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Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from http://ep.bmj.

com/ on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.

Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

Fifteen-minute consultation:
Therapeutic hypothermia for infants
with hypoxic ischaemic
encephalopathy—translating jargon,
prognosis and uncertainty
for parents
1,2 3
Paul Cawley, Ela Chakkarapani

►► Additional material is Abstract asphyxia typically includes meeting any

published online only. To view
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy may one of1 4 5:
please visit the journal online
(http://d​ x.​doi.​org/​10.​1136/​ lead to death or severe long-term morbidity. ►► Acidosis on blood sample from cord or
archdischild-​2017-​314116). Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) increases within 1 hour of age: pH <7.0 or base
survival without impairments in childhood, but excess ≤−16 mmol/L.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, ►► Apgar score ≤5 at 10 min.
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK prognostic uncertainty may remain for years
►► Need for resuscitation at 10 min after birth
Neonatal Intensive Care after birth. Clear and accurate communication is
(such as endotracheal or mask ventilation).
Unit, St Michael’s Hospital, imperative but challenging. This article explores

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University Hospitals Bristol NHS During TH, core temperature is
the predictive value of routinely performed
Foundation Trust, Bristol, UK reduced to 33°C–34°C for 72 hours, using
School of Clinical Sciences, assessments during TH, as well as the qualitative
a servo-controlled (automatic feedback)
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK research relating to parental experience. This
cooling wrap, mattress or cap. Infants
article will benefit paediatric trainees, consultants
Correspondence to
require intensive care support and moni-
and nurse practitioners in providing: (1) the
Dr Ela Chakkarapani, University toring and are therefore frequently trans-
background information needed for initiating a
of Bristol, St Michael’s Hospital, ferred to a tertiary neonatal intensive care
Bristol BS2 8EG, UK; ​Ela.​ conversation with parents regarding outcome
Chakkarapani@​bristol.​ac.u​ k unit, away from their parents.
and (2) optimising their communication with
Clear and accurate communication is
parents in translating jargon, prognosis and
Received 10 March 2018 imperative in order to minimise parental
Revised 9 March 2019 distress, but this can be difficult. Clear
Accepted 18 June 2019 and effective communication can be
achieved if:
Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic enceph- 1. Clinicians are aware of the accuracy of
alopathy (HIE) is a potentially devas- the prognostic tests they have performed,
tating condition, which may progress to together with the level of uncertainty that
moderate to severe short-term morbidity, exists.
long-term disabilities or death.1–5 2. Clinicians have an appreciation of the tur-
Controlled reduction of an encephalopa- bulent parental experience and are able to
filter the frequency, volume and detail of
thic infant’s core temperature, known as
their communications to meet the needs of
therapeutic hypothermia (TH), increases the parents in a stepwise fashion.
survival without impairment in child- 3. Clinicians are able to translate medical
© Author(s) (or their hood. TH is the standard care in devel- terms relating to the current condition of
employer(s)) 2019. No oped countries.1 2 the baby, and the future implications of
commercial re-use. See rights
and permissions. Published TH is indicated in newborn infants with this, into plain/simple language.
by BMJ. evidence of perinatal asphyxia resulting
To cite: Cawley P, in moderate to severe encephalopathy. This paper will explore each of these
Chakkarapani E. Arch Grade of encephalopathy is determined three points in turn. First, by considering
Dis Child Educ Pract Ed clinically (based on Sarnat score) and/or what prognostic information is available,
Epub ahead of print:
[please include Day Month with amplitude-integrated electroenceph- and what weighting a clinician should
Year]. doi:10.1136/ alography (aEEG; moderate or severely place on this when considering certainty
archdischild-2017-314116 abnormal pattern). Criterion for perinatal of outcome.

Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116     1
Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations
Determining prognosis and uncertainty palliative care with amelioration of pain and distress
Determining prognosis for an infant undergoing TH in the infant and (3) prepare parents for palliative care
is a challenge for the attending clinician for many and/or death as much as possible (including attention
reasons: to wider family, social support and cultural or religious
►► The initial working diagnosis of HIE may be incorrect
(eg, encephalopathy due to sepsis or metabolic condi-
Death may occur due to global multiorgan injury
tions) and could be associated with other comorbidities
(eg, cardiac or surgical problems). or following reorientation of care due to severe brain
►► Pharmacological sedation may limit assessment. injury. The ability to determine which infants are at
►► No test is 100% predictive of infant outcome. highest risk of severe brain injury, in order to consider
►► TH modifies the prognostic value of clinical and aEEG reorientation of care, is, however, limited. Likewise,
assessment.6 clinical trials are limited in their ability to provide prog-
►► The prognostic value of many predictive markers may
nostic markers of death of any cause. Nearly 75% of
not be apparent until several days into the evolution of
the infant’s abnormal neurological state. deaths reported in the TH clinical trials are following
►► Clinical trials report the composite outcome of ‘death withdrawal or withholding of life-sustaining treatment
and major neurodisability’, whereas clinicians must and are thus subject to bias.1 This is reflected by the
pragmatically try to separate these two entities.1 4 5 variable death rates in the contemporary cohorts of
►► Clinical trials and observational studies of cooled infants TH (6%–23%).8–11
divide outcome into severe (death or disability) versus
Clinicians should be alert to:
non-severe (survival without disability). Disability is
►► Imminent or inevitable death in infants with severe
often defined as the developmental scores being 1–2
encephalopathy and multiorgan failure who are deterio-
SD (Standard Deviations) below the population mean,
whereas a spectrum of neuromotor, cognitive and behav- rating despite maximal intensive care support.
ioural impairment may present through childhood.2 3 7 ►► Infants in whom TH is futile and death highly likely.
These infants may only be identified with time, as
Death sequential evidence of a severe hypoxic-ischaemic insult
Death following HIE is the most imminent outcome and absence of neurological recovery is required12:

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to prognosticate as this has immediate ramifications –– Severe asphyxia: Apgar score <3 at 10 min and/or
for both clinicians and parents. Accurate prognostica- need for epinephrine (adrenaline) during resuscita-
tion of death helps to: (1) avoid futile but potentially tion and/or an umbilical cord or first newborn blood
distressing medical interventions, (2) offer appropriate gas pH <6.8.12

Table 1 Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants aged 18–24 months treated with therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischaemic
Outcome measure Percentage of Infants
Major neurodisability at 18–24 months in survivors 29–32
 Infants with moderate encephalopathy at baseline 20–27
 Infants with severe encephalopathy at baseline 37–71
 Infants with moderately abnormal aEEG at baseline 12
 Infants with severely abnormal aEEG at baseline 58
Component outcomes within ‘major neurodisability’ (definitions are provided in brackets)
Neuromotor delay in survivors 26
(Bayley Scales of Infant Development – PDI >2 SD below mean)
Developmental delay in survivors 25
(Bayley Scales of Infant Development – MDI >2 SD below mean)
Cerebral palsy in survivors 11–23
(Range of movement difficulties affecting posture and motor function and often associated with difficulties of vision,
hearing, intellect, communication and feeding)
Blindness in survivors 6
(Vision <6/60 in both eyes)
Deafness in survivors 4
(Sensorineural deafness requiring amplification)
Other outcomes not included in ‘major neurodisability’
NG feeds at discharge 11
Seizures/anticonvulsant treatment at follow-up 9–12
Data extracted from refs.1 10 11 14
aEEG, amplitude-integrated electroencephalography; MDI, Mental Development Index; NG, nasogastric; PDI, Psychomotor Development Index; SD,
standard deviation.

2 Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

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Figure 1 Risk of death or major disability (moderate to severe disability as defined in tables 1 and 2): routinely available prognostic markers
from birth to discharge in infants treated with therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Only markers with outcome
data at >12–24 months included. *Caution: small number of participants; †combined hypothermia/normothermia group data; ‡major MRI
abnormality=moderate/severe basal ganglia or thalamic lesions, severe white matter lesions or an abnormal posterior limb of the internal capsule.
aEEG, amplitude-integrated electroencephalography; NG, nasogastric; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NICHD, National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.

Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 3

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

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Figure 2 Schematic demonstrating the spectrum of prognostic uncertainty in hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Clinicians must balance
the predictive value of prognostic markers with the level of reassurance/uncertainty reported to parents. aEEG, amplitude-integrated

–– Initial severe encephalopathy: abnormal aEEG back- outcome of death and major neurodisability. Based on
ground (continuous low voltage or flat trace) at data from these studies, many routinely performed
6–12 hours after birth.12 assessments may be used to help further stratify
–– Persistent abnormal aEEG background pattern at ongoing risk of mortality and long-term disability. TH
24 hours of TH without improvement.12
reduces the positive predictive value of many of these
–– Early brain lesions on MRI: presence of basal-gan-
glia/thalami predominant lesions at 48–72 hours of
In all decisions relating to end-of-life care, the burden Early markers of newborn condition
of treatment must be considered (eg, are medical inter- TH decreases ongoing brain injury following HIE. The
ventions causing non-ameliorable harm or discomfort predictive values of early markers of infant condition,
without reciprocate benefit). In addition, clinicians such as the Apgar score, early blood pH and base excess
must carefully examine their primary diagnosis of HIE and admission Sarnat stage, are therefore reduced,
to ensure potential reversible causes are not missed. with the exception of infants at the very extremes of
poor condition.6 15–19
Neurodevelopmental disabilities in survivors include Serial clinical neurological assessment using modified Sarnat staging
cerebral palsy, developmental delay or intellectual Impairment of renal and liver function and reduced
impairment, blindness and deafness (definitions core temperature during TH prolong the effect of
and incidences of neurodisability are provided in sedatives. The evolution of an infant’s encephalopa-
table 1).1 14 thic state, reflected by their Sarnat stage, is therefore
modified. In addition, intensive care procedures, such
Prognostic markers as tracheal intubation, present barriers to clinical
Published studies typically reference the predictive neurological examination. Neurological examinations
value of prognostic markers relative to the composite performed after rewarming, and at discharge, have a

4 Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

Table 2 Outcomes at 6–7 years in children who received therapeutic hypothermia (TH)
Outcomes at 6–7 years following TH Percentage of infants
Survival 71–72
Neurodisability in survivors2 3 (definitions are provided in brackets)*
Severe disability 14–16
(IQ <55 (<3 SD), GMFCS 4 or 5 (needs adaptive seating or has severely limited mobility) or no useful vision)
Moderate disability 8–19
(IQ 55–69 (2–3 SD), GMFCS 22 or 32 3 (minimal ability to perform gross motor skills or requires assistance with walking),
moderately reduced vision,2 bilateral deafness3 or epilepsy requiring anticonvulsant therapy3)
Mild disability 10–25
(IQ 70–84 (1–2 SD), GMFCS 12 3 or 23 (able to walk independently but may have some gait abnormalities) or abnormality
in one or both eyes with normal or nearly normal vision2)
No disability 41–68
(IQ ≥85 (≥1 SD), with no cerebral palsy, hearing or visual deficits or epilepsy)
Specific neurological impairments in survivors2 3 11:
 Cerebral palsy 11–21
 Bilateral blindness 1–1.5
 Hearing impairment 4–5
 Seizures or confirmed epilepsy 10–13
Cognitive function in survivors7:
 Mean IQ: 80.9 (range: 39–121) –
 IQ ≥85 (>1 SD below the mean IQ) 48
 IQ ≥70 (>2 SD below the mean IQ) 75
Special educational needs in survivors2 7:
 Parental reported behavioural problems 7

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 Mainstream school with academic or behavioural educational support 31
 Special educational needs school 14
*Differences in trial definitions are individually referenced.
GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; IQ, intelligence quotient; SD, standard deviation.

lower false positive rate for death and disability, when is currently not in routine clinical use. Neurodevel-
compared with examination prior to commencing, or opmental abnormalities may still occur, however, in
during, TH.4 18 19 infants with no obvious, or only minor brain tissue,
diffusion-weighted or spectroscopy MR abnormali-
Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography ties.13 22–24
aEEG provides clinicians with a continuous, objec- Figure 1 provides a chronological reference of
tive measure of brain function. Time to normalisation predictive values of death and major disability, before,
of the background voltage pattern, as well as time during and after TH. Accurate neurological exam-
to develop sleep-wake cycling, are currently the best ination and aEEG pattern interpretation are essential
predictors of survival without major neurodisability for achieving the stated prognostic values. Adequate
during TH. Persistence of an abnormal aEEG back- training is essential for trainees to achieve competence
ground beyond 48–72 hours of age is highly predictive in these skills. Normalisation of aEEG within 48 hours
of later disability.11 20 21 of cooling, mild or no encephalopathy after rewarming
or at discharge and normal brain MR imaging increase
Pattern of brain injury on MRI
the chances of a good prognosis.
Identification of moderate to severe abnormalities of
Prognostic certainty therefore increases with time, as
the basal ganglia, thalami, internal capsule or white
more clinical, neurophysiological (aEEG) and neuro-
matter, following expert interpretation of MR brain
imaging information becomes available. Nevertheless,
scans, holds a high predictive value of death or major
disability.13 22 23 a degree of uncertainty will persist; clinicians should
be open with parents regarding uncertainty. The
Metabolite ratio and quantification on brain magnetic resonance degree of uncertainty portrayed is a fine balance; over-
spectroscopy stating or understating uncertainty may unfairly give
Thalamic lactate-N acetyl aspartate ratio >0.22 parents an unrealistic perception of their child’s risk of
predicted death or disability with an accuracy of long-term impairment (see figure 2). Parents should be
90%. Although spectroscopy offers an objective aware that no test or assessment is 100% predictive for
measure of brain injury, it requires postprocessing and death or severe disability.

Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 5

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

Box 1 Key learning from qualitative studies Box 2 Stages of parental communication
investigating parental experiences following
admission of an infant with hypoxic ischaemic 1. Immediate parental update (ideally in delivery
encephalopathy for therapeutic hypothermia room)
(TH)26–28 Address the infant by name if parents have chosen one for
their baby. Explain that:
(1) Consistent and frequent communication: a. Infant has been unwell and has required help/
►► Brief update by the neonatal team prior to transfer to the resuscitation at birth.
neonatal unit. b. Ongoing support if required (eg, ventilation).
►► Senior member of the neonatal team should update c. It is possible that the baby has had a period of reduced
parents as soon as possible after admission. blood flow and oxygen to the whole body. This may
►► If the mother is unable to come to the neonatal unit, lead to injury to the baby’s brain and other vital organs
the neonatal team should go to the mother (or direct including the kidney, liver and heart.
telephone call where in a different hospital). d. It is too early to know how severely the baby has been
►► Medical updates should be provided at least daily or affected.
after any significant event. e. The infant will be admitted to the neonatal unit for
►► Ideally both parents, or alternatively an additional further assessment and may need a treatment called
supporting family member, should be present for ‘Cooling’ to protect the brain from ongoing injury.
significant updates.
►► Summary discussions should be provided to clarify 2. Parental update following admission and
parents’ total understanding of events. therapeutic hypothermia (TH) commenced (undertaken
►► Obstetric debrief, before the mother’s discharge, will be by both medical and nursing team member looking
beneficial for parental understanding of delivery events. after the infant)
a. Ascertain parental understanding.
(2) Avoid jargon and acknowledge prognostic b. Provide explanation of general condition of baby
uncertainty: (including multiorgan support if relevant) and reiterate
►► Use simple lay language; explain jargon if used. support they needed after birth (explain ventilation, chest
compressions and medications).

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►► TH within guideline criteria is not experimental; parents
should be reassured it is well researched and ‘proven’. c. Explain what hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy is
►► Be honest regarding uncertainty; this is inevitable. (including risk of death or major disability).
►► Share what prognostic information is known openly and d. Explain role and duration of TH and need for transfer to
honestly. ‘cooling centre’ (if relevant).
►► Ensure postdischarge follow-up is offered with sufficient e. Explain TH improves survival and reduces the number of
time to address parental anxiety and questions. babies with severe long-term disability.
f. Explain prognosis is uncertain but that over the next
(3) Address barriers to attachment: week it will become clearer how severely the baby has
►► Parents should see, and by preference have physical been affected, as response to TH is observed and results
contact with, baby prior to transport from delivery room. of investigations are available.
►► Maximise opportunities for parental physical contact g. Reassure infant will be kept comfortable and monitored
and involvement (eg, stationary holding of infant’s hand, by experienced staff.
scheduled cares/nappy changes and feeding if started). h. When at cotside: briefly explain the role of monitoring
►► Ensure pain is monitored and attended to; reassure leads connected to baby (pulse-oximeter, ECG and
parents of this. amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG)).
►► Provision of parent room on unit or patient hotel, if i. Summarise discussion at end, clarify parental
distance from home is barrier to parental visiting. understanding, offer time for questions and sign-
►► Explain the function of monitoring equipment used in post when next update is expected and what further
basic terms. information may be known at that time.
►► Ensure early parental orientation to hospital facilities and j. Ensure parents will be given tour of neonatal unit and
unit routines (including coffee room/vending machines/ that visiting rules, parking and hospital facilities will be
restaurant, ward round/hand over times, visiting hours for explained.
extended family and parking).
3. Updates day 1–3 (in TH centre, preferably as a
multidisciplinary team with nurses, family worker or
Later childhood outcomes a. Update at least daily:
i. Overall clinical condition (eg, lung/heart/kidney
Follow-up data from TH trials, in children aged 6–7
years, are supportive that the neuroprotective bene- ii. Level of encephalopathy and interpretation of aEEG if
fits of TH continue into school age. Benefits extend this aids with assessment of prognosis.
to both motor and cognitive domains, with increased iii. Seizure management if required.
survival with IQ ≥85, reduced rates of cerebral palsy iv. Explain timeline for rewarming and prewarn of
and better gross motor function and manual ability Continued

6 Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

and little understanding, while the actions of the peri-

Box 2 Continued
natal teams may appear chaotic.26 27
Information given in the early stages of an infant’s
potential risk of further seizures and risk of extension
of duration of TH.
admission may be forgotten or misconstrued. Quali-
v. Consider early discussion relating to limit of tative research identifies that parents often feel they
escalation of therapy if infant critically unwell, high are provided with infrequent and fragmented updates.
risk of death or treatment considered futile. Parents struggle to retain and organise information into
b. Ensure the junior medical team and nursing team caring logical thought processes.26 Conceptualising ongoing
for the family are in agreement with the information uncertainty is then very difficult to achieve and, crit-
given to the family. Clear any misunderstandings within ically, involvement in complex decision making is
the team about prognosis to avoid parents being told compromised.26 27
confusing and variable information.
Optimal communication with parents
4. Update day 4: rewarming (in TH centre): Clinicians may lessen the burden of communication in
a. Explain how baby has coped with rewarming
several ways. Parents benefit from frequent updates,
and, following clinical assessment of the baby’s
encephalopathy and aEEG, discuss what this may use of plain English and regular sign-posting to the
indicate for their prognosis. next step in their infant’s assessment and treatment.
Summary discussions that review the infant’s progress
5. Subsequent updates: (may take place in TH centre or from admission provide a vital opportunity to correct
at local hospital) misunderstandings.26–28 Communication to parents
a. When MRI brain scan is anticipated and when the result who cannot understand or speak the English language
of this will be known. must include use of a qualified medical translator.
b. Predischarge: Parental–infant attachment is challenged due to
i. Summarise neonatal admission including treatment early and prolonged separation. TH apparatus, venti-
that baby has received and results of investigations. lator tubing and monitoring present both physical and
ii. Update parents on what the results of the
psychological barriers.27 28 Opportunity to be involved
investigations may mean for the baby’s future

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development and needs. in infant cares from an early stage, milk expression and
iii. Clarify the level of uncertainty that remains, sign- normalisation of infant handling following rewarming
post follow-up plan and explain what support will be may help.27
made available if the baby needs. Parents face ongoing uncertainty about their child’s
future following neonatal discharge. This is a signifi-
cant source of distress. A clear postdischarge follow-up
scores.2 3 7 School-age outcomes for infants who plan should be offered.27
received TH are shown in table 2. Box 1 lists some of the key learning points that
A spectrum of neuromotor and cognitive impair- have been identified by qualitative research studies
ment may thus occur. Cognitive impairment may into parental experiences.
occur even in the absence of cerebral palsy. Predicting
isolated cognitive impairment at birth is not possible, Translating jargon and putting it all
but infants with cognitive or language difficulties at together
18–24 months are at highest risk and are a group likely Medical jargon related to TH and HIE will be novel,
to benefit from preschool identification and early, daunting and difficult for parents to recall. Use of
proactive, educational intervention.25 clear language is important for parental under-
standing, and this is the immediate priority. It is,
Parental communication challenges however, inevitable that parents will read or over-
Parents experience uncertainty that may persist years hear medical terms during the course of their infant’s
into their child’s development.26 27 The combined use neonatal admission. For this reason, key medical
of unexplained jargon and medical acronyms, as well terminologies should be explained to parents once
as potentially contradictory statements by medical their baseline understanding has been established.
personnel risks augmenting parental confusion and Common medical terms relating to HIE, with exam-
their distress.26 ples of lay explanations that parents may find helpful,
are provided in the online supplementary figure 1.
Understanding parental experience and expectations Vague/ambiguous terms should be avoided, even in
Clinicians must be sensitive to the extreme stress the presence of uncertainty. For example, ‘Develop-
parents are placed under, following the delivery and mental Delay’ is commonly used but can be inter-
neonatal admission of an infant with suspected HIE. preted in many ways and should be avoided unless
Parents are presented with an unexpected, rapidly further clarification is provided. Parents may infer
emergent, adverse event that may threaten the life of that their child will eventually attain all their mile-
their newborn child. Parents will have little control stones, whereas there may be significant risk that the

Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 7

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations

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Figure 3 Parental communication flow chart. aEEG, amplitude-integrated electroencephalography; HIE, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy; MR,
magnetic resonance; USS, ultrasound scan.

infant’s ability to walk, see, hear, communicate and (hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy) information for
learn will be permanently impaired. parents’.29
Communication with parents should progress Worked examples of using this paper to construct
through several stages (box 2). Each stage may need parental communication are provided in the online
to be adapted if infant condition is critical, wors- supplementary file 2. This may be used for personal
ening and ongoing treatment considered futile. reflection or for supervised group education.
Communication should be delivered in conjunction
with multidisciplinary support, including the nursing Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Satomi Okano for
team, family worker or perinatal psychologist. collecting local parental perceptions that helped inform this article, as well as
See also parental communication flow chart the parents for providing these insights.
(figure 3). Contributors PC wrote first draft and first revision following peer review.
Further written parental guidance may be sought EC is senior author and revised manuscript. All authors contributed to article
from the Bliss Patient Information Leaflet: ‘HIE planning and concept and approved the final version.

8 Cawley P, Chakkarapani E. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116

Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314116 on 10 July 2019. Downloaded from on November 10, 2019 at East Carolina University.
Best practice and Fifteen-minute consultations
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