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What is the different types of Static VAR Compensator?

1. Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR)

2. Thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC)
3. Self Reactor (SR)
4. Thyristor controlled reactor – Fixed capacitor (TCR-FC)
5. Thyristor-switched capacitor – Thyristor controlled reactor (TSC-TCR)

State the main objectives of Reactive power and Voltage control in

power systems
Maintaining Voltage Levels: Reactive power control ensures that voltage levels within
the power system remain within acceptable limits. Voltage levels need to be controlled
to ensure that they stay within the permissible range to maintain the stability and
reliability of the system.
1. Voltage Stability: Reactive power control helps in maintaining voltage stability within the
power system. Voltage stability refers to the ability of the system to maintain steady voltage
levels under varying conditions of load and generation. Proper reactive power control helps in
preventing voltage instability, which can lead to voltage collapse and system-wide blackouts.
2. Power Factor Correction: Reactive power control assists in maintaining a desirable power
factor. Power factor is the ratio of real power (measured in kilowatts, kW) to apparent power
(measured in kilovolt-amperes, kVA) in an AC electrical power system. It indicates the
efficiency with which electrical power is being used. Improving power factor through
reactive power control reduces losses in the system and improves overall efficiency.
3. Optimizing System Performance: Effective reactive power and voltage control help
optimize the performance of the power system, ensuring reliable and efficient operation. By
adjusting reactive power levels appropriately, utilities can minimize transmission losses,
enhance voltage profiles, and improve overall system performance.
4. Mitigating Voltage Instabilities: Reactive power control helps in mitigating voltage
instabilities caused by sudden changes in load or generation within the power system. By
providing or absorbing reactive power as needed, voltage fluctuations can be minimized,
ensuring smooth and stable operation of the system.
5. Compliance with Grid Codes and Regulations: Many grid codes and regulations specify
requirements for voltage control and power factor correction. Compliance with these
standards ensures that power systems meet safety, reliability, and efficiency criteria set by
regulatory authorities and industry standards bodies.
6. Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: With the increasing integration of renewable
energy sources like wind and solar, effective reactive power and voltage control become
crucial for managing the variability and intermittency of these resources. Proper control
mechanisms help maintain grid stability and reliability despite fluctuations in renewable
energy generation.

Outline the role of synchronous generators adopted generating

and absorption of reactive power
State reactive power generation.
Reactive power generation refers to the production of reactive power by electrical generators
or devices. Reactive power is necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the
electromagnetic field in alternating current (AC) systems. In an AC power system, both real
power (measured in watts) and reactive power (measured in volt-amperes reactive, VAR) are
required for the efficient transmission and distribution of electrical energy.

Generators and other devices that produce or consume electricity can be designed to generate
or absorb reactive power. Reactive power generation is essential for maintaining system
voltage levels within acceptable limits and ensuring the stability and reliability of the
electrical grid.

Write any two applications of synchronous condensers.

1. Voltage Support and Reactive Power Compensation: Synchronous condensers are employed
to provide voltage support and reactive power compensation in electrical grids. They generate
or absorb reactive power as needed to maintain voltage levels within acceptable limits,
especially during periods of high demand or when the system experiences voltage
fluctuations. By injecting or absorbing reactive power, synchronous condensers help stabilize
the grid voltage, improve power factor, and enhance overall system reliability.
2. Grid Inertia Enhancement and Frequency Regulation: Synchronous condensers contribute to
enhancing the inertia of the power system, which is vital for maintaining grid stability and
frequency regulation. Inertia refers to the ability of the system to resist changes in speed or
frequency in response to sudden disturbances or changes in load. Synchronous condensers,
when operated as over-excited synchronous machines, provide inertia support by absorbing
or supplying mechanical power to the system. This helps dampen frequency fluctuations and
maintain grid stability, particularly in systems with a high penetration of renewable energy
sources that may have limited inherent inertia.

Summarize the common advantages of STATCOM?

Voltage Regulation: STATCOMs can quickly inject or absorb reactive power to regulate
voltage levels in the grid. By dynamically adjusting the reactive power output, STATCOMs
help maintain voltage stability, mitigate voltage fluctuations, and improve the quality of
electricity supply.
 Power Factor Correction: STATCOMs can effectively control the power factor of the
system by supplying or absorbing reactive power as needed. This helps improve the overall
power factor of the grid, reducing losses in transmission and distribution systems and
optimizing the utilization of electrical infrastructure.
 Enhanced Grid Stability: STATCOMs contribute to grid stability by providing rapid and
precise control over reactive power. They can counteract voltage dips, flicker, and other
disturbances, thereby enhancing the resilience of the power system to variations in load and
other external factors.
 Improved Transient Response: STATCOMs offer fast response times, typically in
milliseconds, allowing them to quickly compensate for changes in system conditions. This
rapid response capability helps dampen transient oscillations, maintain system stability
during disturbances, and ensure smooth operation of the grid.
 Flexible Operation and Control: STATCOMs can be controlled remotely and integrated
with advanced control algorithms to adapt to varying grid conditions and operational
requirements. They offer flexibility in voltage and reactive power control, allowing operators
to optimize their performance and tailor their operation to specific grid challenges.
 Compatibility with Renewable Energy Integration: STATCOMs facilitate the integration
of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power into the grid. They can mitigate the
intermittency and voltage fluctuations associated with renewable generation, ensuring smooth
integration and enhancing the overall reliability of renewable energy systems.

Analyze the methods to improve the voltage profile in the Power

Improving the voltage profile in a power system is crucial for maintaining system stability,
reliability, and efficiency. Several methods can be employed to achieve this:

1. Reactive Power Compensation:

 Utilizing devices such as capacitors and reactors to inject or absorb reactive power
strategically at different points in the grid can help regulate voltage levels.
 Static VAR Compensators (SVCs) and Static Synchronous Compensators
(STATCOMs) are advanced devices that provide dynamic reactive power support,
enhancing voltage stability and control.
2. Voltage Control at Generation and Transmission Levels:
 Voltage control mechanisms at the generation and transmission levels, such as
Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs) in synchronous generators, ensure that voltage
levels are maintained within specified limits.
 Tap changers on transformers allow for adjustments in voltage ratios, enabling
voltage regulation in transmission networks.
3. Distributed Generation and Energy Storage:
 Distributed generation sources, such as rooftop solar panels or small wind turbines,
can be strategically placed within the grid to alleviate voltage issues by reducing line
losses and providing localized voltage support.
 Energy storage systems, such as batteries or flywheels, can store excess energy during
periods of low demand and release it when needed to stabilize voltage levels.
4. Optimized Network Planning and Expansion:
 Proper network planning and expansion considering load growth and distribution
patterns help ensure that the system is adequately sized and configured to maintain
voltage profiles.
 Reinforcing weak points in the grid with additional infrastructure, such as new
substations or transmission lines, can improve voltage stability and reduce voltage
5. Voltage Regulation Devices and Controllers:
 Voltage regulators installed along distribution feeders adjust voltage levels to
compensate for variations caused by changes in load or generation.
 Advanced voltage control algorithms and centralized supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) systems can optimize the operation of voltage control devices
in real-time, ensuring efficient voltage regulation.
6. Demand-Side Management:
 Implementing demand-side management strategies, such as voltage optimization
techniques and load shedding during peak periods, can help reduce voltage
fluctuations and improve overall voltage stability.
 Voltage-aware appliances and equipment can also be employed to actively manage
voltage consumption and minimize voltage-related issues.

Distinguish between ON load tap changing transformer and OFF

load tap changing transformer.
1. On-Load Tap Changing (OLTC) Transformer:
 Operation: OLTC transformers are designed to change taps while the transformer is
under load, meaning it is supplying power to the load during the tap change process.
 Tap Change Mechanism: OLTC transformers typically employ a tap changer
mechanism that can switch taps without interrupting the flow of current through the
transformer. This tap changing mechanism is often based on mechanical or electronic
mechanisms that can switch taps seamlessly without causing power interruptions.
 Advantages: The main advantage of OLTC transformers is that they allow tap
changes to be made without interrupting power supply to the load. This enables
continuous voltage regulation even during periods of fluctuating demand or changing
grid conditions.
 Disadvantages: OLTC transformers tend to be more complex and expensive
compared to off-load tap changers. Additionally, the tap changing mechanism may
introduce additional maintenance requirements.
2. Off-Load Tap Changing (OLTC) Transformer:
 Operation: Off-load tap changing transformers are designed to change taps when the
transformer is not energized, meaning it is not supplying power to the load during the
tap change process.
 Tap Change Mechanism: The tap change mechanism in off-load tap changing
transformers typically involves manually or automatically disconnecting the
transformer from the load, changing the tap, and then re-energizing the transformer.
This process usually requires a brief interruption in power supply during the tap
 Advantages: Off-load tap changing transformers are simpler and more cost-effective
compared to OLTC transformers. They are typically easier to maintain and may have
lower initial costs.
 Disadvantages: The main drawback of off-load tap changing transformers is that they
require a brief interruption in power supply during tap changes, which can be
disruptive to connected loads. This interruption can lead to voltage fluctuations or
transient disturbances in the electrical system.

Define the term Static VAR Compensator.

A Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is a type of power electronics-based device used in
electrical power systems to regulate voltage and provide reactive power compensation. It is
designed to quickly inject or absorb reactive power to maintain voltage stability and improve
the power factor of the system.

Summarize the methods used for compensating the uncompensated

transmission lines?
Compensating uncompensated transmission lines involves employing various methods to
mitigate the effects of line capacitance and inductance, improving voltage regulation, power
factor correction, and overall system performance. Some of the key methods used for
compensating uncompensated transmission lines include:

1. Shunt Compensation:
 Static VAR Compensators (SVCs): SVCs inject or absorb reactive power at the
point of connection to the transmission line, compensating for the reactive power
demand or surplus and thereby improving voltage stability and power factor.
 Synchronous Condensers: Synchronous condensers are synchronous machines
operated without a mechanical load, providing reactive power support to the grid.
They can be strategically placed along transmission lines to compensate for reactive
power demand and improve voltage regulation.
2. Series Compensation:
 Fixed Series Capacitors: Fixed series capacitors are installed in series with the
transmission line to counteract line inductance. By introducing capacitive reactance,
fixed series capacitors reduce line impedance and improve power transfer capability,
voltage profile, and transient stability.
 Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSCs): TCSCs use power electronic
devices to control the reactance of series capacitors in real-time. By adjusting the
capacitive reactance, TCSCs can dynamically compensate for line inductance,
enhancing power flow control, transient stability, and voltage regulation.
Name the generators and consumers of reactive power in a power system.
Describe static VAR compensators? Quote the advantages of SVC.

A static VAR compensator is a parallel combination of controlled reactor

and fixed shunt capacitor shown in the figure below. The thyristor switch
assembly in the SVC controls the reactor. The firing angle of the thyristor
controls the voltage across the inductor and thus the current flowing
through the inductor. In this way, the reactive power draw by the inductor
can be controlled.

The SVC is capable of step less

adjustment of reactive power over an unlimited range without any time
delay. It improves the system stability and system power factor. Most
commonly used SVC scheme are as follows.

1.Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR)

2.Thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC)
3.Self Reactor (SR)
4.Thyristor controlled reactor – Fixed capacitor (TCR-FC)
5.Thyristor-switched capacitor – Thyristor controlled reactor (TSC-
Thyristor Controlled Reactor

Thyristor controlled reactor consist reactor L placed in series with the

thyristor valve. This reactor is the controlled element of the TCR, and it
controls the thyristor valve. TCR consists two opposite poled thyristor
which conducts every alternate half cycles of the supply.

In TCR the duration of current flowing through the

reactor is controlled by the firing angle of the thyristor. For every half
cycle, the thyristor is given a triggering pulse by the controlled circuit. It
is used in EHV (Extra High Voltage) lines for providing lagging VARs
during the low load or load rejection.

Thyristor Switched Capacitor

The thyristor switched capacitor is used in EHV lines for providing

leading VARs during heavy loads. The current through the capacitor can
be varied by controlling the firing angles of back to back thyristor
connected in series with the capacitor.
When the voltage at a bus reduces below
the reference value, the static VAR compensator used TSC for injected
capacitive volt-amperes and when the voltage at the bus rise above the
reference value, inductive VAR are to be injected to lower the bus
voltage by using TCR.

Advantage of Static VAR Compensator

 It increased the power transmission capability of the transmission

 It improved the transient stability of the system.
 It controlled the steady state and temporary overvoltages.
 It improved the load power factor, and therefore, reduced line losses
and improved system capability.
Static VAR compensator has no rotating parts and is employed for surge
impedance compensation and compensation by sectionalizing a long
transmission line.

Explain the operation of tap changing transformer and discuss its application.
Tap-changing Transformers
The change of voltage is affected by changing the numbers of turns of
the transformer provided with taps. For sufficiently close control of
voltage, taps are usually provided on the high voltage windings of the
transformer. There are two types of tap-changing transformers

1. Off-load tap changing transformer

2. On-load tap changing transformer
Off-load tap-changing transformer

In this method, the transformer is disconnected from the main supply

when the tap setting is to be changed. The tap setting is usually done
manually. The off load tap changing transformer is shown in the figure

On-load tap-changing transformer

In order that the supply may not be interrupted, on-load tap changing
transformer are sued. Such a transformer is known as a tap-changing
under load transformer. While tapping, two essential conditions are to be

 The load circuit should not be broken to avoid arcing and prevent the
damage of contacts.
 No parts of the windings should be short–circuited while adjusting
the tap.

The tap changing

employing a center tapped reactor R show in the figure above. Here S is
the diverter switch, and 1, 2, 3 are selector switch. The transformer is in
operation with switches 1 and S closed. To change to tap 2, switch S is
opened, and 2 is closed. Switch 1 is then opened, and S closed to
complete the tap change. It is to be noted that the diverter switch
operates on load, and no current flows in the selector switches during
tap changing. During the tap change only half of the reactance which
limits the

It is to be noted that the diverter switch operates on load, and no current

flows in the selector switches during tap changing. During the tap
change, only half of the reactance which limits the current is connected
in the circuit.

The following are the advantages

 The ratio of voltage can be varied without de-energizing the transformer

 Provides voltage control in the transformer
 OLTC increases the efficiency
 It provides adjustment of voltage magnitude and flow of reactive.
The following are the disadvantages

 The transformer used is costlier

 Huge maintain ace
 Less reliability.
The following are the applications

 Electrical power transformers.

 High Voltage Power Transformer used in power
generation and >110KVA sub-stations.

Develop the block diagram of AVR and obtain its transfer function

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