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1. What is your familiarity with the Siddi community?

a) Very familiar
b) Somewhat familiar
c) Not familiar at all

2. Are you aware of any successful examples of tribal community-led initiatives for self-sustainability and

3. Have you ever interacted with a member of the Siddi community?

4. Have you ever interacted with a member of the Siddi community?

5. Would you like to interact with these tribal community.

6. How would you describe your perception of the Siddi community?

a) Rich cultural heritage
b) Marginalized community
c) Integral part of society
d) Other (please specify)

7. In your opinion, what are the main challenges faced by the Siddi community today?
a) Socio-economic disparities
b) Lack of educational opportunities
c) Discrimination
d) Access to healthcare
e) Other (please specify)

8Have you ever actively engaged with or supported businesses or enterprises run by tribal communities?

9. Have you heard about the historical background of the Siddi community?
a) yes

10) Do you believe that preserving tribal culture and traditions is important for their overall development? Why or why

11) Would u like to buy their arts and crafts/handlooms?

12) Would u like to experience their culture and heritage

13) In your opinion, which economic sectors hold the most potential for economic development within tribal

14)In your opinion, should there be a separate educational institution for children of Siddi community having their own
cultural significance ?

15) In your opinion, what are the main challenges faced by the Siddi community today?


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