McCalman 2022 SkillAssessmentsInYouthSoccer AScopingReview Final

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Skill assessments in youth soccer: A scoping review

Article in Journal of Sports Sciences · December 2021

DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2021.2013617


12 2,784

4 authors:

William McCalman Zachary Crowley-McHattan

Southern Cross University Southern Cross University


Job Fransen Kyle Bennett

Charles Sturt University Southern Cross University


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1 Skill Assessments in Youth Soccer: A Scoping Review

2 William McCalman1, Zachary J Crowley-McHattan1, Job Fransen2, Kyle J M Bennett1

3 Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University, Australia
4 Human Performance Research Centre, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation,

5 Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

7 Corresponding author contact details

8 William McCalman

9 Email:

10 Phone: (+61 401 589 860)


12 Twitter: @WilliamMcCalman


14 Published version


16 Abstract

17 Talent identification in youth soccer is a complex decision-making process that requires

18 selectors to judge an individual’s future playing ability. While there has been considerable

19 research into the performance characteristics of talented players, investigators have limited

20 consensus on the best approach to assess soccer skills. Most of the research explains why we

21 should measure skill instead of how we go about assessing skill. Therefore, the current

22 scoping review aimed to synthesize and analyse skill assessments in youth soccer. Four

23 electronic databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, PubMed, and Scopus) were searched for relevant

24 studies. Information regarding the sample characteristics and methodological design of the

25 skill assessments were extracted, synthesised, and presented in a qualitative analysis. Overall,

26 226 skill assessments were used across the 93 included studies. Male players from different

27 ages (U/7-U/23) and playing levels comprised most (89%) of the collective sample. The

28 majority of assessments were performed in settings not representative of football match-play

29 (68%), focused on offensive skills (99%), and included skill outcome measures (95%). The

30 variability of assessments highlights some confusion about the best way to assess soccer skill,

31 potentially limiting selectors ability to identify skilful players. Ultimately, this will impact the

32 number of quality players within the talent pool.


34 Keywords: Football, Skill Assessments, Talent Identification, Youth Soccer



41 1.0 Introduction

42 Sporting organisations in association football invest considerable financial and logistical

43 resources to identify and develop talented youth athletes [1-3]. For example, the estimated

44 2018 running costs of high-level youth academies in England were between £2.3 and £4.9

45 million per club [4, 5]. Following such an investment, the expectation that the next generation

46 of future stars will emerge from these academy programs and subsequently transition into

47 top-level professional players is understandable [3, 6]. Marcus Rashford (Manchester United)

48 and Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool) are two relevant examples of young English

49 footballers who have successfully transitioned from their respective youth academies into the

50 club’s first teams. Rashford entered Manchester United’s youth academy at eleven years of

51 age, and Alexander-Arnold began playing at Liverpool when he was only six years old [7, 8].

52 In 2020, their market values were £80 million and £99 million, respectively [9, 10], offering a

53 significant return on investment. Both players are regular starters for their club’s senior team

54 but are also emerging as crucial players for England. These players epitomise the benchmark

55 of success for aspiring young footballers and signify a massive achievement for the clubs

56 who identified and developed them and the national football federation (i.e., the English FA),

57 who created the talent pathway for these players to follow.

58 The big business of football is undoubtedly a significant motivator for football clubs

59 and federations to optimise talent identification and development processes [5, 11]. Vast

60 resources are allocated to trading soccer players each year, and the ensuing effects of hefty

61 transfer fees can be substantial [11]. Before profiting from a player’s performance or the

62 money that their transfers may bring, football clubs must employ a group of professionals

63 (coaches, scouts, researchers, and administrators) to identify and develop talented players

64 within youth academies [12]. As part of identifying and recruiting players into these systems,

65 selectors (i.e., coaches and scouts) choose between many potentially talented players from an

66 early developmental age. In practice, these players can be selected into youth systems as

67 young as eight years old [12, 13]. While the primary goal is to develop these individuals into

68 future sporting stars, it is difficult for coaches to ensure they are making the most effective

69 decisions when choosing between players [3, 13, 14]. This challenge exists because reliable

70 indicators of future playing ability often lack with younger age groups in particular [13].

71 There are also only a few available positions for a small group of ‘talented’ players, and there

72 is an expectation from the football club’s business owners (e.g., investors and major

73 shareholders) that the players chosen will bring success to the club [3, 15, 16]. As such, many

74 researchers have sought to understand the variables (or characteristics) that encompass talent

75 to support selectors during the decision-making process [3, 6, 17].

76 There is considerable emphasis on the anthropometry (e.g., stature, mass, body

77 composition) and physiology (e.g., aerobic capacity, anaerobic endurance, anaerobic power)

78 of talented soccer players within the football research. The emphasis is likely because of their

79 practicality, as they are considered relatively straightforward to administer and interpret [18-

80 21]. While player’s anthropometry and physiology distinguish between different playing

81 levels and may inform talent identification [22-27], assessing anthropometric and

82 physiological variables in isolation from other characteristics can be problematic during

83 adolescence. First, the timing and tempo of the adolescent growth spurt can lead to variability

84 in physical development [28-30]. Second, evidence highlights that physiological variables

85 continue to develop well into the later stages of youth, indicating that capturing a snapshot of

86 performance in an assessment battery might not be the most valid approach because it may

87 over or underestimate potential [31]. Finally, the anthropometry and physiology of players

88 represent a small part of their talent and do not convey a full picture of a player's long-term

89 potential [3, 14]. Other critical variables like psychological and psychosocial traits/skills

90 (e.g., self-confidence, motivation, and commitment) and perceptual-motor skills (e.g.,

91 technique, skilfulness, and decision-making) may complete the picture, with selectors ranking

92 these characteristics highly relative to a player’s physiology or anthropometry [12, 32].

93 Indeed, the psychological skills/traits are crucial characteristics for selectors to

94 consider. They distinguish high and low playing levels [33-35] and predict future success

95 [36]. For example, longitudinal studies examining players in adolescence (who eventually

96 became professionals) found that they remained highly motivated [37], were goal committed,

97 and engaged in positive coping behaviours when compared to their less successful peers [36].

98 Psychological tests, such as the 16-personality factor, the Eysenck personality test, and task

99 and ego orientation assessments, show good reliability and validity when distinguishing

100 between players [38, 39]. However, previous reviews examining psychological

101 characteristics for talent identification [38] and the psychosocial factors within talent

102 development in football [35] advise that psychological skills training may be better suited to

103 talent development programs [35, 38]. This suggestion is because it is unclear whether

104 psychological skills/traits have more mediating or causal effects for talent identification and

105 development (i.e., cause players to be talented, or result in them being talented) [35, 39]. It

106 may be more appropriate to collect information on players' psychological traits and focus on

107 developing these skills over time. Given this uncertainty, selectors may need to compliment

108 such measures with other characteristics like perceptual-motor skills.

109 Selectors recognize the importance of perceptual-motor skills because they can

110 directly facilitate its development during training and games (i.e., skill acquisition). Indeed,

111 qualitative and quantitative studies demonstrate the weight that selectors place on player's

112 skills during talent identification (i.e., first-touch, one-verse-one ability, striking the ball, and

113 technique under pressure) [13, 32, 40]. Larkin & O’Connor (2017) [32] clarify the reason for

114 this emphasis, suggesting that a player's first touch is a foundational skill and the beginning

115 of all other actions on the ball. For example, offensive skills (e.g., dribbling, passing, and

116 shooting) create goal-scoring opportunities, while defensive skills (e.g., tackling and

117 intercepting) minimise scoring chances for the opposing team. A player’s skilfulness also

118 determines the role (or roles) they play within a team. For example, a proficient and creative

119 passer might become a midfielder or defender, whereas an accurate shooter may become a

120 striker or winger. While researchers and selectors shouldn’t assess anthropometric,

121 physiological, or psychological variables in isolation [28, 30, 35, 38], these characteristics

122 can complement a player’s skill. For example, a winger needs speed, agility, and confidence

123 to beat player’s one-on-one. A striker needs to focus and quickly react when allowed to score.

124 The ability of these players to shoot while sprinting can also be a crucial factor to achieving

125 success in these positions. In essence, these are the skills (or skilful actions) that can play a

126 significant role in determining the outcome of a soccer match [41]. Therefore, it seems

127 appropriate to assess perceptual-motor skills as selectors view them favourably, and they can

128 provide a strong indication of a player’s ability [12, 14, 37, 42, 43].

129 Previous reviews investigated soccer skill performance [41, 44], and one systematic

130 review examined technical skill assessments for talent identification across a range of sports

131 (albeit mostly in youth soccer) [43]. These studies report reliability/validity and

132 discriminatory/explanatory/predictive benefits for many skill assessments across a range of

133 age-group cohorts and playing levels. Other reviews also investigated the relationship

134 between maturity status/physical fitness and technical skills or characteristics in female/male

135 players [45, 46]. Collectively, these investigations provide valuable insights by explaining

136 why researchers, selectors, and practitioners should assess soccer skills for talent

137 identification. Skill assessments directly correlate with physical fitness qualities, discriminate

138 between playing levels, and predict future playing ability. However, these studies haven’t

139 looked in close enough detail at how selectors should assess soccer skills. Therefore, the

140 current research is a scoping review, providing an overview of the existing body of literature

141 and identifying knowledge gaps and an indication of the volume of works [47]. The primary

142 aim is to synthesise and analyse the sampling characteristics and methodological design of

143 each included study. Then, identify critical knowledge gaps, and imply practical

144 recommendations for future researchers in youth soccer talent identification.


146 2.0 Method

147 2.1 Searches

148 The review was registered with Open Sciences Framework (June 6, 2020); however, the

149 research team deviated from the initial registration by conducting a scoping review instead of

150 a systematic review (registration link: It was decided that a scoping

151 review was more appropriate to answer the research question because it allowed for a more

152 comprehensive overview of the current ‘state of play’ for skill assessments in youth soccer.

153 The scoping review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and

154 Meta-Analyses – Scoping Review (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines [48]. The Population,

155 Intervention, Comparison, Outcome (PICO) framework was adapted and employed to

156 develop the search strategy. The population of interest was youth soccer players. The

157 intervention was skill assessments in youth soccer. No comparison or outcome was used

158 because the review sought to investigate what assessments were available rather than

159 comparing their effectiveness for youth soccer talent identification.

160 An initial scoping search established the intended direction and tested specific

161 terminology that would be used in the search process (April 28, 2020). A final systematic

162 search of ten databases in EBSCO (SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier,

163 MEDLINE, APA PsycArticles, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Collection, APA PsychInfo,

164 Education Research Complete, MasterFILE Premier) and additional databases in ProQuest,

165 PubMed, and Scopus were completed using the same search string (June 29, 2020). These

166 databases were selected because the talent identification topic falls in psychology, motor

167 control, motor learning, and education domains. While comprehensive, the approach

168 maximised the search results and ensured minimal publications were missed, limiting the

169 introduction of subjective bias in the scoping review.

170 Keywords in the search string used multiple combinations of AND/OR phrases,

171 including (Association football OR Football OR Soccer) AND (Youth OR Child* OR

172 Adolescen* OR Teen* OR Boy* OR Male OR Girl* OR Female OR Junior*) AND (Skill*

173 Assess* OR Skill* Measur* OR skill* Evaluat* OR Talent Identification OR Identification

174 OR Technique OR Technical OR Decision OR Soccer-specific Skill) AND (Talent OR

175 Talented OR Expertise OR Expert OR Gift OR Gifted*) AND (Develop* OR Improv* OR

176 Progress* OR Mature OR Maturing OR Growth OR Excellence OR Performance OR

177 Accuracy OR Completion OR Results OR Outcome OR Soccer-specific skill* OR

178 Perceptual-cognitive skill* OR Perceptual-motor skill* OR Decision-making OR Technical

179 OR Tactical OR Selection OR Dropout OR Academy OR High-level OR Elite). These

180 keywords were chosen based on the initial scoping review and followed similar methods used

181 in other sports-science and talent-identification systematic reviews [43, 45, 49].


183 2.2 Study Inclusion Criteria

184 Only peer-reviewed sources were considered for the current scoping review. Articles were

185 included if they were published in English (or could be translated into English), included skill

186 assessments in youth soccer, and investigated youth (≤ 18 years) players. Studies with mixed

187 samples of youth and senior athletes (i.e., > 18 years) were included if they met the other

188 criteria. The inclusion of this criterion was considered necessary given the age-group

189 categories differ for what’s considered ‘youth’ in talent identification and development

190 systems worldwide.

191 2.3 Data Extraction Strategy

192 Information regarding the searches was stored in a customised Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft

193 Excel 2019, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA), and publications in

194 Endnote (EndNote X9, Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). Two

195 reviewers (WM and ZCM) screened the titles and abstracts to ensure eligibility against the

196 inclusion criteria. Further articles were assessed and included following examinations of

197 citations within collected studies. One reviewer (WM) extracted data on the sample

198 characteristics, including the country of data collection (represented as an ISO code), the

199 number of participants, and the participant’s sex, age, and playing level. The same reviewer

200 extracted data on the methodological characteristics of the skill assessments, including the

201 assessment settings (competitive match-play1, field-based simulated2, field-based isolated3, or

202 lab-based4), measurement type (skill outcome [the outcome of skill performance], skill

203 production [the processes that lead to the performance outcome], or both), skill category

204 (offensive [skill performance while in possession of the ball] or defensive [skill performance

205 without possession of the ball]), and the skills assessed. The assessment settings were

206 developed according to similar categories used in a study by McGukian, relating to the

207 representativeness of the environment (i.e., whether the experiment was in a lab or open

208 setting, or whether the participants could or couldn’t move freely) [50]. However, the present

209 scoping review developed terminology that may allow researchers, coaches, and practitioners

210 to use the language for ease of interpretation into talent identification settings.



Competitive match-play = Assessment using real-match-play footage or gameplay.
Field-based simulated = Assessments measuring a combination of skills in an environment that resembles
competitive match-play (e.g., small-sided games).
Field-based isolated = Assessments that measure skill components separate from other contextual factors.
Lab-based = Assessments in a lab environment.

213 2.4 Data synthesis and presentation

214 The information collected from each included publication was synthesised and analysed

215 using narrative analysis. This approach involved the grouping of studies according to the

216 sample characteristics and skill assessment methodological design. Common themes were

217 identified by calculating a percentage value of each descriptive category, and inferences were

218 made about the data. Lastly, there was a qualitative assessment of the strengths and

219 weaknesses of the research.


221 3.0 Results

222 After systematically searching the databases, 2,090 studies were identified. Duplicates were

223 removed from each database and between databases that found the same studies (n = 878). A

224 total of 1,212 studies were assessed for inclusion based on titles and abstracts, after which a

225 further 1,127 were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria. Seventeen additional

226 studies were identified from reference list scanning, leaving a total of 102 full-text articles to

227 be assessed for eligibility. After full-text reading, nine further articles were excluded as they

228 examined futsal or indoor soccer (n = 3), used a review format (n = 1), were from the grey

229 literature area (n = 2), was a tactical skills assessment (n = 2), or had no full-text available (n

230 = 1). A total of 93 studies were retained for data synthesis and analysis.


232 3.1 Sample Characteristics

233 The included studies were completed between the years 2000 and 2020, with most research

234 appearing between 2015 and 2020 (n = 55, 59%). The studies contained players from 25

235 countries across five continents (Table 1). Germany and Portugal held the equal largest

236 proportion of studies (n = 10 each, 11%), followed by England (n = 9, 10%), Spain (n = 8,

237 9%), Brazil, and Italy (n = 7 each, 8%), Australia, and the Netherlands (n = 5 each, 5%),

238 Belgium, Switzerland, and Finland (n = 4 each, 4%), and Greece, Tunisia, and Croatia (n = 3

239 each, 3%). Germany also had the largest collective sample size with 120,523 (93%)

240 participants, followed by Finland (n = 1,759, 1%), Belgium (n = 1,317, 1%), Netherlands (n =

241 800, 1%), Portugal (n = 696, 1%) and Australia (n = 648, 1%). The total sample size was

242 129,232 participants, of which 115,389 (89%) were male, and 1,674 (1%) were female. A

243 total of 12,169 (9%) study participants had no reported sex. The median sample size was 62

244 participants, with the smallest sample consisting of five participants and the largest sample

245 consisting of 68,158 participants. The age cohorts ranged from U/7 to U/23. The U/14 and

246 U/15 age groups were equally the most commonly reported (15% each), followed by U/13

247 (13%), U/12 and U/16 (12% each), U/17 (10%), U/18 (6%), U/11 and, U/10 (5%), U/19

248 (3%), and U/9 (3%). There was considerable inconsistency in the terminology that

249 researchers used to group playing levels. Most studies included players from youth soccer

250 academies or development programs and levels divided into low and high categories.










260 Table 1.

261 The sample characteristics of the included studies

Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Abdullah et al. (2016) [51] MYS 184 M U/14-U/18 Youth academy
Almeida et al. (2013) [52] PRT 28 M U/13-U/14 Physical education class (Non-experienced) = 14
Regional level (Experienced) = 14
Beavan et al. (2019) [31] DEU 152 M U/12 = 18 Professional club
U/13 = 20
U/14 = 18
U/15 = 20
U/16 = 20
U/17 = 8
U/19 = 25
U/23 = 23
Bekris et al. (2018) [53] GRC 48 - U/17 Regional (novice) = 24
National (expert) = 24
Bennett et al. (2018) [54] AUS 73 M U/13-U/15 Low-level academy = 37
High-level academy = 36
Benounis et al. (2013) [55] TUN 42 M U/15-U/16 Championship
Clemente et al. (2018) [56] PRT 12 M U/8 Youth academy of the first division team
Clemente et al. (2019) [57] PRT 16 - U/10-U/11 -
Coelho et al. (2010) [58] PRT 114 M U/14-U/15 Local (non-selected) = 69
Regional (selected) = 45
da Silva et al. (2011) [59] BRA 16 M U/13-U/15 Youth academy
Dardouri et al. (2014) [60] TUN 92 M U/13-U/17 Regional = 49
National = 43
De Giorgio et al. (2018) [60] HRV 34 - U/7 Youth soccer school
Deprez et al. (2015) [42] BEL 388 M U/9-U/17 Professional club
Dropout = 141
Club = 247
Fenner et al. (2016) [61] GBR 16 - U/10 Youth academy

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Fernandez-Gonzalo et al. (2010) ESP 30 M U/10 = 15 Regional soccer school
[62] U/12 = 15 Younger = 15
Older = 15
Figueiredo et al. (2011) [63] PRT 143 M U/11-U/13 = 75 Regional elite/national elite
U/14-U/16 = 68 Younger = 75
Older = 68
Figueiredo et al. (2009b) [64] PRT 159 M U/11-U/13 = 87 Local club
U/14-U/15 = 72 Infantiles = 87
Initiates = 72
Fiorilli et al. (2017) [65] ITA 92 - U/16 Elite youth academy
Forsman et al. (2016a) [37] FIN 114 M U/16 National youth
Sub-elite (second division or lower) = 91
Elite = (first division or higher) = 23
Forsman et al. (2016b) [66] FIN 1,321 M = 1,060 U/12-U/15 Player development program
F = 261
Forsman et al. (2016c) [67] FIN 288 M U/13-U/14 Player development program
Least talented = 194
Most talented = 94
Francioni et al. (2018) [68] ITA 33 M U/14 Youth academy
Francioni et al. (2016) [69] ITA 103 M U/8 = 27 Youth academy
U/9 = 27
U/10 = 18
U/11 = 19
U/12 = 12
Garcia et al. (2014) [70] ESP 54 M U/9/U/14 Grassroots
González-Víllora et al. (2015) ESP 57 M U/8 = 14 Youth academy
[71] U/10 = 13
U/12 = 14
U/14 = 16
Goto et al. (2020) [72] JPN 110 - U/13-U/18 Professional academy

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Guilherme et al. (2015) [73] PRT 71 M U/13 = 24 Youth academy
U/15 = 23
U/17 = 24
Hakman et al. (2018) [74] UKR 41 - U/9-U/10 Youth sports school
Hicheur et al. (2020) [75] CHE 27 M U/14-U/15 Swiss-national youth academy
Hicheur et al. (2017) [76] CHE 46 M = 44 U/12 = 14 Elite youth academy
F=2 U/13 = 7
U/14 = 10
U/15 = 13
U/16 = 2
Holt et al. (2012) [77] GBR 5 M U/10-U/12 Youth academy
Höner & Feichtinger (2016) [78] DEU 2,677 M Initial: U/12 Talent development program level
Follow up: U/16 Not selected
Höner et al. (2017) [79] DEU 14,178 M Initial: U/12 Talent development program
Follow up: U/19 Non-professional = 13,176
Semi-professional = 913
Professional = 89
Höner et al. (2019) [80] DEU 499 F Initial: U/12 Talent development program
Follow up: U/17 Not selected = 333
Regional association team = 93
Youth national team = 73
Höner & Votteler (2016) [33] DEU 22,843 M Initial: U/12 Elite youth academy (top 4% age group)
Follow up: Not selected = 20,892
U/16-U/19 Regional association = 731
Youth academies = 1,025
Youth national team =195
Höner et al. (2015) [81] DEU 68,158 M U/12-U/15 Highly selected players (top 4% age group)
Competence centre players
Youth Academy players

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Huijgen et al. (2013) [82] NLD 270 - U/12-U/19 Professional development program (top 1% age group)
De-selected = 50
Selected = 269
Huijgen et al. (2009) [83] NLD 131 - U/12-U/19 Talent development program (top 0.5% age group)
Amateur = 77
Professional = 54
Huijgen et al. (2014) [84] NLD 113 - U/16-U/18 Talent development program
De-selected = 37
Selected = 76
Huijgen et al. (2010) [85] NLD 267 - U/12-U/19 Talent development program (top 0.5% age group)
Juárez et al. (2011) [86] ESP 21 - U/17 First division club
Katis & Kellis (2009) [87] GRC 34 - U/13-U/15 Amateur youth players
Keller et al. (2016) [88] AUS 62 M U/16-U/18 State league competition
Sub-elite = 22
State-elite = 22
National elite = 18
Köklü et al. (2015) [89] TUR 12 - U/15-U/16 Elite academy
Kokstejn et al. (2019) [90] CZE 40 M U/12 Highest Czech youth league level
Krolo et al. (2020) [91] HRV 59 M U/13 = 29 Youth academy
U/15 = 30
Le Moal et al. (2014) [92] FRA 87 M U/16 Seventh division (non-elite) = 21
Second/third divisions (sub-elite) =22
National training squad (elite) = 44
Leiper et al. (2008) [93] TUN 87 - U/18 Youth academy squads
Leyhr et al. (2018) [94] DEU 1,134 M Initial: U/12 Talent development program level
Follow up: U/15 Non-elite = 989
Elite = 145

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Leyhr et al. (2020) [95] DEU 737 F Initial: U/12 Talent development program level
Follow up: U/15 Non-professional = 691
Professional = 46
Lovell et al. (2018) [27] AUS 214 M U/13 = 56 School-based program
U/14 = 44 Recreational to regional
U/15 = 43
U/16 = 48
U/18 = 23
Machado et al. (2019) [96] BRA 48 M U/15 = 24 Sports initiation program (non-elite)
U/17 = 24 Tactical skill levels:
Malina et al. (2005) [97] PRT 69 - U/13-U/15 National youth division
Matta et al. (2014) [98] BRA 119 M U/15 = 74 State soccer league
U/17 = 45
McDermott et al. (2015) [99] HKG 77 - U/13 = 52 School/club
U/19 = 25 U/13
Recreational = 26
Competitive = 26
Competitive = 25
Miranda et al. (2013) [100] BRA 13 - U/15-U/18 Youth
O’Brien-Smith et al. (2020) [49] AUS 259 M = 182 U/9-U/11 = 98 High-level academy
F = 77 U/12-U/14 = 114 Sampling stage (U/9-U/11 y) = 97
U/15-U/17 = 48 Specialisation stage (U/12-U/14 y) = 114
Investment stage (U/15-U/17 y) = 48
Padrón-Cabo et al. (2019) [101] ESP 52 M U/14 -
Pastor-Vicedo et al. (2020) [102] PRT 18 M U/10-U/14 Professional youth academy
Perroni et al. (2018) [103] ITA 48 M = 32 U/16 Amateur level players
F = 16

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Práxedes et al. (2018) [104] ESP 19 - U/12 Youth academy
Low skill-level = 9
Average skill-level = 10
Rađa et al. (2019) [105] HRV 119 M U/15 = 32 Youth soccer first/second division leagues
U/17 = 51 Pioneers (U/15) = 32
U/19 = 36 Cadets (U/17) = 51
Juniors (U/19) = 36
Rebelo-Gonçalves et al. (2016) PRT 66 M U/12-U/18 Regional level (non-elite) = 22
[106] National level (elite) = 18
Other = 26
Reilly et al. (2000) [34] GBR 31 M U/16-U/17 Local school teams (sub-elite) = 15
Professional club (elite) = 16
Roberts et al. (2020) [107] GBR 22 - U/16-U/17 Youth academy of professional English league club
Rommers et al. (2019) [108] BEL 619 M U/10 = 91 Elite youth academy
U/11 = 114
U/12 = 117
U/13 = 103
U/14 = 104
U/15 = 90
Rowat et al. (2017) [109] GBR 25 M U/18 Amateur county
Rubajczyk et al. (2015) [110] POL 60 M U/12 = 30 Sporting school
U/15 = 30 Lower secondary school (12 y) = 30
Upper secondary school (15 y) = 30
Sáez de Villarreal et al. (2015) ESP 26 - U/14-U/15 Youth academy
Saward et al. (2019) [112] GBR 126 M U/12-U/18 Professional academy
Retained = 66
Released = 60
Scharfen et al. (2019) [113] DEU 15 M U/11-U/13 The talent development program of a professional club
Sekulic et al. (2019) [114] BIH 60 M U/13 = 30 State competition level
U/14 = 30

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Serra-Olivares et al. (2019) [115] ESP 21 - U/10 Second division club
First year = 9
Second year = 12
Sinclair et al. (2014) [116] GBR 22 M U/17-U/18 Youth academy level of a top-division club
Song et al. (2019) [117] KOR 78 M U/9-U/11 Youth academy
Teunissen et al. (2018) [118] ZAF 263 M = 202 U/10-U/12 = 84 Community school
F = 63 U/13-U/14 = 108
U/15-U/16 =71
Trecroci et al. (2019) [119] ITA 40 - U/16 Regional youth (sub-elite) = 20
National youth (elite) = 20
Trecroci et al. (2018) [120] ITA 44 - U/14-U/15 Regional youth (sub-elite) = 22
National youth (elite) = 22
Vaeyens et al. (2006) [15] BEL 232 - U/13 = 117 Regional division (non-elite)
U/14 = 136 Third and fourth division (sub-elite)
U/15 = 138 First and second division (elite)
U/16 = 99
Van Maarseveen et al. (2017) NLD 19 F U/17 National talent team
Vandendriessche et al. (2012) BEL 78 - U/16 = 44 National youth team
[122] U/17 = 36 U/16 = 22
U/16 futures = 20
U/17 = 21
U/17 futures = 15
Vänttinen et al. (2010) [123] FIN 36 M U/10 = 12 Local club level
U/12 = 12 Recreational to international levels
U/14 = 12
Vieira et al. (2018) [124] BRA 366 M U/9 = 11 Non-professional soccer players
U/11 = 73
U/13 = 80
U/15 = 105
U/17 = 78
U/20 = 19
Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under

Table 1.


Reference ISO Sample Size Sex Age Group Reported Playing Level
Votteler et al. (2014) [125] DEU 10,130 - U/12 = 3,606 Talent development program
U/13 = 3,064
U/14 = 2,138
U/15 = 2,138
Waldron et al. (2013) [126] GBR 31 - U/14 Centre of excellence (sub-elite) = 16
Youth academy level (elite) = 15
Waldron et al. (2010) [127] GBR 71 M U/14 Seven school groups: pre-determined subgroups
Sub-elite = 53
Elite = 18
Wilson et al. (2020) [128] BRA 35 - U/7-U/13 Elite youth academy
Wilson et al. (2016) [129] AUS 40 - U/14 = 13 Youth academy
U/16 = 11
U/18 = 16
Wilson et al. (2019) [130] BRA 25 M U/16-U/18 Youth academy
Zago et al. (2016) [131] ITA 10 M U/13 Sub-elite playing
Zibung et al. (2016) [132] CHE 104 M U/13-U/16 Regional playing
Zisi et al. (2003) [133] GRC 45 M U/11-U/13 Soccer club playing
Zuber et al. (2016) [134] CHE 119 M U/13-U/16 Regional playing
No talent = 68
Regional = 39
National = 12

Notes: F = female, ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation (country code), M = male, Sex and age group sample size were included when the study reported
them, U/ = under


264 3.2 Methodological Characteristics

265 Overall, there were 226 skill assessments used across the studies (Table 2). The most

266 frequent method was field-based isolated assessments (n = 67, 68%). Making up the field-

267 based isolated assessments were dribbling tasks (n = 53, 80%), such as the U-Gent dribbling

268 tests (n = 5, 7%), and Shuttle Dribbling Tests (n = 3, 4%), passing tasks (n = 40, 60%), such

269 as the Loughborough Soccer Passing Test (LSPT) (n = 6, 9%) and shooting tasks (n = 25,

270 37%). Field-based simulated assessments (n = 19, 19%) were less common across the

271 included studies than isolated tasks. The most reported simulated assessment was small-sided

272 games (n = 18, 95%), with variability observed in the field dimensions, playing numbers,

273 game durations, and rest periods. No researcher employed the exact same small-sided games

274 variant. The Footbonaut was the only other simulated approach but was reported only once.

275 A collection of skill assessments used similar competitive match-play settings (n = 6, 6%),

276 recording and analysing match-play. Lastly, a small number of studies used lab-based

277 assessments to investigate and quantify various skills (n = 7, 7%). A specific lab-based

278 assessment included the COGNIFOOT (n = 2, 2%). Several studies used a combination of

279 these assessment settings (n = 6, 6%), with field-based isolated and field-based simulated

280 assessments being the most regularly combined approaches (n = 4, 4%). Most dribbling,

281 passing, and shooting assessments (from all assessment settings) were part of testing batteries

282 (n = 46, 49%), with the only specific example being the F-MARC (n = 3, 7%).



285 Table 2.

286 The methodological characteristics of the included studies

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Abdullah et al. Modified F-MARC test: Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, passing
(2016) [51] Dribbling accuracy, shooting
Speed dribbling: Slalom around Passing accuracy
markers, dribble around blocks and Shooting
through gates (20 m)

Long passing: From 36 m to target

Short passing: From 11 m into a 0.9

x 0.6 m goal

Shooting from dead ball: 16 m from

goal, 6 segments to aim at.

Shooting from a pass: 20 m ground

pass and shot at goal
Almeida et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Coach subjective
(2013) [52] 3 vs. 3 + GK Shooting assessment of technical
6x2 m goals Passing skills with offensive
46 x 31 m field characterisation system
2 x 5 min (5 min rest) (OSCS), duration of ball
possession, number of
6 vs. 6 + GK players involved, ball
6x2 m goals touches, passes, shots
62 x 40.4 m field
2 x 5 min (5 min rest)

Beavan et al. The Footbonaut: Field-based simulated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2019) [31] Passing or shooting at 4 walls with Shooting passing/shooting to targets
72 square panels (64 target gates, 8 when reacting to signal
ball dispenser gates) + light barriers
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Bekris et al. Test A: Dribbling Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Straight dribbling speed,
(2018) [53] Test B: Slalom Dribbling Slalom dribbling speed
4 subcategories for each skill
assessment, 8 tests in total

Bennett et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Notational analysis of
(2018) [54] 4 vs. 4 + no GK Passing Attempted/completed
1.2x2.4 m goals Shooting dribbles, passing, shooting,
30 x 20 m field Ball control touches, and total number
5 x 3 min (3 min rest) of actions

4 vs. 4 + no GK
1.2x2.4 m goals
30 x 20 m field
3 x 5 min (5 min rest)
Benounis et al. Modified Loughborough Soccer Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed of passing, accuracy
(2013) [55] Passing Test (LSPT): Examiner calls Dribbling and reaction to auditory
out passes by colour. 8 long (4 m) signal, speed of dribbling
and 8 short (3.5 m) passes.

15 m dribbling test: Slalom through

cones with pass into goals
Clemente et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Offensive Tackling Skill outcome Recorded games,
(2018) [56] 3 vs. 3 + no GK Passing notational analysis of
1 x 2 m goal Shooting conquered balls, received
15 x 20 m field Dribbling balls, lost balls, attacking
3 x 3 min (2 min rest) Ball control balls, neutral balls, not-
succeeded shots,
6 vs. 6 + no GK succeeded shots
1 x 2 m goal
22 x 30 m field
3 x 3 min (2 min rest)
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Clemente et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Both Passing Skill outcome Notational analysis of
(2019) [57] 3 vs. 3 + no GK Shooting attacking balls/passes,
1 x 2 m goals Ball control shots, received balls, lost
15 x 20 m field Tackling balls, conquered balls
3 x 3 min (2 min rest)

6 vs. 6 + no GK
1 x 2 m goals
30 x 22 m field
3 x 6 min (2 min rest)
Coelho et al. Ball control: Juggling in 9 x 9 m Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Speed and control of
(2010) [58] square Dribbling dribbling, passing speed,
Shooting shooting accuracy and
Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones Passing points scored, consecutive
shaped in a 9 x 9 m square juggling score

Wall pass: 1.22 m high x 2.44 m

wide target on a wall. Maximum
passes in 20 seconds.

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal. End line of 9 x 9 m

Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
da Silva et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Both Passing Skill Outcome Notational analysis of
(2011) [59] 3 vs. 3 + no GK Dribbling number of involvements
1.2 x 0.8 m goals Shooting with the ball, passes, target
Free touches Tackling passes, crosses, dribbles,
30 x 30 m field Heading shots on goal, tackles,
3 x 4 min (3 min rest) headers

4 vs. 4 + no GK
1.2 x 0.8 m goals
Free touches
30 x 30 m field
3 x 4 min (3 min rest)

5 vs. 5 + no GK
1.2 x 0.8 m goals
Free touches
30 x 30 m field
3 x 4 min (3 min rest)

Dardouri et al. Slalom dribbling test (SDT): Dribble Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling and
(2014) [60] between 7 cones placed in a zigzag ability to change direction
path over 15 m. between cones

When player loses control of ball or Skill index (SI) measured

is more than 2 m away from the as the time from the zigzag
cones the trial begins again. tests with and without the
ball. Higher index
3 test trials interpreted as higher skill
3 mins rest between trials. for controlling the ball

Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
De Giorgio et al. Reception test: Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Both 1 point is scored if the skill
(2018) [135] 25 x 42 m field Ball control task is performed
12 balls Dribbling correctly, and 0 points
12 cones placed 1.5 m from wall to Shooting scored if performed
allow player to pass and receive the incorrectly.
ball between
Coloured boots group:
Passing test: performance incorrect
25 x 42 m field when the ball was hit with
12 balls the wrong colour of the
12 cones placed 1.5 m from wall to boot.
allow player to pass between
Black boots group:
Management test: performance incorrect
25 x 42 m field when the player performed
12 balls the skill and didn’t follow
6 cones 6 m apart to allow player to the coach’s instructions.
dribble through
For the shooting test, 1
Shooting test: point is given if ball is hit
25 x 42 m field with the correct part of the
12 balls foot and also if the ball
6 pairs of cones set-up as goals for passes between the cones.
player to shoot from 4 x 4 m square
Deprez et al. Ghent University dribbling test (U- Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, agility,
(2015) [42] Gent): Players performed with and Ball control and ball control
without the ball
Fenner et al. SSG: Field-based simulated Both Shooting Skill outcome Coach rating of technical
(2016) [61] 4 vs. 4 + no GK Passing skills with game technical
2 x 1 m goals Ball control scoring chart (GTSC) and
18.3 x 23 m field total points
6 x 5 min (3 min rest)
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Fernandez- Four competition matches were Competitive match- Both Shooting Skill outcome Coach subjective rating of
Gonzalo et al. video recorded play Passing technical skill based on
(2010) [62] Dribbling scoring sheet
Figueiredo et al. Ball control: Juggling in 9 x 9 m Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Speed and control of
(2011) [63] square Dribbling dribbling, passing speed,
Shooting shooting accuracy and
Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones Passing points scored, consecutive
shaped in a 9 x 9 m square juggling score

Wall pass: 1.22 m high x 2.44 m

wide target on a wall. Maximum
passes in 20 seconds.

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal. End line of 9 x 9 m

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Figueiredo et al. Ball control: Juggling in 9 x 9 m Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Speed and control of
(2009b) [64] square Dribbling dribbling, passing speed,
Shooting shooting accuracy and
Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones Passing points scored, consecutive
shaped in a 9 x 9 m square juggling score

Wall pass: 1.22 m high x 2.44 m

wide target on a wall. Maximum
passes in 20 seconds.

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal. End line of 9 x 9 m
Fiorilli et al. Illinois Change of Direction test: Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling
(2017) [65] Players slalom dribble around 4
markers forming 9.3 x 7.2 m area
Forsman et al. Wall pass and dribble around cones Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Passing accuracy, speed of
(2016a) [37] Passing dribbling, crossing
Wall pass and cross ball accuracy
Forsman et al. Straight/slalom dribbling around Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, speed
(2016b) [66] cones Passing of passing

10 x wall passes
Forsman et al. Straight/slalom dribbling around Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, speed
(2016c) [67] cones Passing of passing

10 x wall passes

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Francioni et al. Ball control body Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Consecutive touches
(2018) [68] and head: Juggling in 9 x 9 m square Passing juggling, consecutive
Shooting touches heading, passing
Dribbling with a pass Dribbling accuracy score, shooting
accuracy score, dribbling
Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones speed
shaped in a square

Passing: 5 targets 2.5 m apart at end

of 9 x 9 m square

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal.
Francioni et al. Ball control body and head: Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Consecutive touches
(2016) [69] Juggling in 9 x 9 m square Passing juggling, consecutive
Shooting touches heading, passing
Dribbling with a pass Dribbling accuracy score, shooting
accuracy score, dribbling
Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones speed
shaped in a square

Passing: 5 targets 2.5 m apart at end

of 9 x 9 m square

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal.

Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Garcia et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Notational analysis of
(2014) [70] 5 vs. 5 + GK Shooting touches per game, attempts
Modified goals* Dribbling at goal, goals scored, ball
20 x 30 m field Passing entering penalty area,
1 x 20 min (no rest) attempted dribbles

7 vs. 7 + GK GK: saves, kicks, throws,

Modified goals* goal kicks
30 x 45 m field
1 x 20 min (no rest)

9 vs. 9 + GK
Modified goals*
45 x 60 m field
1 x 20 min (no rest)

Notes: GK = goalkeeper, * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Gonzalez-Villora SSGs: Field-based simulated Both Ball control Skill Outcome Coach rating of technical
et al. (2015) [71] 2 vs. 2 + no GK Passing skills with Game
3 x 4 m goals Dribbling performance evaluation
20 x 10 m field Shooting tool (G-PET)
2 x 4 min games Tackling
3 min rest Blocking
3 vs. 3 + no GK
5 x 9 m goals
32 x 22 m field
2 x 4 min games
3 min rest

5 vs. 5 + no GK
9 x 19 m goals
52 x 40 m field
2 x 4 min games
3 min rest

7 vs. 7 + GK
11 x 24 m goals,
64 x 44 m field
2 x 4 min games
3 min rest
Goto & Saward Match analysis of technical skills Competitive match- Both Dribbling Skill outcome Coach subjective rating of
(2020) [72] across age groups. 152 recorded play Heading technical performance
match files. Passing variables based on set
Shooting criteria

Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Guilherme et al. SSG: Field-based simulated Both Interception Skill Outcome Measured foot preference
(2015) [73] 5 vs. 5 Ball control and the respective
Game style * Passing functional asymmetry
Field size * Driving index (SAFALL-FOOT).
20 min game Dribbling Games recorded and
Rest * Shooting procedure allowed the
analysis of the frequency
and effectiveness of all
technical actions
performed (value 0-10).
Hakman et al. Passing: * Field-based isolated Both Passing Skill production Performance quality of
(2018) [74] Kicking with the inside of the foot Ball control skills were assessed by
Kicking with the middle of the foot Heading measuring against pre-
determined reference
Trapping: * points/technical
Ball trapping with the sole competencies guide for
Trapping a rolling ball with the performing the correct
inside of the foot technique. Scores between
1 and 2 were given for
Heading: * each reference point.
Kicking with the middle of the
Hicheur et al. COGNIFOOT v1: player anticipates Lab-based Offensive Passing Skill outcome Passing spatial error,
(2020) [75] movement of target and performs assessment speed, response time,
6m pass as accurately and quickly as coach rating
possible towards estimated targets
position on a large screen.
32 passes/trials.

Hicheur et al. COGNIFOOT v1: player completes Lab-based Offensive Passing Skill outcome Passing spatial error,
(2017) [76] 108 passes to randomly appearing assessment speed, response time,
white targets on a large screen. coach rating
Notes: * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Holt et al. (2012) Passing square: Field-based isolated Offensive Awareness Skill Outcome Retrospective video
[77] 9 x 9m Passing analysis of pre-determined
20 passes right foot Ball control skill requirements/task
20 passes left foot analysis. Players received
1 point for successful
6 or more players pass 2 soccer balls completion of skill, 0
at pace between opposite cones on points for unsuccessful, or
passing square, following their pass X if the player had no
to the next corner. Swap directions. opportunity to respond
during the skill assessment
Höner & Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rated precision and
Feichtinger course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing speed for shooting, speed
(2016) [78] Shooting of dribbling, speed of
Ball control with six passes against Ball control passing
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Höner et al. Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rated precision and
(2017) [79] course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing speed for shooting, speed
Shooting of dribbling, speed of
Ball control with six passes against Ball control passing
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Höner et al. Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rated precision and
(2019) [80] course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing speed for shooting, speed
Shooting of dribbling, speed of
Ball control with six passes against Ball control passing
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Höner & Votteler Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rated precision and
(2016) [33] course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing speed for shooting, speed
Shooting of dribbling, speed of
Ball control with six passes against Ball control passing
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Höner et al. Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, speed
(2015) [81] course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing of passing, accuracy and
Shooting speed of shooting, juggling
Ball control with six passes against Ball control time
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Juggling with both feet

consecutively around figure-eight
course of cones.

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Huijgen et al. Loughborough soccer passing test Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2013) [82] (LSPT): 16 passes against coloured passing (execution time),
targets and skill performance time
(execution time + penalty
time – bonus time).
Huijgen et al. Shuttle dribble test (ShuttleDT): Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling: peak
(2009) [83] 3 x 30 m dribbles and dribbling performance is
3 x 180 degree turns then the best time of the 3
Short rest between successive dribbles
Repeated dribbling
Next dribble begins 20s after the performance is the total
start of the previous dribble. time of all 3 dribbles
Huijgen et al. Shuttle sprint and Dribble Test Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling: peak
(2014) [84] (ShuttleSDT): shuttle dribble, repeated
3 x 30 m dribbles and shuttle dribble,
3 x 180 degree turns then
Short rest between successive

Next dribble begins 20s after the

start of the previous dribble.

Slalom Sprint and Dribble Test

(SlalomSDT): 30 m course with 12
cones placed in a zigzag pattern.

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Huijgen et al. Shuttle Sprint and Dribble Test: Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling: peak
(2010) [85] 3 x 30 m dribbles and shuttle dribble, repeated
3 x 180 degree turns then shuttle dribble,
Short rest between successive

Slalom Sprint and Dribble Test: 30

m course with 12 cones placed in a
zigzag pattern.

Juárez et al. Maximal instep soccer kick towards Lab-based Offensive Shooting Skill production Linear joint markers,
(2011) [86] goal from a distance of 5 m assessment velocity of the leg kick and
3D motion capture system (VICON) the segments angular
captured movement position.
Katis & Kellis SSGs: Field-based simulated Both Passing Skill Outcome SSGs were video recorded
(2009) [87] 3 vs. 3 + GK Dribbling and notational analysis of
Free touches Field-based isolated Shooting each skill was completed
15 x 25 m Heading for each game. Also
10 x 4 min (3 min active recovery) Tackling categorised between short
15 min rest between 5th and 6th sets Throw-in passing, long passing, and
goals scores. Speed of
6 vs. 6 + GK dribbling, distance of
Free touches soccer throw.
30m x 40 m
10 x 4min (3min active recovery) 15
15 min rest between 5th and 6th sets

Dribbling test: slalom between 6

cones 3 m apart in straight line.

Throw-in test: long throw without

jumping or moving feet
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Keller et al. LSPT: short passing to 16 coloured Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2016) [88] targets located at the centre of four Shooting passing, accuracy of
benches arranged in a 9.5 m x 12 m Dribbling shooting, speed of
rectangle Ball control dribbling and ball control

long passing test (LPT): 36 m to 2 m

radius target located in 10 m x 10 m

Shooting test: shoot at standard goal

from 16 m, aim at left/right corners

Speed-dribbling test: around 8 poles

and two obstacles boxes.

Köklü et al. SSG: Field-based simulated Both Passing Skill outcome Coach subjective rating of
(2015) [89] 3 vs. 3 Ball control technical skills with hand
ball possession Tackling notation system
18 x 30 m field
4 x 4 min games,
1-4 mins rest

Kokstejn et al. Short dribbling test (SDT): dribbling Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, ball
(2019) [90] ball with changes in direction Ball control control
around a defined track

Notes: SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Krolo et al. Reactive agility test (FS_RAG): Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Accuracy of passing
(2020) [91] Player runs at speed through gate (attempt had to be repeated
and reacts to light on a cone 3.5m if the ball did not pass the
away, kick the ball 4m with the goal line)
inside of the foot at goal 1.5m in
size, and turn back through gate.

Change of direction test

(FS_CODS): same test without the
reactive stimulus
Le Moal et al. LSPT: short passing to 16 coloured Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2014) [92] targets passing, execution, skill
performance time
Leiper et al. Loughborough Dribbling test * Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill Outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2008) [93] Dribbling passing, execution time,
LSPT: short passing to 16 coloured skill performance time,
targets speed of dribbling
Leyhr et al. Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rated precision and
(2018) [94] course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing speed for shooting, speed
Shooting of dribbling, speed of
Ball control with six passes against Ball control passing
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Notes: * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Leyhr et al. Slalom dribbling course: 13 m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rated precision and
(2020) [95] course with 2 sets of 3 poles. Passing speed for shooting, speed
Shooting of dribbling, speed of
Ball control with six passes against Ball control passing
two opposing walls

Shooting: 8 shots from top of box at

two targets within left and right side
of goals (14 m from goal)

Lovell et al. Coach rating: using 100-point visual Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Coach rating of technical
(2018) [27] analogue scale Ball control ability, speed of dribbling,
agility and ball control
U-Gent: slalom dribbling test with
and without the ball
Machado et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Coach subjective
(2019) [96] 4 vs. 4 + GK Passing assessment with offensive
Goals * Shooting sequences characterisation
47.72 x 29.54 m field system (OSCS), duration
10:10 min work: rest of ball possession, number
of players involved, ball
3 vs. 3 + GK + 3 offensive floaters touches, passes, shots
Goals *
47.72 x 29.54 m field
10:10 min work: rest

Notes: GK = goalkeeper, * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Malina et al. Ball control body and head: Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Consecutive touches
(2005) [97] Juggling in 9x9 m square Passing juggling, consecutive
Shooting touches heading, passing
Dribbling with a pass: 4 cones Dribbling accuracy score, shooting
placed in a line 2.25 m apart within accuracy score, dribbling
9 x 9 m square. Flat surface placed speed
at end of square for pass.

Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones

shaped in a square

Passing: 5 targets 2.5 m apart at the

end of 9 x 9 m square

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal. End of 9 x 9 m square.
Matta et al. Ball control test: juggling 9 x 9 m Field-based isolated Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Consecutive juggling
(2014) [98] square. 2 trials. Dribbling number, speed of
Shooting dribbling, shooting
Dribbling test: slalom around 9 accuracy with points
cones placed 2 m apart.

Shooting test: 3 shots at 2.44 x 7.32

m goal from 16.5 m, divided into 9

McDermott et al. LSPT: short passing to 16 coloured Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2015) [99] targets passing, execution time,
skill performance time

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Miranda et al. Slalom dribble: zigzag around 9 Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill Outcome Speed of dribbling,
(2013) [100] cones 1.5m apart. 2 practice trials, Passing accuracy of passing
then 2 maximum efforts with 2 min Ball control (maximum of 30 points),
passive recovery. consecutive juggling
ability (maximum of 200
Lob pass: kick ball from 20 m points across 2 attempts).
distance into area with 3 circles (3, 6
and 9.15 m). 10 attempts, with 5 on
each foot allowed.

Juggling test: consecutive juggling

before the ball hits the ground. 2
attempts allowed.
O’Brien-Smith et U-Gent: slalom dribbling test with Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, ball
al. (2020) [49] and without the ball Ball control control
Padrón-Cabo et The F-MARC battery: 8 tests of Field-based isolated Both Ball control Skill outcome Consecutive juggling,
al. (2019) [101] soccer skills * Dribbling speed of dribbling, passing
Passing accuracy, shooting
Juggling (Foot) Shooting accuracy
Juggling (Body) Heading
Speed Dribbling
Long Passing
Short Passing
Shooting (dead ball)
Shooting from a pass

Pastor-Vicedo et Match analysis of technical skills Competitive match- Offensive Ball control Skill outcome Coach subjective
al. (2020) [102] across 6 games play Dribbling assessment of technical
Shooting skills with game
Passing performance evaluation
Notes: * = limited detail within study

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Perroni et al. The F-MARC battery: 8 tests of Field-based isolated Both Ball control Skill outcome Consecutive juggling,
(2018) [103] soccer skills * Dribbling speed of dribbling, passing
Passing accuracy, shooting
Juggling (Foot) Shooting accuracy
Juggling (Body) Heading
Speed Dribbling
Long Passing
Short Passing
Shooting (dead ball)
Shooting from a pass

Notes: * = limited detail within study

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Práxedes et al. SSGs: Field-based simulated Offensive Passing Skill Outcome The execution and
(2018) [104] Numerical superiority decision-making in the
3 vs. 2 + GK pass actions were
30x15m evaluated across all
48 min matches from video
Rest * recordings.

4 vs. 3 + GK A score of 1 was given for

35x20m appropriate decision, and 1
48 min for successful execution. A
Rest * score of 0 was given if
neither was achieved.
5 vs. 4 + GK
40x25m Assessments were based
48 min on indirect and external
Rest * systematic observation
with the GPET instrument.
Numerical equality
3 vs. 3 + GK
48 min
Rest *

4 vs. 4 + GK
48 min
Rest *

5 vs. 5 + GK
48 min
Rest *
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games,

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Rađa et al. Instep kick and side-foot kick: Field-based isolated Offensive Shooting Skill outcome Speed and accuracy of
(2019) [105] Dominant and non-dominant legs shooting
(4-tests) from penalty spot to goal
Rebelo- Sprint-Keeper Test: examine diving Field-based isolated Defensive Diving Both Examine and assess diving
Gonçalves et al. technique, moving as fast as Catching technique: electronic
(2016) [106] possible at stationary ball Handling timing gates used to time
keeper performance for
Lateral Shuffle Keeper Test: assess right and left sides
diving technique, three changes of
direction and two forms of
displacement then dive

Two trials were completed for each

Reilly et al. Shooting test: from 8.23 m towards Field-based isolated Offensive Shooting Skill outcome Shooting accuracy with
(2000) [34] 9 targets in a goal Dribbling score (maximum score of
27 points), speed of
Slalom dribble test: zigzag around dribbling
cones to end line and back to the
start *

Roberts et al. Loughborough shooting skill test: Field-based isolated Offensive Shooting Skill Outcome Accuracy of shooting, 1
(2020) [107] Shooting zone measures 8.5 x 8.5 m vs. 1 proficiency (if
and 16.5 m from the goal line. player-maintained
possession, beat the
Goal measures 2.44 m x 7.32 m and defender and executed a
is divided into various scoring shot at goal), decision-
zones. High visibility fluorescent making (scored as 1 for
yellow mannequin placed into goal. appropriate or 0 for
inappropriate), speed of
test completion
Notes: * = limited detail within study

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Rommers et al. U-Gent dribble test Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, ball
(2019) [108] Ball control control
Rowat et al. Dribbling with a pass: 4 cones Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Passing accuracy score,
(2017) [109] placed in a line 2.25 m apart within Ball control shooting accuracy score,
9 x 9 m square. Flat surface placed Field-based simulated Passing dribbling speed
at end of square for pass. Turning
Shooting Subjective evaluation of
Dribbling: slalom around 5 cones players in SSG with game
shaped in a square technical scoring chart,
skills scored 1-5
Passing: 5 targets 2.5 m apart at the
end of 9 x 9 m square

Shooting accuracy: at 6 targets in 2

x 3 m goal. End of 9 x 9 m square.

5 vs. 5
2.4 x 1.2 m goal
30 x 25 m
4 x 5 min (3 min rest)
Rubajczyk et al. Slalom dribble test: players zig zag Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling,
(2015) [110] across 2 lines 9 m apart, and turn Passing accuracy of passing and
quickly 4 times (twice on each line) Field-based simulated Shooting shooting
Ball control
Turning test: 10 180 degree turns on Turning Coach subjective
marked route with ball evaluations of technical
skills in SSG
5 vs. 5 + GK
5 x 2 m goals
30 x 30 m
1 x 15 min (rest*)
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Sáez de Slalom dribbling: 10 m agility test Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill Outcome Speed of dribbling, speed
Villarreal et al. with the ball, 4 poles to dribble Shooting of shooting
(2015) [111] between.

Ball shooting speed: Players shoot

ball as fast as possible towards goal
from penalty spot (5 attempts each

Saward et al. 1-10 competitive inter academy Competitive match- Both Passing Skill outcome Coach objective
(2019) [112] matches recorded and assessed play Dribbling assessment with notation
Tackling system, frequencies of
Blocking successful technical
Intercepting actions
Scharfen et al. Slalom dribbling test: dribbling Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling,
(2019) [113] around 3 parkours (fixed positioning Passing accuracy and speed of
of bars). Ball control passing, speed of juggling
through course
Control/pass ball in small square 1.5
x 1.5 m with bounce-wall.

Juggling course: juggling in pre-set

parkour (2 3 x 3 m adjacent circles).

Sekulic et al. A sprint test of 30 meters with a 10- Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Speed of passing
(2019) [114] meter pass *

Serra-Olivares et SSG: Field-based simulated Offensive Shooting Skill outcome Coach evaluation of
al. (2017) [115] 3 vs. 3 Ball control technical skill level with
8 x 104 x 105 cm goals Passing the game performance
22 x 32 m evaluation tool
2 x 4 min (1 min rest)
Notes: * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Sinclair et al. Maximal instep soccer kick (right Lab-based Offensive Shooting Skill production Calibrated anatomical
(2014) [116] foot) * assessment systems technique
(CAST), 3D kinematic
10-camera motion analysis system measures calculated ball
Song et al. Dribbling test: over 10m Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill Outcome Speed of dribbling,
(2019) [117] Passing coordination of dribbling
2 test trials (drill performed twice and
average recorded),
Passing test: to a 0.5m target 10 m accuracy of passing,
away consistency of passing
(number of successful
10 test trials passes out of 10 attempts).
Teunissen et al. Slalom dribble: between 11 cones Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling,
(2018) [118] placed 2 m apart and back. Passing accuracy of passing with
points, accuracy of
Passing: through cone goals (2 m, chipping with points
1.5 m, 1 m, 0.50 m, 0.30 m) or hit
the target 8.5 m away.

Chipping: 10 m from targets 3.5 m

wide x 1 m high

Trecroci et al. Six 90° turns around markers, Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of turning and
(2019) [119] within a 15 m course Turning dribbling

Slalom dribbling course around 6


Notes: * = limited detail within study

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Trecroci et al. Modified T-drill: Field-based isolated Offensive Shooting Skill outcome Accuracy of shooting, with
(2018) [120] Change of direction test with total time reduced from
shooting from 10 m. Players begin scoring
with right foot, kicking the ball at
goal, then shuffle to the left and use
the left foot. Players use both feet
twice in the same drill.

2 tests, with 2 min rest between each

Vaeyens et al. Slalom dribble: around 9 cones Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling,
(2006) [15] placed 2 m apart. Shooting accuracy of lob passing,
Passing accuracy of shooting,
Lob pass test: from 20 m away into Ball control consecutive juggling
3 marked areas

Shooting: from 20 m to marked 16

m wide goal

Juggling test *
Van Maarseveen SSG: Field-based simulated Both Shooting Skill outcome Coach objective
et al. (2017) 3 vs. 2 + GK Passing assessment of technical
[121] Official size goals Dribbling skills with notation system,
40 x 25 m Ball control points for actions and
Duration/rest* Intercepting outcomes
15 attacking, and 10 defending trials

Vandendriessche U-Gent dribble test Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome speed of dribbling, ball
et al. (2012) Ball control control
Notes: GK = goalkeeper, * = limited detail within study, SSGs = small-sided games,

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Vänttinen et al. Slalom dribbling: straight run with Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Anticipation time, speed of
(2010) [123] the ball along 8 poles 20 m in Passing dribbling, reaction time,
distance, turn around and slalom Lab-based Ball control aiming time, speed of
back through course. assessment passing and receiving
course, accuracy of
Passing and receiving course: pass passing
and receive off wall, figure 8 around
2 poles, while passing and receiving
off opposite wall.

Soccer-specific laboratory test:

dribbling/responding to light cues

Vieira et al. Penalty kicks: 11 m between ball Field-based isolated Offensive Shooting Both Ball velocity, foot velocity
(2018) [124] position and goal, with 1 x 1 m ratio, last stride length,
target. distance between foot and
Votteler et al. Slalom dribbling course * Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, speed
(2014) [125] Ball control of passing, shooting
Ball control and passing (6 passes) * Passing accuracy and speed
Shooting: 8 shots at goal *

Waldron et al. Competitive match: Competitive match- Both Ball control Skill outcome Notational analysis of
(2013) [126] 52 matches play Passing successful, unsuccessful
Dribbling frequencies of technical
Slalom speed dribbling through 9 Field-based isolated Tackling skills, speed of dribbling,
cones 2 m apart. accuracy of passing

Cone passing test: players aim for

5 target cones set 2.5 m apart, from
9 m away
Notes: * = limited detail within study

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Waldron et al. Competitive matches over two Competitive match- Both Passing Skill outcome Coach objective
(2010) [127] rounds of school games play Tackling assessment of technical
Intercepting skills with hand notation
Dribbling system

Wilson et al. Dribbling inside 3 curved 30 m Field-based isolated Both Dribbling Skill outcome Speed and control of
(2020) [128] paths Passing dribbling inside curved
Field-based simulated Turning path, accuracy and speed
Slalom dribbling between cones Ball control of passing
placed 1 m apart along a 15 m path. Intercepting
Tackling Assessment of players
Passing with rebound boards (four ability to maintain
tests): passing ball between 2 boards possession in SSGs
at 90 degrees to each other. Each 1
of the 4 tests simulated a different
game situation with pressure from
an opponent or touches allowed to
control and pass the ball.

Passing accuracy: passing with

inside of foot to target 20 m away.
Left and right feet. Target is
tarpaulin 1 m high x 7.5 m wide.

3 vs. 1
Possession game
7 x 7 m field
1 x 2 min game
1-5 min rest

Notes: SSGs = small-sided games

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Wilson et al. Passing accuracy over 20 m: 28 Field-based isolated Offensive Passing Skill outcome Accuracy of passing and
(2016) [129] attempts to target 1.5 m wide x 4.5 Shooting lofted passing, shooting
m high (series of scoring zones). 2 Dribbling accuracy over speed and
attempts, 7 trials right and left feet. Ball control accuracy of wall passing
and short passing with
Lofted passing 35 m: 5 concentric different rebound boards,
ring targets. Players have 2 attempts, speed of dribbling,
7 trials right and left feet to make a consecutive juggling
lofted pass off their boot laces. ability

Wall-pass: using correct techniques

players pass the ball to rebound
boards at a distance greater than 5 m
away then receive the ball back.
Then, play a first time pass towards
a target. Swap left and right feet.

Shooting accuracy over 20 m:

outside the penalty box with in-step
of foot. Same setup as passing task.

Dribbling: 61.2 m course. 3 attempts

with 2.5 min rest In between.

Juggling: 1.5 x 1.5 m square for 60

seconds alternating left/right feet.

Short passing tests: two rebound

boards at 90 and 135 degrees to each
other. Players have two techniques
to try. 2 attempts for each with 2
min rest.

Table 2.

Reference Skill Assessment Summary Assessment Setting Skill Category Skills Measurement Type Measurements
Wilson et al. Dribbling performance: Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed and control of
(2019) [130] 5 x 30 m long curved paths with dribbling
inner and outer channels
Zago et al. Dribbling test: figure 8-shaped path Lab-based Offensive Dribbling Both Speed of dribbling, foot-
(2016) [131] around cones, two right-to-left and assessment Turning ball contacts cadence,
two left-to-right change of direction, centre of mass, velocity,
and one 180° turn. 3 aligned cones acceleration, stride length,
spaced 2.15m. hip/knee joint range of
Zibung et al. Dribbling test: around 3 poles (right, Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling and
(2016) [132] left, right), then back to finish (left, Passing turning, speed of passing,
right, left). Ball control juggling ability along
marked course with points
Passing test: pass/receive off 4 walls
(9 passes total)

Juggling around marked figure-8

alternating left/right feet.
Zisi et al. (2003) Instep kicking test: Landing on force Lab-based Offensive Shooting Skill production Force platform records
[133] platform with supporting foot, and assessment force output, ground-
kicking/ shooting ball towards goal reaction forces, impulse in
with maximum effort anterior/posterior
directions of support foot
Zuber et al. Slalom dribbling * Field-based isolated Offensive Dribbling Skill outcome Speed of dribbling, speed,
(2016) [134] Passing and accuracy of passing,
Ball control test: * Ball control juggling time
Passing against walls

Juggling: alternate feet *

Notes: * = limited detail within study


289 3.3 Skill Categories

290 Offensive skills appeared in all but one of the included studies (n = 92, 99%). Typical

291 offensive skills were dribbling (n = 61, 66%), and passing (n = 56, 61%). Passing

292 assessments included sub-categories of long (n = 7, 13%), and short (n = 53, 95%). Shooting

293 (n = 50, 54%) was measured with both dynamic and static assessments from inside the

294 box/close to goal (n = 16, 32%), at the top of/outside the box or far away from goal (n = 10,

295 20%), and penalties (n = 3, 6%). Ball control (n = 52, 57%) was assessed in a variety of tasks

296 such as juggling (n = 16, 31%), receiving a pass (n = 9, 17%), and as a product of dribbling

297 (n = 10, 19%). Some studies used both offensive and defensive skills (n = 17, 18%), but

298 defensive skills were less reported as a whole. The defensive skills reported were tackling (n

299 = 12, 67%), intercepting (n = 5, 28%), and blocking (n = 3, 17%). Goalkeeper skills (diving,

300 catching, and handling) were only documented in one study. Heading was an additional skill

301 that was considered in both categories, as players perform this skill towards the opposition

302 goal or away from their own (n = 9, 10%).


304 3.4 Measurement Type

305 Skill outcome measures were the most reported measurement type (n = 88, 95%). Standard

306 measures were the time taken to complete a set task (this includes the duration to complete a

307 task or part thereof) (n = 64, 73%) or the accuracy of player’s passing, kicking, shooting,

308 crossing, and heading using a point-based system (n = 37, 42%). Frequency counts were

309 often used for juggling-based ball control assessments (n = 16, 18%). Researchers used

310 notational systems incorporating criterion measures (n = 11, 13%), observation sheets,

311 checklists, scoring charts (e.g., offensive sequences characterisation system, game technical

312 scoring chart, and game performance evaluation tool) (n = 14, 16%) to measure skill outcome

313 in field-based simulated and competitive match-play settings. One study assessed two

314 goalkeeper-specific diving assessments, and electronic timing gates were used to measure the

315 speed at which elite and non-elite players could complete the tests.

316 Skill production measures were under-reported when compared with skill outcome

317 measures (n = 7, 7%). Four of the studies used production measures alone (n = 4, 4%), with

318 three of these studies performing analyses of the maximal instep soccer kick (n = 3, 3%). The

319 primary production measure was kinematic analysis using three-dimensional motion capture

320 systems/software (n = 4, 4%). Measures included the maximal linear velocities of different

321 joints (i.e., hip, knee, ankle, toe) and the angular positions of these segments. One study

322 evaluated player’s technical competencies by using pre-determined reference points to

323 produce each technique's ‘correct’ performance (n = 1, 1%). Four studies utilised a

324 combination of skill outcomes and production measures (n = 4, 4%).


326 4.0 Discussion

327 The current scoping review sought to provide a comprehensive overview of youth soccer

328 research on skill assessments. Overall, it appears a substantial volume of skill assessments

329 can identify talented player’s between U/7 and U/23 years of age. However, researchers and

330 selectors must be aware that many skill assessments are performed in isolated environments,

331 prioritise offensive skills, and focus on skill outcomes. The current state of the literature will

332 likely create confusion for sporting practitioners looking to optimise talent identification

333 practices because there was no standard method to assess skill. The present review can

334 provide detailed information about each skill assessment's sample characteristics and

335 methodological design despite such issues. Such information can support investigators when

336 they are developing skill assessments in future studies. It also aids coaches and other sporting

337 practitioners in evaluating their practices by providing detail around assessment settings, skill

338 categories, and measurement types used in existing research studies. This approach may

339 challenge current thinking towards assessment design, which is envisioned to help talent

340 identification practices in the future.


342 4.1 Sample characteristics

343 Female youth soccer players were vastly underrepresented in the collective sample, posing a

344 problem for talent identification practice. It is difficult to determine if assessments developed

345 to measure male player’s skills will provide the same information to selectors looking to

346 identify female players. For example, two of the included studies compared sex differences

347 between players for soccer skill and found that males outperformed females for the

348 assessments across all age groups at a matched chronological age [49, 103]. Interestingly,

349 O’Brien-Smith et al. (2020) [49] found that male and female player’s generic performance-

350 related characteristics were similar at young ages (< 12 yrs.), but the soccer-specific

351 assessment scores varied distinctly. More specifically, female footballers have markedly

352 different developmental profiles to males due to hormonal differences that promote puberty

353 (i.e., growth- spurts and developmental patterns) at an earlier age [136, 137]. Indeed, greater

354 exposure to training (albeit at a high or low level) may also be a confounding factor in studies

355 investigating the differences between sexes. For instance, Perroni et al. (2018) [103] found

356 the cut-off scores used for the male skill assessments (i.e., dribbling and shooting) could not

357 be used for females despite having the same training loads [49]. So, it remains unclear if

358 these physiological differences affect the skill construct (i.e., can coaches use the same skill

359 assessments to measure both sexes) or if the development of particular perceptual-motor

360 skills occurs at the same time or rate across sexes.

361 Various playing levels were reported, with many of these described as professional

362 club-supported youth academies or development programs. For example, ‘youth soccer

363 school,' ‘local club,' and ‘regional youth’ were some of the terminologies used. While this

364 variety is expected and similar to a previous review exploring talent identification [138], it is

365 challenging to compare playing samples across studies and determine the effectiveness of

366 skill assessments. There needs to be more consistency in the reporting of playing samples to

367 assess whether skill assessments have appropriate discriminative power across a range of

368 age-group cohorts and playing levels. This problem is perhaps because there is no widely

369 known framework to guide classifications [139, 140]. Previously, Baker et al. (2015)

370 proposed a taxonomy for classifying sports skills based on player’s training level, skill level,

371 and level of competition [139]. Likewise, Swann et al. (2015) proposed a method for

372 grouping players based on their eliteness (i.e., semi, competitive, successful, and world-class

373 elite) [140]. But neither of these classifications has gained much traction in talent

374 identification research. Too many studies focus on comparisons between high- and low-level

375 player’s when, during talent identification, specific player’s skills could be relatively narrow.

376 In essence, the goal is to distinguish those with the potential to succeed in the future versus

377 those who narrowly lack this potential. Only a few studies compared samples with less

378 expected differences [54, 88, 126, 127], but no studies appear to have examined more closely

379 matched samples. Many skill assessments may lack true discriminative power, despite

380 reporting construct validity [139, 140].

381 A range of age-group cohorts (from U/7’s through to U/23’s) was found in the

382 reviewed literature, of which the most commonly reported were U/14 and U/15-year-olds.

383 However, the fact that not many younger age-group cohorts were used is potentially a reason

384 for concern. Most football nations and their associated federations’ talent identification and

385 development practices commence much earlier (regardless of whether early entry into these

386 talent development programs is beneficial or not, see Güllich 2014) [141]. For example, a

387 recent study surveyed the processes of professional youth academies, breaking down three

388 ‘age stages’ where talent identification can occur [12]. The first main category was U/8-U/11

389 (childhood), then U/12-U/16 (adolescence), and lastly, U/17-U/21 (senior) [12]. Though

390 these age categories may not reflect the exact talent identification stages along each football

391 nation’s talent pathway, they highlight that professional youth academies begin identifying

392 player’s earlier than demonstrated in the research (from U/8 onwards). For instance, Football

393 Australia’s male and female talent identification and development pathways begin with the

394 U/9-U/12-year-olds with a skill acquisition program [142, 143]. Researchers need to consider

395 what happens in practice and the implication of these approaches within their investigations.



398 4.2 Methodological characteristics

399 Most assessments were performed in field-based isolated settings. This approach may be

400 problematic for talent identification as it removes the contextual factors (e.g., teammates and

401 the opposition) that provide an accurate measure of skilled behaviour [144-146]. Isolated

402 assessments often lack a task representative design, meaning they remove typical elements of

403 a player's normal competitive environment (i.e., match-play) [147, 148]. For example, a field-

404 based isolated assessment might require the player to pass the ball to a target with no

405 surrounding defenders. The player can produce a generic response (e.g., side-foot pass along

406 the ground to the target). In contrast, a player in a field-based simulated assessment might be

407 under pressure and need to deliver a pass to a marked teammate. Such a situation would

408 require a specific passing response whereby the player passes the ball so their teammate can

409 use it without losing possession (e.g., passing the ball into space or to their teammate’s

410 preferred foot). When the context is removed, the perceptual elements that dictate skilful

411 behaviour are detached from the technical action being performed, compromising the

412 perception-action coupling [149, 150]. While both assessments aim to measure passing skill,

413 the field-based isolated type primarily emphasises technique, assuming that it will translate to

414 what players can do in a real game. This idea does not imply that selectors should purely base

415 their assessments of skill on competitive match-play. Instead, modified tasks that retain task

416 representative designs (such as small-sided games) offer researchers and sporting

417 practitioners interesting avenues to measure soccer skills in future research [54, 151].

418 A large proportion of skill assessments also focused on offensive skills. No studies

419 looked at specific outfield defensive skills, and only one study used a goalkeeper evaluation

420 [106]. These findings are perhaps unsurprising considering the game’s central objective and

421 empirical evidence suggesting that goal opportunities and goals scored are indicators of

422 effective soccer match-play and analysis [144, 152-154]. Nonetheless, modern footballers

423 have well-rounded skill sets that can be tapped into when in or out of possession. Player’s

424 often draw on this skill-set with the idea they need to transition from defence to attack

425 quickly, or vice versa [155]. For example, previous studies have demonstrated that quick ball

426 recovery is a key performance indicator in soccer [156-158]. Arguably, a team’s ability (and

427 the ability of each player) to quickly recover possession of the ball and transition to attack or

428 defence is crucial to achieving success. A study by Vogelbein et al. (2014) [158] found that

429 the best Bundesliga (i.e., German football) teams throughout the 2010/11 season were much

430 quicker recovering the ball in defensive transition (i.e., approximately 1 second less in each

431 match status) in comparison to lower-level teams. After all, players will perform skills to

432 open an opportunity for their teammates or position themselves to receive the ball. Therefore,

433 assessments in talent identification should allow for players to demonstrate their defensive

434 skills specifically. But also allow for the ‘collective’ nature of soccer skill (i.e., offensive and

435 defensive play) as multiple players are working together to achieve the same goal [159].

436 Lastly, there was a substantial focus on skill outcomes (e.g., speed of dribbling, the

437 accuracy of passing, etc.). Indeed, the result of an assessment is vital because it provides

438 researchers and selectors with an indication of a player’s skill. But it is difficult for

439 investigators to understand skill if only a limited number of studies focused on production

440 measures [43, 160, 161]. For instance, a collection of lab-based assessments examined the

441 kinetics and kinematics of an instep soccer kick [86, 116, 133]. Collectively, these studies

442 can better inform researchers and practitioners about the production of a soccer skill. While

443 these assessments may not directly benefit selectors, they provide a deeper understanding of

444 the mechanisms involved in executing specific actions. Limited studies have sought to

445 investigate these types of skill production processes. There is room for further research with

446 advances in biomechanics (i.e., data analysis and collection tools) [43]. Such information

447 would provide valuable knowledge to the skill acquisition field (i.e., motor learning and

448 motor control) and, indirectly, researchers, selectors, and sporting practitioners working in

449 talent identification. For example, future investigators could manipulate a particular skill

450 production process (e.g., a player executing a pass to a target at varying distances) to observe

451 the changes to the skill outcomes (e.g., passing accuracy). Lower-level players will perform

452 this skill differently from high-level players, and exceptional-level performers may also

453 complete this task differently. The findings may provide more significant insights into how

454 youth soccer player’s produce different skills.


456 4.3 Strengths and Limitations

457 This scoping review was undertaken to provide an informed and notable addition to the youth

458 soccer skill assessment and talent identification literature. The key strengths of the study lie

459 in the methodological design. First, the extensive range of databases searched ensured

460 minimal publications were missed. Second, the data and narrative analysis of the extracted

461 information offers crucial insights to researchers, coaches, and sporting practitioners in the

462 talent identification field about the methodological design of skill assessments. However, it is

463 acknowledged that this approach may also be limiting as the review could have compared

464 skill assessments through a meta-analysis. A future study allowing for the direct comparison

465 between different skill assessments may be helpful for talent identification practice but was

466 not possible given the variability in the tasks observed in the literature. If there are more

467 similar assessments in the future, a systematic review and meta-analysis may be useful to

468 indicate the effectiveness of a skill assessment. Third, the skill assessment settings were

469 crucial to allow the authors to make inferences about the assessment's context in talent

470 identification. However, the authors did not assess whether the assessment was reliable and

471 valid, which may provide additional information to researchers and practitioners. Finally,

472 despite a comprehensive database search, some studies may still have been missed. This

473 limitation is due to such broad inclusion criteria. Therefore, the reviewers likely could have

474 included further studies not initially identified by the search or during reference list scanning.


476 4.4 Future Directions

477 While the current scoping review has uncovered various future research avenues, some

478 pertinent issues should be addressed. First, research on female youth soccer players is

479 strongly encouraged as they were vastly underrepresented in the collective sample. It is

480 currently unclear if assessments developed with the male player’s also function in identifying

481 talented female players, especially given their different developmental profiles. Second,

482 future research should expand on the current study's findings and determine the actual

483 discriminant validity of a skill assessment for talent identification. For example, it would be

484 beneficial if future skill assessment studies could compare closely matched samples of high-

485 level and exceptional performers. It will allow for better evaluations of the appropriateness

486 and effectiveness (i.e., discriminative power) of skill assessments for talent identification.

487 Finally, it is recommended that researchers shift away from isolated assessments and use

488 more field-based simulated approaches such as small-sided games. It is well established in

489 the literature that different variants of small-sided games impact skilled behaviours [56, 151]

490 and that these games can be used as tools to identify talented player’s [54]. However,

491 adopting this approach will require researchers and selectors to agree on the most suitable

492 procedure and the parameters that selectors can work within to identify the most talented

493 players (i.e., number of players, pitch dimensions, game duration, and frequency).


495 5.0 Conclusion

496 To conclude, the scoping review findings suggest that we (as researchers) have not agreed on

497 the best way to measure skill. It is challenging to propose guiding principles that can support

498 selectors during talent identification. First, there was limited research into youth female

499 player’s skill assessments, and a minimal number of studies compared more closely matched

500 playing samples. Second, there was no consensus about the best approach to capture skill in

501 context, and there was a substantial focus on the outcomes of skill assessments. These

502 findings have crucial implications for selectors working in youth soccer talent identification,

503 as there is currently a plethora of skill assessments available for them. Still, there is no

504 consensus on the most appropriate measure. Selectors are less likely to use evaluations in the

505 research if there is limited agreement on the most suitable approach to identify soccer skills.

506 There is also not enough evidence to support the use of many skill assessments for talent

507 identification. The samples are inconsistent, and the disparity between playing levels is

508 already quite pronounced. Finally, most skill assessments are not appropriate for talent

509 identification. Many are performed in isolated settings not reflective of football match-play

510 and fail to capture soccer skills in context. Future researchers should develop assessments

511 that can provide an accurate measure of skill (e.g., small-sided games) and determine the

512 discriminatory power across sexes and a range of age-groups and playing levels.


514 Declaration of Interest

515 Each author confirms this manuscript has not been previously published and is not considered

516 by any other journal. Furthermore, each author has approved the contents of this paper and

517 has agreed to the Journal of Sports Sciences submission policies. Each named author has

518 substantially contributed to conducting the underlying research and drafting this manuscript.

519 Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, the named authors have no conflict of interest,

520 financial or otherwise.


522 Funding: Not applicable

523 Conflicts of interest/Competing interests: Not applicable

524 Availability of data and material: Not applicable

525 Code availability: Not applicable

526 Authors’ contributions: Not applicable

527 Acknowledgements: Not applicable












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