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Areas where young people can learn from older generations

Old people are full of wisdom. In an ideal world, it would be possible to transfer that wisdom
into the minds of young people. Two areas where this would help young people the most are
relationships and money, which can be compared in terms of their timelessness and
suitability for the modern world. So in which area can young people learn the most?

1. Relationships - PLUS know a lot about staying married MINUS they have never used
Tinder PLUS old-fashioned values that some might consider timeless MINUS some
of those attitudes might not be appropriate for the modern dating scene
2. Money - PLUS they have tried and failed or tried and succeeded in making money
PLUS they probably know something about stocks, bonds, property, who to trust,
the value of a lawyer or other expert such as an architect MINUS meme

We can learn from past generations when it comes to dating but we must adapt that wisdom
to modern times. Similarly, there are some aspects of the modern financial world where
young people know more than their elders. However, most principles of money are timeless
and everlasting, so it is evident that this is the area in which young people can benefit the

Benefits of learning languages

Intellectual challenge - PLUS get older, use your brain; PLUS puzzles; PLUS test yourself,
satisfying MINUS other ways to achieve the same effects SHORT TERM LONG TERM
Job opportunities - PLUS it is evident that people who speak 3 languages are eligible to
apply for three times the amount of jobs compared to people who only speak one. PLUS
more opps within a company (Not only but also) MINUS you are always asked to check
emails; do proofreading SHORT TERM LONG TERM

Topic sentence
How does this relate to the task?
Rhetorical question
It is hard to learn a language. However, doing so is generally seen as desirable. Two areas
where learning a language seems to be beneficial are for the intellectual challenge and for
job opportunities, which can be compared in terms of their short and long-term effects. But
which benefit is the more important?

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