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“Safety is not something that can happen on its own by

accident. You need to work towards it with the right
measures, tools and mindset.”
A laboratory is a place where we can do scientific research, testing
and experiments. While doing experiments, you probably don’t even
realise that you are carrying out a risk assessment for most of the
In the laboratory, there are several situations where you must take a
lot of precautions in order to be safe. There are rules about how you
should behave and what you should do to stay safe.
In the picture above there are lots of things happening that are
Your task-
1. Look at the picture carefully and identify as many things that
are unsafe as you can.
Make a list with reasons to explain why these things are unsafe.
2. Next, you need to provide guidance to other students so that
they can keep themselves safe. For this, you can either
I. Write a poem or
II. Write a song
III. Or you can make a poster.
[choose any one option from I, II, III]
3. The bottles in chemistry labs are labelled with hazardous labels.
Look for any three hazard warning symbols. Paste or draw the
symbols along with their name and meaning.
Draw a table in portfolio sheets to represent labels.
Labels Name Description
• Front Gate is the most essential part when you are planning and
designing your home’s exterior. It is the part of your house which
strikes the eye of everybody.
• Iron gates have been a popular option for a long time. The iron that
is used to create gates is called wrought iron, which is an alloy and
comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.
They turn brown in colour with time. This happens because of
When an iron object is left in damp air (or water) for a considerable
time, it gets covered with a red-brown flaky substance called rust.
This is called rusting of iron. During the rusting of iron, iron
metal combines with the oxygen (of air) in the presence of water
(moisture) to form the compound iron oxide. This iron oxide is
known as rust.

• Even if we talk about iron nails, they also turn brown in colour
after a period. This is also because of rusting.
Your task- Prepare a report (2-3 pages) on the following topics-
1. Corrosion
2. Conditions for corrosion to occur
3. Prevention of corrosion.
Let’s perform a very interesting experiment to see if tomato
ketchup really removes rust from iron.
PROCEDURE- Take a corroded iron nail and apply ketchup to it for
24 hours.
Write down your observation including -
• What will happen after 24 hours?
• Can we prevent corrosion by applying ketchup?
• If yes, which ingredient is responsible for preventing corrosion?
• Support your observation with pictures. (Paste your pictures
while doing the experiment)

• Look for some other examples apart from ketchup that can be
used to prevent corrosion from the iron nail.

Note – All the activities must be done in portfolio sheets.

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