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Title: Cajamarca City

I am writing this article to tell you about an amazing city in Peru called Cajamarca.

1: Year of establishment, people, location, and weather:
Cajamarca started on September 20th, 1854. It has about 300,000 people. Cajamarca is
in the highlands of northern Peru. The weather in Cajamarca is nice and not too hot or

2: Customs and traditions, tourist places, food:

In Cajamarca, people have special customs and traditions. They celebrate festivals like
Carnaval de Cajamarca and Inti Raymi. There are many tourist places to visit, like Baños
del Inca, the old Plaza de Armas, and Cumbe Mayo archaeological site. You can try tasty
food in Cajamarca, like fried guinea pig called "Cuy Chactado" and a sweet dessert called
"Manjar Blanco".

3: Reasons why I like the city:

In my opinion, I like Cajamarca because it has a rich history and culture. The people are
friendly and nice. There are many things to enjoy, like parks, restaurants, and hotels. And
the food is really good.

1: Conclusions:
To sum up, Cajamarca is a great place to visit because of its history, beautiful scenery, and
friendly people.

2: Inviting people to visit the city:

I highly recommend visiting Cajamarca because you will have fun, see different places,
and try delicious food.

I hope this simplified version of the text is helpful. If you have any other questions, feel free
to ask.

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