Chapter 3 - 3

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

1. Closed loop control and open loop control
• Open loop control :
– The control system provides the values that are needed to the
machine tool and does not directly adjust this value.
– The control circuit used on the CNC machine is powered by a
stepper motor, without a measuring system.

Input signal
Output signal
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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

• Closed loop// feedback control system:
 Because the control process can be subject to random noise, it is
possible to give an incorrect output signal.
 The output signal is continuously fed back to the control system.
 The control system continuously calculates and adjusts the
actual values as required such as controls the movement of the
CNC machine axes

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

2. CNC Control:
• Tasks of CNC control
– Decode the NC . Program
– Processing relevant information:
• Information about technology
• Information about geometric shapes
– Control and adjust the actuatorsforming products

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MTT 7_1

3.4 CNC control and DNC control

• Functions of CNC control system
– Data import:
• On the Control panel (keyboard, screen): programming, data
management, process simulation.
• The NC program is located in a data file that can be stored on
external memory: magnetic tape, floppy disk, UBS, CD..
• Link with the outside through the communication port,
network... to the server.

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

– Data processing : Get information from the NC program to

control, adjust and operate the mechanisms that perform
detailed processing.
• Technology data: Tool selection, spindle rotation,
direction of rotation, feed rates, depth of cut, coolant...
(command system for switching, respectively via
adaptive controller)
• Geometric Shape Data: The NC program is compiled by
the CNC system, calculated for each step for each axis of
motionthe motion of the cutting tool is continuously
adjusted by a closed-loop control circuit with feedback.
– Data Export : data storage, data printing, data transmission,
actuator control.

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

• General structure diagram of modern CNC circuit

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MTT 7_2

3.4 CNC control and DNC control

3. DNC control
is a control form in which many devices such as NC
machines, CNCs, measuring devices are networked
together to allow the removal of information carriers,
read and write devices:
– Equipment for measuring, calibrating and
preparing cutting tools
– Programming positions.
– Central tooling and material management

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

3. DNC control
– The host computer through the communication
device manages and arranges information in a
timely and accurate manner,
– Define machine parameters and machining data
together with stored data,
– Remotely control computers of CNC machines
that are operating part processing.
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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

•Basic function of DNC control :
o NC program management archive,
o Distributing the NC program to the machining machine,
o Receive corrected and optimized NC programs in machine tools.

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

• Extended functionality:

– Manage instrument information and instrument calibration.

– Operating workpieces and mounting plates.

– Time division of machining steps.

– Material flow management

– Data safety.

– Simulation

– Check data data of the machine and the whole factory...

– Archive NC program with Postprocessor compilation

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3.4 CNC control and DNC control

• Advantages of DNC system over CNC:

– Better organization of production,

– Quick access to the program and support information,

– Reduce preparation time to finish,

– Reduce data entry errors,

– Good management of production data storage (T work,

T serve, T stop the machine) system maintenance and
error reporting
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3.5 Interpolation movements on CNC machines

1. Function of the interpolator:
• Derived from the feature that the machined profiles are all
combined from the elements (generated and standard lines)
which are straight lines, circles, parabolas, cubic lines,
• The CNC control system is actually a computer that
performs the functions of interpolating the above lines.
• Interpolation function in CNC control :
– Calculate the value of the intermediate steps required to
issue the appropriate commands in accordance with the
given conditions.
– Controlling individual feed movements covering a given
trajectory. Machine-tool and Tribology 12


MTT 7_4

3.5 Interpolation movements on CNC machines

• Proportional correlation of feeds (feed) of the feed axes
will confirm the direction of tool movement.

2. Types of interpolation :
• Linear motion interpolation :
– The tool moves in a straight line from the starting point
to the destination point that is not parallel to the tool feed
– To achieve a straight tool trajectory, the motion of the
toolpaths must be determined sequentially by a certain
ratio (X, Y, Z).
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3.5 Interpolation movements on CNC machines

– Feed rate is constant (mm/rev or mm/min); stroke length
L is predetermined so Vx, Vy, Vz are constant :
» X= x(t)=Xo+ΣVx.Δt
» Y= y(t)= Yo+ΣVy.Δt
» Z= z(t)= Zo+ ΣVz.Δt

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3.5 Interpolation movements on CNC machines

• Interpolation of circular motion :
– The tool moves from the starting point to the destination
in an arc path
o Clockwise
o Counter-clockwise
– To ensure that the trajectory is circular, the tool axis
movements must be determined in turn relative to the
distance traveled.
– Each feed motion axis moves in the form of sinα or cosα,
combined into an arc
• X= x(t)=Xo+R. cosφ= Xo+R. cosωt
• Y= y(t)= Yo+R. sinφ= Yo+R. sinωt
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MTT 7_5

3.5 Interpolation movements on CNC machines

• Interpolation diagram of circular arc

Linear and circular interpolation motion on CNC machines

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3.6 Types of CNC trajectory control

• The CNC control system receives information from the NC

program, processes and outputs control signals of the drive
motors that coordinate to form the travel of the precision tool.
• Based on the type of travel stroke of the cutting tool, the
following types of trajectory control are distinguished:
• Point control,
• Path control,
• Contour control:
– 2D Control
– 2D1/2 Control
– 3D Controller
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3.6 Types of CNC trajectory control

1. Point control :
– The simplest form of control.
– Control displacement at a fast speed, mainly performing the
positioning process, not participating in technology.
– The displacement of the axes is performed independently.
– The displacement of the Z axis (feeding motion) is controlled
– Drilling, reaming, reaming, tapping, spot welding, punching...

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MTT 7_6

3.6 Types of CNC trajectory control

2. Path control:
• Tool movement with a specified feedrate is always parallel
to the axes.
• The part profile can only be parallel or perpendicular lines.
• Mainly for machining surfaces parallel to the machine guide
• Cylindrical turning, face turning, plane parallel milling,
slotting milling.

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3.6 Types of CNC trajectory control

3. Contour control:
• Movement of a tool with a specified feed along a straight line
or a curve in a plane or in space.
• The part profile is realized by simultaneously controlling two
or more feeder motors simultaneously.
• The intermediate points between the starting point and the
destination point are calculated by the controller on the basis of
mathematical curves

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3.6 Types of CNC trajectory control

a. 2D control:
– Two feed axes are controlled
– Movement of the tool on a plane,
the trajectory is a straight line, an
– CNC milling machine interpolates
two axes while the 3rd axis feeds
b. 2D1/2 Control:
– In-plane tool displacement,
interpolation is performed in one
of three main planes,
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MTT 7_7

3.6 Types of CNC trajectory control

– Depending on the machining plane the toolpaths will be
controlled accordingly
– At each time on the interpolation plane only 2 axes are
controlled simultaneously and the 3rd axis is considered as
the infeed axis.
c. 3D Control:
– Three toolpaths are interpolated
moving in 3D space,
– Machining surfaces with
complex profiles,
– Most CNC machines are 3D,
– Making molds, making
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MTT 7_8

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