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Reflection: Game Literacy Learning Module

Dawson Valdés

Dr. Miguel Lara

California State University Monterey Bay

School of Computing and Design

May 17, 2024


Reflection: Game Literacy Learning Module

My final project is based off research I did last semester that indicated that there is a need

for instruction that promotes game literacy for educators. This semester I have been working on

what a course like that should be like. I decided to be my own subject matter expert because I am

a graduate of the Vancouver Film School game design program and have experience making

mini games.

While I have a design background, the focus of the course is game literacy. Game literacy

refers to the ability to understand, interpret, and create meaning within the context of games.

This concept encompasses a range of skills, including the comprehension of game mechanics,

the ability to navigate game environments, and the interpretation of narrative and visual

elements. It also involves recognizing and applying strategies, understanding the cultural and

social contexts of games, and communicating effectively about game experiences. As games

increasingly become a significant part of contemporary culture, possessing game literacy enables

individuals to engage more deeply with interactive media, fostering critical thinking, creativity,

and collaboration.

The course itself has a limited scope and there is a large amount of subject matter that

could be covered. I decided to focus on explicit knowledge to give learners a sound foundation

that could build upon with their own interest. I picked topics that I felt were the most important

to developing a holists understanding of games. The first unit is on Ludology itself, followed by

game history, game systems, game mechanics, game play, and concluding with the game design


I built the course in Storyline using videos that I made on the unit topics I had decided

on. First, I wrote short scripts. I wanted there to be an on-screen presences to humanize the

instruction and decided to use an animated character. I used Adobe Character Animator to record

the narrations and create the animated narrator. I took the animations and edited them in

Premiere, where the captions were also generated. The text, graphics, and game play videos were

added in After Effects after the narration videos were edited. After I had all the instructional

videos completed, I took them into Storyline adding multiple choice and key term matching

quizzes. After the course was assembled, I exported it for the web and posted it on GitHub. From

there it was tested and revised before submission to the final project discussion forum. After a

learner completes the course, I think that they will feel confident in pursuing improved game

literacy independently.

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