Physics Revision

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Physics Revision

Good morning fellow classmates, this is a revision

of the physics exam, I hope you understand it. :D

The exam will consist of 4 lessons

1: Speed
2: Properties of Magnets
3: Magnetic Field
4: Electromagnets


First of all what is speed?

Speed is how fast an object is moving

What is average speed?

Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by,

the total time taken

Ex: 150 m
= 7.5 m/s
20 s

How can we memorize it? D


What is instantaneous speed?

It’s how fast an object is moving at a certain time.

What are units for measuring speed?

For us, we use, km/h and m/s. But, If they ask us to list
over 2 units of measuring speed, you can add mi/h.
How do you find speed or anything in the

If you want to find something, let’s say speed, you

will cover it up, and you have to know, anything
besides anything means multiply, so now try
finding distance, cover up the D, and now try S T

finding distance, because S is right beside T you

will multiply them, (the order won’t affect the
answer) so let’s say we want to find the distance,
S= 15 m/s and T= 190 m, we will cover up the D, so
now we have S x T, which is 15 x 190, If you do the
calculations, 2850 is the answer, but what do you
put it as, meters or kilometers? The answer is
meters, because the unit of measuring in this
question was in meters, so, the answer has to be in
meters, so the final answer is 2850ms.
How do we convert units?
Those pictures will help you in the exam, if they
ask for you to change km/h to m/s.

Example questions
Mohammad was traveling 190 km/h it took him
2.5 hours to reach his destination, how much
kilometers did Mohammad travel?

Pro tip: You should cancel out the zero from 190
and move the decimal point to the right for 2.5 to
make calculations less tricky

8.1, 8.2 and 8.3

First of all, what is magnetism?

It’s an invisible force that pushes or pulls a

Magnetic Material

Well then, what are magnetic materials?

They are the materials who get attracted my
magnets but they cannot attract or repel other
magnetic materials

Examples of magnetic materials

There are only 3 magnetic materials, they are…

1: Iron
2: Nickel
3: Cobalt

What is the law of magnets?

That two similar poles repel each other.

And that two different poles attract each other.

What are magnetic fields?

Magnetic fields is an area where a magnetic force

of a magnet can be found.

For example: If you put iron filling around a

magnet, it’ll display or show to you the magnetic
field lines.
Picture of resemblance. ↓ ↓ ↓
Where is the direction of the magnetic force?

Always remember the direction of the magnetic is


Earth having a magnetic field?

Yes, the earth does have a magnetic field, as its

core is made up of magnetic materials which is
Nickel and Iron, which as we know, are magnetic
materials, so that basically resembles a spinning
magnet, and remember that, the north pole is
attracted to the south pole, and the same with the
south pole.

What are domains?

Domains basically act like small magnets, they are
only found in Ferromagnetic materials, (Magnetic
Materials) but the thing is, they don’t act like a
magnet as all of the domains are randomly

So what’s a magnet then?

Magnets are nothing more but a ferromagnetic

object, so it means that it’s a permanent magnet,
and it’s impossible to make it stop attracting the 3
magnetic materials.

Can we make a magnetic material a magnet?

Yes we can, by two methods.

Method 1: The Stroking Method

Method 2: The Electrical Method

The stroking method is basically to stroke or to rub

a magnetic material with a magnet, but make sure
to use the same pole every singular time, if you
change poles, the method won’t work, and you
need to know that you have to stroke at the same
direction, if you change directions, the domains
will look or aim towards a different area.

Can you possibly weaken this magnet?

Yes you can, there are three ways,
1: By heating it
2: By hammering it
3: By dropping it

What are the components of electromagnets?

They are composed of Three C’s
Coil- usually copper wires covered by an insulating
material, (a material that doesn’t conduct
Current- The flow of electrons in a wire, (basically
the electricity)
And the core- Usually made up of iron

How and why does it work?

Electricity is basically helping with the movement
of electrons in the wire in one direction, (that
shows that now all the domains are looking at the
same direction)
And not only that, whenever electricity is on the
magnetic material, it makes all the domains in it
line up, (I think you should focus on this one about
the lining up of domains)

Can we increase the strength of this

Of course we can, we just need to increase the 3
C’s, so we basically need to
1- Increase the current
2- Get a bigger core, (bigger amount of soft iron)
3- And get more coils,(so we can make more
Tips: It’s recommended to use iron for our core
instead of steel.
Because iron gets magnetized and demagnetized
quicker than steel.

What are the ways of reversing the field of

Thanks for revising,

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