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Mathematics | JEE Advanced

DPP - 17

NGT.1 The integrals value of ‘n’ for which (a  x) 2 (a  y) 2 (a  z) 2

x SCQ.5 Let (b  x) 2 (b  y) 2 (b  z) 2  .
  cos 2t 1  cos t  e  t
t n
dt (c  x) 2 (c  y) 2 (c  z) 2

lim 0 is a finite
x0 cos x 1 If x, y, z are the roots of the equation 8t3 – 62t2 + 43t – 7
non-zero number, is = 0 and satisfy the determinant above, and a, b, c are
distinct number then value of |(a – b) (b – c) (c – a)| is
(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 10 (D) 14
cos3 x  cos5 x
SCQ.2 If  1 cos x 1 sin x 
2 2
dx =
SCQ.6 A and B are two non-singular square matrices of
A each 3 × 3 such that AB = A and BA = B and | A + B|  0,
sin x – – 6 tan–1(f(x)) + C (where C is constant then
f  x
(A) |A + B| = 2 (B) |A + B| = 8
of integration and A is constant) and g(x) = A f(x), (C) |A – B| = 1 (D) | A – B| = 2
then g(x) is -
(A) 2 sin x (B) 2 cos x
(C) 4 sin x (D) 4 cos x
MCQ.7 n baised coins, with rth coin having probability of

sin 2016 x 1
SCQ.3 showing head is , r  1, 2,3,....n are tossed once.
 cos 2022 x dx is equal to (C is an integeration
2r 1
constant) The probability of gettingan odd number of heads is
1 1 n
(A) (tan x)673 + C (B) (tan x)673 + C
672 673 where  is a prime number,  N, then
n  
1 1
(C) (cos x)2017 + C (D) (cos x)–2017 + C (A) 2, , 2 are in AP (B) 2, , 2 are in GP
672 673
(C) +  =  (D) +  = 2

MCQ.4 If A, B, C are the angle of an acute angled triangle

ABC and NGT.8 A dice is weighted such that the probability of rolling n is
(tan B  tan C) 2
tan A 2
tan A 2 proportional to n2 (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The dice is rolled
twice, yielding the numbers a and b. The probability that
D tan 2 B (tan A  tan C) 2 tan 2 B
, p 620
tan 2 C tan 2 C (tan A  tan B) 2 a < b in lowest form is where 
q (p  q)
then the value of can be
(A) –1 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) 3

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 1
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Mathematics | JEE Advanced

MCQ.9 There are three parcels namely A, B and C in another room. n.3n 1
A particular book is in one of them. The probability that SCQ.13 lim n n 1 n
 , n  N.
n 
n  x  2   n.3 3 3
it is in parcle A is , but if not in this parcle A. It is equally
5 Then the number of integers in the range of ‘x’ is
likely to be in either B or C. I send any servant to bring parcle
A to me giving its description. the probability that my (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) Infinite

servant brings, to me the described parcle is 2

Let X = I get particular book SCQ.14 Consider the function h(x) = f(f(x)) where
Y = my servant brings to me parcle A. 1 x ; 0  x  2
f (x)   choose correct option
3  x ; 2  x  3
Now which of the following is correct ?
7 8 (A) lim h(x) exist
(A) P(X)  (B) P(X) 

15 15
(B) h(x) has removable discontinuty at x = 2
Y 6 Y 6
(C) P    (D) P   
X 7 X 8 (C) h(x) has non removable discontinuty at x = 2

(D) h(x) is continuous at x = 2

MCQ.10 If R  R be a derivable function such that f '(0) = n2 and

f (x + y) = 2xf(y) + 22y f(x)  x, y  R then
(A) f is a one-one function SCQ.15 If f(x) = |x2 – 1| and g(x) = f(f(x)) then
(B) f(x) is many one function (A) g(x) is discontinous at three points
(C) equation f(x) = 2 has exactly two solutions
(D) equation f(x) = 2 has exactly one solution. (B) g(x) is discontinous at two points

(C) g(x) is not differentiable at three points.

(D) g(x) is not differentiable at two points.

NGT.11 Suppose f(x) =  2 and composite function
f n 1  x   f  f n  x    n  N, then nlim x 

is equal to (where x is a real number)

MCQ.12 If f : R  R be a function sat isfyi ng

f( x + f( y) ) = f(x) + x + f(x – y)  x, y  R then
(A) f(0) = 0 (B) |f(1) + f(2)| = 3
(C) |f(1) + f(2)| = 5 (D) |f(1) + f(–1)| = 2

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 2
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343
Mathematics | JEE Advanced


1. (2) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (C,D) 5. (A) 6. (B)

7. (A,B,C) 8. (5) 9. (A,C) 10. (B,D) 11. (3) 12. (A,B)

13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (D)

JEE | NEET | CBSE | Foundation (

Head Office: Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, 3
Kota (Raj.) Pin Code: 324005 | Contact: 9214233303, 9214233343

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