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Stngle panent invowed

(Lie apa Asexual Repvo

b i r t to natwal deat Rro duce Clone GenehcoUymcpholegiol
eruod frow n l a r orgaim
Ne velation iD slze

Eicphant 60 90 * Binay 1iasion Omoeba , Pnamee.cav

Butt eriy- I-2 weeks 9al tydra Com do Peu ciivm

Uneaual YeaMt Gevmmuls -Apong
P'arset Asexual spore Som algoe

Cvetoelile 60 YY 2tung
To Loise in Ovgauid n Vegetatve Tepvo
ARerual Tepro VALd kor plat
Fvuit t I doys
Bauuya tree- 200 SD0 yi8.
'Kuzome -

G'gen, anana Lea Sud Bryophy llw

Sucker- Mivt Bulb owo n
No individlual imnmortal excap

single celled oganmim,

Tuben- Potato Bulbii - Agowe
O16et- waten Hyau nth , Picaia

7eror } Beungalwatpn hyaunt Unwual ALooesun Piants -

Gre bn stonog Bamboo wes oftern so - 100 yrR
Unden unfovownobe conolitious pyoduce ange wo. o tlooeru a2 de.

cN mtlhc is prefere Strobilanhus lowes one in 12 yea

Kuiiana su in i y asua o Korata, Kamnataka)
((nelkunongi) Tallnadw
Juveult egetative phase Sexuai Reproduchion
Reprode thvephase Forwatio n okanets
Seuescenca phase /old ge
0 Comeogenesi3
Oestru ycles Non - pri matu)
Homogamtks Htttncgamets
Repro duchve Similan
dog.Tatekt enant
gle Meutrual sot algae
Monkey eHuman
Primatts Hywnam et)
motly male 2amte ia nuetle
Re -enizohi o n Gamete
Ewents Traser Sot gam etts oaru motilt in iome
algae 6ngí.
uson ol male female gamete
Eventa in
forms new orgauR wlthout
Fentillsation develops
emalt g0unetede
Sexual repro goy) adht no geneais Ex Yoh{tn oneybees, twrkuy bird
enh isahon. ,

ome izand.
xtenval Tutennal
Bony fishu Mam mals,
BiYds celled
Avnphibiaws Henmaphwdide
swnes continuiky o e Sisexual awmals

ermation ofk tbryo egeanthusorm , ssongos

Fost frdilisakon Embryog ncsis
Muotye mehen
(ell diviSion Cell dionenhohon

ermahion o dik typ

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