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People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the

development of communication technology and transportation.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

In contemporary(adj) TIMES, employees have the ability to earn their living from
all around the globe because of TECHNOLOGICAL innovations. The most negative ef-
fect of being a remote worker is lacking a sense of belonging in the team. However,
from my perspective, the positive effects of this trend are efficient productivity and
diverse culturAL (adj) experience. In this essay I will PROVIDE A more detailed expla-
nation and provide examples to support my argument.

To begin with, I believe the primary drawback of being employed oversea results in
the loss of connection with colleagues or teammates. People who work remotely
(we aren't talking about REMOTE work… that’s not the question…) will easily get
isolated and helpless while they encounter difficulties. Even though it is unnecessary
for workers to deal with interpersonal relationships among coworkers, employees
would lose the commitment without teamwork experience (commitment? I thought
the idea was ‘connection’?). In a recent survey UNDERTAKEN in HONG KONG in
2019 (verb/place/year), half of the respondents who had worked from home for a
period expressed that they preferred working in the traditional office. (connec-

Nevertheless, I believe that there are two obvious benefits from the availability of
movement around the globe. First of all, workers might allocate their time to com-
plete all their projects more efficiently without the limited office hours which al-
ways are restricted in 8 hours. (you seem to think the questions means working
from home. It doesn’t. It means working abroad. There would still be office hours)
Moreover, living and working around the world provides an employee a variety of op-
portunities to experience diverse culture and broaden the horizon in life. For in-
stance, a person who works for a company in New York but lives in Jakarta would
have enriched one’s life in the future. (again, we have come back to this idea of
working remotely! read the question carefully! )

In conclusion, losing a sense of belonging is the main drawback of getting a remote

job. However, I consider that the opportunity to product efficiently and immersing
life in diverse cultures outweighs the negative effects.

310 words



BAND 5-5.5!!!

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