NSG 102 - Enmanuel Narrative Report

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Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 09506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228-4015, Email: st.alexiuscollege@yahoo.com



A thorough learning style paradigm is employed by the Dunn and Dunn Learning
Styles Inventory. One of the greatest learning style inventories you can use to
concentrate on your child's learning preferences is Dunn and Dunn. Throughout the
course of twenty years of research, Dunn and Dunn actively investigated and
developed their approach to learning. Their strategy places a strong emphasis on the
necessity of matching a student's preferred instructional methodology with their
preferred learning style. The learner will be more motivated and will learn more if
these two spectrums are matched. The inventory evaluates how learning is
influenced by environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological, and
psychological preferences.
Environmental - Considering environmental stimuli requires asking questions about
things like where students like to receive their education. Does it have a lot of throw
cushions and mood lighting or is it in a cool, quiet location?
Emotional - This category covers factors including the student's level of motivation
and responsibility, how much he or she adheres to expectations and works diligently
to complete a task, and the kinds of learning-supportive frameworks.
Sociological – No, it does not imply that you must be aware of the socioeconomic
circumstances of the young person in issue. This simply has to do with how the
student learns best—whether it's independently, in pairs, in a group, in accordance
with a pattern, or with more (or less) teacher assistance. One child may fit into a
variety of those categories but finding the combination that "clicks" with certain
learners can frequently make the information also stick.
Physiological - This refers to how the body reacts to the learning process, in
addition to how the mind does. This implies that depending on whether they had
eggs or chocolate cereal for breakfast, some students are more alert at particular
periods of the day. It also makes use of other learning styles to determine whether a
student will benefit from activities like music, art, or dancing around the classroom by
asking whether they are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
Psychological: By psychological, we don't only mean that the child is feeling down
today and isn't interested in learning about Aristotle. The psychological component
deals with how the learner interprets and responds to concepts and information: is
this learner analytical and numerate? or worldwide, favoring a broad perspective?
They are all related to the psychological component.
Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 09506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228-4015, Email: st.alexiuscollege@yahoo.com

I now realize that the goal in creating this model was to enable parents, educators,
and teachers to better comprehend, encourage, and tailor the education of their kids
and pupils to meet their unique learning preferences. Every child learns differently,
and the authors were aware that some kids needed specialized teaching. Instead,
then dictating a particular learning style for every student, this model describes a
wide range of elements that can have an impact on a learner. Using the Dunn
learning styles in the classroom are based on giving careful thought to each of these
aspects and trying to modify the environment to the needs of the students. For
instance, on the environmental side, you can physically split the room or change it in
different locations so that warm learners can thrive on one side of the space while
cool learners are giving it their best on the other. The theoretical data integrated into
this theory is easily transferable to an empirical approach without the need for extra
materials, revisions, or explanations. Over the course of their research, Dunn and
Dunn painstakingly documented the minutiae of how each of the stimuli and features
can be altered and used in the learning environment.
Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 09506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228-4015, Email: st.alexiuscollege@yahoo.com

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