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Appearance Texture Odor Cost

1 Strongly Strong Strongly Strong
Agree Agree Agree Agree
2 Agree Agree Agree Agree
3 Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
4 Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree
5 Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree

A. Appearance
Indicators Mean Interpretation
Catchy Visual Design of the 2 Agree
Appealing features 2.4 Agree
Uniqueness among others 2 Agree
2.13 Agree

B. Texture
Indicators Mean Interpretation
Texture in touch 1.4 Strongly Agree
Shape fits to my grip 1.6 Strongly Agree
Smoothness 1.2 Strongly Agree
1.4 Strongly Agree

C. Odor
Indicators Mean Interpretation
Odor is perceptible 2 Agree
Appealing fragrance 2 Agree
The scent of the product is 2.2 Agree
my liking
2.07 Agree

D. Cost
Indicators Mean Interpretation
Pricing of the product 1.6 Strongly Agree
compared to offerings in the
Trust in budget friendly 1.6 Strongly Agree
Worth the effectivity 1.6 Strongly Agree
1.6 Strongly Agree

Based on the results of the data gathered, it was found out that the mean level of acceptability
Cucumber (Cucumus sativus) as Bath Soap in terms of Appearance, Texture, Odor, and Cost
were all Acceptable. The respondents also agreed that the Cucumber (Cucumus sativus) as Bath
Soap is appealing and can hook consumers to buy the product. It also shows that Cucumber
(Cucumus sativus) as Bath Soap has appealing fragrance and perceptible odor.

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