MMPC-002 Dec 2021-June 2023

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of Printed Pages : 5 MMPC-002


Term-End Examination
December, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%

Note :
(i) There are two sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Explain the importance and scope of Human Resource Management (HRM).

Elaborate the relevance of HRM in the current scenario. 20

2. Explain the objectives of Human Resource Planning (HRP). Describe the process of
HRP with illustrations. 20

3. Describe the objectives and benefits of performance appraisal. Briefly explain the
process of performance appraisal. 20

4. Explain the importance of training in an organisation. Enumerate the steps involved

in the training process. 20

5. Write short notes on any four of the following : 20

(a) Job Description
(b) Fourth Industrial Revolution
(c) Sources of Manpower
(d) Participative Decision-making
(e) Functions of Trade Unions
(f) Human Resource Development System

MMPC-002 1 P.T.O.

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end : 40
Aditya Communications is a media company promoted by some of the leading
entrepreneurs in Southern India. The company has floated vernacular news channels
in two major South Indian States  Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The media and
entertainment industry is mainly constrained in either Mumbai or Delhi, and because
of the size of the market, the news channels in the country have been either in
English or in Hindi  the national language. However, over a period of time, the
media industry has discovered that there is immense scope for launching news
channels in vernacular languages because, in India, the people have a strong
language and regional affinity.
Keeping in view the various factors such as time constraints, balancing of interests
and aspirations of people from different regions, etc., the promoters of Aditya
Communications have decided to launch the new vernacular channel in Telugu in
Andhra Pradesh. However, the challenge before the company was to identify and
recruit the suitable personnel, in all the areas, who can lead the channel directly into
the homes of the people in the state. However, the company has discovered that there
is very little readymade native talent available in a vernacular language, and because
of this, the company had to initially look over existing general languages and had to
take up the news team from those channels. In terms of human resource
management, the company management has found it necessary to identify, design,
and implement a suitable performance management system which is in sync with the
market realities. It should also be able to meet the hopes and aspirations of the young
employee team, and at the same time, facilitate compensation structuring which is in
sync with market requirements, and also provide career development avenues to the
performers. The HR Department, while designing the Performance Management
System (PMS), has identified the need for an effective PMS in the following way :
An effective Performance Management System is a key ingredient for the success of
any organization, especially in these challenging times. And it is crucial in the
product development space, especially in smaller teams. An ‘up or out’ culture is what
enables the teams to be on their toes and raise the performance bar constantly. It has
been our endeavor to build a high performance and high productivity culture which is
just and fair to all associates at the Company.

MMPC-002 2
The annual appraisal workflow of the company for the year 2002 – 03 has been shown in
the Figure.

Appraiser to set objectives and

performance measures for
the appraisee in Section A

Yes Modification
request from

Appraisee to input Appraiser to Appraiser to input
achievements and input details in details in Section C

Appraisal in Draft Stage

submit to appraiser Section B

Appraiser to input
rating and performance Appraiser to discuss with reviewer on
shortfall in Section A his/her inputs based on draft copy of
appraiser prior to start of discussion

Appraiser to conduct appraisal

discussion with the appraisee

Appraiser and appraisee to Disagreement Yes

Any modification
further discuss with reviewer
in Section A, B, C
and HR for consensus


Appraiser to input summary of

appraisal discussion in Section C

Appraisal in Final Stage

Appraiser to do final Appraiser to do final Appraiser to do final
submission of Section A submission of Section B submission of Section C

Appraiser to input his/her final

remarks in Section C

Reviewer to input his/her final

remarks in Section C

Annual Workflow of the Company (2002 – 03)

MMPC-002 3 P.T.O.
Performance review procedure
The performance review procedure of Aditya Communications is described below.
 The appraiser as well as the appraisee would use the annual appraisal
module with built-in e-tools to complete this year’s annual appraisal exercise.
 The two core areas that will be assessed as part of the company’s appraisal
system are
1. what has been achieved in the review period, and
2. how have these been achieved ?
 HR will share specific deadlines via e-mail to all associates for the
completion of the performance review process for this year. The appraisal
tool would remind the appraiser as well as the appraisee regularly, to ensure
that these deadlines are adhered to.
 The annual performance review would be conducted for all associates who
have completed at least three month’s confirmed service with the company as
on March 31st.
 Appraisers will be able to view appraisal templates for their team members
who are eligible for this year’s annual performance appraisal, with their
review period start and end date.
 First, the appraiser should complete the performance objectives and
measures for the performance section in the objective setting part and
submit it to the associate. The appraisee is required to fill in his/her
achievements against the objectives.
 Once the associate submits his/her achievements, the appraiser would
complete section A in full, and highlight reasons for performance shortfall
and corrective actions are to be initiated by the appraisee.
 The appraiser needs to fill in the competency, summary, and the values and
ethics section of the appraisal form in detail, sharing relevant data in the
required field.
 The appraiser can share a draft copy of the appraisal form with the
appraisee via the tool either prior to the appraisal discussion, or at the time
of the review discussion.
 The appraiser has to fix a date for the performance review meeting with the
 If an associate has not been a part of a project/team for the entire review
period, the appraiser needs to conduct the review jointly with his/her
previous Manager/Project Leader. Alternatively, the appraiser should collect
feedback/review from the Manager or Project leader on the associate’s
performance while he/she was in his/her project.
 The appraiser may modify his/her evaluation, if required, based on the
appraisal discussion.
MMPC-002 4
 The appraiser should complete the total performance review form in full
after the appraisal discussion with the associate. Also, he/she should allow
the associate to read the final form, get his/her consent via the tool, and
record any comments connected with the review.
 The associate will also be able to view the final copy of his/her entire
performance appraisal form via their login id.
 Any associate in the company in the job grade of associate consultant/project
leader (equivalent designations) and above will be eligible to carry out the
annual performance assessment. Due care should be taken to ensure that
every appraiser is directly responsible for, in direct contact with, and aware
of the work performed by the appraisee. Business unit heads would play the
role of reviewers for appraisals completed by their direct reports.
 In cases where more than one assessor is required to assess the associate’s
work (transfer/different projects, etc.), it will be the responsibility of the
current supervisor to contact the previous superior and to ensure that the
overall evaluation takes into consideration all other assessments for the
current performance year.
 The associate will be informed of his/her final rating in the revision letter.
 HR will maintain the performance review data in e-tools for future reference.

Questions :
(a) Critically evaluate the organizational culture vis-à-vis the performance
management culture at Aditya Communications.
(b) Critically examine the relative advantages vs. disadvantages of the
performance management system at the company.
(c) Do you suggest any changes in the processes or procedures in the company ?

MMPC-002 5 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 12 MMPC-002





Term-End Examination

June, 2022

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%

Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from

Section A. Each question carries

20 marks.

(ii) Section B is compulsory and carries

40 marks.

P. T. O.
[2] MMPC-002


1. What is Strategic Human Resource

Management (SHRM) ? Discuss any two

theories of SHRM and their applicability.

2. Discuss the salient features and methods of job

analysis citing examples.

3. What is career planning ? Explain the process

of career planning.

4. Write a descriptive note on the theories of trade

unionism and their applicability in present day


5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Job Specification

(b) Artificial Intelligence and HRM

(c) Interview

(d) Critical Incident Techniques

(e) Incentives and Rewards

(f) Components of HRM

[3] MMPC-002


A global company with its headquarters in the

United States and business divisions all over the

world is very people oriented, and the parent

company is keen to implement as many global

processes as possible, with customization to meet

country- and business-specific needs. There is, for

example, a global performance and development

planning scheme (appraisal) which occurs annually

at the same time across the branches worldwide.

Other processes have local (country and division)

components. The aim is to make management

processes as easy as possible; most of the support

material and process tracking is available online.

Across the board, the responsibility for managing

and developing staff is very much vested in local

managers : the HR departments do not have a

P. T. O.
[4] MMPC-002

‘policing’ role. All activity is based on objectives

(organizational and divisional objectives cascaded

down the management to individuals). Individuals

are also responsible for their own development as

much as their managers are and there is a wide

range of internal and external development

opportunities for those who want them (where they

are relevant to the job).

Levels of induction

The company’s induction practice in the UK is

about to change, partly due to feedback from staff

about induction and partly through a need to

communicate coherently at the organisational

(global) level following a merger. Induction has

three tiers. There is a global, online, Web-based

induction programme for all employees, which is

[5] MMPC-002

just about to be released following a period of

piloting. This has four elements : company

strategies, structures and processes, values and

behaviour, reward, and other ‘individual’ issues. At

the country (UK) level, a new induction day has

also started recently. This is particularly in

response to staff feedback. Although new starters

understood their role and place in the local

organisation, they were less clear about how the

different UK businesses fitted together and how

their role contributed to the UK-wide business as a

whole. New induction day is observed every 2-3

months to bring together new recruits from across

the country along with the UK Director and Senior

Managers from the range of UK businesses. It is

called a Business and Networking Orientation

Event. An interesting component is the ‘interview’ :

P. T. O.
[6] MMPC-002

new recruits divide into small groups, each of which

interviews one of the senior managers and then

provides feedback to the rest (in front of the

managers) regarding what they have learned from

the interview. There is also a quiz (unchecked) that

aims to reinforce some of the learning from the day.

At the local level, each manager has a checklist

(available through the company intranet) which

they are prompted to use as soon as an

appointment has been accepted. The recruitment

and induction processes are therefore linked. The

checklist highlights things to do before the new

recruit arrives, such as ordering equipment, setting

up voicemail, what to do on the first day and

subsequently. This includes booking new staff on

the local health and safety induction, which is the

only part of the local induction not conducted by the

[7] MMPC-002

managers. New starters are also sent an e-mail

confirming their automatic booking on the UK

induction and highlighting things they must do as

in the first few weeks. It is very much the

manager’s responsibility to make sure that

induction is done effectively. There is no central

policing of whether the checklist is being complied

with. There is a very strong philosophy in the

company that staff are managers’ responsibility.

HR will check attendance at the UK induction (but

there is no check on effectiveness). This is expected

to come through in performance monitoring

processes (the performance planning process).

Managers will set objectives for new staff usually

for a six month period, with regular reviews. Any

issues arising from an ineffective induction should

be highlighted as part of this. Any senior manager

P. T. O.
[8] MMPC-002

can see the performance plans and ratings of the

managers and staff in their divisions.

Performance planning process (appraisal)

There is no probation process as such, but short-

term objectives are set for the new staff, which are

fed into regular reviews and the annual

performance planning process at the same time

across the entire organization. The scheme is

objective-oriented and results in a ‘rating’ which

indicates to managers what salary increase might

be applicable for the staff. The system is

automated, so that the previous year’s objectives

and development actions are brought forward for

review. If no progress has been made, the manager

has to explain this. Development actions in

particular are the responsibility of both the

manager and the employee. Training or

[9] MMPC-002

development needs identified are taken forward

within the context of company-wide training and

development programmes.

There are core programmes, many of which are

delivered over the Web, and specific business-

related programmes, which are available for all

staff and supported by the central budget. Any job-

specific needs not covered by core programmes are

met by courses or other activities paid for from the

manager’s budget. The company uses a system of

‘job families’ with a guide to the development

needed for each : there is an expectation (but no

compulsion) that employees will undertake the

recommended training or development prior to

moving up to a new level. Again, feedback and

evaluation on the effectiveness of the performance

planning process is left to individuals and

P. T. O.
[ 10 ] MMPC-002

managers rather than being part of any centrally

driven activity. There is an employee comments

section on each appraisal form, which is recorded.

An open door policy is also followed, allowing any

member of staff to refer to a senior manager if they

are dissatisfied. Many of the Web-based

programmes have been initiated by staff who have

highlighted gaps in their own and their teams’

knowledge or understanding.

Although a global company with global processes,

the company’s philosophy is very much one of

management responsibility for people and people

development. Supporting frameworks, materials

and processes are available—largely accessible via

the company intranet—and are expected to be used.

Trust must play a significant part. The online

induction is interesting and it would be good to

[ 11 ] MMPC-002

revisit this in a few months to see what, if any,

feedback there has been on its success. Similarly,

the ‘interview’ component of the UK-wide induction

is worth nothing, particularly the commitment that

this requires from senior managers to attend and

participate effectively. What is most interesting its

that, whilst many apparenty robust processes exist

to support people management, it is the bottom line

that is evaluated and measured (i.e., the success of

the business and how well people meet their

objectives and contribute to business success)

rather than the processes themselves;

implementation of processes may sometimes

become an end in itself in other organisations.

Finally, the company does not have any external

accreditations for people management and does not

follow any external quality frameworks such as

investors in People or EFQM, at least in the UK.

P. T. O.
[ 12 ] MMPC-002

Questions :

1. Critically examine the induction process and its

role in placement of employees.

2. Do you think the three-tier induction would be

enough for successful placement of employees ?

3. Can the localization of placement be improved ?

If so, how ?

4. Does the performance planning have a role in

placement ?

5. Critically examine the individualization of

performance planning vis-à-vis centralization

and its effectiveness in an organization.

No. of Printed Pages : 7 MMPC-002


Term-End Examination
December, 2022


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%

Note :
(i) Attempt any three questions from Section A. All
questions carry 20 marks each.
(ii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Trace the evolution of HRM. Describe the functions of

HR managers.

2. What is career planning ? Discuss the process of

career planning, with illustration.

3. Explain the concept of HRD system. Describe the

principles in designing HRD system.

MMPC-002 1 P.T.O.
4. Define performance coaching. Discuss the phases of
performance coaching.

5. Explain the meaning and concept of discipline, with

examples. Describe the stages of disciplinary action

MMPC-002 2

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the

questions given at the end :

Mr. Ritesh Mashroo was Senior Sales

Manager working in Indian Lever Limited, a most
reputed FMCG company for a decade. He was an
excellent worker and had always achieved beyond the
target assigned by his superiors. In March 2001,
when he returned from his official tour of 15 days, he
came to know from his colleagues that the promotion
list has been displayed and his name does not appear
in that list. On hearing this, he felt annoyed,
humiliated and in his gush of anger entered the office
of Mr. Mithun Chatterjee, General Manager
(Marketing) and began to discuss.

Mr. Mashroo : Why have I not been

promoted, Sir ? Since last year you are assuring me
to continue working hard and that I would be
promoted this year. This year too, you have not
promoted me. What is the matter ? (Mr. Chatterjee
felt insulted at Mr. Mashroo’s behaviour as some
guests were outside his cabin.)

MMPC-002 3 P.T.O.
Mr. Chatterjee : First take your seat and cool
down. I am indeed surprised to find your name
missing in the promotion list, even though I had
recommended you for promotion. As you are aware,
these days Vice President (Marketing) decides on all
matters related to promotion and he mentioned about
the feedback from the field staff he had received
regarding your poor interpersonal skills. So, I suggest
to you that you be careful about your work behaviour
and try to improve upon it. We will see next time.

Mr. Mashroo was very angry at

Mr. Chatterjee’s remark and left the office uttering
that he would meet VP (Marketing) on this issue.
Next day he went to meet Mr. P. Venkatraman who
was very busy with a board meeting. On seeing
Mr. Mashroo waiting, he called him inside and
inquired about the matter.

Mr. Mashroo : Good morning, Sir. I have

come to know from Mr. Chatterjee that I have not
been given promotion because of my poor
interpersonal skills. Sir, you may be aware that the
new sales staff is very arrogant because they

MMPC-002 4
proclaim that they have post-graduate degrees from
renowned business schools in the country and they
are not interested in working in the field. That is why
I have to be strict in managing them, as our ultimate
goal is to achieve the target.

Mr. Venkatraman : Mr. Mashroo, don’t feel

annoyed. I was just informally discussing with
Mr. Chatterjee that if you started working on your
problems you would become VP in few years’ time.
But as far as this promotion is concerned, I have
already given you 4 rating in your performance and
recommended you for the same. I think that HR
department might have made certain changes in the
grading and that may have worked against your
benefit. Why will I harm you in getting the
promotion; after all, you are a high performer in the
company ?

Mr. Mashroo : How can it happen, Sir ? How

can they change the performance rating that you
have given ? Then, in that case, I would like to meet
the HR Head to know the reason.

MMPC-002 5 P.T.O.
Mr. Venkatraman : You may meet the HR
Head, but it is too late for this year.

Next day, Mr. Mashroo goes to meet

Mr. Ashok Motiramani, Head of Human Resource

Mr. Mashroo : Good morning, Sir. I have a

problem regarding my promotion. I am the only
person in the marketing department who had, for the
past five years, achieved beyond the target. But this
time I have not been given promotion.
Mr. Venkatraman told me, that he had recommended
my promotion, but it seems HR department has
revised the list and I am deprived of promotion.

Mr. Motiramani : Mr. Mashroo, take it for

granted that we cannot change the rating or modify
the recommendation of your VP (Marketing) because
he is your HOD. Ultimately, HOD is the final
decision-maker for promotional issues of a
department. I am sorry I cannot do anything for you.

Mr. Mashroo moves out of HR department,

unable to decide what to do. Finally he decided to go
for a long leave.
MMPC-002 6
Questions :

(a) What is the problem of Mr. Mashroo ? Who

is preventing him from being
promoted ?

(b) Identify the problems in the performance

appraisal system of this company.

(c) What actions are expected from

VP (Marketing) and HR Head on this issue ?

(d) What steps need to be taken to avoid this

situation in future ?

MMPC-002 7 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 6 MMPC-002

Term-End Examination
June, 2023
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%

Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from

Section A. Each question carries
20 marks.
(ii) Section B is compulsory and carries
40 marks.


1. Define Human Resource Management. Discuss

the roles and responsibilities of HR managers
and the challenges faced by them citing

P. T. O.
[2] MMPC-002

2. Describe the process of human resource

planning with illustrations. Briefly discuss the
problems in human resource planning.

3. Discuss the salient features of job analysis.

Explain any two methods of job analysis with
the help of suitable examples.

4. What are the basic principles of compensation

administration ? Briefly explain the major
components of industrial wage structure of
India and highlight the recent developments.

5. Narrate the growth of trade unions and

employers’ associations in India.

6. Read the following case and answer the

questions given at the end :

Vishal Industries Ltd., is a medium-sized

engineering factory employing 250 employees.
The Factory Manager advised the Personnel
Manager of the company to select a right man
to fill up the vacancy of a “Time-Keeper”. The
Personnel Manager inserted an advertisement
[3] MMPC-002

for this post in prominent local newspapers and

received a large number of applications
although specific job description and job
requirements were embodied in the
advertisement. After preliminary screening of
applications, the Personnel Manager selected
only 6 applications out of 197 and sent them
“Application Blank” for collecting their detailed
information. On receipt of Applications and on
further scrutiny, it was observed that two
candidates were age-barred, although they had
a good experience at their credit and one
candidate had a suspicious personal life. The
Personnel Manager therefore selected only 3
candidates and sent them call-letters for a
personal interview on a stipulated date.

Only two candidates out of three appeared for

the interview before the Interview Panel
consisting of three interviewers. The panel had
therefore to take a decision on selection, either
of Mr. Tukaram Patil or Mr. Girish Mahajan.

P. T. O.
[4] MMPC-002

The personal traits and merits of these two

candidates are as follows :

Mr. Tukaram Patil, a young man of 30 years,

has worked for a year in the Time Office of a
reputed company. He is an exceptionally
sociable amicable individual who enjoys mixing
with employees. His verbal skills are average,
but he has a good degree of hardness. He can
sit late in office and prepare payrolls of
employees and complete the checking of
paysheets a day before the actual date of
payment. He does not demand extra
remuneration or over-time for sitting late hours
in office, He is a good sportsman also and has
worked as a secretary of a sports club. A glaring
weakness as revealed during the interview is
that Mr. Patil’s memory is not strong and he
may forget a task assigned to him. But he is
straight-forward and frankly accepts his

Mr. Girish Mahajan, is also a youth, aged 25,

and has a good personality, above average
[5] MMPC-002

communication skills, but at times is “rough” in

dealing with people. His clerical and
computational skills are excellent. He does not
on his own mix with people or take part in
extra curricular activities. He joined a textile
mill as a clerk in the Time Office and was
plomoted to the post of Assistant Time Keeper
within a period of 5 years. He is against the
principle of sitting late in office. His sense of
time keeping, punctuality is good and regular.
He feels that attendance of employees must be
posted in the regular register on the same day
and paysheets must be kept ready on 1st of
every month and sent to A/c Department, for
checking before 3rd instalment. Similarly, he
prepares PF/ESI statements and returns in
time and submits the same to respective
Government authorities in time. However, Mr.
Girish Mahajan is short tempered and at times
he also had heated arguments with managerial
executives. He limits his existence to his
working table and if anybody unconnected with

P. T. O.
[6] MMPC-002

the time-office work comes near his table, he

loses his temper.

Questions :

(a) In terms or overall capabilities and job

requirements, whom will you recommend
out of the two candidates, in your capacity
as a Personnel Manager ?

(b) In case the other two members of the

Interview Panel differ from your decision,
how will you convince them ?

(c) As a Manager HR, what will you do to

improve the interpersonal relations in the
organization ?


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