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Survey and Assessment of

Vascular Epiphytes
on Scaly Tree Ferns (Cyatheaceae) in
Mt. Pantaron Range, Natampod, San Fernando, Bukidnon
What are Epiphytes?
Epiphytes are plants that have a true root system and thrive on the bark
surface of trees, such as trunks, branches, and twigs, without causing harm to the host
trees (Ellis et al., 2015).

3 types of epiphytes:

Holo-epiphytes Hemi-epiphytes Proto-epiphytes

Source: Google Images

What are Epiphytes?
-Epiphytes account for 30% of vascular plant species in some biodiversity
hotspots (Kuper, 2004).
-They are generally found in tropical areas, with the majority of species
found at mid-elevation on mountains (Wolf and Flamenco, 2003).

30% Plants
Factors that affect the variation of vascular epiphytes
Numerous factors affect the variety and spread of vascular epiphytes. One of
the main variables affecting the diversity of vascular epiphytes is the biophysical
environment of phorophytes (Nadkarani, 2000).

Elevation above
sea level
Host size Bark texture

Vertical Stratification
Scaly Tree Ferns
-Scaly Tree Ferns are true ferns (Family Cyatheaceae) with trunk-like
stems that resemble trees. This family contains the world's tallest tree ferns, which can
grow to be 20 meters tall.
-They are generally terrestrial and epiphytic in nature.

Cyathea cooperi
Source: Google Images
Pantaron Mountain Range
- The Pantaron Mountain Range is also known as Mindanao's Central Cordillera.
- It has one of Mindanao's last remaining old growth or primary forest blocks.
- The area is inhabited by ethnic tribal communities such as the Manobos, Higaonons,
and Bukidnons.
- This mountain range has a high importance for biodiversity because it is home to a wide
variety of indigenous plants and animals.

Objectives of the Study

1 Determine the species of scaly tree ferns and its vascular epiphytes.

Compare the species composition of epiphytes in different scaly tree fern

2 species.

3 Determine the distribution of the vascular epiphytes

4 Assess the endemism and conservation status of the species.

Significance of the Study

➢ Expansion of knowledge regarding the identification of vascular epiphytes found in scaly tree ferns

➢ Contribute to DENR’s database which they could use as a basis in monitoring the species of vascular
epiphytes of scaly tree ferns in Bukidnon.

➢ Provide baseline information on the indicator performance compared to non-vascular plants.

Limitations of the Study
This study will be limited only to :

Vascular epiphytes on scaly tree ferns (family Cyatheaceae).

Non-vascular epiphytes and lichens are excluded in this study.

The collection of specimens will also be limited to a maximum of 7

meters high.
Place and
D u r a ti o n o f t h e Sa m p li n g
Entry Protocol
St u d y techniques

Identification, Pr eparation o f
Classification and
Da t a A n a l y s i s Herbarium
Description of
Epiphytic species Specimen

Assessment of
Pr eparation o f C o n s e r va t i o n St a t u s Photo-
the Distribution of the Species documentation
Map Endemism
Source: Google Images

Entry Protocol

Sample Gratuitous Permit

• A request letter addressed to the Barangay Captain/Chieftain of Mt. Pantaron Mountain Range will be sent
asking permission to collect samples of vascular epiphytes on scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae).

• Another request letter will be sent to the Regional Executive Director of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) Region X requesting for the issuance of the Gratuitous Permit.
Place and Duration of the Study

Mt. Pantaron Range landscape view

The study will be conducted from

December 2022-March 2023.

Map of Mt. Pantaron Range

Source: Google Images
Sampling techniques

• Inventory and assessment of the vascular epiphytes

will be done by the use of transect walk (Alpha
Taxonomy) in the montane forest of Mt. Pantaron
5 meters
• Opportunistic sampling

• All vascular epiphytes identified on host trees with a

maximum height of 7 meters regardless of the breast
Minimum: height (DBH) will be recorded.
7 meters
• A minimum of 100 individuals of scaly tree ferns will
100x be examined.
Preparation of Herbarium Specimen

The collection of the specimens will

follow the protocol of Coritico et al.
(2020). The collection of tree ferns will
be done by cutting each entire frond into
Shears five parts: leaf apex, middle pinna,
lower pinna, basal pinna and the stipe.

Leaf apex Middle pinna Lower pinna Basal pinna Stipe

Source: Google Images

Preparation of Herbarium Specimen



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Source: Google Images
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Identification, Classification and Description of Epiphytic Species

• The classification of the pteridophytes will

follow the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group 1
(PPG1) whereas, for the flowering plants will
follow the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 4
(APG 4) classification.
Numerical Analysis

• The presence and absence of all vascular epiphytes

appearing on the 100 individuals of scaly tree ferns
will be recorded and will be coded 1 if present and 0
if absent.

• This will then be analyzed using the PAleontological

STatistics (PAST) software to generate the cluster
analysis showing estimate of resemblances between
vascular epiphytes present on the different scaly tree
fern species.
Preparation of Distribution Map
Assessment of Conservation Status and Endemism of
Epiphytic Species

• The conservation status of scaly tree ferns and vascular epiphytes

whether critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable will follow
the assessment of Fernando et al. (2022).

• Photographs will be taken from actual observations • Close up views of the diagnostic characters of
in the field as to the species natural habitat. each species was done using stereomicroscope
and electric compound microscope.

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