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There are hydrogen production pathways with

better than green hydrogen economic and
environmental costs

Alberto Boretti
Deanship of Research, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia

article info abstract

Article history: While the present hydrogen (H2) is mostly grey, from steam reforming of methane (CH4)
Received 15 April 2021 with direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, different pathways have been proposed to
Accepted 25 April 2021 produce H2 more environmentally friendly. Blue H2, adopting carbon capture and storage
Available online 19 May 2021 (CCS), has no direct CO2 emission, but the additional cost to capture and store the CO2.
Thus, green H2, from the electrolysis of the water (H2O) molecule, is becoming the pref-
Keywords: erential pathway for future H2 production. Two additional pathways are proposed for
Hydrogen reduced economic and environmental costs, both free of direct CO2 emissions, based on
Thermochemical splitting the use of concentrated solar energy (CSE). White H2 is produced from the catalytic solar
Water thermochemical splitting of the H2O molecule. Aquamarine H2 is produced from solar
Methane thermochemical CH4 pyrolysis with a carbon catalyst. Here we provide an estimation of
Carbon black costs by 2030 of white and aquamarine H2 lower than the cost of not only green H2 but also
Oxygen grey H2 disregarding the CO2 emission.
© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

such as methane (CH4) without any direct emission of CO2 or

Direct CO2 emission-free hydrogen production H2O.
pathways Not all H2 is created equal.
While the present H2 is mostly grey, from steam reforming
Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe (about of CH4 with direct CO2 emission, different pathways have been
75% of all the matter is hydrogen). Molecular hydrogen (H2) is proposed to produce H2 more environmentally friendly.
considered the future fuel, producing water (H2O) when Grey H2 has a direct CO2 emission of 8 kg of CO2 per kg of
oxidized, and not carbon dioxide (CO2) as is the case with H2, an economic cost of 1.25 $/kg of H2 at 3 $ per thousand
carbon and hydrocarbon fuels. In the hydrogen economy cubic feet of natural gas, and a minimum energy cost of 62 kJ/
[1e4], most of the energy needs will be covered by H2, with mol of H2 [5].
electricity to cover the rest. One major hurdle towards the Blue H2, adopting carbon capture and storage (CCS), has no
hydrogen economy is the availability of H2 that is freely direct CO2 emission, but the additional cost to capture and
available in nature only to a negligible extent. Thus, it must be store the CO2 [5].
produced from feedstocks of molecules containing hydrogens

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0360-3199/© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 3 9 8 8 e2 3 9 9 5 23989

Thus, green H2 [6], from the electrolysis of the H2O mole- They are in perspective competitive with the current grey, as
cule, is becoming the preferential pathway for future H2 pro- well as the proposed blue and green H2.
duction. Green hydrogen has a minimum energy cost of 286 Thermal production of hydrogen has advantages vs. elec-
kJ/mol of H2. Significant research and development (R&D) are trolysis. If the electricity is provided by solar photovoltaic, this
undertaken to reduce the present costs by improving the energy is only ~15% of the solar energy received. Then, the
technology. There is no direct CO2 emission. Oxygen (O2) is a efficiency of the electrolyzer, hydrogen fuel energy flow out to
by-product. Projection of costs is on average not less than 2 electric power input,
$/kg H2 by 2030, even if there are forecasts of 1.5 $/kg H2 but in
m_ H2 ,HHVH2
the hypothesis of much better and less expensive electro- h¼
lyzers and a levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) of $20/MWh.
In a hydrogen color palette where lighter colors represent is much less than 80%. This means that less than 12% of the
more environmentally friendly solutions, there are also better solar energy received ends up in hydrogen fuel energy. Addi-
than green colors of hydrogen, and we associate to them the tionally, it is not logical to transform solar energy into an
color “aquamarine” (a light blue-green), to represent a further energy carrier, electricity, to be transformed into another en-
evolution of the blue H2, with no need for CO2 capture and ergy carrier, hydrogen, to be transformed again into electricity
storage, and driven by concentrated solar energy (CSE), and in fuel cells, with a further penalty in every conversion (the
finally “white”, where the splitting of the H2O molecule is additional hydrogen fuel to electricity conversion efficiency in
thermochemical without any intermediate step. fuel cells is below 60%). A much better approach is to use CSE
Here we propose these two additional pathways for further to split the water molecule through a thermochemical water-
reduced economic and environmental costs, both free of splitting cycle. In this case, ~90% of the solar energy received
direct CO2 emissions, based on the use of concentrated solar can be converted to high-temperature thermal energy. As the
energy. Oxygen (O2) is the by-product in the white H2, carbon efficiency of thermochemical H2O splitting, hydrogen fuel
black is the by-product in the aquamarine H2. energy flow out to thermal power input,
Concentrating solar power (CSP) is emerging as a signifi-
m_ H2 ,HHVH2
cant producer of renewable energy with the added value of h¼
dispatchability, and thanks to the thermal energy storage
(TES) and the higher temperature developments [7], there are was potentially above 50% already more than a decade ago,
synergies with CSE for process heath. While advanced ultra- roughly 45% of solar energy can be transformed into hydrogen
supercritical (AUSC) steam Rankine power cycles have been fuel energy. The reaction for thermal production of hydrogen
proposed for temperatures up to 730  C [8e15], supercritical and electrolysis is nominally the same, with the same mini-
CO2 Brayton power cycles have been proposed for even higher mal energy requirement. If with electric energy it has been
temperatures above 800  C [16e20]. For small installations, possible to achieve efficiencies above 70%, it is reasonable to
Stirling engines are also being considered [21e23], with tem- assume efficiencies above 50% with thermal energy at the cost
peratures up to 850e900  C. of an affordable R&D.
Point solar concentrators such as beam down [21,22], or Different thermochemical pathways have been proposed
even more traditional central receiver solar towers sur- for white H2 [29e41], by using different cycles and catalysts, in
rounded by a field of heliostats [24] have already delivered different temperature ranges. Because of the availability now
temperatures of the heat transfer fluid (HTF) at the receiver of constant CSE at about 1000  C downstream of the thermal
above 1000  C. Molten salts formulations are being developed energy storage (TES), 3-step cycles developed for nuclear
to work well above the 1000  C [25e28]. Thus, there is the thermal energy before the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
opportunity to use constant, high-temperature CSE to drive of 2011, offer the best prospects [39e41].
thermal processes for the production of H2. In the case of areas such as the Eastern Province of the
The two proposed new colors of hydrogen are becoming Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where natural gas is possibly not less
more and more relevant. Both are benefiting from synergies abundant than freshwater, aquamarine H2 produced from
with CSE and based on thermochemical pathways from two solar thermal CH4 pyrolysis with carbon as a catalyst has also
different feedstocks, H2O or CH4, in presence of a catalyst. great merits.

Table 1 e Summary of grey, blue, green, aquamarine, and white hydrogen pathways.
H2 color Process Formula Direct CO2 emission Minimum Co-product
kg/kg H2 energy demand
kJ/mol H2
grey steam reforming CH4þ2$H2O/ 8.85 41(62)
blue steam reforming þ CCS CH4þ2$H2O/ 0 41(62)þCCS CO2
green electrolysis 2$H2O/2$H2þO2 0 286 O2
white solar thermochemical water splitting 2$H2O/2$H2þO2 0 286 O2
aquamarine solar thermal pyrolysis with C catalyst CH4/2$H2þC 0 37 carbon
23990 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 3 9 8 8 e2 3 9 9 5

Fig. 1 e Prototype small high-temperature solar concentrator with thermal energy storage, and downstream power cycle (a)
or thermochemical hydrogen production block (b) or (c). (a) Concentrated solar energy with thermal energy storage. (b) White
hydrogen from catalytic solar thermochemical water splitting 2 H2O/2·H2þO2. (c) Aquamarine hydrogen from solar thermal
pyrolysis with C catalyst CH4/2·H2þC.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 3 9 8 8 e2 3 9 9 5 23991
23992 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 3 9 8 8 e2 3 9 9 5

Splitting of the CH4 molecule in presence of a catalyst has the thermochemical plant. The location is Al Khobar, Eastern
been proposed by using different methods, and in the case of Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The heliostat fields are made
catalytic thermal methods, different cycles and catalysts, in up of 16,000 12.2∙12.2 m2 units. The tower has 200 m in height.
different temperature ranges, have been designed [42e59]. The receiver has a 20.66 m height and 17.04 m diameter. The
The use of carbon as a catalyst is the solution offering the best thermal storage is 16h or 4304 MWh. The heat transfer/heat
outlook, having a low energy requirement, working well at storage fluid is MgCl2/KCl [7]. Simulations are performed by
affordable temperatures about 1000  C, and having as by- using NREL SAM [62]. Weather and solar irradiance data are from
product carbon black [49e52]. While the market for carbon [63]. Fig. 2 presents the operation of this
black is not expected to be very profitable, there is no doubt plant in the case of the temperature of the hot TES 950  C. The
that carbon particles may find much better uses than CO2. cold TES is 590  C, as needed for white H2 production.
Aquamarine H2 is better produced from solar thermochemical The costs in 2030 of the components upstream of the
pyrolysis in a moving carbon bed at temperatures of 1000  C. thermochemical plant, factoring the expected 46% reduction
Table 1 presents a summary of grey, blue, green, aqua- of costs from 2021 to 2030 in the LCOE from CSP [62,64], is
marine, and white H2 pathways, while Fig. 1 presents schemes estimated at $ 402, 941, 490. This includes site improvement,
prototype small high-temperature solar concentrator beam heliostats field, tower, receiver, TES.
down with thermal energy storage, and downstream power Presently still at TRL 6 (technology demonstration), as not
cycle (a) or thermochemical hydrogen production block, (b) that much has been done since 2011, this thermochemical
and (c). (b) is the white H2 from solar thermochemical water technology necessitates further R&D. Cost estimations are
splitting 2$H2O/2$H2þO2 and (c) aquamarine H2 from solar difficult. We may assume $ 100, 000, 000 to $ 200, 000, 000 as
thermal pyrolysis with C catalyst CH4/2$H2þC. Small-scale the cost of the thermochemical plant in 2030 for the SeI 3-step
demonstration plants are essential to quickly develop new thermochemical cycle to produce H2.
technologies before attempting the design of large-scale By assuming (hydrogen fuel HHV 286 kJ/mol or 141.80 MJ/
plants. What is needed for the further progress of the kg) a peak h of 52% at 925  C, which is about 1.92 times the
hydrogen economy is to invest in new products, more than minimum energy requirement, we have an average hydrogen
trying to benefit from the sale of existing products, with unfair fuel power of 114 MW. If we consider a lifespan of 30 years as
competition from established renewable energy businesses customary for CSP, we have a total hydrogen fuel energy
the major hurdle. production of 30,180 GWh.
The backup heater (HTR) may burn natural gas in air or O2, By assuming the same as CSP Fixed and Variable operation
or even recycled carbon black in O2, and have the CO2 and maintenance (O&M) costs related to thermal power, Fixed
captured for storage. The HTR may also run on hydrogen. The O&M costs are $ 151, 200, 000, while Variable O&M costs are $
HTR is used to address the unlikely occurrence of having no 108, 648, 000.
sunlight for several consecutive days. The fuel energy to Total cost 2030e2059 is therefore $ 762, 789, 490 to $ 862,
thermal energy efficiency can be more than 95% for the HTR, 789, 490, for producing 766, 205, 924 kg of white H2 for a cost of
with penalties from the capture of the CO2, and advantages 0.9955e1.1261 $/kg H2.
from combustion in O2. This estimation excludes the cost of water, but also the
The HTR may also be used more extensively to make recovery of the waste heat, and O2 as a by-product.
perfectly constant the supply of thermal energy to the ther- The cost of the aquamarine H2 can be estimated following
mochemical hydrogen production block over the year, further the same approach. We neglect the effect of the slightly larger
accommodating changes in solar irradiance and cloud hot TES temperature, 1025 vs. 950  C, on the cost of the sec-
coverage, at relatively modest additional costs. tions upstream of the thermochemical plant, but we account
This design can be further complicated, for example add- for this temperature change in the slightly reduced perfor-
ing an electric heater to store excess renewable energy elec- mance of the plant.
tricity in the form of thermal energy, similarly to the Azelio By taking the efficiency of this thermochemical plant pro-
“thermal battery” [60,61]. portional to the efficiency of the thermochemical plant for the
As there is waste energy from the Stirling engine, or an splitting of the water molecule, with proportionality factor the
alternative supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle, as well as from the ratio of minimum energy requirements, we get a peak h of 52%
thermochemical hydrogen production block, well above ∙ (286/37) at 1000  C. This efficiency that is now largely
ambient temperature, it is possible to use this thermal energy exceeding unity (the energy of the methane feedstock is not
for other uses such as running a chiller or producing hot water included in the formula) is still 1.92 times the minimum en-
thus improving the global thermodynamic. ergy requirement.
Cost estimations have been made for white and aquamarine The average hydrogen fuel power is now a much larger
H2 by considering a central tower receiver surrounded by a field 114∙ (286/37) MW. Over a lifespan of 30 years, the produced
of heliostats to deliver a constant 269 MW of thermal power to hydrogen fuel energy is 29,772∙ (286/37) GWh.

Fig. 2 e Operation of a central tower received surrounded by a field of heliostats. (a) power collected in the receiver (blue) and
to (red) or from (green) the thermal energy storage. (b) power to the thermochemical plant (green) and temperature (black).
Design thermal power to thermochemical plant 269 MW. Design temperature hot thermal storage 950  C. The location for
weather and irradiance is Al Khobar, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 2 3 9 8 8 e2 3 9 9 5 23993

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402, 941, 490 and assuming $ 100,000,000 to $ 200,000,000 as Declaration of competing interest
the cost of the thermochemical plant in 2030 for the thermo-
chemical CH4 splitting with a carbon catalyst to produce The authors declare that they have no known competing
hydrogen, Fixed O&M costs of $ 151, 200, 000 and Variable financial interests or personal relationships that could have
O&M costs of $ 108,648,000, the Total cost 2030e2059 is $ appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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