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If you know anything about Antarctica, you may know that it is really, really cold. In fact, it's the coldest place on
Earth. Antarctica is made up of ice. It doesn't get much snow or rain so it's considered a desert. Given how cold
Antarctica is, it's no surprise that not many people live there. Most of the people who stay in Antarctica are scientists
who study its ice. In the summer, tourists also visit Antarctica. Soon enough, these tourists go back home. In general,
this continent can be a pretty lonely place for humans. While not many humans call Antarctica home, some animals
certainly do. Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. They are the biggest species of penguins. Weddell seals live in
Antarctica. They spend a lot of their time in the cold waters below the ice looking for animals to eat. Killer whales live
in the ocean waters of Antarctica. They eat other animals like seals and seabirds. They also eat krill, a small ocean
animal that lives in the ocean surrounding Antarctica. Many other animals in the Antarctic also eat krill. As for plants,
not many can be found in Antarctica. Moss and algae are few of the plants that can live in a place that cold.

algae (n): su yosunu emperor (n): imparator seabird (n): deniz kuşu
call (v): adlandırmak, telefon etmek krill (n): kril seal (n): fok balığı, mühür
cold (adj): soğuk, ilgisiz lonely (adj): yalnız, ıssız (yer) species (n): tür (canlı)
consider (v): düşünmek moss (n): yosun surround (v): çevrelemek
continent (n): kıta pretty (adv): oldukça whale (n): balina
desert (n): çöl scientist (n): bilim insanı

get snow : kar yağmak spend time : zaman harcamak/vakit cold water : soğuk su

know about : ... hakkında bilmek stay in : ...da kalmak in general : genel olarak/genellikle
on Earth : Dünya'da in summer : yazın live in : ...da yaşamak 2


Plants are living things. They depend on water and light to help them grow. But how do plants find what they need?
They get it from the world around them! Plants get water from the soil. They get light from the sun. Many plants have
roots, stems, and leaves. Roots keep a plant attached to the soil and help the plant take in water. Water moves up the
plant’s stem to the leaves. The stem also supports the plant so it stays up straight. Leaves take in light energy from
the sun. The leaves use water, light energy, and a gas called carbon dioxide to make glucose. Glucose is a kind of
sugar. It is food for the plant. Yes, plants make their own food! They use it to grow.

call (v): adlandırmak, telefon etmek, plant (n): bitki, santral stem (n): sap (bitki)
çağırmak root (n): kök support (v): desteklemek
grow (v): büyümek stay (v): kalmak use (v): kullanmak
leaf (n): yaprak

living thing : canlı stay straight : düz durmak

attached to : …ya iliştirilmiş kind of : ...nın türü



The Sahara Desert is one of the natural wonders on Earth. There are a few cities in the Sahara Desert, like Cairo and
Egypt, but compared to other parts of the world not many people live in this desert. Despite its large size, only around
2.5 million people live in the Sahara Desert. The most common language spoken in the Sahara is Arabic. The Sahara
Desert is the world's largest hot desert, but the third largest desert overall behind the Antarctic and the Arctic, which
are cold deserts. The Sahara Desert is on the northern part of the continent of Africa and is about 3.5 million square
miles. The overall climate of the Sahara makes it a difficult place for any life to exist. It is hot, dry, and windy. Even
though it is so hot during the day, the temperature can drop rapidly at night. It is even sometimes to below freezing.
It rarely rains in the Sahara. Some regions can go years without seeing a drop of rain. Plants, like the cactus, and
some grasses that don't need a lot of water grow here. Palm trees and fig trees grow in the areas of the desert that
have water.

cold (adj): soğuk, ilgisiz exist (v): var olmak grow (v): büyümek
continent (n): kıta fig (n): incir overall (adv): bütününe bakıldığında
desert (n): çöl grass (n): çim windy (adj): rüzgârlı
despite (prep): ...e rağmen

natural wonder : doğa harikası speak language : dili konuşmak make sth difficult : bir şeyi zorlaştırmak
large size : büyük boy hot desert : kızgın çöl temperature may drop : sıcaklık düşebilir
common language : ortak dil northern part : kuzey kısmı drop rapidly : hızla düşmek

on Earth : Dünya'da during the day : gün boyunca below freezing : donma noktasının altında
compared to : … ile karşılaştırıldığında at night : geceleyin drop of : ... damlası 4

Penguins are one of the most beloved animals in the world. Penguins are found in many areas in the southern
hemisphere. Most people think of penguins as living in very cold climates like the icy continent of Antarctica, but they
also live in more temperate areas like the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and South Africa. Penguins love to swim in the
ice cold ocean water. They can swim very fast and can dive deep looking for food. A layer of fat together with a layer
of air keeps penguins warm in the cold water and almost any weather. There are several different types of penguins,
but you can tell these different types of penguins apart by the unique markings on their heads. Perhaps the Macaroni
penguin has the most unusual of these markings as it has long orange feathers right on top of its head. The largest
of the penguins is the Emperor penguin which is over three feet tall. All Penguins are mostly black and white in
colouring, which provides an excellent camouflage in the water. When swimming in the ocean, their white stomachs
make them hard to see from below as they blend into the sky and sunlight above. Likewise, their black backs help
disguise them from above as they are hard to see against the water and the dark ocean bed. Penguins mostly eat
fish. What types of fish they eat can depend on where they live. Some penguins mate for life, while others mate for a
season. In spring they return to the same place every year and lay eggs. Sometimes there will be thousands of
penguins at the same place. Each parent penguin stays close to the eggs and newborn chicks to protect them. While
one parent watches over the chick, the other parent will get food and store it in its mouth to feed the chick.

apart (adj, adv): ayrı feather (n): tüy ocean (n): okyanus
beloved (adj): sevilen feed (v): beslemek protect (v): korumak
blend (v): karıştırmak find (v): bulmak southern (adj): güney
chick (n): civciv, genç kadın hemisphere (n): yarı küre, beyin yarısı stomach (n): mide
continent (n): kıta icy (adj): buzlu, buz gibi store (v): depolamak
deep (adj, adv): derin layer (n): katman sunlight (n): güneş ışığı
different (adj): farklı likewise (trans): benzer şekilde temperate (adj): ılıman
disguise (v): kılık değiştirmek marking (n): iz type (n): tür
dive (v): dalmak, azalmak mate (v): çiftleşmek, eş olmak unique (adj): eşsiz
fat (n): yağ mostly (adv): çoğunlukla unusual (adj): sıra dışı

cold climate : soğuk iklim excellent camouflage : mükemmel make sth hard : bir şeyi sertleştirmek |
look for food : yiyecek aramak kamuflaj zorlaştırmak
keep warm : sıcak tutmak provide camouflage : kamuflaj lay egg : yumurtlamak
sağlamak stay close : yakın durmak

in the world : dünyada at a/the place : bir yerde for life : ömür boyu
in the water : suda, suyun içinde close to : ...ya yakın return to : ...ya (geri) dönmek
disguise from : ...dan gizlemek


There are few animals on Earth who work as well together as meerkats. They live in the deserts and grasslands of the
southern tip of Africa. They live in groups of between twenty and fifty individuals. Each group has a king and a queen.
An adult meerkat weighs about three quarters of a kilo and is about 30 cm long with a long tail. These extremely
social animals live together in burrows, which they dig with their long, sharp claws. Living underground keeps mob
members safe from predators and out of the harsh African heat. Meerkats only go outside during the daytime. Each
morning, as the sun comes up, the mob emerges and begins looking for food. They use their keen sense of smell to
locate their favourite foods, which include beetles, caterpillars, spiders and scorpions. When the group hunts or
plays, two meerkats watch for danger. They start making noises when they see danger and all the meerkats run into
the tunnels. They have special cries which mean ‘eagle’ and ‘snake’. But if caught in the open by a predator, a meerkat
will try to look fierce, lying on its back and showing its teeth and claws. Meerkat parents teach their children how to
eat scorpions and they sometimes have babysitters so they can go out. When the young leave the tunnels for the first
time, the whole group comes to celebrate the occasion.

babysitter (n): çocuk bakıcısı grassland (n): çayır predator (n): yırtıcı hayvan
beetle (n): böcek harsh (adj): sert queen (n): kraliçe, vezir (satranç),
burrow (n): yuva heat (n): ısı kız (iskambil)
caterpillar (n): tırtıl hunt (v): avlamak, aramak scorpion (n): akrep
cry (n): çığlık, ağlama include (v): içermek social (adj): toplumsal
danger (n): tehlike individual (n): birey special (adj): özel
desert (n): çöl king (n): kral spider (n): örümcek
dig (v): kazmak, araştırmak lie (v): uzanmak tip (n): ipucu, bahşiş, uç
emerge (v): ortaya çıkmak locate (v): yerini belirlemek tunnel (n): tünel
extremely (adv): son derece member (n): üye underground (adj, adv): yer altı, gizli
fierce (adj): şiddetli mob (n): kalabalık weigh (v): tartmak, hesap etmek

long tail : uzun kuyruk look for food : yiyecek aramak favourite food : favori yiyecek
sharp claw : keskin pençe keen sense : keskin duyu celebrate occasion : özel durum
sun may come up : güneş doğabilir kutlamak

on Earth : Dünya'da watch for : gözlemek run into : ...ya rastlamak
during the daytime : gündüzleri 6


Paris is the capital city of France. This city is well-known for many things. It’s known for its charming streets,
impressive art, and delicious food. One of the things Paris is most known for is the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a
very tall structure. It stands over 1000 feet tall! It has four huge legs. These bend inwards till they meet to form a
single tower. The structure is made of more than 18,000 pieces of iron. These iron pieces make a criss-crossing
framework for the tower. This kind of framework is very strong, but also has many empty spaces. So the Eiffel Tower
is tall and strong, but it weighs very little for its size! This tower was built for a huge event called the World Fair. It was
the main focus of the event. Millions of people saw the tower during and after the event. And many of them hated it!
Some people from Paris felt it was ugly. Others were afraid that it was not strong and safe, and that it might fall.
However, today people love the Eiffel Tower. About 7 million people visit it each year! It is thought of as a beautiful
symbol of Paris.

afraid (adj): korkmuş fall (v): düşmek, azalmak safe (adj): güvende, güvenli
art (n): sanat, beceri form (v): oluşmak, şekil vermek stand (v): ayakta durmak, tahammül
bend (v): bükmek, boyun eğmek framework (n): temel yapı etmek
build (v): inşa etmek however (trans): ancak structure (n): yapı, bina
charming (adj): çekici huge (adj): kocaman tower (n): kule
criss-cross (v): çarpraz çizgi çekmek, impressive (adj): etkileyici ugly (adj): çirkin
boydan boya geçmek iron (n): demir, ütü visit (v): ziyaret etmek
event (n): olay, etkinlik meet (v): buluşmak, tanışmak, weigh (v): tartmak, hesap etmek
fair (n): fuar gidermek

capital city : başkent empty space : boş alan main focus : ana odak
delicious food : lezzetli yemek

well-known for : ...ile ünlü made of : ...dan yapılmak


Soap has been around for thousands of years. Early kinds of soap were made from animal fats. When animal fats
were boiled, they turned into soap. Some people believe that soap was invented as early as 2800 BCE. Even though
soap is very old, it was not popular until the 1600s! Before the 1600s, most people could not buy soap because it was
too expensive. Many people got sick because they did not clean themselves with soap. Now, soap is cheap and easy
to make. Most soap is made in factories. People no longer have to boil animal fats to make their own soap. They can
just buy it at the store.

believe (v): inanmak early (adj): erken, başları invent (v): icat etmek, uydurmak
boil (v): kaynamak easy (adj): kolay, rahat kind (n): tür
buy (v): satın almak expensive (adj): pahalı sick (adj): hasta, midesi bulanmış
cheap (adj): ucuz factory (n): fabrika soap (n): sabun
clean (v): temizlemek fat (n): yağ store (n): mağaza, depo

get sick : hastalanmak use soap : sabun kullanmak

kind of : ...nın türü turn into : ...ya dönüşmek clean with : ...ile temizlemek
made from : ...dan yapılmak in factory : fabrikada 8

The Roman Empire was the largest empire of the ancient world. Its capital was Rome, and its empire was based on
the Mediterranean. The Empire dates from 27 BC, when Octavian became the Emperor, Augustus. The empire was
the third stage of Ancient Rome. Rome was first ruled by Roman kings, then by the Roman Republic, then by an
emperor. Many modern lands were once part of the Roman Empire, including Britain (not Scotland), Spain, Portugal,
France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Egypt, and the north coast of Africa. The main language of the Roman Empire
was Latin; Greek was an important secondary language. The western part of the Roman Empire continued for about
500 years, and the eastern part, including Greece and Anatolia, continued for about a thousand years more. The
eastern part was called the Byzantine Empire with a capital at Constantinople, which was the ancient name for the
modern city of Istanbul in Turkey.

Mediterranean (n): Akdeniz continue (v): devam etmek main (adj): ana
capital (n): başkent, büyük harf, emperor (n): imparator once (adv): bir kez, bir zamanlar
sermaye including (prep): … dahil rule (v): yönetmek, hüküm vermek
coast (n): sahil language (n): dil secondary (adj): ortaokul, ikincil, sonraki
stage (n): aşama, sahne

roman empire : roma imparatorluğu ancient world : eski dünya large empire : büyük imparatorluk

name for : ...nın adı


One of the most popular foods of all time is chocolate. People nowadays eat chocolate in many different forms. We
eat chocolate candy, and we drink hot and cold chocolate drinks. The chocolate we eat today is made from a lot of
different ingredients, but the most important ingredient is cacao bean. The story of cacao bean and its long journey
to stores and supermarkets all over the world started hundreds of years ago in Mexico. Cacao trees need hot and
humid weather, and they originally grew in the Yucatan Peninsula. The Maya were the first people to eat cacao beans.
They picked cacao beans from wild trees and cleared land to cultivate their own trees. They made a drink from cacao
beans and exchanged the beans for other goods. They also used cacao beans for religious ceremonies. Mayan
merchants travelled north and introduced cacao beans to the Aztec people. Soon the cacao bean was part of the
Aztecs' lives. They used it as a drink, as part of religious ceremonies and even as money. With 10 beans, you could buy
a rabbit. With 100 beans, you could buy a slave. The Aztecs could not grow cacao trees because of the dry climate.
When the Aztecs conquered the Maya, they asked for cacao beans as a tribute.

candy (n): şeker important (adj): önemli rabbit (n): tavşan
clear (v): temizlemek ingredient (n): malzemeler, unsur slave (n): köle
conquer (v): fethetmek, üstesinden gelmek merchant (n): tüccar travel (v): seyahat etmek, yol almak
cultivate (v): ekip biçmek, geliştirmek money (n): para tribute (n): övgü, eser
exchange (v): değiş tokuş etmek nowadays (adv): bugünlerde wild (adj): vahşi, vahşi doğa
grow (v): büyümek originally (adv): başlangıçta

different form : farklı şekil/tür humid weather : nemli hava religious ceremony : dinî tören, ayin
long journey : uzun yolculuk hot weather : sıcak hava dry climate : kurak iklim

made from : ...dan yapılmak pick from : ...den toplamak introduce to : …ya tanıtmak
all over the world : dünyanın her use for : ... için kullanmak
yerinde 10

Traffic signs warn you of possible dangers and provide information. They tell you what the rules are and what the
road conditions are like. A road sign is something that gives information by means of a symbol, or in only 1 or 2 words.
It helps people in their vehicles on the road. Without signs and traffic lights there would be many accidents and
arguments on the road. Warning signs are usually black on a yellow background and are mostly diamond shaped.
Pictures, diagrams and symbols are used to alert you to danger. Speed signs are sometimes used together with other
signs. They show the maximum speed that is safe in good conditions. Sometimes other signs are used together with
warning signs to advise on how long you should look out for a particular hazard. Although the purpose of a traffic
signal is to regulate the flow of automobiles, traffic signals emerged long before automobiles were invented. The
idea for developing traffic signals began in the 1800’s, the first gas-lit traffic lights were installed outside the Houses
of Parliament in London. They would signal "stop" and "go" during the day, and at night red and green lights would be
used. In 1909, nine European governments chose four pictorial symbol signs to be used as a standard in some areas.
By 1930, all major American cities and many small towns had at least one electric traffic signal, and the innovation
was spreading around the world. The death rates in the United States fell by more than 50 percent between 1914 and
1930.And the technology became a symbol of progress. The need for new traffic signs is always growing and
changing, especially to keep up with advancements in technology and modern lifestyles. In some places, signs are
going digital.

accident (n): kaza, tesadüf emerge (v): ortaya çıkmak progress (n): ilerleme
argument (n): tartışma, iddia fall (v): düşmek, azalmak purpose (n): amaç
background (n): arka plan, kişinin grow (v): büyümek road (n): yol
geçmişi hazard (n): tehlike rule (n): kural, yönetim
change (v): değişmek, (para) bozdurmak innovation (n): yenilik safe (adj): güvende, güvenli
condition (n): durum, koşul, rahatsızlık install (v): kurmak, tayin etmek signal (v): işaret vermek
develop (v): gelişmek, ortaya çıkmak invent (v): icat etmek, uydurmak speed (n): hız
diagram (n): şema lifestyle (n): yaşam tarzı spread (v): yayılmak
diamond (n): elmas, eşkenar dörtgen parliament (n): millet meclisi vehicle (n): taşıt

traffic sign : trafik işareti warning sign : uyarı işareti light gas : gaz yakmak
possible danger : olası tehlike maximum speed : azami hız motor vehicle : motorlu taşıt
provide information : bilgi sağlamak regulate flow : akışı düzenlemek death rate : ölüm oranı
give information : bilgi vermek

warn of : ... hakkında uyarmak idea for : …için fikir around the world : dünya genelinde |
on the road : yolda during the day : gün boyunca dünyanın etrafında
alert to : ...ya karşı uyarmak at night : geceleyin need for : … ihtiyacı
advise on : ... konuda tavsiye vermek advancement in : ... alanında ilerleme


Breathing is moving air in and out of the lungs. The air going in and out is called breath. If a person cannot breathe,
they will die. Breathing helps people do two very important things. One of them is getting oxygen into the body,
because every part of the body needs oxygen to survive. The only way humans can get oxygen is to breathe it in. The
other one is getting carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the body. When the body makes energy, carbon dioxide gets left over.
The body needs to get rid of extra carbon dioxide, because too much of it is poisonous. The only way humans can get
rid of carbon dioxide is to breathe it out. When a person breathes in, they bring air into their lungs. Air has oxygen in
it. The oxygen goes from the lungs into the person's bloodstream. When oxygen goes into the bloodstream, extra
carbon dioxide comes out and goes into the lungs. This is called gas exchange: basically, oxygen and carbon dioxide
are changing places. Oxygen is now in the bloodstream, which can carry that oxygen around to every part of the body.
Also, carbon dioxide is now in the lungs, where it can be breathed out. Adults breathe about 18 times a minute, which
is more than 25,000 times a day. Children breathe even faster.

adult (adj, n): yetişkin breathe (v): nefes almak move (v): hareket etmek, taşınmak,
basically (adv): temel olarak carry (v): taşımak duygulandırmak
because (conj, trans): ...dığı için, çünkü die (v): ölmek poisonous (adj): zehirli
bloodstream (n): kan dolaşımı lung (n): akciğer survive (v): hayatta kalmak
breath (n): nefes

get snow : kar yağmak spend time : zaman harcamak/vakit cold water : soğuk su

get oxygen : oksijen almak change place : yeri/pozisyonu
değiştirmek 12

Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep during deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers actually walk.
Some sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! But most do get up and move
around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' eyes are open, but they don't see the same way
they do when they're awake. They'll often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether.
Sleepwalkers tend to go back to bed on their own and they won't remember what happened in the morning.
Sleepwalking is more common in children and affects both boys and girls. It can begin as soon as a child is able to
walk. The rate of it in children is as high as 17 percent. Rarely, sleepwalking may begin at any time in the adult life,
even when someone is in their seventies. In adults, men are more likely to show aggressive behaviour when they
sleepwalk. There's no cure for sleepwalking, but the doctor can talk to you about what's happening and try to find
ways to help you sleep more soundly. Medicines are sometimes used if you sleepwalk often or there's a risk for you.

affect (v): etkilemek happen (v): meydana gelmek show (v): göstermek
altogether (adv): tamamen likely (adj): olası sleepwalker (n): uyurgezer
asleep (adj): uyuyan medicine (n): ilaç, tıp sleepwalking (n): uyurgezerlik
awake (adj): uyanık remember (v): hatırlamak tend (v): eğilimli olmak, ilgilenmek

deep sleep : derin uyku aggressive behaviour : saldırgan find way : yol bulmak
adult life : yetişkin hayatı davranış sleep soundly : mışıl mışıl uyumak

in bed : yatakta common in : ...da yaygın talk about : ... hakkında konuşmak
act like : …gibi davranmak cure for : ... için tedavi risk for : ... için risk
in the morning : sabahleyin talk to : ...ile konuşmak


Asthma is a serious lung disease that causes breathing problems. These problems, called asthma attacks, can kill.
Asthma can affect people of all age groups but often begins in childhood. It can be controlled but not cured.
Sufferers must deal with the disease every day. Asthma is common in kids and teens, and members of the family can
have it. It can start at an early age and stop when a person has become an adult. Some children grow out of asthma;
sometimes it comes back when they are older. It can be mild or so severe that it gets in the way of daily activities. No
one knows exactly why some people develop asthma. People with asthma may have a parent or other close relative
with asthma. Those who are overweight may be more likely to have it. With asthma, air has a harder time passing
through. Airways swell and fill with mucus. The muscles around the airways tighten, making airways narrower.
Things that can irritate the airways are called "triggers". Common triggers include cigarette smoke, allergies, and
exercise. There's no cure for asthma, but it can be managed to prevent triggers. With medicine and the right care
plan, a person can live a healthy and active life.

adult (adj, n): yetişkin include (v): içermek overweight (adj): aşırı kilolu
affect (v): etkilemek irritate (v): sinirlendirmek, tahriş etmek prevent (v): önlemek
airway (n): solunum yolu, havayolu kill (v): öldürmek severe (adj): ciddi, sevimsiz
asthma (n): astım likely (adj): olası sufferer (n): hasta
attack (n): saldırı, eleştiri, hastalık nöbeti lung (n): akciğer swell (v): şişmek, artmak
breathing (n): nefes alıp verme member (n): üye tighten (v): sıkılaştırmak
control (v): kontrol etmek mild (adj): yumuşak (hava), hafif, sakin trigger (n): tetik, tetikleyici
cure (v): tedavi etmek narrow (adj): dar

serious disease : ciddi hastalık know exactly : tam olarak bilmek cigarette smoke : sigara dumanı
age group : yaş grubu develop asthma : astım gelişmek healthy life : sağlıklı yaşam
early age : erken, küçük yaş close relative : yakın akraba active life : hareketli hayat
daily activity : günlük aktivite

in childhood : çocuklukta fill with : ... ile doldurmak at a ... age : ... yaşında
common in : ...da yaygın cure for : ... için tedavi 14

Muscles are how we move and live. All movement in the body is controlled by muscles. Some muscles work without
us thinking, like our heart beating, while other muscles are controlled by our thoughts and allow us to do stuff and
move around. All of our muscles together make up the body's muscular system. Muscles are all made of the same
material, a type of elastic tissue. Thousands, or even tens of thousands, of small fibers make up each muscle. There
are over 600 muscles in the human body. They are under our skin and cover our bones. Muscles often work together
to help us move. We don't really have to think about moving each individual muscle. For example, we just think of
running and our body does the rest. You may not think of it as a muscular body part, but your face has plenty of
muscles. Facial muscles don't all attach directly to bone like they do in the rest of the body. Instead, many of them
attach under the skin. Even the smallest movement can turn a smile into a frown. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43
muscles to frown. You can raise your eyebrow to look surprised or wiggle your nose. Your tongue is also made of a
group of muscles that work together to allow you to talk and help you chew food. When we exercise we work our
muscles allowing them to become bigger and stronger. Exercise helps keep your muscles strong and flexible. If you
don't use your muscles they can shrink and become weak. You can help your muscles stay strong and healthy by
exercising every day and using different sets of muscles when you exercise.

allow (v): izin vermek, olanak sağlamak frown (n): çatık kaş shrink (v): küçülmek
control (v): kontrol etmek individual (adj): bireysel stuff (n): şey
cover (v): kaplamak movement (n): hareket, akım thought (n): düşünce
directly (adv): doğrudan muscle (n): kas, güç tissue (n): kâğıt mendil, doku
eyebrow (n): kaş rest (n): dinlenme, geri kalanı wiggle (v): oyna(t)mak

human body : insan vücudu chew food : yiyeceği çiğnemek keep sth flexible : bir şeyi esnek
facial muscle : yüz kası keep sth strong : bir şeyi güçlü tutmak tutmak
look surprised : şaşırmış görünmek become weak : zayıflamak

made of : ...dan yapılmak attach to : …ya iliştirmek turn into : ...ya dönüşmek
think about : ...hakkında düşünmek under the skin : derinin, cildin altında


Your kidneys are a pair of organs that are critical to helping your body work properly. Those organs are called kidney
beans because their shape is almost the same as an actual chilli bean. Kidneys are organs that are extremely
important in maintaining a healthy body. They perform many crucial functions, such as filtering waste materials from
food, medications, and toxic substances. While filtering, the kidneys produce urine to carry the toxins away. The
kidneys also make hormones and these hormones help regulate blood pressure, make red blood cells and promote
bone health. You have two kidneys, one located on each side of your spine, right below your lowest rib. The kidneys
face one another and look kind of like a pair of parentheses. When you are an adult, each kidney is about 3 inches
wide and 5 inches long. That is roughly the size of a smartphone. Although humans are born with two kidneys, it is
possible for a person to survive with only one. However, the kidneys need an adequate supply of blood, so if there is
something wrong with the blood vessels to the kidney, such as a narrowing, this will prevent the kidneys from
working efficiently.

blood (n): kan, soy material (n): madde roughly (adv): kabaca, zorla
bone (n): kemik medication (n): ilaç tedavisi shape (n): şekil
carry (v): taşımak narrow (v): daraltmak size (n): ebat
face (v): yüzleşmek, ...ya dönük olmak possible (adj): mümkün smartphone (n): akıllı telefon
filter (v): süz(ül)mek produce (v): üretmek, neden olmak spine (n): omurga, sırt (kitap), diken
however (trans): ancak regulate (v): düzenlemek survive (v): hayatta kalmak
kidney (n): böbrek rib (n): kaburga waste (n): israf, atık
maintain (v): devam ettirmek, bakım yapmak

work properly : düzgün çalışmak crucial function : önemli işlev promote health : sağlığı geliştirmek
extremely important : son derece önemli toxic substance : zehirli madde adequate supply : yeterli kaynak
healthy body : sağlıklı vücut blood pressure : kan basıncı / tansiyon blood vessel : kan damarı
perform function : işlev gerçekleştirme- red blood cell : kırmızı kan hücresi / work effectively : verimli/etkin çalışmak
k/yapmak alyuvar

critical to : …için çok önemli born with : …ile doğmuş prevent sb from doing sth : birinin
locate on : ...da konumlanmak wrong with : ...da yanlış/sorunlu ...yapmasını önlemek, engellemek 16

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