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Yakeen NEET 2.0 Legend

DPP: 3
wave optics

Q1 If two waves, each of intensity I0 , having the Q5 On superposition of two waves

same frequency but differing by a constant y1 = 3 sin(ωt − kx) and
phase angle of 60

, superpose at a certain y2 = 4 sin(ωt − kx +

) at a point,
point in space, then the intensity of resultant the amplitude of resulting wave will be
wave is: (A) 7 (B) 5

(A) 2I0 (C) √7 (D) 6.5

(B) √3 I0
Q6 Light waves of intensities I and 9I interfere
(C) 3I0
to produce a fringe pattern on a screen. The
(D) 4I0
phase difference between the wave at a point
Q2 The necessary condition for an interference by P is

and 2π at other point Q . Then the ratio

two sources of light is that: of intensities at P and Q is

(A) Two light sources must have the same (A) 8 : 5 (B) 5 : 8

wavelength (C) 1 : 4 (D) 9 : 1

(B) Two point sources should have the same

amplitude and same wavelength Q7 In Young's double slit experiment the intensities

(C) Two sources should have the same of dark and bright lines are 1 and 4 respectively,

wavelength, nearly the same amplitude and then the amplitudes of the source are in the

have a constant phase angle difference ratio:

(D) The two point sources should have a (A) 1 : 2

– –
randomly varying phase difference (B) √3 : √5

(C) 3 : 1

Q3 Two sources of intensity I and 4I are used in (D) 1 : 3

an interference experiment. Find the intensity at

a point where the waves from the two sources Q8 Two slits in Young's experiment have widths in

superimpose with a phase difference of π/2. the ratio 1 : 25 . The ratio of intensity at the

(A) 3I (B) 4I maxima and minima in the interference pattern

I max

(C) 6I (D) 5I I min

(A) 9

Q4 Two waves having intensities in the ratio of (B) 121

9 : 1 produce interference. The ratio of
(C) 49

maximum to minimum intensity is equal to 121

(D) 4

(A) 10 : 8 (B) 9 : 1

(C) 4 : 1 (D) 2 : 1 Q9

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Q9 Young's double slit experiment is first performed

in air and then in a medium other than air. It is
found that 8
bright fringe in the medium lies
where th
5 dark fringe lies in air. The refractive
index of the medium is nearly:
(A) 1.59 (B) 1.69
(C) 1.78 (D) 1.25

Q10 In Young's experiment, the interference pattern

is found to have an intensity ratio between the
bright and dark fringes as 9. What is the ratio of
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

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Answer Key
Q1 (C) Q6 (B)

Q2 (C) Q7 (C)

Q3 (D) Q8 (A)

Q4 (C) Q9 (C)

Q5 (B) Q10 (D)

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