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Instituto Inglés de Toluca ENGLISH STUDY GUIDE

2023 – 2024 3RD TRIMESTER

Student’s name: ________________________________________. Date: ___________________.

Read the text
Frogs in love: Romeo and Juliet
Romeo the frog spent ten years alone in a museum in Bolivia. He is a Sehuencas frog, and for a long time, scientists at the
museum thought that Romeo was the only Sehuencas frog in the world. A lot of these frogs have died because of
deforestation, and a deadly disease has taken the lives of many others. The scientists wanted to find a mate for Romeo. They
even set up a profile for him on!
In 2018, some scientists went to the Bolivian forests to look for a partner for Romeo. They looked in many streams, but they
couldn’t find any frogs. They grew tired, wet and disappointed. They decided to check one more stream before going home.
And then, they found a Sehuencas frog beside a waterfall. This frog was male, but they returned the next day and found four
more frogs, two male and two female. One of the females was the right age to mate. The conservationists called her Juliet.
The scientists didn’t let Romeo and Juliet meet at first. They needed to check that Juliet didn’t have a disease. But finally,
they put the two frogs together. At first, Romeo seemed nervous, but soon he swam to Juliet and then he did a funny dance,
shaking his toes. Then he put his arms and legs around her and made a really loud call.
Juliet hasn’t laid any eggs yet, but scientists hope she will. That way, they can learn more about these frogs and help to
protect them in the forest. But they know it won’t be easy. For frogs to mate, the temperature and the water quality must be
perfect. They also only mate when it is raining, so the scientists had to put special rain equipment in their tank. However, the
scientists aren’t too worried if Romeo and Juliet don’t mate, because they have the four other frogs. And they are happy that
Romeo isn’t lonely anymore!
Decide if the sentences are true or false.
1.- Romeo is the only Sehuencas frog in the world.
2.- Sehueancas frogs are dying for several reasons.
3.- The scientists found four Sehuencas frogs in the forest in total.
4.- Juliet is a female Sehuancas frog which is the right age to mate.
5.- The scientists put Romeo and Juliet together immediately.
6.- Romeo hasn’t touched Juliet yet because he is too nervous.
7.- Frogs only mate when the temperature and weather are right.
8.- The other frogs from the forest are too old to mate.


A. Choose the correct sports.
1 I always play with a team, of course. I’m very good at hitting the ball with the bat! rugby / cricket
2 It’s fun to go down a mountain at a high speed. I always have to dress warm as it can be quite cold! cycling / snowboarding
3 I don’t usually play with a team. I have to be quite fast in the pool in order to win. golf / swimming
4 When I hit the ball over the net, I sometimes fall onto the beach! badminton / volleyball
5 I don’t usually play with a team. I just have to ride my bike very fast. snowboarding / cycling
6 I play in a very big open area, with lots of green grass. I hit the ball with a club. golf / baseball

B. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The children don’t have / mustn’t stay up too late tonight.

2 You have to / needn’t do it now. You can do it later.
3 Do we have / must to wear gloves? It isn’t very cold.
4 We don’t have to / mustn’t pay now. We can pay later.
5 You mustn’t / don’t have to play ice hockey without good equipment.
6 You needn’t / have to go to practice tonight. It starts at 7 p.m.

C. Complete the conversation with these modals.

have to must (x2) mustn’t (x2) needn’t

Colin: Hey, Francine. I’m going snowboarding this weekend. Do you have any advice?
Francine: Sure. Well, you 1 take some lessons first. That’s very important.
You 2 start snowboarding down the mountain immediately. That’s dangerous.
Colin: That’s some good advice. What else? I’m thinking of buying a snowboard.
Francine: Oh, sure. Well, you probably 3 do that. The ski places can give you one for the day, for a
good price. You just 4 find one that fits you well.
Colin: I see. And what about clothing?
Francine: You 5 wear warm clothes, of course. It can be quite cold.
Also, you 6 forget to wear something over your head, so you don’t hurt it.

D. Complete the sentences with these words.

arms ears eye feet hands stomach

1 We use our to write with.

2 These new shoes are a bit small. Now my hurt.
3 I ate too much. My hurts!
4 Anna was carrying a lot of groceries. Her were full.
5 Roberto covered his so he didn’t have to listen to the loud noise.
6 I’ve got something in my and I can’t see out of it.
E. Choose the correct answers.
1 We called the because Sammy felt ill.
a painter b waiter c doctor

2 The ’s job was to build a new bridge across the city’s river.
a engineer b nurse c farmer

3 The helped me to find a nice new jacket.

a pilot b receptionist c shop assistant
4 The ’s task for the day was to write an article about a sporting event.
a waiter b photographer c journalist
5 We asked the to send some towels to our hotel room.
a nurse b pilot c receptionist
6 My dad is a(n) and he grows apples.
a waiter b farmer c doctor

F. Complete the words in the sentences.

1 My favourite class is u c because I love playing the violin.
2 I’m not very good at using computers, so my T class can be hard sometimes.
3 I enjoy learning about heat and energy in my p s s class.
4 Kyle’s a good actor and he does well in his r m class.
5 Helena knows every country on the map. She’s great at g g y.
6 I like studying plants and animals, so b l y is my favourite subject.

G. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I write things in my notebook to help answer / remember information.
2 Good luck on your exam. I hope you pass / fail!
3 Lisa hopes to get / go to university in one year.
4 I studied for my exam, but I didn’t do / get a good mark.
5 I can’t meet this weekend. I have to follow / do a project with my classmates.
6 Oh no, I forgot to answer / go a question on my exam!

H. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I don’t want to walk to the museum. Let’s take / catch / ride a taxi.
2 We’re really late. If we don’t hurry, we’re going to fly / miss / ride our flight.
3 My aunt and uncle often miss / catch / sail their boat around the Greek islands.
4 I have to go now. I need to hurry and park / ride / catch the bus before it leaves.
5 Where did you learn how to ride / sail / drive a car?
6 There’s a space in front of the building where we can drive / ride / park the car and get out.
7 I love Yianni’s motorbike. He lets me catch / drive / ride on the back sometimes.
I. Choose the correct answers.

Sergey: Hi, Joselin. When does your plane 1 ?

Joselin: At 3 p.m.

Sergey: OK. Hmm … Well, I have to work until 5 p.m., so I can’t 2 you up from the airport. I’m sorry about that.
Joselin: No worries. I can find my way around. Is there a bus station around the airport?
Sergey: Yes, it’s easy. You can leave the main building, then you 3 the street to the other side. You can 4 a
bus there. You can 5 the bus at Palace Square. That’s close to my neighbourhood.
Joselin: Sounds good. I can hang out at a café and have coffee while I wait for you.
Sergey: Sure. I’ll call you when I 6 work. I’m looking forward to seeing you!

1 A arrive B get off 4 A get on B get back

2 A take B pick 5 A get on B get off
3 A cross B leave 6 A leave B cross

J. Read the first sentence. Then choose the correct word to complete second sentence.
1 People make these cars in Germany.
These cars is made / are made in Germany.
2 Buses connect these schools.
These schools connect / are connected by buses.
3 A computer drives this tram.
This tram is driven / drives by a computer.
4 They lose many passports during travel. Many
passports is lost / are lost during travel.
5 The driver sells bus tickets.
Bus tickets sold / are sold by the driver.
6 Many types of transport use petrol.
Petrol is used / are used by many types of transport.

K. The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct word.

1 Pilots fly planes. Planes are flown with pilots.

2 They make plastic toy cars. The toy cars are made by plastic.
3 Students give the performance. The performance is given with students.
4 Use pens to fill in forms. Forms are filled in by pens.
5 Use scissors to cut paper. Paper is cut by scissors.
6 Many tourists buy maps. Maps are bought with many tourists.
L. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 That path is used / was used by many cyclists before last summer’s storm.
2 This small plane flown / was flown by the company’s owner.
3 I lost my driving licence. I was so happy when it were found / was found!
4 All the shops was closed / were closed because it was a public holiday.
5 The parcel sent / was sent last week, so you should get it soon.
6 The passengers were saved / saved from danger.
M. Read the first text. Then choose the correct answers for the second text so that it has same meaning as the
first text.
I dreamed about a strange place last night. They painted the city red, yellow and blue. They built my hotel with Lego bricks. Friendly tigers
served the food in the restaurants. Robots drove all the taxis. They made bicycles with musical instruments. They gave away all the
souvenirs for free!

I dreamed about a strange place last night. The city 1 red, yellow and blue. My hotel 2 Lego bricks. The food
in the restaurants 3 friendly tigers. All the taxis 4 robots. The bicycles 5 musical instruments. All the
souvenirs 6 for free!
1 a were painted b was painted 4 a were driven with b were driven by
2 a was built by b was built with 5 a were made with b was made by
3 a were served by b was served by 6 a gave away b were given away
N. Listen to Philip speaking to Rose Jasper at an interview for a job at a children’s camp. For questions 1 to 8,
decide whether the statements are true or false.

1.- Philip is applying for a job as an activity leader.

a. True b.False
2.- Philip worked as a teacher in a school.
a.True b.False
3.-Philip was responsible for communicating to team members.
a.True b.False
4.-Philip quit the team because he did not get enough praise and encouragement.
a.True b.False
5.-Philip worked long hours when he worked at a factory.
a.True b.False
6.-Philip thought the work at the factory was interesting.
a.True b.False
7.-Philip's co-workers at the factory helped him a lot.
a.True b.False
8.-Some of Phillip's co-workers at the factory were often complaining to the boss.
a.True b.False


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