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Module 3.

1- pg 116

Act 1-6

Short summary:


- File, info
- Data about data- the properties of a file
- The values of certain properties can be changed

Save ink/toner: use ecomode, print on both sides, print only whats necessary

PDF- Adobe reader

Plain text: contains no formatting, files are very small and can be read by almost any program

Paste options: keep source formatting, merge formatting (copied text matches surrounding text) and
without formatting

Written pg 124:

File properties on File tab: File size, no of pages, author

Metadata is data/characteristics about the file (data about data) to maintain privacy etc

Change the properties under the properties option in word

Economode: saves ink/toner, document prints quicker, quality of hardcopy is reduced

Rich text Formatting- files retain basic formatting (opp of Plain text) and can be opened by most
word processors

One can send an email attachment directly from the file tab

CSV file- comma separated values- text files which contain data where different data items are
separated with a character, like a comma

Text from file option- add the content of whole file

Object option- insert the file as an object

Help- F1

Module 3.2- Page formatting

Act 1-8


Sections: used for pages that need a different layout or formatting

Next page section break: if the layout of the following pages or series of pages must differ from the
previous page/pages e.g changing orientations
Continous section breaks- when a section of text is formatted into columns. Add 1 break at the
beginning of section and 1 at the end. Vary page formatting on the same page, e.g number of

Headers and footer: NB Link to previous

Written act pg 134:

Use sections when page orientations of different pages must vary, when the number of columns on
a pages differs, want to use different headers/footers in the same document

Module 3.3 pg 137: Act1-4



- Use a numbered list and not bulleted if the sequence of the items is important
- Use multilevelists when info must be indicated on different levels (substeps)
- Adjust vertical/horizontal spacing to increase readability or improve layout. Use the
Paragraph dialog box
- Horizontal spacing: space between text in the same line or between the left/right margins
and the text. Manipulate using: use of indentation or tab stops
- Vertical spacing: space between lines in a paragraph or between paragraphs. Manipulate
using: set spacing between paragraphs or between lines

Hanging indentation: when lists are used, the next line’s text will automatically be spaced below the
first line’s text. So that the text in each line is spaced directly underneath one another

Practical module: pg 144

Module 3.4

Act 1-4 practicals pg 145!!!


Written pg 151:

Word form: document designed to gather info and data

- Commands can be found on the developer tab

- Protect and save the form before giving it to users

Templates: framework for a type of document with a specific layout. E.g Memo (used for less formal
internal communication and usually covers only one topic), agenda, CV

Advantages of an electronic form:

- Supplies potentially more accurate data/info that doesn’t have to be retyped/ neat
- Restrictions ca be placed on what must be filled in
- Saves paper

Drop-down form field: when the user should select only one from several options

Check box form fied: the user should indicate that he/she selects an option

Why is it important to restrict editing?

- Users can only type in the form fields and not make changes to the rest of the form

An agenda: document with goals and points of discussion that gives focus and structure to a
meeting. Points to be discussed are listed in agenda format and are usually set beforehand to the
people who will be attending.

Module 5.1”

In Acess:

Column- field


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