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Punto 1.

Standardized coefficients are also refered to as:

Rta: Los coeficientes estandarizados también se conocen como coeficientes beta o pesos

Punto 2.

if the following equation, gdp refer to gross domestic product, and FDI refer to foreign
direct investiment. log(gdp)= 2.65 +0.527 log(bankcredit) + 0.222FDI, (0.13) (0.022) (0.017),
wich of the following stataments in the true?

Rta: , b. If bank credit increasses by 1%, gdp increasses by 0,527%, the level of FDI
remaining constant

Punto 3.

which of the following models is used quite often to capturs decreasing or increasing
marginals effects of a variable?

Rta: funciones cuadráticas

Punto 4.

a predicted value of a dependent variable

rta: represents the expected value of the dependent variable given particular values for the
explanatory variables

punto 5.

if a regression equation has only one explanatory variable, say x1, its standarized
coefficient must lie in the range.

Rta: If a regression equation has only one explanatory variable, its standardized coefficient,
often denoted as β₁, must lie in the range [−1,1][−1,1].

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