then expect your business to incrementally

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

grow. The same with slight variations applies for the production and sale of soap.
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ARTS TV Live Streaming

LTV Live Streaming

Amhara TV Live Streaming

OBN TV Oromia Live Streaming

Tigray TV Live Streaming

Live Ethiopian Radio

Ethiopian FM Radio, Internet Radio & Podcasts

Afro FM 105.3

Sheger 102.1 FM

Ahadu 94.3 FM

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20 Best Small and Big Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for 2023 — allaboutETHIO

EBC 104.7 FM

Bisrat 101.1 FM

Rahel Radio Zeno FM

FBC 98.1 FM Fana

Mirt Internet Radio

ESAT Radio

TG Radio

251 Radio Ethiopia

Awash Zami 90.7 FM Radio

EthiopikaLink Radio

Voice of Ethiopia Radio

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EBC FM Addis 97.1

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