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The law of reflection.

The angle of incidence = angle of reflection.

Types of rays/waves

There are two types of rays incident and reflected.

The meanings of the rays

Ray of incidence: Falling light/Plummeting Light.

Reflected ray: Reflected light.

The normal

The angle of incidence is measured from measuring the space between the normal and ray of

The angle of reflection is found from measuring the space between the normal and the ray of


The angle of incidence is: The space between the ray of incidence and the normal.

The angle of reflection is: The space between the ray of reflection and the normal.
1. a. Define the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection.

b. State the law of reflection.

2. a. Name two things that Arjun and Diya did to get accurate

measurements of the angles in their experiment.

b. Suggest one improvement that they could make to their method

that would make the results more accurate or precise.

3. Look at the drawing of the periscope. What are the angles of

incidence and reflection at each mirror?

4. A student does an experiment with a mirror. She measures the angle

between the mirror and an incident ray and finds that it is 30°.

a. What is the angle of incidence?

b. What is the angle of reflection?

Types of images
There are two types of images and they are.

1: Real

2: Virtual

Characteristics of a virtual image

The characteristics of a virtual image is that it is virtual, Erect/Upright, same size, and it is also
laterally inverted and also the image distance = the object distance.
An example of a laterally inverted virtual image is from the ambulance they write it upside
down like this “ECNALUBMA” so for whoever see’s this on his side mirror it’ll instantly invert
it to make it look like “AMBULANCE” so they can get out the way for the emergency.

What’s a real image? (Examples)

Real images are images that can/could be displayed in a screen and it doesn’t need for you to
look through anything for example a cinema screen

Types of reflection
There are two types of reflection for any type of image which are.
1: Reflection from a smooth surface (regular reflection)
2: Reflection from a rough surface (diffuse reflection).

How the image in a mirror is formed?

Here is how we humans can see the virtual image formed on the mirror.
 Light is emitted by a candle and spreads out.
 Some light from the candle is reflected from the mirror.
 The brain works out where the light appears to come from if
it travels in straight lines
 This is where it sees the image.

1 a. Describe the difference between inverted and upright images.

b. Describe the difference between virtual and real images.

2Write down all the CAPITAL letters that look the same in a mirror.

3. Explain why you can see:

a. your face in a shiny saucepan, but not in a painted white wall

b. a faint reflection in the surface of a shiny plate or cup.

4. Explain why the image of the candle above is virtual.


Definition of refraction

Refraction is the bending of light.

When does refraction happen and what is its angle.

Normally the angle of incidence is always greater than the angle of refraction only if…
Check the highlighted words
1: If the angle of incidence is 0° the angle of refraction will be equal with a 0° also.

Refraction happens when a ray of light travels through one medium and goes through
another and different medium. The angle that belongs to refraction is the angle of refraction.
This angle consists of the ray of incidence entering a not rare medium (as in a less dense
medium) and bending towards the normal. And also if light starts of in a rare medium (as in a
low density medium) then into a not rare medium then the angle of refraction will go away
from a medium as it is slowing down from the density of the solid. And if light starts of in a
not rare medium (once again a medium with high density) and goes through into a rare
medium the angle of reflection will go towards the normal which will make the angle of
refraction greater than the angle of incidence.
And you can memorize this by a simple word “FAST”


Real & Apparent depth.

Light is reflected off a rock at the bottom of the pool and travels to the surface. It
changes direction when it travels into the air.
When light reaches your eye, your brain thinks that it has travelled in
a straight line. So you see the rock as being in a different place. The
depth that the rock appears to be is called the apparent depth, which
is shallower than the real depth. Refraction explains why a pool looks
shallower than it actually is.

• In air, light travels at about 300 million m/s, in water it travels at about 230 million m/s.
• Light going from air into water or air to solid slows down.
• Light coming out of water into the air speeds up.
• In both cases the direction will change.
How much the light is refracted depends on how much the speed changes. The speed in
different materials depends on the density of the material. A more dense material will slow
light down more, so the light will be refracted/bent even more.

Rows of marching people

make a model of

1. Think about the carnival procession marching onto sand. If the rows marched straight
towards the sand, and not at an angle, what would happen to:
a. their speed
b. their direction?
2. A hunter is standing on the edge of a river trying to spear a fish. Should he aim above or
below where he sees a fish? Explain your answer.

Investigating refractions
Daren says that the glass block is heavier than the plastic one and he wonders if there is a
.difference between it and the plastic one on how they refract light

Daren’s predictions is: I predict that the glass block will refract more light than the plastic
.block. This is because the glass is heavier than the plastic
When you make a prediction you don’t only write what you think will happen you also have
to explain and show us on how and why it’d happen just like Daren did with his hypothesis.
Now Daren can test his prediction by doing a test or an experiment to collect data. So later,
he can use the knowledge to finally create his conclusion. A conclusion is what you’ve found
.out is your prediction correct or incorrect
The Refracting in a glass block
Refraction in a glass block
.When a ray of light goes from air into glass, it is refracted

As the ray goes from the air into the glass it slows down. The ray bends towards the normal.
.The angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence

As the ray goes from the glass into the air it speeds up. The ray bends away from the normal.
.The angle of refraction is bigger than the angle of incidence

The ray going into the block is parallel to the ray coming out of the block. If the ray travels
.along the normal it does not change direction, but it will still slow down

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