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General Instruction:

Right True if the statement is correct and If it is wrong False right the correct answer if the statement is

1. Impossible conditions, those contrary to good customs or public policy and those prohibited by law
shall annul the obligation which depends upon them. If the obligation is divisible, that part thereof
which is not affected by the impossible or unlawful condition shall be valid.

Answer: True Article 1183

2. Physically Impossible Condition is when they are contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order
or public policy ?

Answer: False - Legally Impossible Condition

3. Legally Impossible Condition is when they, in nature of things cannot exist or cannot be done ?

Answer: False - Physically Impossible Condition

4. Their are 4 effect of impossible condition

Answer: True - Conditional Obligation Void, Conditional Obligation , Only the Affected Obligation Void ,
Only the Condition Void

5. Impossible condition annul the obligation which depends upon them. Both the obligation and the
condition are void.

Answer: True Conditional Obligation Void

6. Article 1184 extinguishes an obligation only if a specific event happens by a certain time.

Answer: True - Article 1184 deals with obligations tied to a specific event happening by a certain time.

If the time expires or the event becomes impossible, the obligation is extinguished.

7. Article 1185 extinguishes an obligation only if a specific event happens by a certain time.

Answer: False - Article 1185 addresses situations where an obligation is extinguished because a specific
event does not happen by a certain time. For example, if a caterer is supposed to arrive by lunchtime
but doesn't show up, the obligation to pay is extinguished.
8. If you agree to buy something that wins a competition, you are obligated to pay even if it loses.

Answer: False - This scenario falls under Article 1184. You are only obligated to pay if the specific event
(winning the competition) occurs.

9. An obligation to deliver something within 30 days is extinguished if the delivery is made after 30 days.

Answer: True - This situation aligns with Article 1184. The obligation to deliver the item within 30 days is
extinguished if the delivery happens after that timeframe.

10. You cannot be obligated to pay for a service that is not rendered.

Answer: True -This principle connects to Article 1185. If a service is not rendered, the obligation to pay
disappears because the expected event (service completion) did not occur within the implied timeframe.

11.There are Four (4) requisites for the application of this article.

Answer: False,

There are Three (3): The condition is suspensive, The obligor actually prevents the fulfilment of the
condition and; He acts voluntarily.

12. Article 1186: The condition shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents its

Answer: True. The statement is correct.

13. An individual should be allowed to profit from his own fault or bad faith to the prejudice of the

Answer: False, the individual should NOT be allowed to profit from his own fault or bad faith.

14.The law does not require that the obligor acts with malice or fraud as long as his purpose is to
prevent the fulfilment of the condition.

Answer: True. The statement is correct.

15. Article 1186 applies also to an obligation subject to a resolutory condition with respect to the debtor
who is bound to return what he has received upon the fulfilment of the condition.

Answer: True. The statement is correct.

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