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DAY 2.


File 1.1
A. She’s filing papers
B. She’s using a photocopier
C. She’s turning on some lights
D. She’s closing a cabinet

A. They’re working on computers
B. They’re hanging up posters
C. They’re putting on coats
D. They’re gathered at a counter

A. He’s parking a car
B. He’s carrying groceries
C. He’s entering a store
D. He’s pushing a shopping cart

A. A wall is being painted
B. Some plants have been placed in a row
C. A cement floor is being swept
D. Some boxes have been stacked in a corner

A. She’s arranging some flowers
B. He’s moving a table
C. She’s putting on a jacket
D. She’s picking up a notebook

A. A boat is docking at a pier.
B. Some birds are circling above the water
C. A person is sitting on a beach
D. Some children are digging in the sand

A. The man is looking down at his keyboard
B. The man is filing some documents
C. The woman is handing a telephone to the man
D. The woman is using a computer mouse
A. A woman is walking up some stairs
B. An awning extends over a shop entrance
C. A group of people is leaving a building
D. A brick patio is being swept

A. She’s wearing headphones
B. She’s opening a drawer
C. She’s holding a microphone
D. She’s pushing a button

A. They’re using laptop computers
B. They’re exchanging business cards
C. One of the men is putting on a sweater
D. One of the men is moving a chair

File 1.2
1. 7.
A. He’s closing a gate in the yard A. The woman is examining documents
B. He’s holding a hammer in his hand B. The woman is sending a letter
C. He’s fixing the roof of the house C. The woman is setting the table
D. He’s carrying a ladder through a doorway. D. The woman is packing dishes
2. 8.
A. The men are looking at the computer A. A worker is handing a bag to a customer
B. The men are opening the newspapers B. People are waiting to purchase some food
C. The men are turning on a fan C. A man is pointing at a menu
D. The men are drinking from cups D. A woman is pouring some water
3. 9.
A. A woman is parking a vehicle A. She is leading a discussion
B. A woman is standing by the house B. She is examining a book
C. A woman is getting into the car C. She is placing products on the shelf
D. A woman is walking a dog D. She is purchasing a handbag.
4. 10.
A. They are sitting on the floor A. The women are facing each other
B. They are arranging the chairs B. The women are clearing off the desk
C. They are putting papers on the chair C. The man is closing a window
D. They are holding up a poster D. The man is taking a photograph
5. 11.
A. A man is working on a truck A. she is bending down to adjust an umbrella
B. A man is driving into a garage B. She is resting in a chair beneath a tree
C. A man is changing a tire C. She is leaning against to stone ledge
D. A man is operating a machine D. She is moving a table onto a lawn
6. 12.
A. The women are walking into an office A. They are unloading boxes from the truck
B. The women are passing out a binder B. They are getting into a taxi
C. The women are eating together C. They are walking down the street side by side
D. The women are facing each other. D. They are shaking hands.

File 1.3
(A) The signs are being painted.
(B) The building is under construction.
(C) The bicyclists are riding through the streets.
(D) Some cars are parked on the street.

(A) They’re waiting in line together.
(B) They’re playing a game outdoors.
(C) They’re sitting at the dentist’s office.
(D) They’re opening the gate.

(A) A man is fishing from the shore.
(B) The beach is crowded with swimmers.
(C) The fishermen are pulling in their nets.
(D) The man is cooking a fish.

(A) The woman has left her seat.
(B) The men are leaning across the table.
(C) There is a pair of sunglasses on the table.
(D) The woman is putting some flowers in a vase.

(A) There’s a chair next to the beds.
(B) There are no pillows on the bed.
(C) There’s a stack of sheets on the shelf.
(D) There’s a picture above the beds.

(A) The handrails are being polished.
(B) The people are seated on the steps.
(C) The people are going up to the next floor.
(D) The workers are cleaning the walkway.
(A) The man is throwing away some posters.
(B) A picture is being hung on the wall.
(C) The man is reaching down to pick up some tape.
(D) A railing has been placed along the street.

(A) She’s stapling some documents together.
(B) She’s doing some paperwork.
(C) She’s looking over her shoulder.
(D) She’s riding to the office.

(A) The taller ladder is propped up against the building.
(B) The man is putting away the ladder.
(C) The windows are closed because of the cold weather.
(D) The man is planting a flower garden in front of the house.

(A) The waiter is setting up some chairs at each table.
(B) Potted plants have been arranged along the border of the patio.
(C) Some customers are sharing a seat on a bench.
(D) The tablecloths have been removed for the evening.

26. Shop /ʃɑːp/ (v) : Mua sắm
Some people are shopping for food.
Mọi người đang đi mua sắm thức ăn

27. Pour /pɔːr/ (v) : Rót

One of the women is pouring some water.
Một trong nhữn người phụ nữ đang rót nước.

28. Face /feɪs/ (v) : Đối mặt

They are facing each other.
Họ đang đối diện nhau.
29. Copy /ˈkɑːpi/ (v) : Sao chép
A woman is copying some papers.
Người phụ nữ đang tạo bản sao của những giấy tờ.

30. Surround /səˈraʊnd/ (v) : Bao quanh

A round table is surrounded by chairs.
Một chiếc bàn tròn được bao quanh bởi nhiều chiếc ghế.

31. Tow /toʊ/ (v) : Kéo đi

A truck is being towed.
Một chiếc xe tải đang bị kéo đi.
32. Wear /wer/ (v) : Mặc, đeo, đội
The men are wearing a tool belt.
Những người đàn ông đang đeo đai công cụ.

33. Rake /reɪk/ (v) : Cào

Fallen leaves have been raked into piles.
Những chiếc lá rụng được cào thành đống.

34. Place /pleɪs/ (v) : Đặt

He’s placing a bottle on a counter.
Ông ấy đang đặt chai lên kệ.

35. Line /laɪn/ (v) : Xếp hàng

Pieces of luggage are lined up on the pavement.
Nhiều hành lý đang được xếp thẳng hàng trên vỉa hè

36. Plug in (phr) /plʌɡ/ : Cắm phích

A cord is being plugged in.
Một sợi dây đang được cắm điện.
37. Cross /krɔːs/ (v) : Băng qua
People are crossing the street.
Mọi người đang băng qua đường

38. Hang /hæŋ/ (v) : Treo

They’re hanging some clothes on a rack.
Họ đang treo quần áo lên giá.

39. Distribute /ˈdɪstrɪbjuːt/ (v) : Phân phối, phân phát

A man is distributing some books.
1 người đàn ông đang phân phát sách.

40. Fold /foʊld/ (v) : Gập

They’re folding up a tent
Họ đang gập một cái lều.

41. Reflect /rɪˈflekt/ (v) : Phản chiếu

A woman is reflected in the mirror.
1 người phụ nữ được phản chiếu trong gương.

42. Address /əˈdres/ (v) : nói chuyện

He’s addressing his colleagues.
Ông ấy đang nói chuyện với đồng nghiệp.

43. Plant /plænt/ (v) : Trồng cây

Small trees have been planted in individual pots.
Những cây nhỏ đã được trồng riêng vào nhiều cái chậu.

44. File /faɪl/ (v) : Sắp xếp (tài liệu)

The man is filing some documents.
Người đàn ông đang sắp xếp một vài giấy tờ.

45. Operate /ˈɑːpəreɪt/ (v) : Vận hành, hoạt động

He’s operating some factory machinery.
Ông ấy đang vận hành máy móc nhà máy.
46. Stop /stɑːp/ (v) : Ngừng lại
Traffic is stopped at a crosswalk.
Giao thông bị ngừng lại ở đường dành cho người đi bộ.

47. Clap /klæp/ (v) : Vỗ tay

An audience is clapping for some musicians.
Khán giả đang vỗ tay cho nhạc sĩ.

48. Kneel /niːl/ (v) : Qùy gối

One of the men is kneeling on the ground.
Một trong số những người đàn ông đang quỳ gối dưới đất.

49. Turn on (phr) : Bật lên >< turn off: tắt đi

She’s turning on a light
Cô ấy đang bật đèn.

50. Stroll /stroʊl/ (v) : Tản bộ

Pedestrians are strolling beside a riverbank.
Khách bộ hành đang đi dạo bên cạnh một bờ sông.

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