ApplPhysLett 64 2306-ZrO2 On Y123

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Effects of ZrO, on the texturing and properties of melt-processed

J. Y. Juang, C. L. Wu, S. J. Wang, M. L. Chu, K. H. Wu, T. M. Uen, and Y. S. Gou

Institute of Electrophysics, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China
H. L. Chang and C. Wang
Applied Research Laboratory, Telecommunication Laboratories, Ministry of Transportation
and Communications, l? 0. Box 71, Chung-Li, Taiwan, China
M. J. Tsai
Materials Research Laboratory, Industrial Technology and Research Institute, Chutung, Taiwan, China
(Received 30 November 1993; accepted for publication 21 February 1994)
The addition of ZrO, is found to be very effective as the nucleation sites to promote the oriented
growth of YIBa,CusO,-B (YBCO) during peritectic solidification. Extended regions of well-
textured YBCO grains with superior superconducting properties of the YBCO bulk are readily
obtained by a single-step melt process at much lower process temperatures. At 77 K, the platelike
Josephson weak-link behaviors observed in pure melt-processed YBCO have been effectively
eliminated, indicating that the coherency between the spherulitic superconducting YBCO grains
may have been greatly improved by ZrO, additions.

The melt-textured-growth (MTG) process, initially de- mixed and ground with nominal 1:2:3 molar ratio of
veloped by Jin et al.’ and subsequently modified by many YBa:Cu. The mixture was then processed by the standard
others,ze6 has been demonstrated as one of the most viable solid state sintering procedure to obtain the prereacted
processes toward practical application of the high- YBCO for subsequent ZrO, doping and melt treatment. Dif-
temperature YBa&u,O,-B (YBCO) superconductors. As a ferent amounts of ZrO, powder, ranging from 0.05 to 5
result, understanding how the superconducting grains evolve wt %, were added to the prereacted YBCO powder to inves-
from the incongruent Y,BaCuOs (211. phase) and an off- tigate the effects of the heterogeneous nucleation on peritec-
stoichiometry liquid phase via a peritectic reaction into its tic solidification. The mixed and pressed samples were
final microstructure has become a subject of extensive heated from room temperature to 1030 “C with a heating rate
research.2-8 In MTG and its derivatives such as of 7-“C/min and then stayed there for 30 min. The furnace
melt-powder-melt-growth” and melt-quench-melt-grow& was then moved by a controlled step motor to crematethe
processes, the fine dispersion of the 211-phase particles right necessary temperature gradient for directional solidification.
above the peritectic temperature (~1030 “C) is believed to The total time taken for the samples to go through the growth
be very crucial in obtaining the desired microstructure? The temperature domain (1030-940 “C) was about 14 h. Samples
essence to that is attributed to the effects of the 211 particles were then kept at 940 “C for another hour before cooling to
in shortening the diffusion lengths between each constituent 550 “C with a rate of 7 “C/min. After holding at 550 “C for
required for maintaining proper stoichiometry as well as in another 12 h for oxygenation, samples were finally cooled to
promoting the directional spherulitic growth of YBCO room temperature at a rate of 10 “Urnin to prevent possible
grains.7-9 Indeed, results have shown that, with careful con- cracking due to thermal stress. We note that by lowering the
trol of 211 dispersions, well-textured platelike grains with highest treatment temperature to 1030 “C (the peritectic tem-
correct composition can be obtained. The critical current perature) and making it a continuous single-step process
density (J,) of bulk YBCO following such routes has been could be crucial when practical production is considered.
successfully raised up to 25 000 A/cm2 at 77 K and 1 T of The structure and phases of the obtained samples were
magnetic field.” However, it is noted that the complicated characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy
heat treatment schedule used3r4,9and, in particular, the high along with the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and
process temperature (up to -1300 “C or higher) may become x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. It is evident from the XRD
crucial hindrances for such processes to be practically us&d. results that, within the composition range studied, the result-
In this letter, we report on an alternative process based ant materials were essentially single phase YBCO with a
on the notion of heterogeneous nucleation in promoting minute amount of unreacted residuals. For transport mea-
spherulitic growth of YBCO during the lower incongruent surements, samples were cut into rectangular bars with di-
peritectic reaction of the system [i.e., the reaction of mension of about 1X0.5X 10 mm3 and the standard four-
211 +L (BaCuO,+CuO)+YBCO at T=1030 “Cl. It is found probe method was adopted. For magnetic measurements,
that, by adding ZrOz powder (-1 w in diameter) into the disks of about 3 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in thickness
prereacted YBCO powder to serve as the primary nucleation were prepared and measured using superconducting quantum
sites of YBCO grains, the much desired coherently textured interference device magnetometer (Quantum Design) in
gram structure can be readily obtained by a single-step melt fields up to 5 T and temperatures ranging from 150 to 5 K.
process at much lower treatment temperatures. Typically, the zero-resistance T,‘s measured by transport
Reagent grade powders of Y,03, BaCOs , and CuO were method were within the range of 83-85 K, while those mea-

2306 Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 (17), 26 April 1994 0003-6951/94/64(17)/2306/3/$6.00 Q 1994 American Institute of Physics

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,O 20 LO 60 80 100 120

FIG. 1. The diamagnetic responses for undoped (open symbols) and

ZrOz-doped (solid symbols) melt-processed YBCO samples in 10 G field-
cooled measurements. The inset shows the corresponding normalized R(T)
behaviors of the same samples.

sured magnetically were between 90 and 91 K. As an ex-

ample, Fig. 1 shows the typical magnetization results to-
gether with the R(T) behaviors in the inset for two of the
FIG. 2. The scanning electron microscope results revealing the typical mi-
samples studied. As is evident from Fig. 1, and is typical for crostructures of melt-processed YBCO with various amounts of ZrOZ added.
other ZrOz compositions, although the R(T) curve for (a) 0 wt %; (b) 0.05 wt %; (c) 0.5 wt 96, and (d) 4.2 wt %. The arrows
ZrO,-doped samples was somewhat deviated from the usual indicate the direction of growth in accordance with the temperature gradient
linear behavior, the diamagnetic effects, nevertheless, sug-
gest that the superconducting YBCO phase was even purer in
the doped samples. In any case, the present results are in- same samples were observed. The typical weak-link associ-
dicative that the materials obtained by the present simple ated behavior exhibited by the undoped samples (open
melt process were mostly single-phased YBCO. This is a circles) were greatly suppressed for ZrO,-doped samples
very important starting point as we proceed to compare other (solid circles). As we have emphasized, since, in terms of
features manifested by these samples to delineate the effects stoichiometry and intrinsic superconductivity, the obtained
of ZrOz addition below. materials were essentially of the same quality, the differences
Figure 2 shows the representative microstructures for observed here can only be understood from the modifications
samples various amounts of ZrOz added. For undoped of microstructure. In our measurement configuration, with
samples [Fig. 2(a)], although blocks of textured grain struc- the field being perpendicular to texturing orientation, we ex-
ture are obtainable by the present one-step process, the ori- pect the circulating supercurrent to flow in the plane of tex-
entation between each block, however, is not well aligned. In turing. Consequently, the apparent weak-link behavior exhib-
addition, as revealed by the EDS analysis, there are some ited by the undoped samples at higher temperatures is
residual 211 phases present in between each block (as indi- believed to arise from the boundary area between each tex-
cated in the photograph). In contrast, as can be seen in Fig. tured block of grains encountered by the flowing currents.
2(b), even with the smallest amount of ZrO, added (0.05 To further delineate that the observed M-H loops are
wt % in this case) significant improvement in texturing indeed reflecting the critical current densities and in support
growth is clearly demonstrated. Also; as shown in Figs. 2(c) of the above arguments, we have tried to convert the M-H
and 2(d), there is a tendency of getting finer textured grain results into field dependent critical current densities [J,(H)].
structure extended over larger regions when the amount of However, to do that one must first check if the results are
ZrO, added was increased. This strongly suggests that one of describable by Bean’s critical state model.” Following
the important roles played by the added ZrOz was to act as Murakami et al. ,3 the difference in magnetization at a fixed
the primary nucleation sites for the peritectically grown field, AM(H), as a function of sample thicknesses, D, were
YBCO. checked for each set of samples. A linear dependence of
With the dramatic effect of the ZrO, addition on the AM(H) vs D was observed consistent with that of Ref. 3. In
texturing of YBCO grains described above, the next natural Fig. 4, we show the J,(H) results for two of the representa-
question to ask is: How would the associated superconduct- tive samples at 77 K obtained by applying the expression3
ing properties be affected? Figure 3 shows an example dem- J,=20 AMID. Cl?
onstrating such effects. In Fig. 3(a), the shape and field de-
pendencies of the magnetization hysterises (M-H loops) are Vastly different J,(H) results are, again, evident. The re-
essentially the same with no apparent weak-link behaviors maining question to ask, however, is if the apparent weak-
up to a field of 5 T for both undoped and ZrOa-doped link behavior for the undoped sample is indeed consistent
samples at 5 K. However, as is evident from Fig. 3(b), at with that depicted in the previous paragraph and is in accor-
higher temperatures (77 K), very different behaviors for;the dance with the grain structure revealed in Fig. 2. As has been

Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 64, No. 17, 25 April 1994 Juang et a/. 2307
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?’‘ [
-601 I , I I I 1

l :.4.2%-ZrOz

1 2 3 L
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
HtTesla 1

FIG. 4. The typical J,(H) behaviors at 77 K as derived from the M-H

hysteresis measurements using Eq. (1) for undoped (open symbols) and
ZrO,-doped (solid symbols) YBCO samples. The inset shows the log-log
plot of the same data to delineate the exponent of the field dependence of
8- 1

In summary, we have demonstrated a new process which
is practically more viable for obtaining the much needed
5 -,
texturing structure with minimized weak links. The addition
-2 - : L.2%-302 of ZrO, powder appeared to act as primary nucleation sites
-3 during the peritectic reactions and further promote the
spherulitic growth of the YBCO grains to result in extended
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 regions of well-oriented microstructure. The melt-process
H(Tesla) treatment temperature has been reduced significantly (from
1400 to 1030 “C) and samples with dramatic improvement in
FIG. 3. The typical M-H hysteresis for undoped (open symbols) and superconducting properties are obtained.
ZrOz-doped (solid symbols) YBCO at (a) 5 K and (b) 77 K. This work was supported by the National Science Coun-
cil of Republic of China under Grant No. NSC81-0208-
pointed out by Peterson and Ekin,rr the exact form of J,(H) M009-501.
depends strongly on the geometry of junctions made of the
boundary weak links. In the framework of this model, the
Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of each junction is described
by the expression
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2308 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 64, No. 17, 25 April 1994 Juang ef al.

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