Electric Pot Ener

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2 Physics 2


Electric Potential
Potential energy is a word which we are familiar from the courses of
Mechanics. Remember that we may solve many problems in physics
by using the law of conservation of energy even though having no
idea about the forces in the system. The energy concept provides us
an easier way to understand the concept of electricity, to solve many
problems in electromagnetism without the coulomb forces and electric
fields. We will define a new concept called electrical potential. Because
it is a scalar quantity, it helps us to explain the electrical phenomena
in an easier and clear way.

2.1 Electric Potential Energy

There are interesting similarities between the laws of physics in various phenomena.
Before introducing the electric potential energy let us remember about the gravita-
tional potential energy which we have learned in the courses of mechanics. When we
raise an object in the air to a certain height we do work “against the gravitational
h1 force”. The work done is stored as gravitational potential energy in the object-earth
2 system. When we release the object it accelerates downward changing its potential
energy into kinetic energy. In this process gravitational force is doing work. Now be
Fg h2 carefull! The work done by the gravitational force is positive as the object falls down
but the gravitational potential energy decreases, that is the work done by the Fg as
Figure 2.1 As an object falls freely, the it falls from the h1 to h2 as in Figure 2.1 is change in gravitational potential energy
work done by pravity is positive and the is “negative” (figure 2.1).
change in potential energy is negative.
Wg = Fg . h = mgh2 – mgh1 (h2 < h1)
E Wg = – ∆Ep
+ –
+ – So “the change in potential energy of an object is equal to the negative of the work
+ –
done by the gravitational force.”
d2 – As the object moves in the same direction in the gravitational field it loses potential
+ d – energy. This can be an analogy for the electrical case.
+1 2 –
Suppose a positive point charge of +q which is placed in a uniform electric field pro-
+ – duced by two parallel plates charged oppositely as in figure 2.2
+ –
d1 The charge +q has its maximum electric potential energy just near the positive plate
at point–1.
Figure 2.2 A charged particle is dis-
placed down the electric field. Work is done When the charge is released it is moved down by the Electric field. Its electric poten-
by the electric forces. tial energy decreases as it changes into kinetic energy. Electric force does a positive

30 Electric and Magnetism

work, W, on the charge because the electric force, F = qE and the distance, d are
in the same direction. The work done by the electric forces is equal to the negative
of the change in potantial energy of the charge. Hence,
W = –∆Ep
qEd = –(Ep2 – Ep1)
qE(d1 – d2) = –(Ep2 – Ep1)
qEd1 – qEd2 = Ep1 – Ep2
The equation shows us that the difference between initial and final values of (qEd) is
equal to the difference between initial and final values of EP.
Hence the electrical potential energy of charge q in a uniform electric field is Electric potential energy

Ep = qEd
Where d is the distance of the charge, q from a point chosen as zero potential (i.e.g.
the negative plate)
Note that it can’t be used to calculate the potential energy of a charge when it is
placed in the electric field of another point charge. Because the electric field of a
point charge is not uniform.

Example 2.1 Pr o t o n r e l e a s e d i n a u n i f o r m e l e c t r i c f i e l d

+ – Solution
E The proton moves from a point of high potential energy to a point of low potential
+ –
+ – energy. (Because it moves in the direction of electric field). Then
+ q –
v ∆Ep = Epf – Epi = 0 – qEd = –(1,6.10–19 C).(8.105 N/C) (0,5 m)
+ –
+ –
∆Ep = –6,4.10–14 j
+ –
+ – We can find the speed of the proton by energy conservation
A proton is released from rest in a
Epi + Eki = Epf + Ekf
uniform electric field of magnitude
8.105 N/C as in the figure. Find
mv 2
the change in potential energy of qEd + 0 = 0 +
proton and its speed just before 2
striking the negative plate. 2qEd 2(6,4 ⋅10 −14 j)
v= = = 2,8 ⋅ 10 7 m/s
(q = 1.6.10–19
C, m 1,67 ⋅10 −27 kg
m = 1,67.10–27 kg)

Electric Potential Energy of point charges

Let’s go a step further. The gravitational potential energy between any two mass of Gravitational potential energy
m1 and m2 is given by
EP = −G

Electrical Potential 31
r The negative sign is due to the gravitational force that is always attractive.
+ + Let’s use the anology between gravitational force and Electric force. Consider two
q1 q2
point charges of q1 and q2 as shown in figure 2.3. So the electric potential energy
Figure 2.3 Two charged point particles of the charges q1 and q2 will be
have potential energy.
Ep = k
In this expression electric potential energy can be both negative and positive
Electric potential energy of point depending on the sign of the charges. It is positive if the charges are of the same
charges sign and negative if the charges are opposite. This is the case for the electric force
may be both attractive and repulsive.
Now let us define the electric potential energy in terms of the work done by the elec-
tric forces.The electric potential energy of a system of two charges of the same sign
is equal to the work done by the electric force to move the charge, q from r to infin-
When the charges are of opposite sign (say +q and – q) the electric potential ener-
gy is equal to the negative of the work done by electric force (because it is attractive)
EP to move the charge, – q from r to the infinity. We can see these facts from the Ep
for like charges versus r graph given aside (figure 2.4).
Why infinity? Note that the reference point for the electric potential energy is infin-
r ity. Because potential energy of point charges is zero at infinity. If potential ener-
gy is positive (for like charges) as we seperate them (r increasing) their potential
energy decreases. If the potential energy is negative (for unlike charges) as we sper-
for unlike charges
ate them their potential energy increases. But the magnitude of the electric poten-
tial energy decreases as we seperate the charges in any case. Electric potential ener-
gy as the other kinds of energies is a scalar and its SI unit is Joule, J. We use sim-
Figure 2.4 The graph of potential ener-
ple algebra to calculate the electrical potential energy of a system containing many
gy versus distance for two electric charges.
point charges.

Example 2.2 Po t e n t i a l e n e r g y o f t w o u n l i ke c h a r g e s
Solution q1 q2
Find the potential energy of a sys- r1
The potential energy when they are r1 = 20 cm apart is + –
tem of point charges of q1 = 20 2 −6 −6
q1q2 N ⋅ m (20 × 10 C) ( − 10 ×10 C)
µC and q2 = –10 µC when they Ep = k = 9 × 10 9
r1 C2 (0.2 m)
are r1=20 cm apart.How the
E p = −9 J
potential energy changes if we
seperate charges to a distance of When they are r2 = 40 cm apart
r2 = 40 cm.
q1q2 NM 2 (20 × 10 −6 C)( − 10 ×10 −6 C)
EP = k = 9 × 10 9 2 = −4.5 J
r2 C (0.4 m)

The potential energy is increased (Ep2 > Ep1) So potential energy of unlike charges
increases as we seperate them.

32 Electricity and Magnetism

Example 2.3 ???
M –2q
a) The potential energy of charge +q at point K is equal to ⎛ q −2q ⎞
the algebraic sum of the potential energies due to each EP = kq ⎜ + ⎟
r r ⎝r r ⎠
charge then
b) The potential energy of the system is the sum of the E P = −k
K L r
+q r +q potential energies of every pair of charges.

Three charges are placed at the Therefore,

corners of an equilateral triangle
⎛ qq q( −2q) q( −2q) ⎞
as shown in the figure. EP = k ⎜ + + ⎟
⎝ r r r ⎠
a) What is the electrical potential
energy of charge +q at point E P = −k
K? r
This energy is also equal to the work done in bringing the given charges to the
b) What is the electrical potential points K, L and M.
energy of the system consist-
ing of these three charges?

2.2. Electric Potential

a) r
Remember that we have defined the electric field as the electric force per charge. + –
q q0
To define a quantity which is independent of test charge, q0 we have divided force,
F by the magnitude of the test charge, |q0|. We found a quantity that characterizes b) r
the electric force of the charge, at that point, that is the electric field. A similar oper- +
ation may be done for the electric potential energy. q

Suppose that a charge, q is fixed at any point in the space. When a test charge, q0 Figure 2.6 Electric potential of charge
is near the charge, q as in (figure 2.6 a), the electric potential energy of the system Q at point-a.
is given by
EP = k
Now we define a new physical quantity that characterizes the electric potential ener-
gy at that point near the charge, q. This is electric potential and is defined as the Electric potential
electric potential energy per charge.The electric potential at point –a (figure 2.6b)
(where the test charge is placed) is denoted by Va. Hence

Electrical Potential 33
Ep k q
Electric potential of a point charge Va = = r Va = k
q0 q0 r
Note that the electric potential of the charge q at point - a is independent of the test
charge. Electric potential is a scalar quantity. The SI unit of electric potential is
Joule/Coulomb that is given a special name volt, V in the honour of Alessandro Volta,
the inventor of the electric battery. Then
One volt 1 V = 1 N/C

Example 2.4 A proton and an electron released in a uniform electric field

A positive and a negative charges The positive charge moves in the direction of electric field. So it +
are released from rest in a uniform moves from a point at high potential to a point at low potential.
+ –
electric field. How their electric Its electric potential and potential energy decrease.
+ –
potentials and electric potential
The negative charge moves in the opposite direction to the field. + –
energies change ?
It means it comes to a point of higher potential. So its electric
+ –
potential increases but potential energy decreases. The kinetic
energy of both charges increase. + –

Example 2.4 The electric potential

q1=5 mC q2=–10 mC
20 cm
+ –
Two charges of 5 µC and –10 µC are placed at the corners of a equilateral triangle
of side length 20 cm. Determine the electric potential at point-a.
10 cm 10 cm


The net electric potential at point a is the algebric sum of electric potentials due to both charges. Then

q1 ⎛ Nm 2 ⎞ 5 × 10 −6 C
Va1 = k = ⎜ 9 × 10 9 ⎟ = 4.5 ×10 4 V
r1 ⎝⎜ C 2 ⎟⎠ 10 −1 m
q2 ⎛ Nm2 ⎞ −10 × 10 −6 C
Va2 = k = ⎜ 9 × 10 9 ⎟ = −9 ×10 4 V
r2 ⎜⎝ C 2 ⎟⎠ 10 −1 m
Va = Va1 + Va 2 = (4.5 ×10 4 V) ( −9 ×10 4 V) = −4.5 ×10 4 V
Va = −4.5 × 10 4 V

34 Electricity and Magnetism

2.3 Potential Difference (Voltage)
Electric potential energy, as the other kind of potential energies,depends on a refer-
ence point chosen as a zero potential. Instead of potential energy or potential at a
point, in practice the difference in potentials between two points is important and
measurable. So let us introduce now a concept which is most familiar to us.This is
voltage in other words potential difference.
→ E
Suppose a positive charge, +q that is placed at point–a in a uniform electric field, E b a
(figure 2.7) As the charge is moved from the initial point-a to the final point-b by an F
+ q
external force, we do positive work against the electric force. The electric potential
energy of the charge increases. So we can write
Wab = ∆Ep Figure 2.7 A point charge, q is dis-

Now let us find the difference in potentials, (or potential difference) between the placed by an external force, F from a to b.
points a and b. The potential difference can be denoted as ∆V or U which represents The work done is positive.
U = ∆V = Vb – Va.

Note that Vb is the potential at the final point-b and Va is the potential at initial point-
a. We know that
Ep b Ep a
Vb = and Va =
q q

where Ep2, and Ep1 the electric potential energies at the points 2 and 1 respectively.

Substituting these into the formula

Ep b Epa Ep b – Ep a
U = Vb – Va = – =
q q q
∆Ep Wab
U= = and Wab = qU
q q


U = Vb − Va = E 1
q F
2 + +q

So “potential difference between two points is defined as the work done on a

positive charge by external forces divided by the magnitude of the charge”
In short potential difference is defined as “work per charge” (or change in potential
energy per charge). h
The formula can be rewritten for the work done to move a charge, q from a point at F
potential Va to a point at potential Vb as
m 1
Wab = qU = q(Vb – Va) ground
Figure 2.8 The charge +q is moved to
A similar case is when we raise an object of mass, m in the air to a certain height. a higher potential when it is moved in the
As the external force does work on the object,it gains gravitational potential energy direction opposite to the electric field. A
(figure 2.8) mass is raised opposite to the gravity to a
higher potential.

Electrical Potential 35
+ qA The SI unit of potential difference is Volt, V. As we mentioned before it is equal to
+ + ++ qB Joule/Coulomb. Because of this potential difference is also named as voltage.
VA +
+ + + +VB If we connect two charged conducting objects, having different potentials, using a
+ +
conducting wire, charges flow until each have equal potential (Figure 2.9). This
depends on the electric field E produced on the conductor due to the potential dif-
ference between the objects and electric force (F = qE) exerted on the free electrons
by the electric field. The work done by the electric force causes transfer of charges.
Figure 2.9.a Two conducting spheres When the potentials becomes equal, charge transfer stops. The potential at which
at different potentials are connected with a transfer of charge stops is called common potential.
conducting wire.
Let us consider spheres with radii r1, r2, ... rn and charges q1, q2, ... qn. If these
spheres are connected by a conducting wire they share the total charge in propor-
+ +
+ + + + tion to their radii.
+ +
+ + + + If the charges on the spheres after they sphere the total charge are q1′ and q2′. We
+ +
can write according to the conservation of charge as
q1 + q2 = q1′ + q2′
VB = VB = VCom
The potentials on both spheres are equal, then
Figure 2.9.b The spheres reach a
common potential.
kq1′ kq 2 ′
V1 = V2 ⇒ =
r1 r2

We can write of q2′

Potential difference (Voltage)
q2 ′ = q1′

Substituting this in the above formula of conservation of charge. We get

The work done on charge q1 + q2 = q1′ + q1′

Rearranging the equation for q1′ we can write

q1 + q2
q1′ = ⋅ r1
r1 + r2
q2 q1 + q2
q1 q2 ′ = ⋅ r2
r1 r2 r1 + r2

The common potential of the spheres is equal to the potential of each sphere, that
q¢1 q¢2
q1′ ⎛ q + q2 ⎞
r1 r2 Vcom = k =k⎜ 1 ⎟
r1 ⎝ r1 + r2 ⎠
When there are many objects connected to each other and reach a common poten-
Figure 2.10 As the charged spheres tial. Then
are connected to each other they share their q1 + q2 + q3 + ... + qn
net charge in proportion to their radii. Vcom = k ∑
r1 + r2 + r3 + ... + rn
Charge transfers continuously until the
potential of the spheres becomes equal.

36 Electricity and Magnetism

Example 2.5 Le t ’ s m o v e a c h a r g e
rb=0.3 m b Wab = qU = (U b – U a )
q +
⎛ q q ⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
ra=0.2 m Wab = q ⎜ k –k ⎟ = kqQ ⎜ – ⎟
⎝ b r ra ⎠ r
⎝ b ra ⎠

a + ⎛ Nm 2 ⎞
q Wab = ⎜ 9.10 9

⎝ C2 ⎟

⎟ 2.10 – 6 C )(50.10 –6
)⎛ 1
C ⎜ –
1 ⎞

⎝ 0,3 m 0,2 m ⎠
Calculate the work done when a
charge of q = 2 µC is moved from Wab = – 1.5 J
point – a to point – b in the field of
charge q = 50 µC as shawn in the Negative sign shows that the work is done by the electric field and the sytem’s poten-
figure. tial energy decreased. Remember that the electric potential energy of like charges
decreases as we seperate them

Example 2.6 Po t e n t i a l o f a s y s t e m
q1=6·10–8 C q1=6·10–8 C
a) ⎛ q1 q ⎞ q1=6·10–8 C q1=6·10–8 C
0.4 m VA = k ⎜ + 2 ⎟
⎝ 0,3 0,5 ⎠ K L
0.4 m
2 −8 −8
0.3 m Nm ⎛ 6 ⋅10 C −3 ⋅10 C ⎞
VA = (9 ⋅ 10 9 )⋅⎜ + ⎟ 0.3 m 0.5 m
C 2 ⎜⎝ 0,3 m 0,5 m ⎟⎠
VA = 1260 V VM=1260 V VN=180 V
Two point charges of 60 nC each ⎛ q q ⎞
are placed at the cornes of a rec- VB = k ⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟
⎝ 0,5 0,3 ⎠
tangle of sides 30 cm and 40 cm
as shown in the figure. Determine Nm2 ⎛ 6 ⋅10 −8 C −3 ⋅10 −8 C ⎞
VB = (9 ⋅ 10 9 )⎜ + ⎟
C 2 ⎜⎝ 0,5 m 0,3 m ⎟⎠
a) the potentials at points-A and B
VB = 180 V
b) the potential difference
between the points A and B. b) U = VB – VA = 180 V – 1260 V = –1 080 V
c) the work done by electric force c) From WAB = q · U
to move a charge of 2 nC from
point-A to B. WAB = (2 · 10–9 C) (–1 080 V)

WAB = –2,16 × 10–6 J

The negative result indicates that the total energy of the system has decreased.

Electrical Potential 37
– + 2.4 Relation between potential Difference and Electric
– + Field
– +
– + The electric field between two parallel oppositely charged metal plates is almost uni-
q+ + form especially when the distance between the plates is small. We can charge the
plates oppositely by connecting them to the terminals of a battery. Suppose that a
– +
positive charge +q is placed at a point just near the positive plate as in figure 2.10.
– +
If the distance between the plates is d the electric potential energy of the charge is
– +
given by
+ – Ep = qEd
For simplicity, we choose the potential at the negative plate is zero. Then the electric
Figure 2.10 The direction of the uni-
potential energy of the charge at the negative plate will be zero. We know that potan-
form electric field due to a charged paral-
lel–plate capacitor is directed from the pos-
tial difference is given by
itive plate to the negative one. Wab Ep – 0 qEd
U= = =
The relation between E and U
q q q
U = Ed
V1 V2 V3 V4
where U is the potential difference (Vb–Va) between the points a and b. The formu-
E la can be written for electric field, E as


The SI unit of electric field can be expressed in terms of the unit of voltage, i.e,
volt/meter. So we can write
E 1 =1
C m
V1 V2 V3
This formula states that how large the change in potential over the distance, d so
strengthful the electric field. If the potential does not change, then electric field is
zero in that region.
Note that potential decreases as we go in the direction of electric field. In the figure
Figure 2.11.b The potential within an 2.11a you must notice that V1 > V2> V3 > V4.
electric field decreases as we go down the
field. For a point charge the potentials at these points has a relationship as
V1 > V2 > V3 (Figure 2.11.b)

+ E – 2.5. Equipotential Lines

+ b –
Suppose a charge q is displaced from point-a to point-b along a line perpendicular
+ –
to the electric field. as shown in figure 2.12. The work done by the electric force is
+ –
q a zero because force and distance are perpendicular. So if any charge is moved along
+ + –
a line (or surface if you think in three dimensions) which is always perpendicular to
+ –
the electric field, work done is zero. This means that the points on this line (or sur-
+ –
face) are all at the same potential. When we move a charge on the line-2 in the fig-
+ –
1 2 3 ure work done is also zero. The potential energy of the charge remains constant
(Ep = qEd).
Figure 2.12 Work done on the charge
is zero as it is displaced from a to b. So each line of 1,2, and 3 are called equipotential lines (or surfaces).

38 Electricity and Magnetism

What about the equipotential lines of a point charge. They form concentric circles
around the charge and are perpendicular to the electric field lines at any point as E
shown in the figure 2.13
V1 V2 V3
The equipotential lines for two equal but oppositely charged point particles will be
as in tha figure 2.14
Remember that when we place a metal slab in a uniform electric field the charges Figure 2.13 The equipotential lines of
are distributed over its outer surface. So the surface of this metal is an equipotential a point charge form concentric circles and
surface. The work done to move a charge on this surface is zero. perpendicular to the electric field lines at
any point.
The charge of a conducting sphere is also distributed over its surface uniformly.
Moving a charge on this surface, the work done is zero. So it is an another example
of equipotential surface.

+ –

Figure 2.14 The equipotential lines of

a system of negative and positive charges.

Example 2.8 The electric field and voltage

10 cm 10 cm 10 cm
Two parallel plates are connected to a battery of potential difference of 3 V. If the distance between
+ –
the plates is 30 cm. Find M –
a) the magnitude of electric fields at points K, L, N and M. + –
+ –
b) the potential differences uNM, ULK and UMK. +
Solution + –
+ –
a) Since the electric field is the same at every point between the charged parallel U
plates, the magnitude of the electric field at this point is given by, E=
b) The points N and M are located at the same equipotential line. So 3 + –
E= = 10 V/m 3V
VN = VM and VNM = 0

⎛ V⎞
ULK = E|LK|= ⎜10 ⎟(0.1 m) =1 V
⎝ M⎠
⎛ V⎞
U MK = E| MK|= ⎜10 ⎟(0.2 m) = 2 V
⎝ M⎠

Electrical Potential 39
Example 2.9 A charged object is in equilibrium
Solution ®
+ – We can draw the free -body diagram of the object when
+ a – it is in equilibrium as follows
+ – ®
So we can write; Fe x
+ + – +
+ – U
T ⋅ sin α = Fe = q
T ⋅ sin α = mg ®
+ – mg
Dividing these two equations, we get;
A conducting sphere of mass
0.1 kg and charge 2 × 10–3 C is tan α =
suspended from a string between mgd
charged plates having a potential mgd tan α
difference, U. The sphere is in q
equilibrium when the string makes (0.1 kg)(10 N/kg)(0.4 m) tan 37
an angle of α = 37° with the verti- =
2 × 10 −3 C
cal as shown in the figure. If the
U =150 V
separation between the plates is
0.4 m, what is the potential U?
(g = 10 N/kg)

2.6 Potential of a charged sphere

When a conducting sphere is charged, its charge, q is distributed uniformly on its
surface. Suppose that a test charge, q0 is moved from a point-a on the sphere to
another point-b. The work done to move the charge, q0 does not depend on the
path between the points a and b. So, assume that the charge is moved from a to b
inside the sphere along the path, d. The work done is given by
Wab = q0Uab = q0(Vb –Va)

We know that Vb and Va are at the same potentials because they are at the same
equipotential surface. So the work done is zero, Wab = 0. This shows that inside the
sphere the potential at every point is the same and is equal to the potential at the
+ + q surface. The potential at the surface of the sphere is given by
+ +
+ + q
+ r + U=k
+ +
+ +
Potential where R is the radius of the sphere.
The potential at any point out of sphere can be found as
0 R Distance, r r
Figure 2.15 The potential versus dis- We think of the charge of the sphere, q is concentrated at its centre. The potential
tance graph for a charged sphere. versus distance graph of a conducting sphere will be as in figure 2.15

40 Electricity and Magnetism

Example 2.10 The potential of a charged sphere
+ + The potential at the surface and every point inside the sphere is,
+ q
+ q
+ V =k
+ R
a a a The potential outside the sphere is,
+ O A B C q
+ + V =k
+ +
+ + + Then
VA = VB = k and
A metal sphere has a charge of 2a
+q. What is the relationship q
among the electric potentials at VC = k
point A, B and C as shown in the
The relation between the potentials VA, VB and VC is,
VA = VB = VC

2.7 Motion of the charged particles in a uniform electric

When a charged particle of charge q and of mass m is released in a uniform elec-
tric field, it experiences an electric force (figure 2.16) If only the force acting on it is
the electric force we can write the Newton’s II. law in this form

ÁFe = mÁa

|q|ÁE = mÁa
+ –
→ qE + –
a= + –
+ –
The magnitude of the acceleration of the particle is given by a = |q|E/m and is con-
+ q –
stant. Its direction is the same as the direction of electric field if the charge is posi- m
+ –
tive and opposite if the charge is negative.
+ –
Note that we have ignored the gravitational force acting on the particle. In some + –
cases gravitational force may not be small compared to electric force. Then we must
take it into account to find out the acceleration. Figure 2.16 A charge that is placed in
a uniform electric field accelerates.

Electrical Potential 41
Example 2.11 Accelerating charge in auniform E
A positive charge of q = 10 µC of mass m = 10–6 kg is placed near the positive plate as in + –
the figure. What is the acceleration and velocity of the particle just before striking the nega- + –
tive plate? The electric field is uniform. The voltage of battery U = 104 V and the distance + m –
between the plates is 5 cm. + –
+ –
+ –
Solution + –

Ignoring the gravitation force acting on the charge. The The velocity can be found by U
acceleration is given by
v 2 = v 02 + 2ad where v 0 = 0
F |q|E U
a= = where E = then v = 2ad = 2(2 ×10 5 m/s)(5 ×10 −2 m)
m m d
|q|U (10 −6 C)(10 4 V) v =1.4 × 10 2 m/s
a= =
md (10 −6 kg)(5 ×10 -2 m)
a = 2 × 10 5 m/s 2

Example 2.12 A projectile motion of charge

A particle of charge –10 nC and mass 1 mg is projected with a velocity of 10 m/s at an agnle 37° above the horizontal in
an electric field of 1000 N/C which is directed upward. Ignore the gravity and find
a) the time to return the inital height.
b) its maximum height
c) range.

First we find the acceleration of the charge
−9 3 – – – – – – –
|q|E ( −10 × 10 C) (10 N/C)
a= = =100 m/s 2
m 105 kg v a

a x
2v 2 ⋅ sin 2 α (10 m/s) sin 37
a) t = = = 0.6 s

a 100 m/s
v 2 ⋅ sin 2 α (10 m/s) 2(sin 37) 2
b) hmax = = = 0.36 m
a 100 m/s
v 2 sin 2α (10 m/s) sin74
c) R = = = 0.96 m
a 100 m/s 2

42 Electricity and Magnetism

Example 2.13 A floating charge

An charged object of charge –10 µC and mass 50 mg remains in equilibrium in an uniform electric field. Find the magni-
tude and direction of the (up or down) electric field.
The gravitational force acting on the object is downward.

So the electric force must be upward. The object is nega- Fe
tively charged so electric field is directed downward. So we E
can write
Fe = Fg |q|E = mg

mg (50 × 10 −6 kg) (10 N/kg)
E= =
|q| | −10 × 10 −6 C|

E = 50 N/C

CHAPTER REVIEW – The SI unit of potential difference is Volt. That is

– Electric potential energy of a charge placed in a uni- J
form electric field is given by 1 V =1
EP = qEd
– The relation between potential difference and electric
– Electric potential energy of a system of point charges, field is given by
is given by U
q1q2 d
EP = k
– The unit of electric field can be expressed as
– Electric potential energy is equal to the work done by
the electric forces to move a charge, q from r to infin- 1 =1
ity. C m

– Electric potential is defined as the electric potential – The work done as we move a charged along a equipo-
energy per charge. That is tential line (or surface) iszero.

q – The electric potential inside a charged conducting

V =k sphere is constant. The potential out of sphere is
found by
– Electric potential decreases as we go down the electric
field. V =k
– Potential difference (voltage) between two points is the
work done on a positive charge by external forces per – The acceleration of a charged particle when it placed
that charge. That is in a uniform electric field is given by
Wab G qE
U = U b − Ua = a=
q m

Electrical Potential 43
31. How does the electric potential energy of a charged 28. What can you say about electric potential when the
object change, if it moves, electric field is zero?
a) perpendicular to the direction of,
b) in the same direction as,
c) in the opposite direction to,
Coulomb force acting upon it? 29. What can you say about electric field when electric
potential is zero?

32. Which of the following quantities are vector quantiti-

es and which of them are scalar?
30. What can you say about electric field when electric
(Coulomb force, charge, electric field, electric poten- potential is constant?
tial, electric potential energy, capacity)

24. Although Coulomb forces exist between protons in
the nucleus and electrons, why don’t protons pull the
oppositely charged electrons into the nucleus?

25. Although a huge repulsive force exists between the

protons in the nucleus, why don’t the protons mutu-
ally repel and fly apart?
Michael Faraday tried an experiment. He took an
electroscope into a large, insulated metal cage. Then
his assistant charged the cage so highly that sparks
jumped from it. Faraday’s electroscope, inside the
cage, did not become charged at all. Explain why. 26. Are the forces acting on each charge in a uniform
electric field in the same direction?

34. A charge is released from one plate of two oppositely

charged parallel plates. The potential difference bet-
ween the plates is constant. Does the velocity of the
23. – If the work done to bring a charge of –3×10–3 C from
charge, reaching the other plate, depend on the dis-
infinity to the point K is 30 J; what is the potential at this point?
tance between the plates?

44 Electricity and Magnetism

24. q1=5·10–4 C q2=1·10–4 C
28. y

0,2 m x q
b K x
Two charges q1 and q2 are located at the points
K and L as shown in the figure. a

What is the work done by the electric forces in mov- q

ing the charge q2 from the point L to the point M?
Two identical charges are fixed on the y-axis as
shown in the figure.
a) If a positively charged particle (+q) is placed at
point K on the x-axis, write its equation for
potential energy taking the fixed particles into
25. q1=5·10–4 C q2=2·10–4 C account.
0,1 m x b) If a negatively charged particle (–q) is placed at
the same position, write the equation for potential
energy which results from the interaction of this
charge with other charges. (In terms of k, dis-
Two charges q1 and q2 are placed at the points K and tances a and b and charge q)
L as shown in the figure. The work done by the elec-
tric force to move the charge q2 from the point L to
the point M is –6000 J.
What is the distance x between the points L and M? 29. Three conducting –13q
spheres K, L, M of radii +2q
r, 2r, 3r and charges 2r
–q, +2q, –13q are
shown in the figure.

26. How much work is required to move an object hav- These three spheres
are brought into contact at the same time and then
ing a charge of 4·10–4 C from a point where the elec-
separated from each other.
tric potential is 103 V, to infinity?
a) What are the final charges on each sphere?
b) What are the final potentials of the spheres?

27. q1=2·10–2 mC q2=4·10–2 mC

30. The charge on a conducting sphere of radius 0.02 m
0,1 m 0,2 m
K L is 4·10–7 C.
Find the electrical potential;

Two charges q1 and q2 are located at the points K a) at the center of the sphere.
and L as shown in the figure. b) at a point 0.01 m from the center.
Calculate the work done to bring a charge of 2·10–2 c) at the surface of the sphere.
mC from infinity to the point O between K and L.
d) at a point 0.4 m from the center.

Electrical Potential 45
31. If the electric potential, pro- +q
1.10 The Electric Field Between Two
duced by the charge +2q at Charged Parallel Plates
the center of mass of the
equilateral triangle, is 10 V, 0.1 m 34.

what is the total electrical
O +
potential at the center of the q
E –
triangle? –q –q
– – – – – – –

A charged object having a mass of 2.56 g is at equi-

librium between two metal plates.
If the applied electric field between the two parallel
plates is uniform and of value 40 N/C directed down-
a) what is the magnitude and sign of the charge on
32. Three charges are locat- +3q the object?
ed at the corners of an
equilateral triangle, as b) what is the charge on the object in units of ele-
shown in the figure. mentary charge (e)?
They produce a potential 0.1 m
O (g=10 N/kg, 1 e = 1.6´10–19 C)
of –360 V at point O, the 0.1 m
intersection of the trian- 0.1 m
–2q –2q
a) What is the magni-
tude of charge q? 35.

b) What is the magnitude and direction of the elec- +
tric field at the point O? +q –
– – – – – – –

What is the change in electric potential energy of the

charge +q, while moving from point K to L, L to M
and M to K between the charged plates as shown in
the figure?

33. Two charges q1 and q2 q1=4·10–4 C

are located at the two 0.4 m
corners of the rectan-
gle as shown in the fig- 0.3 m 38. For the charged parallel plates 30 cm
ure. shown in the figure,
a) Find the potentials q2=–6·10–4 C a) what is the electrical poten-
tial difference VKL between 10 cm
at the points K and L. L
the points K and L?
b) Find the potential difference VKL.
b) what is the electric field EL at
c) Calculate the work done WKL to move a charge the point L?
of 5·10–4 C from the point K to the point L.
+ –
d) Calculate the work done WLK to move a charge 6V
of –5·10–4 C from the point L to the point K.

46 Electricity and Magnetism

39. 41.

V0=3 m/s
y=4 cm y
E=1000 N/C
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
V=5 m/s V
+ –
A particle having a mass of 0.1 g and a charge of
2·10–4 C is projected with a velocity of 3 m/s between An electron gun projects an electron beam along an
the charged plates. This particle leaves the plates axis midway between vertical deflection plates. The
making a deflection of 4 cm from its initial direction length of each plate is 8 cm. The potential difference
with a velocity of 5 m/s. between the electron–emitting cathode and the
plates is 2000 V. The uniform electric field between
What is the electric field between the plates in N/C? the plates is of intensity 1000 N/C.
(g=10 N/kg)
a) If the separation between the vertical–deflection
plates is 0.1 cm, what is the potential difference
between the plates?
b) What is the initial velocity of the electrons?
c) What is the time it takes for the electrons to leave
the plates?
d) What is the vertical component of the velocity of
the electrons(vy) as they leave the plates in m/s?
e) How far below the axis have the electrons moved
when they reach the end of the plates?
(qe = –1.6·10–19 C , me = 0.9·10–30 kg)

40. The uniform electric fields 42. V

10 cm 20 cm – – – – – – –
formed between two sets of 45°
charged parallel plates, q d/2
E1=300 N/C and E2=250 E1 E2 q
m L
Vp V0=3 m/s d/2
N/C, are as shown in the fig-
If a particle which is released + –
from the point K, stops at the VA
+ – + –
point M, what is the distance
V1 V2
|LM| in cm? The potential difference across the accelerating
plates shown in the figure is VA, and the potential dif-
ference across the deflection plates is VD.

A particle having a negligible mass is released from

the positive plate of the accelerating plates. This par-
ticle follows the trajectory shown in the figure.
What is the ratio of VD/VA?

Electrical Potential 47

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