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Study unit 1.

4 leeswerk


Knowing Two-way Communication Practices

 Models describe the values and a pattern of behaviour that com departments use to deal
with public.
 Two-way models- Research provides feedback from publics to management, closing the loop
and making communication two-way.
 Asymmetrical com uses research to persuade and manipulate- unbending objectives of the
dominant coalition.
 Symmetrical com- use dispute resolution techniques to negotiate mutually beneficial
outcomes- give and take.
 Two-way models are professional because they are based on a body of knowledge and a set
of techniques are used to generate messages as if messages were ends in themselves.
 Two-way model- needs expertise regarding strategic research
o Strategic research- the ability to systematically collect reliable information about large
and small publics that affect org, organise info into a manageable form, share info with
the dominant coalition to improve strategic decisions.

Making sense of symmetry and asymmetry

 Symmetrical practice reflects important values about how org ought to behave in society.
 The two-way symmetrical model provides a framework for ethical communication practices,
without making moral or ethical judgements about the organisation themselves.
 Communicators practising the two-way symmetrical model play key roles in adjusting or
adapting the behaviours of dominant coalitions, thus bringing publics and dominant
coalitions closer together.
 Mixed method Both sides persuade their own interest, but both realise that outcomes must
be satisfactory to both sides.
 Mixed motive allows the ability to see conflicting issues from other player's perspective
 Mixed motive calls for trust between parties
 Negotiations and compromise allow common ground and win-win solutions

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