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1. It refers to the electronic medium in which online communication takes place.

a. Network
b. Cyber space
c. Cyber
d. Internet

2. A digital world or virtual environment, a dynamic and constantly evolving environment is called?
a. Network
b. Cyber space
c. Cyber
d. Internet

3. This includes the voice, video, and other form of data which refers to the transmission of information through
ICT media.
a. Communication
b. Talking
c. Gossiping
d. Reporting

4. It refers to any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of function.
a. Cyber crime
b. Computer crime
c. Net crime
d. All of the above

5. It can be used to protect the cyber environment, organization, and user’s assets.
a. Anti-virus
b. Firewalls
c. Filtering software
d. Cyber security

6. Refers to any representation of facts including a program that is suitable to cause a computer system to
perform a function.
a. Data
b. Database
c. Computer data
d. Program

7. Refers to a representation of information stored in a formalized manner, which is intended for use in a
computer system.
a. Data
b. Database
c. Computer data
d. Computer Program

8. In the 21st century, the era is dominated by new highly sophisticated methods of committing crimes such as
“phishing” and “botnet attacks”. The statement is incorrect
a. Yes
b. True
c. No
d. False

9. This is designed to harm or disrupt computer systems or networks.

a. Malware
b. Malicious Software
c. Both a and b
d. All of the above

10. The virus was created by Onel De Guzman, a Filipino computer science student, on May 4, 2000.
a. I Love You Virus
b. Love Letter Virus
c. Love Bug Worm
d. All of the above

11. It refers to the protection of our natural resources.

a. Law
b. Natural Law
c. Environmental Law
d. Environment Law

12. The following are the three Rs, except:

a. Reduce
b. Reuse
c. Recycle
d. None of the above

13. It refers to the species or subspecies which do not naturally occur at present or in historical time within the
protected area.
a. Endemic species
b. Exotic species
c. Threatened species
d. Protected species

14. It refers to the species or subspecies considered critically endangered whose population is at risk of extinction.
a. Endemic species
b. Exotic species
c. Threatened species
d. Protected species

15. Which refers to a relatively large area not altered by human activity where extractive uses are not allowed.
a. Natural park
b. National
c. Natural monument
d. Wildlife sanctuary

16. SAGF means?

a. Special Account in the General Finance
b. Special Account in the General Fund
c. Specific Account in the General Finance
d. Specific Account in the General Fund

17. The SAGF refers to the trust fund deposited in the national treasury representing the _____ of the revenues
generated to support the NIPAS.
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%

18. Whose jurisdiction are the terrestrial plant and animal species?
a. Palawan
b. DA
d. None of these
19. Whose jurisdiction are the aquatic critical habitats and all aquatic resources?
a. Palawan
b. DA
d. None of these

20. This includes lithium-sulfur batteries and unused explosives.

a. Ignitability
b. Corrosivity
c. Reactivity
d. Toxicity

21. What is one of the suggested ways to contribute to environmental conservation based on the passage?
a. Decrease electricity consumption
b. Always segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes
c. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use
d. All of these

22. What do integrate environmental strategies aim for?

a. Isolation of environmental care
b. Further ecological development
c. Harmonization of environmental law
d. Exclusion of international cooperation

23. What is the purpose of indirect environmental strategies?

a. Providing incentives and instruments
b. Direct enforcement of environmental laws
c. Discouragement of environmental care
d. Separation of national and supranational laws

24. How do international environmental strategies contribute to global environmental efforts?

a. By discouraging international cooperation
b. By promoting disharmony in environmental laws
c. By isolating national developments
d. By linking national, supranational, and international environmental law

25. What is the primary function of a firewall in network security?

a. Decides what software to uninstall
b. Monitors and controls network traffic based on security rules
c. Checks security settings
d. Creates fixed-length values using hash algorithms

26. Which term refers to the sum total of all surroundings of a living organism?
a. Biotic environment
b. Abiotic environment
c. Social environment
d. Environment

27. What are the two main components that form the environment?
a. Living and non-living
b. Biotic and social
c. Natural and built
d. Chemical and physical

28. In the context of the environment, what does "biotic" mean?

a. Human-made
b. Non-living
c. Living
d. Social

29. Which category of the environment includes interactions among plants, animals, soil, water, temperature, and
a. Built environment
b. Natural environment
c. Social environment
d. Chemical environment

30. What is often used as a synonym for the natural environment?

a. Social environment
b. Built environment
c. Cultural environment
d. Habitat

31. Which term refers to the immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in which something
happens or develops?
a. Natural environment
b. Built environment
c. Social environment
d. Cultural environment

32. What does the social environment include?

a. Physical surroundings only
b. Cultural environment only
c. People and institutions only
d. Culture, people, institutions, and immediate physical setting

33. Which factors contribute to shaping the built environment?

a. Economy and technology
b. Culture and fashion
c. Climate and geology
d. All of the above

34. If a city experiences frequent earthquakes, which factor would likely be a significant consideration in its built
a. Culture and fashion
b. Economy
c. Climate and geology
d. Technology

35. What defines overconsumption, and why is it a concern for ecosystems?

a. Sustainable resource use
b. Resource use exceeding ecosystem capacity
c. Meeting ecosystem capacity
d. Ecosystem adaptation to resource use

36. How does irrigation impact the environment, especially at the tail-end and downstream of the irrigation
a. Changes in quantity and quality of soil and water
b. Positive effects on natural conditions
c. No changes in soil and water
d. Improved quantity and quality of soil and water

37. In which regions is palm oil a significant source of income for farmers?
a. North America
b. Southeast Asia, Central and West Africa, and Central America
c. Europe
d. Australia

38. What is a key reason why the environmental impact of petroleum is considered negative?
a. Sustainable energy source
b. Non-toxic to any forms of life
c. Not linked to present society
d. Toxic to almost all forms of life

39. How is palm oil used in various applications?

a. Solely as a cooking oil
b. Exported for biofuel purposes
c. Limited to personal care products
d. Used exclusively in Southeast Asia

40. What is the primary goal of nanotechnology?

a. Macroscopic manipulation of matter
b. Fabrication of large-scale products
c. Manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scale
d. Widespread distribution of matter

41. Why does the environmental impact of pesticides often exceed intentions?
a. Unintended consequences of reaching non-target species and other environments
b. Precise targeting of species
c. Efficient utilization of sprayed insecticides
d. Limited impact on non-target species

42. What is the primary speculation regarding the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals and personal care
products (PPCPs)?
a. Significant impact on personal health
b. Boosting growth of livestock
c. Limited impact on the environment
d. Largely unknown and speculative

43. Why is the environmental impact of transport significant?

a. Major user of energy and significant contributor to global warming
b. Minimal use of energy
c. Low emissions of carbon dioxide
d. Limited impact on air pollution

44. What is the estimated contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from shipping to the global total in 2007?
a. 1 to 2%
b. 2 to 3%
c. 4 to 5%
d. 6 to 7%

45. Which country's military is considered one of the worst polluters in the world, responsible for numerous
contaminated sites?
a. China
b. Russia
c. United States
d. Germany

46. How is human activity defined in the context of the environment?

a. Negative changes or disturbances perceived as deleterious or undesirable
b. Positive changes to the environment
c. Any change or disturbance perceived as beneficial
d. Activities limited to indoors

47. What does biodiversity generally refer to?

a. Uniformity of life on Earth
b. Number of humans on the planet
c. Specificity of species in a region
d. Variety and variability of life on Earth

48. What is defaunation?

a. The increase in animal populations
b. The loss of animals from ecological communities
c. A process of animal migration
d. The development of new animal species

49. Approximately how much wildlife has been lost in the last 40 years, according to estimates?
a. Less than 25 percent
b. Around 30 percent
c. More than 50 percent
d. Exactly 75 percent

50. What is the primary cause of global warming?

a. Deforestation
b. Increased volcanic activity
c. Combustion of fossil energy sources
d. Destruction of coral reefs

51. When does habitat destruction occur?

a. When an area can no longer support natural wildlife
b. When new species migrate to an area
c. During the breeding season of animals
d. When there is an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide

52. How is an ecosystem defined?

a. A collection of rocks and minerals
b. A group of interacting species in a living area
c. A man-made structure
d. An individual species in an environment

53. What is land degradation?

a. The improvement of the biophysical environment
b. A process that enhances the value of the land
c. The destruction of land through natural processes
d. The negative impact on the value of the biophysical environment due to human-induced processes

54. How is desertification characterized?

a. Expansion of forested areas
b. Transformation of wetlands into deserts
c. Loss of bodies of water and vegetation in a dry area
d. Increased wildlife diversity in arid regions

55. What causes ocean acidification?

a. Release of oxygen by marine organisms
b. Absorption of carbon dioxide by the ocean
c. Increase in alkalinity of seawater
d. Expansion of coral reefs
56. How is disaster mitigation defined?
a. Taking proactive measures before an emergency to reduce impacts and risks
b. Postponing disaster response until after the event
c. Rebuilding communities after a disaster
d. Adapting to disasters as they occur

57. Which is a notable example of disaster mitigation mentioned in the passage?

a. Hurricane evacuation plans
b. b. Building stronger structures after a disaster
c. The Red River Floodway
d. Providing relief aid after a disaster

58. Who is credited with designing the Analytical Engine, laying the basic framework for today's computers?
a. Steve Jobs
b. Charles Babbage
c. Bill Gates
d. Mark Zuckerberg

59. What does net-crime specifically refer to?

a. Crimes committed against groups of individuals
b. Criminal activities involving computers
c. Criminal use of the internet
d. Crimes with motive to harm the victim

60. How is cybercrime defined?

a. Illegal computer activity
b. Unlawful activity using computers and the internet
c. Unethical use of technology
d. Government-regulated computer operations

61. When did the first recorded cybercrime take place?

a. 1720
b. 1820
c. 1870
d. 1920

62. What is an abacus, and why is it mentioned in relation to the earliest form of a computer?
a. Abacus is the earliest form of a computer
b. Abacus is a type of cybercrime tool
c. Abacus is a modern computer component
d. Abacus is is the first ever computer

63. Who serves as the Chairperson of the CICC?

a. Director, NB
b. Chief of the PNP
c. Executive Director, ICTODOST
d. Head of the DOJ Office of Cybercrime

64. Which position holds the role of Vice Chairperson in the CICC?
a. Director, NBI
b. Chief of the PNP
c. Executive Director, ICTODOST
d. Head of the DOJ Office of Cybercrime

65. Who are the members of the CICC?

a. Chief of the PNP, Director of NBI, and one (1) representative from the private sector
b. Chief of the PNP, Head of the DOJ Office of Cybercrime, and one (1) representative from the private
sector and academe
c. Chief of the PNP, Head of the DOJ Office of Cybercrime, and two (2) representatives from the private
d. Chief of the PNP, Director of NBI, and one (1) representative from the academe

66. What was the initial focus of cybercrime when it first started?
a. Legal computer activities
b. Ethical hacking
c. Breaking into computer networks
d. Government-regulated computer operation

67. Why is international cooperation essential in addressing global cyber-crime?

a. To create an effective response against global cyber-crime
b. To encourage cyber-criminals
c. To share hacking techniques
d. To foster a global environment for cyber-crime

68. How is cybersecurity defined?

a. The collection of cybercrimes
b. The protection of subjects against physical crimes
c. The practice to protect a subject against cybercrimes
d. The regulation of internet usage Answer: c. The practice to protect a subject against cybercrimes

69. What does cybersecurity encompass?

a. Only software applications
b. Only risk management approaches
c. Only physical security safeguards
d. A collection of tools, policies, security concepts, and more

70. Which is an advantage of cybersecurity?

a. Slowing down data processing
b. Defending users from hacks and viruses
c. Allowing unrestricted access to websites
d. Ignoring incoming and outgoing data

71. What is the primary application of cybersecurity?

a. Preventing data corrupting
b. Defending against cybercrimes
c. Protecting against physical crimes
d. Regulating internet usage

72. Plankton envies his workmate, Bob, as the latter is being boastful with regards to his money and other assets.
Plankton then stole Bob’s wallet which contains ids, atm cards, and money. Does that act constitute identity
a. Yes
b. True
c. No
d. False

73. Sandy has unauthorized access to the computer of Patrick as her purpose is to steal the latter’s information or
data. What form of cybercrime did Sandy do?
a. Hacking
b. Cracking
c. Malware
d. Phishing
74. Considering factors like speed, size, and cost, which category of computer is characterized by being the
fastest, largest, most powerful, and expensive?
a. Mainframe Computer
b. Supercomputer
c. Personal Computer (PC)
d. Minicomputer

75. Which internet connection type uses radio frequency and does not require cables?
a. Cable
b. Wireless
c. Satellite
d. Cellular

76. What is the main disadvantage of satellite internet compared to cable and DSL
a. Slower connection
b. Lower cost
c. Closer proximity to Earth
d. Always-on connection

77. How does cable internet connect to the internet?

a. Via satellite signals
b. Over telephone lines
c. Through radio frequency
d. Using cable TV lines

78. Which internet connection provides access through cell phones?

a. Cable
b. Wireless
c. Cellular
d. Satellite

79. What is a characteristic of wireless internet?

a. Requires cables for connection
b. Accessible only from fixed locations
c. Uses radio frequency
d. Delivers faster connection than cable

80. The types of IP addresses are crucial for internet-related investigations. What does an IP address serve as in
the investigation of internet-related crimes
a. A random number
b. Series of numbers assigned by an ISP
c. A username identifier
d. A social media handler

81. The types of IP addresses are crucial for internet-related investigations. Which type of IP address changes
every time the internet user accesses their Internet Service Provider?
a. Random IP Address
b. Assigned IP Address
c. Static IP Address
d. Dynamic IP Address

82. The types of IP addresses are crucial for internet-related investigations. To which type of internet service
subscribers are static IP addresses usually assigned?
a. Dial-up service
b. Base speed broadband service
c. High-speed internet users or corporate accounts
d. All internet users
83. What is the primary function of an input device?
a. Outputting information
b. Allowing the user to enter data into the computer
c. Displaying data on the screen
d. Processing information

84. What does an output device do in a computer system?

a. Accepts user inputs
b. Processes data internally
c. Stores information permanently
d. Generates information for the user

85. What is the function of software in a computer?

a. Provides hardware components
b. Executes applications and operations
c. Handles data storage
d. Manufactures computer devices

86. Without software, what would happen to a computer?

a. It would stop working
b. It would lose data
c. It would overheat
d. It would become obsolete

87. What does "Without a right" mean in the context of illegal access to a computer system?
a. Conduct undertaken without or in excess of authority.
b. Conduct not covered by established legal defenses.
c. Conduct unjustified by court orders.
d. Conduct with irrelevant principles under the law.

88. How is "Illegal Interception" defined in the context of computer data transmission?
a. Unauthorized interception of public data.
b. Interception made by technical means without the right of any non-public transmission.
c. Intercepting data with established legal defenses.
d. Intercepting data with court-issued justifications.

89. What does "Data Interference" involve?

a. Authorized alteration of computer data.
b. Reckless introduction of viruses.
c. Legal transmission of electronic documents.
d. Proper use of electronic data messages.

90. How is "Misuse of Devices" described?

a. Unauthorized use, production, sale, or distribution of devices.
b. Illegal importation of devices.
c. Using devices without court-issued justifications.
d. Unauthorized possession of devices.

91. Krystal, without authorization, alters a company's financial records to show inflated profits. She intends to
present these records during a legal audit. What offense does this represent?
a. Illegal Interception
b. Data Interference
c. Computer-Related Forgery
d. Misuse of Devices

92. Teddy knowingly uses manipulated computer data to deceive investors and create a false image of the
company's success. Which offense is Teddy committing?
a. Data Interference
b. Computer-Related Fraud
c. System Interference
d. Computer-Related Identity Theft

93. Irene intentionally acquires personal information from her co-worker, including financial details, to
impersonate her online. What crime does Irene commit?
a. Illegal Access
b. System Interference
c. Computer-Related Identity Theft
d. Computer-Related Forgery

94. Imagine a scenario where an individual is accused of engaging in explicit sexual activities using a computer
system and seeking favor or consideration. What specific offense is the individual accused of committing?
a. Child Pornography
b. Unsolicited Commercial Communications
c. Libel
d. Cybersex

95. What offense involves the transmission of commercial electronic communication through a computer system
for advertising, selling, or offering products and services?
a. Cybersex
b. Unsolicited Commercial Communications
c. Libel
d. Child Pornography

96. If an individual commits libel as defined in the Revised Penal Code using a computer system, what offense is
a. Child Pornography
b. Cybersex
c. Unsolicited Commercial Communications
d. Cyber libel

97. According to the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 (Republic Act No. 9775), if an offense of Child
Pornography is committed through a computer system, what penalty should be imposed?
a. The same penalty as in Republic Act No. 9775
b. One (1) degree lower than the penalty in Republic Act No. 9775
c. One (1) degree higher than the penalty in Republic Act No. 9775
d. Double the penalty in Republic Act No. 9775

98. Which of the following are the risk factors of cyberspace:

1. Cybercrime 4. Cyber bullying and libel
2. Privacy and Security 5. Addiction
3. Disinformation 6. Barriers to access

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
b. 1, 2, 3, and 4
c. 2, 3, 4, and 5
d. 2, 3, and 4

99. Which of the following are the benefits of cyberspace:

1. Global Connectivity 4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2. Access to information 5. Convenience and flexibility
3. Enhanced productivity 6. Saved passwords and emails

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
b. 1, 2, 3, and 4
c. 2, 3, 4, and 5
d. 2, 3, and 4

100. Statement no. 1. Environmental conservation is the practice of humans in saving the environment. Statement
no. 2. Environmental preservation protects the environment from harmful human activities.
a. Statement No. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false
b. Statement No. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
c. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both true
d. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both false

Foronda, M. & Alcon, R. (2022). Criminology Reviewer All Arean Edition 2 (New Curriculum). Book of Life
Ongyod, F. (2023). Environmental Laws and Protection with Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. Cavite State
University – Main Campus
Rufino, C. (2023). Introduction to Cybercrime and Environmental Laws. Cavite State University – Main Campus
Serrano, E. (2023). Introduction to Cybercrime and Digital Forensic Investigation. Cavite State University – Main

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