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Answer all the questions way before your tutorial Session.
Due Date: 12th February 2024 at 10:00hrs

1. a) In less than 2 hand written lines, define the following:

i. exact number
ii. measured number
iii. accuracy
iv. precision
v. random error
vi. systematic error
vii. absolute error

b. Give 3 examples of exact and measured numbers you are likely to encounter in chemistry
c. Write down three causes (sources) of i) random errors and ii) systematic errors

2. For each of the following quantities, underline the zeros that are significant figures (sf), and
determine the number of significant figures in each quantity. (a) 0.0030 L (b) 0.1044 g (c) 53.069
mL (d) 0.00004715 m (e) 57.600 s (f) 0.0000007160 cm3

3. After drying, mass of sodium tetra borate was determined Five (05) times using the same electronic
balance as follows: 0.3543g, 0.5020 0.5105g; 0.5112g and 0.5319g. Answer the following question:

i. Was a measurement error incurred in the process of measurement above?

ii. What kind and likely source of error occurred in the measurements above?
iii. If the correct mass of sodium tetra borate is 0.5010g, select values from the measurements
above that are: a) outlier; b) accurate and c) precise
iv. Using scientific reasoning, select 3 values that you would use to calculate your mean mass
of sodium tetra borate.
v. Based on Question 3 Part (iv), calculate the absolute error and standard deviation in the

CHM101 Tutorial Sheet-Week Beginning 12th February 2024 Page 1 of 3

4. Give the name and symbol of the prefixes used with SI units to indicate multiplication by the
following exact quantities.

(a) 103
(b) 10-2
(c) 0.1
(d) 10-3
(e) 1,000,000
(f) 0.000001

5. Provide a complete list of SI units.

6. Indicate the SI base units or derived units that are appropriate for the following measurements.

a) the mass of your brain

b) the distance from your Campus to PHI mall
c) your speed when coming to a chemistry lecture
d) the density of air
e) the area of the Chemistry laboratory
f) the volume of a cholera shot

7. The blood concentration of glucose (180.16 g/mol) in a patient is found to be 5.11 mmol/L. Express
this concentration in the following units: (a) g/L, (b) percentage (m/v), (c) ppm d) mg/dl (dl =

8. A piece of a fake engagement ring has a mass of 26.52 g. A graduated cylinder initially contains
9.72 mL of water. When the ring was submerged in the graduated cylinder, the total volume
increased to 12.24 mL.

i. Determine the density of the ring (in g/mL) to 3 sfs.

ii. Assuming the ring is made of only a single element, what element is it (See Table 1)
iii. In less than a half handwritten line, explain your answer in Part II above.

9. Give the correct answer to each of the following equations with the correct number of s.fs:

i. 4.26 + 3.831
ii. 16.262 + 4.33 – 0.40
iii. 63.8 × 0.80
iv. (53.8 × 0.9) ÷ 0.3025

10. Write the values of measurement in Question 4 Parts (e) and (g) in scientific notation.

CHM101 Tutorial Sheet-Week Beginning 22 MAY 2023 Page 2 of 3

Table 1: Useful Data

Gases (at 25 °C and 1

Solids Liquids
ice (at 0 °C) 0.92 g/cm3 water 1.0 g/cm3 dry air 1.20 g/L
oak (wood) 0.60–0.90 g/cm3 ethanol 0.79 g/cm3 oxygen 1.31 g/L
iron 7.9 g/cm3 acetone 0.79 g/cm3 nitrogen 1.14 g/L
copper 9.0 g/cm3 glycerin 1.26 g/cm3 carbon dioxide 1.80 g/L
lead 11.3 g/cm3 olive oil 0.92 g/cm3 helium 0.16 g/L
silver 10.5 g/cm3 gasoline 0.70–0.77 g/cm3 neon 0.83 g/L
gold 19.3 g/cm3 mercury 13.6 g/cm3 radon 9.1 g/L

Students are encouraged to Answer ALL questions prior to their tutorials sessions

CHM101 Tutorial Sheet-Week Beginning 22 MAY 2023 Page 3 of 3

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