Alvin Dave C. Garcia (BIT-CET-3A) Research Paper

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Climatic Change

Submiited By: Alvin Dave C. Garcia

Submitted To: Sir Oscar Vallejo


Climatic change is among the controversial topics across the world especially because of

the doubts that some people hold regarding the existence of global warming or the possibility of

global warming taking place. However, over the years, many people have come to accept that

indeed climatic change is real especially based on the impacts that it has on the environment. The

most common signs that the scientists had predicted that would indicate that climatic change is

real include, loss of sea ice, increased level of the sea, high heat waves, frequent wildfires, and

longer drought periods (Reddy 1). All these impacts are already being felt across several parts of

the world which has made people to identify the threat that is facing the world. Currently, many

people are worried about the future especially based on the fact that it is uncertain. This has

prompted the world especially environmentalists, government institutions, international

institutions and companies across the world to care about the environment by encouraging

people to practice sustainability as a way of combating climatic change. Climatic change is a

global problem because it affects every part of the world and its impacts which include global

warming is already experienced, however, through sustainable behaviors, the world is able to

solve the climatic problem and make the environment a safe and better place for living.

The main problem

When you hear an individual talking about climatic change, it does not always means that

they are talking about the weather. This is where the problem has lied ever since because

majority of people across the world cannot seem to understand the true meaning of climatic

change. However, to elaborate on it, climatic change is a temperature patterns, atmospheric

conditions and precipitation that is long-standing in a specific area. It means that climatic change
is not like weather change that will take about 10 minutes or less for it to change to another

temperature (Reddy 1). In this case, the change happens for a longer period and can take close to

years before any changes are experienced. This long change in climate can have disastrous

impacts on people, animals, plants and the entire planet. It is the reason scientists believe that

climatic change is worse than any terrorist threats or attacks because of the fact that it is long


Scientists have been on the forefront in trying to warn the world regarding climatic

change. They have predicted the possibility of the global temperatures rising for decades as a

result of greenhouse gas emission on the environment. The greenhouse gasses are mainly

contributed by human activities such as farming, mining, industrialization, poor methods of

getting rid of end products, cutting down of trees among many other factors. The studies

conducted by the scientists have revealed that the effects of climatic change will be experienced

differently in various regions because of the possibility of the environmental and societal

systems to adapt to the vast changes that would take place over a long period. It means that there

are certain parts of the world which will experience diverse impacts of climatic change while

other regions will not feel it as much because of the ability of the people and the environment to

adapt to such kind of climatic changes.

Effects or impacts on the world

The impacts of climatic change as a result of global warming are massive and they are

currently being experienced across various parts of the world. The world has experienced the ice

caps at the Polar Regions melting which is predicated as the consequences of global warming.

When this happens, the animals such as polar bears which are used to the cold climate are at a
risk of becoming extinct. At the same time, those that manage to survive may end up relocating

to various parts of the world which might affect their growth rates. There is a possibility that the

temperatures will continue to rise because of the activities that are induced by humans on the

environment. When the temperatures rise, the possibility of farming becomes minimal because

majority of plants require cold weather for survival. At the same time, the rise in high

temperatures has seen the global sea level also rising with the current reports showing that it has

risen by a level of 8 inches. The main reason this is happening is because the heat cause the land

ice to melt which in the end expands the level of seawater.

It is also anticipated that the rest of the world will be affected by massive drought which

will last longer because of the extreme heat waves. The scientists have predicted that the summer

temperatures are likely to rise especially in the central and western regions of the US. The

droughts which used to be experienced once in a period of 20 years will now become extreme as

it will occur after every two or three years (Reddy 1). Droughts mean that the rate of poverty

levels will be high and many nations will start depending on each other which raise the burden of

the economy of such countries.

What is being done to control/stop climatic change

Since climatic change is an issue or a problem that is affecting the whole world, there are

several international moves that have been initiated to help solve the problem or find a solution

that is long lasting. There are several international summits that have been held over the years

with some including the Earth summit which was held at Rio while the recent one was held in

Kyoto. The aim of the summits is to discuss various agendas regarding the best ways in which

the problem of climatic change can be prevented across the world. For instance, the Kyoto
Summit was mainly aimed at reducing the carbon emissions levels with several nations signing

binding agreements to work towards ensuring that they achieve the 12.5% target that was set for

every nation.

On the other hand, some nations such as the UK have formed a long-term policy that is

aimed at changing the environment to minimize climatic change. The nation has plans of

ensuring that by the year 2050, it shall have reduced its carbon emission rate by 60%. The aim of

the policy is to monitor the ways in which it is achieving its emission targets. The other methods

that are being across the world include through initiatives that encourages people to become

more environmental friendly. Everyone is encouraged to be a representative of their country by

speaking to their friends or family members on the best ways in which they can stop global

warming. They can do that by sending messages to them regarding caring for the environment by

minimizing the level of polluters and carbon emissions rates.

Potential solutions

The main cause of climatic change has been identified as human activities. In this regard,

it is important for humans to change their habits towards the environment for the sake of their

future and that of their children. Currently, people are encouraged to use products that are

environmentally friendly such as biomass, energy savers that consumes less energy, and

minimizing greenhouse use to reduce the level of gases emitted on the environment (Biello 1).

People are also encouraged to be mindful of the ways in which they take care of their waste

products by encouraging recycling or proper methods of getting rid of them. At the same time,

the world is encouraged to plant more trees instead of cutting them down because of their

massive benefits on the environment.

Works Cited

Biello, David. “10 Solutions for Climate Change.” Scientific American. 26

Nov. 2007.

Levine, Jennifer. “How climate change affects the world.” Crosstalk. 24 Feb,


Reddy, Bhavya. “Climate change is a global problem: Climate action is a local solution.” The


global-problem-climate-action-local-solution. Accessed 5 Oct 2015

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