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A) A man’s ……….

(B) A man’s wearing………...
(C) A man’s ……….on a
(D) A man’s …………………..

Question 2 :

( A) He’s walking …………

(B) He’s swimming in a


(C) He’s carrying some


D. He’s ………………
Question 3 :

(A) A woman is watering some


(B) A restaurant is ………….with


(C) A woman is holding


(D) Some plates are ………….on a


Question 4 :

A) There is a ……..hanging
from the ……….

(B) There are

………………….on a shelf.

(C) A jacket has been

……..on the ……….

(D) A suitcase is
……………a cabinet.

Question 5 :

( A) One of the women

……....items in a ……

(B) One of the women is

………….a shirt.

(C) The women are

……………….the windows.

(D) The women are

…....... each other.

Question 6 :

(A) One of the women is


some …………

(B) The man is ………… a


(C) Some shoppers are

…………at a …………

(D) Some workers are

………… a window display.
32. Who most likely is the man?
(A) A guest speaker Br OK, Mr. Cortez. We’ve finished …………….for you.
Does everything look all right?
(B) A photographer
M-Au Let me see… Oh, 33can you do something about the
(C) A stage manager
…………….running ……… the floor? 32I don’t want to
(D) A safety inspector ……….them while I’m………….my ………...
33. What does the man ask about? W-Br Sure. We can’t without causing…………….., so
(A) A volume level 34I’ll have one of the other ………….them down.
(B) A start time M-Au Great. While you’re doing that, I’d like to run
(C) Some cables through my ………… one more time. I want to …………
they look right on the big …….
(D) Some clothing options
34. What does the woman say she will do?
(A) Turn on a projection screen
(B) Give a task to a colleague
(C) Take some measurements
(D) Conduct an Internet search

35. What problem does the man describe? M-Cn Nina, are these the ………….you ordered for
(A) Some materials were damaged. our……………? 35They don’t have our shop’s street
(B) Some information is missing. ……….. on them.
(C) A shipment has not arrived. W-Am Why do they need to show our address? I
(D) A venue is unavailable. thought they were only going to be …………………..
36. What does the man want to do? M-Cn No, some of them are ……… be ………… in
(A) Postpone an event other places around town. 36Let’s
(B) Print new posters order a new …………………………that includes our
(C) Call a delivery person address.
(D) Take down a window display
37. What does the woman say she can do?
(A) Change a Web site’s layout
(B) Find a new supplier
(C) Ask for a refund
(D) Close a shop temporarily

38. Where do the speakers most likely work? M-Cn Lynn, I just got a call from Ms. Osborne. 38She
(A) At a parks department wants us to remove some…………….. while we’re
(B) At a manufacturing plant …………………her ………………..
(C) At a landscaping company W-Br Hmm… Will we need a …………to do that?
(D) At a home improvement store M-Cn Yes, 39we’ll have to bring the …………….
39. What problem does the woman mention? ….over
(A) A machine has broken down.
W-Br 39That’s a problem. It stopped working while we
(B) An employee is absent. were ………………..a ……………this morning. I don’t
(C) A building is difficult to find. know when it will be repaired.
(D) A tree has fallen over.
M-Cn Well, 40we could …………a …………..machine
40. How do the speakers intend to solve the for a few hours for Ms. Osborne’s project. W-Br
40That’s a good idea. I’ll call some……………………..
(A) By working overtime
(B) By renting some equipment
(C) By asking a supervisor for advice
(D) By renegotiating a contract

41. What does the woman say will happen on -Br Raheem, 41are you going to
…………………………………..dinner? I ……………..
(A) A company retreat
it’s this Friday. I won’t be able to make it.
(B) A music concert
(C) A retirement party M-Au That’s too bad. I plan to go—I’ve worked on a
few…………….with her. Do you know
(D) A charity fund-raiser
42. What does the man say he is worried where that restaurant is, though? 42, 43The
about? …………………… in the invitation were ………..
(A) An incomplete project
43I hope I don’t ………………………around for hours.
(B) A lack of attendees
W-Br It’s the Barkley Inn, right? I’m pretty sure it’s
(C) High ticket prices
thirty minutes from here by bus.
(D) Unclear directions
M-Au I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks, I’ll
43. Why does the woman say, “it’s thirty
minutes from here by bus”? ……………….. that option.
(A) To complain about a journey
(B) To refuse an invitation
(C) To agree with a decision
(D) To suggest a solution

44. Where most likely is the W-Am Your…………… complete, Mr. Denning. 44Did
conversation taking place?
you enjoy your stay with us?
(A) At a gym
M-Cn I had some…………… with my room, actually. W-
(B) At an airport
Am I’m sorry to hear that. 45Would you mind
(C) At a supermarket ………………..this comment card to give us
(D) At a hotel your…………………?
45. According to the woman, why should
Mr. Denning fill out a form?
M-Cn I have a…………… to ……………….
(A) To borrow some equipment W-Am OK, let me get my manager. Shi-Woo, Mr. Denning
(B) To give some feedback wasn’t ……………….his room, but he doesn’t have time to
………………….the …………
(C) To join a rewards program
(D) To apply for a position M-Au 46Would you like my………………..? It has
46. What does Shi-Woo give to Mr. …………………., so you can call me at your convenience.
M-Cn Sure, 46that sounds good.
(A) A receipt
M-Au 46Here you are. The number’s at the…………. I
(B) A business card
……………….hearing from you.
(C) A discount coupon
(D) A set of guidelines

47. What are the speakers mainly W-Am Hi, Mr. Garvey. 47I have a question about
our…………... Can we take a few hours off at a time, or do
(A) A sales conference we have to…………………?
(B) A time off policy
M-Au The……….. amount you can take is four hours. You
(C) A computer upgrade can see it when you ………..the ………………... The only
(D) Survey results options are half days and full days.
48. What does the woman ask for?
W-Am Ah, OK. Well, I have a doctor’s
(A) A travel itinerary
appointment early on Friday, so I’ll need that morning off.
(B) A deadline extension
48Could you show me how the leave management program
(C) Additional equipment
(D) Help with some software
M-Au Oh, 49just follow the …………in the program’s
49. What does the man recommend?
(A) Reorganizing some files manual. Requesting time off is a pretty simple ………….
(B) Arranging a meeting
(C) Making an announcement
(D) Following some instructions

50. What is the man announcing? M-Au Hi, Akari and Kelly. 50I just got the………….
(A) Some executives will visit soon. from the …………… testing of our new …………….
A lot of the participants …………them for being hard
(B) Some advertisements received criticism.
to understand.
(C) An electronic device is malfunctioning.
W-Br We thought the ads might be too ………….
(D) A television program has started.
M-Au Yes, and the response was……….. enough
51. What does the man say he has to plan?
that we’re going to have to make some major changes
(A) A focus group meeting to them.
(B) A safety training W-Br Well, we’re ready to work hard to ………..the
(C) A client dinner problems.
(D) A video shoot M-Au Thanks, Akari.
52. What will the speakers most likely do next? W-Am Will we hold another ………….to get some
(A) Revise a document more footage?
(B) Order a meal M-Au Yes, 51I’ll have to set up another shoot. But
(C) Check a calendar first, we should ………….how to simplify the story.
(D) Search a storage area W-Am 52I’ll open the ………. on my computer. M-
Au Great. 52We can ………….it together
53. What did the man leave at home? M- Au You’re Spencer, right? I’m Min-Hee, the
(A) A water bottle ……….this…………. Welcome! 53Did you
(B) A sun hat bring………., like our…………..recommend?
(C) A backpack M-Cn Let me check… 53Oh no! I left it at home. W-
(D) A pair of shoes Am Hmm. You won’t be able to ………….before we
54. What problem does the woman mention? go, because 54the nearest store is too. ………….
You might have a tough time today.
(A) A store is far away.
(B) A rule must be followed. M-Cn 55Well, I heard that this ……………has
(C) A payment was not made.
really beautiful views… I think I’ll give it a try. W-
Am 55Are you sure? We hike this trail pretty often.
(D) A replacement item is heavy.
Let me show you our ……….. for this season.
55. What does the woman imply when she
says,“We hike this trail pretty often”?
(A) She is certain of a time estimate.
(B) She would like to explore other trails.
(C) There will be other chances to take the hike.
(D) D.The group’s other members will not
need help.
56 Who most likely is the woman? M-Au Hello, Ms. Wells. Thank you for
(A) A school official …………… meet with me. 56As the ……of
(B) A fashion designer Everton High School, you must be quite busy.
(C) A magazine editor W-Br It’s my pleasure. 57I’m ………..learn more
(D) A store owner about your ……………………… for clothes. I’ve
57 What are the speakers discussing? heard that it has helped other schools make
(A) An internship for students some…………..
(B) A clothing recycling program M-Au That’s right. We …….fifty cents ……each
(C) A fabric industry trade show kilogram of clothing collected in the …… we give you.
(D) A business’s dress code W-Br Great. And I like that it would ………. our
58 What does the man reassure the students ……..recycle. But—where do we take the
woman about? clothes when the bin is……..? Do you have a
(A) The size of a venue …………nearby?
(B) A cleaning process
M-Au 58Don’t worry—we handle transportation.
(C) Safety procedures When you let us know that the bin is almost full, we’ll
(D) Transportation services send a truck to ……….the clothes.

59. Who most likely is the man?

M-Cn 59Thank you for this chance to….. Gamboa
(A) A job recruiter
Solutions’ products. I’m looking …………
(B) A salesperson discussing how our cameras, ………, and
(C) A repair technician ………..can protect your warehouse.
(D) A property manager W-Am It’s our pleasure. 60The …………needs a
60. What is being discussed? more powerful …………….. We’re going to be
(A) Shipping methods storing more valuable ……….. soon.
(B) An upcoming inspection M-Cn Ah, tell me more about that. 61………… will
(C) Warehouse staff the warehouse get the first ………… of the
(D) A new security system new materials?
61. What does the woman say will W-Am Yes, I suppose you’ll need to know our
happen in August? ………….. 61We’re expecting it in August.
(A) A facility will receive a delivery.
(B) A product warranty will expire.
(C) Some vehicles will be purchased.
(D) New regulations will take effect.
M-Cn Hi, do you work here? I need some
help. W-Br Oh, sure. I’m the community
…………………What can I do for you?
M-Cn 62I’m here for the ………..class with
Deanna Sanchez. Could you tell me where
it’s being held?
W-Br Absolutely. You and I are in the
……………….now. 63That room there is our
62. Why does the man talk to the woman? meeting room. You want to go past that to
(A) To sign up for membership the ………….room at the end of the hall.
That’s the space where Ms. Sanchez is
(B) To return some supplies
(C) To ask about a class
M-Cn Got it. Thank you. 64I really
(D) To seek a lost item
appreciate your center. It’s great to be able to
63. Look at the graphic. Where will the man
do activities like this for such …………….
(A) To the multi-purpose room
(B) To the meeting room
(C) To the entrance area
(D) To the auditorium
64. What does the man like about the
community center?
(A) It has a variety of facilities.
(B) It is open on weekends.
(C) Its workers are knowledgeable.
(D) It charges affordable fees for activities
W-Am 65I’m glad the …………..was able to
get a ……………for the street fair this
weekend. A lot of new people will be able to
try our…………….
M-Au Yes, there should be a…………..
66You’ll be working at our ……………on
the second evening of the fair, right?
W-Am 66Right. Well, unless it rains and they
have to hold the fair the next weekend, I’ll be
there. But if that happens, I’ll be
…………….visiting family. But the forecast
65. Where most likely do the speakers work?
now, so I plan to work the closing ………….
(A) At a coffee shop as scheduled. What about you?
(B) At a recording studio
(C) At a government office
(D) At a music school
66. Look at the graphic. On which day will the
woman work at the street fair?
(A) July 20
(B) July 21
(C) July 27
(D) July 28
67. What does the man say he will do?
(A) Hand out some drinks
(B) Drive a delivery vehicle
(C) Watch a performance
(D) Put up decorations
will not be printed in

your test book and

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 8. Mark your 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21.

answer on your answer sheet. 9. Mark your answer on Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark

your answer sheet. 10. Mark your answer on your answer your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your

sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your

answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer

your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your

answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer

your answer sheet. on your answer sheet.


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to
answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The
conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32. Who most likely is the man? (A) At a parks department

(A) A guest speaker (B) At a manufacturing plant
(B) A photographer (C) At a landscaping company
(C) A stage manager (D) At a home improvement store
(D) A safety inspector
39. What problem does the woman mention?
33. What does the man ask about? (A) A machine has broken down.
(A) A volume level (B) An employee is absent.
(B) A start time (C) A building is difficult to find.
(C) Some cables (D) A tree has fallen over.
(D) Some clothing options
40. How do the speakers intend to solve the
34. What does the woman say she will do? problem?

(A) Turn on a projection screen (A) By working overtime

(B) Give a task to a colleague (B) By renting some equipment
(C) Take some measurements (C) By asking a supervisor for advice
(D) Conduct an Internet search (D) By renegotiating a contract

35. What problem does the man describe? 41. What does the woman say will happen on
(A) Some materials were damaged. (B)
Some information is missing. (A) A company retreat
(C) A shipment has not arrived. (B) A music concert
(D) A venue is unavailable. (C) A retirement party
(D) A charity fund-raiser
36. What does the man want to do?
42. What does the man say he is worried about?
(A) Postpone an event
(B) Print new posters (A) An incomplete project
(C) Call a delivery person (B) A lack of attendees
(D) Take down a window display (C) High ticket prices
(D) Unclear directions
37. What does the woman say she can do?
43. Why does the woman say, “it’s thirty minutes
(A) Change a Web site’s layout from here by bus”?
(B) Find a new supplier
(C) Ask for a refund (A) To complain about a journey
(D) Close a shop temporarily (B) To refuse an invitation
38. Where do the speakers most likely work? (C) To agree with a decision
(D) To suggest a solution


44. Where most likely is the conversation taking 49. What does the man recommend?
place? (A) Reorganizing some files
(A) At a gym (B) Arranging a meeting
(B) At an airport (C) Making an announcement
(C) At a supermarket (D) Following some instructions
(D) At a hotel 50. What is the man announcing?
(A) Some executives will visit soon.
45. According to the woman, why should Mr. (B) Some advertisements received
Denning fill out a form? criticism.
(A) To borrow some equipment (C) An electronic device is malfunctioning. (D) A
(B) To give some feedback television program has started.
(C) To join a rewards program
(D) To apply for a position 51. What does the man say he has to plan?
(A) A focus group meeting
46. What does Shi-Woo give to Mr. Denning? (B) A safety training
(A) A receipt (C) A client dinner
(B) A business card (D) A video shoot
(C) A discount coupon
(D) A set of guidelines 52. What will the speakers most likely do next?
(A) Revise a document
(B) Order a meal
47. What are the speakers mainly discussing? (C) Check a calendar
(A) A sales conference (D) Search a storage area
(B) A time off policy
(C) A computer upgrade
(D) Survey results 53. What did the man leave at home?
(A) A water bottle
48. What does the woman ask for? (B) A sun hat
(A) A travel itinerary (C) A backpack
(B) A deadline extension (D) A pair of shoes
(C) Additional equipment
(D) Help with some software 54. What problem does the woman mention?
(A) A store is far away. “We hike this trail pretty often”?
(B) A rule must be followed. (A) She is certain of a time estimate.
(C) A payment was not made.
(D) A replacement item is heavy. (B) She would like to explore other trails. (C)
There will be other chances to take the hike.
55. What does the woman imply when she says, (D) The group’s other members will not
need help.

56. Who most likely is the woman? (B) A fashion designer
(A) A school official Hilldale Community Center

(C) A magazine editor 57. What are the speakers Multi-Purpose Room Entrance
Meeting Room
(D) A store owner discussing? Area Auditorium

(A) An internship for students 61. What does the woman say will happen in
(B) A clothing recycling program August?
(C) A fabric industry trade show (A) A facility will receive a delivery.
(D) A business’s dress code (B) A product warranty will expire.
(C) Some vehicles will be purchased. (D)
58. What does the man reassure the woman New regulations will take effect.
62. Why does the man talk to the woman?
(A) The size of a venue
(B) A cleaning process (A) To sign up for membership
(C) Safety procedures (B) To return some supplies
(D) Transportation services (C) To ask about a class
(D) To seek a lost item

63. Look at the graphic. Where will the man go?

59. Who most likely is the man?
(A) To the multi-purpose room
(A) A job recruiter (B) To the meeting room
(B) A salesperson (C) To the entrance area
(C) A repair technician (D) To the auditorium
(D) A property manager
64. What does the man like about the
60. What is being discussed? community center?
(A) Shipping methods (A) It has a variety of facilities.
(B) An upcoming inspection (B) It is open on weekends.
(C) Warehouse staff (C) Its workers are knowledgeable.
(D) A new security system (D) It charges affordable fees for activities.

Dunaway Street Fair

Sedan Models in Stock Model Stock Number

July 20 and 21 fun! Flyant Chase Ventra Stir
Rain Dates: July 27 and 28 Music, food, and E16 E93 E45 E27

65. Where most likely do the speakers work? (C) July 27

(A) At a coffee shop (D) July 28
(B) At a recording studio
(C) At a government office 67. What does the man say he will do?
(D) At a music school (A) Hand out some drinks
(B) Drive a delivery vehicle
66. Look at the graphic. On which day will the (C) Watch a performance
woman work at the street fair? (D) Put up decorations
(A) July 20 68. How did the man decide which vehicle to
(B) July 21 test drive?
(A) He received advice from a friend. (C) E45
(B) He read some online reviews. (D) E27
(C) He saw a television commercial.
(D) He spoke with another salesperson. 70. Why does the woman invite the man into the
69. Look at the graphic. Which sedan will the (A) She needs time to retrieve some keys. (B)
man test drive? She wants to explain the car’s features. (C) She
(A) E16 has to photocopy his driver’s license
(B) E93 (D) She is going to introduce him to a


Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three
questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question
and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your
test book and will be spoken only one time.

(C) A neighborhood organization

(D) An upcoming celebration

73. Why does the speaker request a return call?

(A) To finalize an event plan
(B) To discuss a job offer
(C) To obtain contact information
71. Who most likely is the speaker? (D) To receive a cost estimate
(A) A city official 74. Where does the announcement take place?
(B) A news reporter (A) At a farmers market
(C) A business owner (B) At a hardware store
(D) A repair contractor (C) At a fitness center
(D) At a bookstore
72. What is the message mainly about?
(A) A roadwork project 75. What can listeners find near the entrance?
(B) A parking regulation (A) A floor plan
(B) A live demonstration 79. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do
(C) Customer service employees later in the week?
(D) Discounted products (A) Send her a status update
(B) Download some software
76. What does the speaker encourage listeners to (C) Reassign some tasks
do? (D) Attend another meeting
(A) Write a review
(B) Use a rest area
(C) Join a mailing list 80. What product is the news report about?
(D) Save a receipt (A) A cleaning spray
77. What is the purpose of the meeting? (B) A candle
(A) To share product testing results (C) Shampoo
(B) To organize a launch event (D) Hand lotion
(C) To announce a hiring plan
(D) To congratulate a manager 81. What is special about the product?
(A) Its smell
78. Why does the speaker say, “that’s two
(B) Its gentleness
weeks away”?
(C) Its container
(A) To indicate concern about a deadline (B) To (D) Its size options
recommend waiting to make a decision
(C) To clarify a misunderstanding about a 82. What will the speaker most likely do next?
(D) To urge the listeners to take more (A) Give a demonstration
breaks (B) Interview some customers
(C) Show some sales figures
(D) Take a factory tour


83. Who most likely is the speaker? 89. What is the focus of the exhibit?
(A) A security guard (A) Photography
(B) A real estate agent (B) Sculpture
(C) A hotel employee (C) Clothing
(D) A tour bus driver (D) Furniture

84. What problem does the speaker mention? 90. Who is Mr. Ogawa?
(A) Construction noise (A) An artist
(B) Bad weather (B) A curator
(C) Misplaced paperwork (C) A design critic
(D) Long lines (D) A museum donor

85. Why does the speaker say, “I’ll be in the 91. What does the speaker say about the tour?
entryway until five anyway”? (A) It is available in other languages.
(A) To invite the listeners to ask questions (B) To (B) Participants may sit during part of it. (C)
volunteer to watch some belongings (C) To Exhibited items must not be touched. (D)
indicate that a desk will be Recording video is not allowed.
(D) To emphasize that she will enforce some
rules 92. What kind of business does the speaker
work for?
(A) A law firm
86. Who are the listeners? (B) A real estate office
(A) Graphic designers (C) A translation agency
(B) Travel agents (D) An investment bank
(C) Film producers
(D) Publishing staff 93. What does the speaker ask the listener to
87. According to the speaker, what do people (A) Collect some résumés
like about a book? (B) Visit a storage facility
(A) The cover image (C) Provide a translation
(B) The main character (D) Make some travel arrangements
(C) The international setting
(D) The humorous elements 94. What does the speaker mean when he says, “The
contract is quite short, though”?
88. What are the listeners asked to do next? (A) Pages may be missing from a
(A) Review a report document.
(B) Brainstorm ideas (B) Some work can be completed quickly. (C) A
(C) Look at a map negotiation attempt was successful. (D) The
(D) Unpack some boxes contract might not cover some situations.
ϮϬ *./ //$(*-

Employees ŽŵƉĂŶLJ tĂůŬŝŶŐ ŐƌŽƵƉƐ sŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌ ǁŽƌŬ

329 Platform: Car: 8
ϭϱ ϭϬ ϱ Train: 10 Seat: 4C

95. According to the speaker, what has changed this (D) Volunteer work
year? 98. What is being announced?
(A) Employees’ job satisfaction (A) A platform change
(B) A competitor’s practices (B) A train delay
(C) A company’s ownership (C) A computer error
(D) A department’s budget (D) Departure from a station

96. What did the speaker receive from some of the 99. Look at the graphic. Which piece of
listeners? information should the ticketholder double check?
(A) Reports of difficulties (A) 329
(B) Alternative suggestions (B) 8
(C) Technical assistance (C) 4C
(D) Details of their schedules (D) 10

97. Look at the graphic. Which activity will some 100. What will be shown on a screen?
money be spent on? (A) How to exchange a ticket
(A) Company lunches (B) When an amenity will be available (C)
(B) Walking groups Where some exits are located
(C) Book clubs (D) What route a train will take

This is the end of the Listening test.

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your
test book.


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Mr. Boyles has been reviewing the contract (A) taste
with ------- legal team. (B) result
(A) he (C) donation
(B) his (D) comparison
(C) him
(D) himself 108. The attached writing samples demonstrate
my ------- skill in composing advertising copy.
102. The southbound train line is expected to be (A) advanced
back in service -------. (B) eventual
(A) shortness (C) durable
(B) shorten (D) willing
(C) short
(D) shortly

103. ------- the next three weeks, Goodwin

Supermarket will undergo remodeling.
(A) Upon
(B) At
(C) As
(D) Over

104. Lai Community Bank will ------- be offering a text

message alert program.
(A) soon
(B) well
(C) much
(D) ever
105. Mr. Sauer is checking the user manual to
see if repairs -------.
(A) recommending
(B) are recommended
(C) to be recommended
(D) have recommendation

106. Custodial staff are required to wear gloves

when ------- the laboratory.
(A) cleaned
(B) cleaning
(C) cleans
(D) clean

107. The ------- of unsold food to charitable

organizations can lead to good publicity for
109. To enter the hotel’s parking area, drive received.
------- the fountain in front of the entrance. (A) creatively
(A) past (B) creations
(B) except (C) creative
(C) between (D) create
(D) with
116. Achon Motors lowered its prices -------
110. This year’s Jazzo Festival will feature maintain its competitiveness in a crowded
Penny Lee, ------- of the Jazz Music Award for market.
Best Vocalist. (A) in place of
(A) won (B) otherwise
(B) wins (C) in order to
(C) winner (D) repeatedly
(D) winning
117. The CEO congratulated the company’s
111. Customers are calling to ask ------- electrical sales department ------- receiving last
service will be restored by the end of the day. quarter’s sales report.
(A) all (A) lately
(B) once (B) as long as
(C) during (C) now that
(D) whether (D) after

112. The pedestrian bridge over Mitchell Street 118. The Hutchings Library has reported that the
will mainly serve ------- of Warner Heights. digitization of its special collections is -------
(A) reside finished.
(B) resides (A) sometime
(C) residents (B) nearly
(D) resided (C) close
(D) yet
113. Thanks to advances in manufacturing, solar panels
are cheaper than ------- used to be. 119. Our reporters’ requests for comment from local
(A) they officials were ------- declined.
(B) their (A) respect
(C) them (B) respected
(D) themselves (C) respectfully
(D) respectful
114. ------- retiring from the university last year,
Sami Talpur continues to publish scholarly 120. According to our data security policy, any
papers. files containing ------- information must be
(A) Despite protected with a password.
(B) Given (A) private
(C) For (B) constant
(D) Unlike (C) cautious
115. Irene Cross’s submission to the logo design (D) equal
contest is certainly the most ------- we have


121. Applications for the internship program will be (D) reason

accepted through April 30, ------- it is wise to apply as
early as possible. 124. Suzuki Consulting is using the AskAway Web
(A) why platform to ------- its first-ever
(B) rather customer satisfaction survey.
(C) than (A) conduct
(D) but (B) commit
(C) assert
122. The proposal to acquire Lutzer, Inc., will be (D) estimate
------- at the board of directors meeting on
February 2. 125. In order to promote the health of citizens, the
(A) intended Sheridan Air Resources Board ------- the region’s
(B) designated air quality.
(C) debated (A) instructs
(D) relieved (B) focuses
(C) allows
123. Although their desired production timeline is (D) monitors
not -------, Ms. Whitlock is reluctant to turn down 126. A background check is required for
such important clients. volunteers ------- duties are likely to involve
(A) reasonably handling money.
(B) reasonable (A) which
(C) reasoning (B) who
(C) what (D) suggestion
(D) whose
129. ------- carefully farm workers may harvest
127. Marvott Startup House has a unique ------- blackberries, some amount of damage to the
to fostering collaboration among its tenant fruit is still to be expected.
businesses. (A) Overall
(A) opinion (B) However
(B) approach (C) Exactly
(C) achievement (D) Quite
(D) declaration
130. Basham Technology ------- a set of
128. We have been invited to present on our guidelines on carrying out employee
research because of its ------- to the performance evaluations.
conference’s theme. (A) is established
(A) impact (B) has established
(B) discovery (C) to have been established
(C) relevance (D) to be established


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each
text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following e-mail.

Subject: Information about our services
Date: August 2

Dear Ms. Fujimori,

Salient Insights was pleased to receive your recent ------- . We can certainly help you assess
the 131.
suitability of Fontenot Mall as the site for a new branch of your store. Our analysts could write a

report based on the data we already have about the mall’s clientele, or we could perform additional

custom research. ------- . I can provide more detailed information about

your options in person. 132.
Why don’t you call
me at 555-0188 to
set up a
session? -------
would be free of
charge. Before calling, please ---134.--- what your ideal time frame for this project would be,

as that would determine how we move forward.


Randall Conroy
Client Service Manager, Salient Insights

131. (A) order (D) This indicates that you should find an alternative
(B) inquiry location.
(C) feedback 133. (A) These
(D) payment (B) Either
(C) Hers
132. (A) We may even begin taking on clients in other (D) It
(B) The latter strategy, of course, would cost considerably 134. (A) consider (B) considers
more. (C) considered
(C) Our findings are summarized in the attachment to this (D) consideration


Questions 135-138 refer to the following article.

The Brownley Whirlers basketball team ------- Tyrone Evers as its new head coach following
the 135.
retirement of Hal Knutson. “It’s an honor to join an organization with such a proud history,”

said Mr. Evers at a press conference at Brownley Arena. “I intend to uphold the Whirlers’

tradition of sportsmanship and victory.”

------- . Brownley won the annual championship twice during that time. However, Mr. Evers’s
time 136.
as head coach of
the Hennover
Vipers suggests
that he could be
similarly ------- . He
was also an 137.
assistant coach for the Santa Martina Dash ------- joining the Vipers.

135. (A) will announce (B) The details of Mr. Evers’s contract have not been
(B) announcement made public.
(C) has announced (C) The team also managed to keep key players from the
(D) announce past season.
(D) Mr. Knutson was the Whirlers’ head coach for 14
136. (A) Basketball fans around the city welcomed the years.
news. 137. (A) successful (B) expensive
(C) temporary 138. (A) except for (B) such as
(D) strict (C) prior to
(D) so that

Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.
From: Abdul Hamdi
To: Clinic staff
Date: February 27
Subject: Announcement

Hello all,

I’m excited to let you know that we will be ------- the clinic soon. We have just purchased the
empty 139.
storefront next door and will carry out remodeling to connect that space with our own.

Spring is a good time for remodeling, so ------- will proceed quickly. Your suggestions on how
to 140.
use the new space are welcome ------- the middle of March. Blueprints will then be drawn
up 141.
during the latter half of the month so that work can begin in April. ------- .

Abdul Hamdi, Director

Mend Orthopedics

139. (A) visiting (B) selling

(C) relocating (B) until
(D) expanding (C) from
(D) under
140. (A) planning (B) plan 142. (A) Part of the parking area will also be unavailable.
(C) planner (B) See my assistant for the necessary forms.
(D) planned (C) You can expect regular updates throughout this
141. (A) to (D) Providing good care to patients must always be our
top priority.


Questions 143-146 refer to the following advertisement.

Work Uniforms by Mullis Clothing Ltd.

Mullis Clothing Ltd. makes durable, comfortable, and functional uniforms for a variety of

industries. We have ------- clients with everything from mechanics’

jumpsuits to chefs’ jackets, and 143.
our extensive catalog reflects this range. ------- . However, we know that your business may
have 144.
unique needs. That is why Mullis has a team of specialists ------- to create custom uniforms
for 145.
you. They will work with you to develop the perfect ------- . This means that no matter
your 146.
employees’ tasks or working environment, you will be able to provide uniforms they will be

happy to wear.

143. (A) supplied (D) Even in busy periods, we send out shipments
(B) promised promptly.
(C) agreed 145. (A) ready (B) readily
(D) shown (C) readies
(D) readiness
144. (A) Visit our Web site to see additional testimonials.
(B) New clients often choose from our existing products. 146. (A) document (B) program
(C) Most of the clothes are made from eco-friendly fabrics. (C) design
(D) display

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several
questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following notice.



Are you satisfied with our services? Then post on any major social media site
about your experience at Sylvania. We’ll take 10% off your next haircut or

This offer is limited to one discount per customer. Participants must take a
screenshot and show it to staff at their next visit.

147. What kind of business most likely is 148. What are readers of the notice encouraged
Sylvania? to do?
(A) A photography studio (A) Try a new service
(B) A tailor’s shop (B) Write an online post
(C) A hair salon (C) Book an appointment in advance
(D) A catering company (D) Provide a friend’s contact information


Questions 149-150 refer to the following memo.

To: All staff
From: Isla Donahue, HR Director
Re: Fitness reimbursement programme
Date: 19 November

From next year, Cosworth Financial will begin offering financial support for employee
wellbeing through a fitness reimbursement programme. All staff members who have passed
their initial probationary period will be able to apply for reimbursement of up to £40 per
month for their fitness spending. Eligible expenses will include gym memberships, personal
training sessions, and yoga or dance classes.

Those who would like to participate in this programme must provide receipts for their
expenses after the end of each month. Submissions will be accepted and processed through
our existing expense reimbursement software. I will announce the code to be used when
entering this type of expense, as well as further details about this programme, in December.

149. Why was the memo written? 150. What will some Cosworth Financial
(A) To respond to employee concerns (B) To employees be required to do?
introduce a future benefit (A) Submit receipts on a regular basis (B)
(C) To highlight a program’s success (D) To Attend a software training session (C) Use a
announce a fitness competition company discount code (D) Pass a health

Questions 151-152 refer to the following text-message chain.
Tingmei Fang [8:42 P.M.]
Phoebe, you brought your company laptop to this
conference too, right?

Phoebe Lloyd [8:43 P.M.]

Yes, I’ve been using it to take notes. Why?

Tingmei Fang [8:44 P.M.]

I have to make some major edits to my
presentation slides to get ready for my workshop
tomorrow. But I just realized I left my power cord
at the office. Could I use yours tonight?

Phoebe Lloyd [8:45 P.M.]

Absolutely. I’m in Room 304.

Tingmei Fang [8:46 P.M.]

Thank you! I’ll come right over.

151. How will Ms. Fang prepare for tomorrow? 152. At 8:45 p.m., what does Ms. Lloyd most
(A) By making changes to some slides (B) By likely mean when she writes, “Absolutely”?
visiting a conference venue (A) She can search an office space.
(C) By practicing a presentation (B) She can send over her notes.
(D) By talking with some colleagues (C) She will participate in a workshop. (D) She
will let Ms. Fang borrow her cord.


Questions 153-154 refer to the following form.

Russet Landscaping
900 Crestview Boulevard
Forman, AR 72764

Change of Work Order

Project Name: Ham Back Garden
Project Manager: Catherine Lawton
Client Information: Dae-Seok Ham, 360 Neiler Drive, Forman, AR 72764 Description of
Changes: The project will begin two weeks later than originally agreed.

Justification for Changes: Client’s requested type of mulch for rain garden is not readily
available due to supplier shortages.

Original Contracted Work Period: May 17–24

Revised Work Period: May 31–June 7

Note on Payment: There is no change to total cost of project ($6,522). Client has already paid
10% deposit ($652) required in original contract. Revised schedule applies to 30% payment
($1,956) due upon start of work. Invoice for remaining $3,914 will be issued after completion
of project.

Accepted by:
Project Manager: Catherine Lawton
Date: May 16

Client: Dae-Seok Ham

Date: May 16

153. Why has the timeline of Mr. Ham’s project

(A) Poor weather has caused work delays. (B) He
requested extra landscaping services.
(C) Necessary materials cannot be
obtained quickly.
(D) The contractor is experiencing a
staffing shortage.
154. What amount will Mr. Ham most likely pay
on May 31 ?
(A) $652
(B) $1,956
(C) $3,914
(D) $6,522
Questions 155-157 refer to the following brochure notice.

Attention Vanwinkle Cinemas Patrons

All of our Boweton-area theaters will be closed on September 4 for a staff
appreciation event in honor of our 15th anniversary.

We will also hold public events throughout September to celebrate this

milestone with all of you. Join us in the lobby of our original Shoreline
location on September 9 for a party featuring live music, movie-themed food,
and a congratulatory speech by Boweton Mayor Robin Alexander.
The following weekend, our Lamb Street theater will hold free screenings of The
Farmer, the first film ever shown in Vanwinkle Cinemas. The stirring drama,
directed by Jan Zielinski, features acclaimed actors Gary Mason, Luanne Reed,
and Benno Koehler. For more information on these events and others still being
organized, visit us online at www.

155. What is indicated about Vanwinkle (A) A theater owner

Cinemas? (B) A politician
(A) It will be closed on a Boweton city (C) An actor
holiday. (D) A film director
(B) It is celebrating the opening of its fifteenth 157. Who will attend a party at Vanwinkle Cinemas’
theater. first location?
(C) It serves food during movie screenings. (D) It has (A) Ms. Alexander
not finalized its September events schedule. (B) Mr. Zielinski
(C) Mr. Mason
156. Who is Mr. Koehler? (D) Ms. Reed


Questions 158-161 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Andrea Beltran (4:41 P.M.)
Hey, everyone. Don’t forget to be here at 8:00 A.M. sharp tomorrow for the
teleconference with the London branch.
Devin Thorn (4:42 P.M.)
That’s so early! But the company will provide breakfast for everyone again, right?
Andrea Beltran (4:43 P.M.)
Yes, I would guess there’ll be some kind of baked goods or fruit.
Melanie Fitzgerald (4:44 P.M.)
Actually, the office manager told me Ms. Burke only had him order coffee.
Devin Thorn (4:45 P.M.)
That’s disappointing. I may not have time to eat before I get there.
Alfonso D’Amico (4:46 P.M.)
I wonder if Ms. Burke knows that people are going to expect food. This is her first
early morning meeting since becoming the department director, right?
Melanie Fitzgerald (4:48 P.M.)
Right. Why don’t you talk to her about it, Andrea?
Andrea Beltran (4:51 P.M.)
OK, but it might be too late to get something for tomorrow’s meeting anyway.
Alfonso D’Amico (4:52 P.M.)
Sure. Just let us know either way, so we can plan accordingly.

158. What is mainly being discussed? 160. At 4:45 p.m., what does Mr. Thorn imply
(A) Whether there will be food at a meeting (B) when he writes, “That’s disappointing”?
Where to order catering from (A) He does not like coffee.
(C) Whether the writers have special (B) He will be late for a gathering.
dietary needs (C) He wanted to eat at the workplace. (D) He
(D) Where to submit meal requests expected to have more time for a meal.

159. What does Ms. Fitzgerald indicate about an 161. What does Ms. Beltran agree to do?
order? (A) Speak to an executive about a concern (B)
(A) It has not yet been placed. Make an extra purchase
(B) It includes only drinks. (C) Survey other members of the
(C) The budget for it is small. department
(D) It is the same as a previous one. (D) Save some leftover refreshments

Questions 162-164 refer to the following letter.
City of Roberge
Office of Parking and Transport
90 Scoresby Avenue, Suite 703
Roberge, VIC 3688

30 June

Ellen Jameson
140 Gold Street, Apt. 2A
Roberge, VIC 3630

Dear Ms. Jameson,

July 14 is the final day that your six-month on-street parking permit for Zone D will be valid. If
you would like to continue parking freely in this zone after that date, please visit www.roberge. by July 7 and follow the provided instructions to renew your permit. Remember,
we offer one-month, three-month, six-month, and one-year permits, and the one-year permits
offer the best value on a per-day basis. There is no additional fee for changing the validity period
of your permit upon renewal.

Also, please be aware that the City of Roberge intends to shift toward metered parking in zones
A through D to ensure that parking resources are fully utilized. The number of permits issued for
these zones will begin decreasing from January 1 of next year.

Gerald Alinta
Gerald Alinta, Parking Services Representative

162. Why was the letter sent to Ms. Jameson? (B) Three months
(A) To issue a permit to her (C) Six months
(B) To announce a rate change (D) One year
(C) To provide a renewal reminder 164. According to Mr. Alinta, what will the City of
(D) To fine her for a parking violation Roberge do next year?
(A) Redraw its zones
163. What is the validity period of Ms. Jameson’s (B) Offer fewer permits
parking permit? (C) Build parking garages
(D) Raise meter prices
(A) One month


Questions 165-167 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Wanda Shively <>

To: Greetings from Steffen Agency
Subject: January 26

Dear Dr. Dogura,

Eric Dogura <>

Congratulations on opening Northwell Dental Clinic! As a supplier of high-quality videos for use
in waiting rooms, Steffen Agency would like to offer our services to your practice. — [1] —.

Our clients build their own waiting room playlists from our large library of content. We can
also assist in creating custom videos that promote your services. — [2] —. Finished playlists
are downloaded and stored on a complimentary portable media drive that plugs directly into
your television. This means that videos can be played all day without driving up your Internet
usage bills. — [3] —.

Visit for details about our process, pricing, and more. — [4] —. Or, if
you would prefer a telephone consultation, I’m happy to take your call at 555-0148.


Wanda Shively, Sales Representative

Steffen Agency

165. Who most likely is Eric Dogura? (C) Use of a storage device
(A) An office manager (D) Access to a video library
(B) A videographer 167. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3],
(C) An attorney and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
(D) A dentist “You can even view some of our work for other
clients there.”
166. What does Steffen Agency NOT offer to its
clients? (A) [1]
(A) Help with making advertisements (B) (B) [2]
The ability to show live events (C) [3]
(D) [4]

Questions 168-171 refer to the following article. analysts had thus expressed doubt about the
participation rumors, pointing out that
Rodarte Announces Expo
168. The word “drawing” in paragraph 2, line 5,
TURIN (29 May) — In a press conference held is closest in meaning to
yesterday, luxury car manufacturer Rodarte
confirmed rumors that it will participate in the (A) attracting
upcoming European Automotive Expo, which is (B) portraying
(C) proposing
being held in the Palavela Event Center in Turin
(D) selecting
this year for the entire week beginning 8 July. —
[1] —. 169. According to the article, why is Rodarte using
a new marketing strategy?
The event is an opportunity for companies to
reach the public directly and demonstrate the (A) It plans to expand into a new region. (B) Its
features of their vehicles. The show was launched latest product is at a different price level.
five years ago and since then has grown steadily, (C) Its sales have recently declined.
drawing an amazing 180,000 attendees last year. (D) It is imitating a successful competitor.
This will be the first time that Rodarte will have
a presence at the event. — [2] —. Market
it would mark the company’s first effort to 170. What will Rodarte do during the week of the
market its cars to a general audience. expo?
(A) Distribute complimentary food at its
Spokesperson Hillary Lynam explained the booth
decision. “For the first time ever, we are releasing (B) Have an employee give a talk on
an economy car, the RD7, to make Rodarte’s automotive trends
high-quality engineering and design more widely (C) Offer live video streams at its branches (D)
affordable. We thought this event would be the Make an announcement about a
perfect opportunity to introduce the RD7 to the company plan
world,” Ms. Lynam said.
171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3],
Rodarte will be holding special events at its retail and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
branches during the week of the expo. — [3] —.
Customers can enjoy complimentary "The company is known for emphasizing exclusivity
refreshments, win prizes, and test drive the RD7. in its brand image.”
In addition, there will be video screens in all of (A) [1]
its locations throughout Europe streaming live (B) [2]
footage of the company’s booth to allow those at (C) [3]
home to feel like they are actually at the expo. — (D) [4]
[4] —.


Questions 172-175 refer to the following e-

mail. To: <>

From: December 3
Subject:  K&L_IP
Attachment: Dear Ms. Le,

Re: Concerned about dining set ▲

Thank you for bringing your concern to me. Please rest assured that my team has the
training and specialized materials to move your table and chairs out of the way without
scratching or denting them. I would be happy to explain our procedures beforehand
when we arrive on the first day of your project.

Also, if an accident does happen despite our precautions, our general liability
insurance will pay generously and quickly for repair work. I have attached an
overview of our coverage to this e-mail.

Thank you again for reaching out. It is important that you feel confident about Kimball
& Lozano’s ability to realize your vision for transforming your home.


Grady Kimball
Kimball & Lozano Home

172. For what kind of business does Mr. Kimball (D) Inconvenience to her family
most likely work? 174. What does Mr. Kimball offer to do for
(A) A furniture dealership Ms. Le?
(B) A moving company (A) Assign more staff to her project
(C) An interior design firm (B) Choose a different material for a task (C)
(D) A housecleaning agency Complete some initial work for free (D) Describe
a process in her home
173. What did Ms. Le most likely express
concern about? 175. What did Mr. Kimball attach to the e-mail?
(A) Damage to her property (A) A sample drawing
(B) Delivery expenses (B) A product warranty
(C) A mismatch of styles (C) A regional map
(D) An insurance policy


Questions 176-180 refer to the following e-mail

and form. Inkcite

To: October 7
Subject: Date:
Claudia Marshall
Message from Inkcite

Thank you for choosing Inkcite for your purchase of In Batson Village. We wanted to take
this opportunity to let you know about Inkcite Plus, our subscription service for e-books and
audiobooks. With an Inkcite Plus membership, you’ll be able to read the whole Batson
Village series—and much, much more—for a low monthly fee!
For $14.99 per month, Inkcite Plus Read & Listen offers access to:
• 1.6 million e-books readable on the Inkcite app or Inkcite e-readers
• 130,000 audiobooks playable through the Inkcite app or Inkcite e-readers
• Inkcite Book Clubs, online forums where you can meet other booklovers and participate in
lively discussions
• Exclusive sales events during which you can pick up the books you want to own at
amazing prices

Inkcite also has membership tiers for those who exclusively prefer e-books or audiobooks.
Inkcite Plus Read (e-books only) costs just $9.99 per month, while Inkcite Plus Listen
(audiobooks only) is just $7.99 per month. These tiers include all of the other benefits of Inkcite
Plus membership.

We are so confident that readers will love Inkcite Plus that the first month of membership is
free for all tiers. Click here to join today!
Inkcite Plus
Home Membership Catalog Support

Name: Claudia Marshall

Payment method: Credit card KingPay X
Billing address*: 7180 Graham Street, Vancouver, BC V5S 3E3, Canada

Membership tier: Inkcite Plus Read & Listen Inkcite Plus Read X Inkcite
Plus Listen
Membership period: October 7 – until cancellation


*Please be aware the Inkcite Plus is not available in the United States. If your billing
address changes to a U.S. one, your membership will automatically be cancelled at the
end of the current billing period.

176. What is the purpose of the e-mail? (C) It hosts online message boards. (D) It
(A) To give confirmation of a purchase (B) To publishes an e-mail newsletter.
issue an invitation to a sales event (C) To solicit 179. What is true about Ms. Marshall’s
a customer review of a product membership?
(D) To advertise an electronic content (A) Its price will increase from October of
service next year.
(B) She will begin paying for it in
177. What is implied about the Batson Village November.
book series? (C) Its benefits are limited in her country. (D)
She is charging it to a credit card.
(A) It is accessible in a digital format. (B) It
is composed of three books.
(C) Its newest entry came out recently. (D) It is 180. How much will Ms. Marshall pay monthly for
currently being sold at a discount. her membership?
(A) $7.99
178. What is NOT mentioned about Inkcite? (B) $9.99
(C) $14.99
(A) It makes e-readers.
(D) $16.99
(B) It distributes audiobooks.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following memo and schedule.

To: Benjiro Nozaki and eight others
From: Elena Salazar, Human Resources
Re: Announcement
Date: August 10
Attachment: Schedule
Our new CEO has made the development of our workforce one of Prensley Corporation’s
top priorities. To this end, Human Resources has created a mandatory online training for
you as employees recently promoted to management positions. The New Manager
Training (NMT) program will consist of a two-day session of presentations and discussions
on management. The first day will focus on Prensley’s expectations and general best
practices. On the second day, you will meet an experienced manager from your field to
learn about unique challenges you may face. The sessions have thus been scheduled by
department when possible (see the attached schedule).
Each day of the program will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a one-hour break starting
at noon. Participants should consider working remotely on those two days to
minimize inconveniences to or interruptions from colleagues.
The training will be held via Vewel videoconference. Please visit
in advance to confirm that your computer and Internet connection can handle the
platform. The Web links giving access to each session will be sent via company e-mail
on the day
before each session begins. For those scheduled to begin on Monday, this will happen on
the previous Friday (August 21).
Please let me know if you have any questions about this information.


Dates Departments & Personnel

Monday, August 24–Tuesday, August 25 Marketing (Benjiro Nozaki, Tabitha Reese)
Accounting (Clyde Miller)

Tuesday, August 25–Wednesday, August 26 Product Development (LaTanya Washington, John


Thursday, August 27–Friday, August 28

Customer Support (Troy Larson, Ana Ramos,
Sonia Zimmerman, Satinder Chumber)

181. Why did Ms. Salazar write the memo? (A) It is encouraged by the CEO.
(A) To recruit volunteers for a mentoring (B) It is limited to two days per week.
program (C) It is recommended for a training.
(B) To outline the advantages of a job (D) It is possible only for managers.
(C) To address negative feedback from 183. What does Ms. Salazar instruct memo
employees recipients to do?
(D) To communicate a company (A) Make sure they can use a Web
requirement platform
(B) Preview some presentation documents (C)
182. What is mentioned about working remotely? Send her a response via e-mail
(D) Suggest topics for a group discussion 185. On what date will Mr. Chumber receive a
184. What is implied about Ms. Washington? Web link?
(A) She is new to management. (A) August 21
(B) She is Mr. Cardari’s supervisor. (B) August 24
(C) She works in Ms. Salazar’s department. (D) (C) August 26
She was hired recently. (D) August 27


Questions 186-190 refer to the following product description, online review, and online response.

Oshiva Sunrise Alarm Clock – Model B50

Let Oshiva help you start your day! Our B50 alarm clock wakes you up just as a sunrise would,
by gradually increasing the intensity of its orange-tinted light.

The LED bulb can be adjusted to five brightness settings, while the speaker plays your choice
of morning birdsong, white noise, or FM radio.

Connect the B50 with the Oshiva Sleep mobile app to track and optimize your sleep

habits. Price: $159.00 OR $29.00/month for 6 months
Reviewer: Ye-Jin Jeong
Date: February 3

This is my first light-up alarm clock, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a regular alarm clock.
The light has helped me wake up with more energy throughout the winter. I only wish the light
were a bit stronger, as even the highest setting doesn’t feel like enough on some mornings.
Anyway, unlike some of the other reviewers here, I don’t mind this clock’s steep price. It’s worth it
for the reliability that comes with the Oshiva name. Plus, I love the extra services you can get, like
the sleep tracking and optimization tips. Overall, I’m satisfied with my purchase.

Rating: ★★★★


Response from Oshiva: ▲

Ms. Jeong, thank you for your review of the B50 sunrise alarm clock. The Oshiva
team is glad that it has made a positive difference in your life. As for your suggestion
on how the clock could be better, we wanted to let you know that we have already
made this adjustment while designing the B70, the latest model in the series. It will
offer the power you are looking for, as well as a few entirely new features. You might
consider upgrading when the B70 is released later this month.

186. In the product description, what is NOT (A) She is a member of a loyalty club. (B) She
indicated about the B50 alarm clock? owns other light-up alarm clocks. (C) She relied
(A) It makes a variety of sounds. on a friend’s
(B) It runs on solar energy. recommendation.
(C) It emits colored light. (D) She uses a mobile app made by
(D) It can be paid for in installments.
189. Why most likely would Ms. Jeong like the
B70 model?
187. What is mentioned in the online review?
(A) It is durable.
(A) Some people think the B50 is too
(B) Its light is bright.
(C) Its speakers are loud.
(B) Ms. Jeong shares the opinion of other
(D) It has a back-up source of power.
(C) Oshiva has a reputation for innovative
technology. 190. In the online response, the word “released” in
(D) The B50 does not function well in cold paragraph 1, line 6, is closest in meaning to
temperatures. (A) set free
(B) permitted
188. What is implied about Ms. Jeong? (C) made available
(D) excused

Questions 191-195 refer to the following article, schedule, and post on a Web site.

Brumfield Club Ready for Another Exciting Championship

A Brumfield Club spokesperson says that the club is prepared to host another thrilling
Brumfield Championship. The annual tournament for professional tennis players is set to take
place as usual in early July.

The spokesperson, Leigh Garner, says the club has made several improvements to its extensive
facilities since last year. Court 2 has been resurfaced and outfitted with a retractable roof. The
club’s concession offerings now include a third sit-down restaurant and more takeaway options
for those who prefer to picnic. Finally, a large television screen has been installed on the
hill west of Court 1. Attendees who have grounds passes but not match tickets will be able
to watch some of the major matches on the display.

“The Brumfield Championship is the oldest tennis tournament in the world,” points out Ms.
Garner proudly, “but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t offer modern comforts to

Brumfield Championship
Semifinal Matches

Women’s Men’s
Aubrey Hough vs. Xinyu Peng July 10, 10 Court 4
a.m. Giorgos Aetos vs. Finn Sorenson July 10, 1 P.M
Court 3 Court 2
Daria Volkova vs. Isabella Diaz July 10, 4 Umberto Santiago vs. Paul Givens July 10, 7 p.m.
p.m. Court 1

Dates and times may change due to weather. Television viewers should check
with their local network about when each match will air in their area. The
schedule for the final matches can be found here.

Live-blogging of Brumfield Women’s Semifinals

Topspinners reporters will continue their minute-by-minute updates from the sites of today’s
matches. At 10 a.m., Sheryl Fleming will begin reporting on this page on the matchup between
Aubrey Hough and Xinyu Peng. From 4 p.m., Carlos Torres will be posting here as Isabella Diaz
takes on current champion Daria Volkova. Stop by to share your thoughts on the matches in the
comment sections!

191. In the article, the word “set” in paragraph 1, line 2, (A) laid
is closest in meaning to (B) adjusted
(C) collected 194. In the schedule, what are some people
(D) planned encouraged to do?
(A) Purchase remaining tickets for later
192. According to the article, what is special about matches
the Brumfield Championship? (B) Check weather forecasts before
(A) Its large number of attendees traveling
(B) Its high ticket prices (C) Confirm the times that matches will be
(C) Its long history televised
(D) Its unusual rules for players (D) View a list of rescheduled tournament
193. At what time on July 10 will a renovated
court host a match? 195. From which court will Ms. Fleming be
(A) At 10 a.m.
(B) At 1 p.m. (A) Court 1
(C) At 4 p.m. (B) Court 2
(D) At 7 p.m. (C) Court 3
(D) Court 4


Questions 196-200 refer to the following e-mails and property

listing. To: Gregory St. Clair <>

From: May 11
Subject: Date:

Hi Gregory,
Samara Aziz <>

New locations

As we discussed, I’d like you to look into new locations for Samara’s Apparel that would
let us carry more merchandise. Specifically, we want a place that’s at least 1,300 square
feet but still has a monthly rent under $2,200. It doesn’t have to be very close to our current
site, but it should still be in the university area. And I’d like a completely empty space, so
that we can arrange our racks freely. Let me know what you find!


Retail/Office Space for Lease at 435 East 57th Street
Posted by: Brigid Rinehart (<>), May 13

This 1,450-square-foot ground-floor space, currently undergoing renovation, is

scheduled to be ready for viewing from June 4. In addition to unique arched windows and
two elegant central columns, it will feature new flooring and an updated climate control
system. A five-minute walk from the Phipps University front gate, the bustling location is
perfect for a trendy store or startup. The lease rate is $1,800 per month and includes
insurance, the space’s share of property taxes, and maintenance. Utilities are separate.
A monthly fee of $20 is required for access to the common restrooms in the building’s
hallway. The tenant must pay a security deposit of $2,000 up front. The term of the lease
is negotiable, but longer than one year is preferable.


To: May 14
From: Subject: Date:
E-Mail message
Brigid Rinehart <>
Gregory St. Clair <>
New locations

Dear Ms. Rinehart,

I’m writing in regard to one of your listings on I’m the assistant
manager of Samara’s Apparel, and my boss hopes to move our store into a
new space once our lease ends on July 31. Could you show us the property at
435 East 57th Street? If possible, we’d like to go the day that it becomes ready
for visitors. We are eager to find out if it’s the right place for the store.

Thank you,

Gregory St. Clair

196. Why does Ms. Aziz want to relocate her (A) Using some shared facilities
store? (B) Requesting a short-term lease
(A) To lower its operating costs (C) Receiving maintenance services (D)
(B) To expand its offerings Making a payment after its due date
(C) To be closer to its target customers (D) To 199. What is the purpose of the second e-mail?
shorten her commute (A) To propose signing an agreement (B) To ask
for details about a property (C) To point out an
197. What characteristic of the property does NOT fit error in an online listing (D) To schedule a viewing
Ms. Aziz’s criteria? of a retail space
(A) Its monthly rental fee
200. When does Mr. St. Clair hope to meet Ms.
(B) Its neighborhood
Rinehart in person?
(C) Its layout
(D) Its size (A) On May 14
(B) On June 1
198. According to the property listing, for what (C) On June 4
will the tenant be charged an additional fee? (D) On July 31
Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called, you may
go back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work.











































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