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Pengesanan Penguasaan Literasi Dan Numerasi

Bahasa Inggeris (Writing)
Masa: 1 jam 30 minit

Jangan Buka Kertas Soalan Ini Sehingga Diberitahu

Nama:____________________________________ Tahun: __________________

Arahan Untuk Kegunaan Guru

Tulis nama di tempat yang Konstruk Markah

Write your name in the space Words /15
Phrases /15
Kertas ini mengandungi 50
soalan. Sentences /10
This paper contains 50
questions. Passage /20

Jawab semua soalan. Jumlah

Answer all the questions.
Menguasai ≥50
Tulis jawapan dengan jelas di
Tidak menguasai <49
ruang yang disediakan.
Write the answer clearly in the
space provided.


Kertas ini mengandungi 7 halaman bercetak

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. His ____________ is colorful.

A. energy B. baker C. art

2. The fruits are _____________

A. fresh B. break C. exercise

3. __________ do you go to school?

A. When B. Whom C. Which

4. The cat is _________ the table.

A. under B. above C. in

5. Ali uses an ___________ to change the answer.

A. white board B. eraser C. desk

6. We ________ rice and fish for lunch.

A. drink B. watch C. eat

7. The children _________their homework last night.

A. does B. do C. did

8. Anna ________ at me when she saw me today.

A. smiled B. ran C. talked

9. The boys _________football together.

A. make B. play C. kick

10. Mother arranges the books ______ the shelf.

A. under B. above C. on

11. Last night, I _________ a loud noise.

A. saw B. found C. heard

12. Father __________ to his office everyday.

A. drives B. works C. sleeps

13. Harry and his friends are getting ________ in the rain.

A. sad B. wet C. dry

14. She whispers _________ to her friend.

A. loudly B. cheerfully C. softly

15. Teacher Anita shouted _________ at the naughty student.

A. at B. to C. in

(15 marks)
B.Complete the text below using the phrases below.

Type of flower : hibiscus

Colours : red, pink, and yellow
Features : big, round petals
: look like trumpet
Uses : make tea, lower blood pressure, treat hair loss
Grow : on bushes and in garden
Needs : sunlight and water
Known for : National Flower
Symbol of 5 petals : 5 ‘Rukun Negara’
Symbol of colour : courage and bravery

The hibiscus is a beautiful flower. It comes in many colours like red, pink and

yellow. The petals are big and round, and they make the flower look like a trumpet.

Hibiscus flowers grow on bushes and in garden . They need sunlight and water

to grow. People like to plant hibiscus in their yards because they make the garden look


The hibiscus flower is also used to make tea. It's called hibiscus tea, and it tastes a

little sour. Some people say it's good for your health. The flower also can lower blood

pressure and treat hair loss.

Hibiscus is also the National Flower. The 5 petals symbolize the 5 Rukun

Negara.The red colour symbolizes courage and bravery.

(15 marks)

C. Match the sentence parts and write the sentences in the space provided.

1. Farhan goes to school early in the morning

2. He has breakfast before going to school.

3. His father drives him to school.

4. In the evening, he has his football team.

5. At night, he watches TV before he goes to bed.

(10 marks)

D. Read the passage below and write the answers to the questions by rearranging
the given phrases.

Last weekend, my family and I went on a camping trip to the mountains. We

packed our tents, sleeping bags, and lots of food. It was an exciting adventure.

On the first day, we hiked to a beautiful waterfall. The water was clear, and we
even went for a swim. We had a picnic near the waterfall and took lots of photos.

In the evening, we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. We told stories

and sang songs around the campfire. It was a bit chilly, so we wrapped ourselves in
warm blankets.

The next day, we went on a nature walk. We saw birds, butterflies, and even a
deer. My little brother was so excited.

1. Where did the family go on their camping trip?

The family to the mountains went on their camping trips

The family went on their camping trips to the mountains.

(4 marks)

2. What did they do on the first day?

the waterfall They on the first day to hiked

They hiked to the waterfall on the first day.

(4 marks)

3. What did they eat near the waterfall?

marshmallows They the waterfall near ate

They ate marshmallows near the waterfall

(4 marks)

4. How did they stay warm in the evening?

wrapping themselves in by They stayed warm warm blankets

They stayed warm by wrapping themselves in warm blankets.

(4 marks)

5. Why is the writer’s brother excited?

some animals He was excited he saw because

He was excited because he saw some animals,

(4 marks)

(20 marks)


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