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Gatsby Party Scene

Moment Book Movie So What?
Gatsby’s smile “He smiled Nick described Gatsby’s This shows that even
understandingly-much smile as understanding though Gatsby was very
more than in the movie. The mysterious and elusive,
understandingly. It was description was very he was actually a very
one of those rare smiles much like the movie. kind person. He seemed
with a quality of eternal as if he cared for Nick
reassurance in it, that and really wanted him
you may come across to know he was
four or five times in welcome at the party.
life” (Fitzgerald 48).

Discussing Gatsby in the “Somebody told me The discussion in the This demonstrates the
war they thought he killed a book was the same as elusiveness of Gatsby
man once” (Fitzgerald in the movie. Everyone and his past. Not many
44). had a different idea of people know him
what role he played in personally, so they start
the war. to speculate about him.
They don’t know him;
they just know about
him. This can also act as
a way to show how
popular he is.

No one has met Gatsby In the book, no one Anytime Nick asks All scenes that were
says that they haven’t where Gatsby is, kept or changed had
met Gatsby. No one everyone tells him no something to do with
really mentions their one has ever seen adding an ominous
relationship to him but Gatsby. feeling towards Gatsby.
they also never say that No one seems to know
no one has seen him. him very well and most
people have never seen
him, so it makes him
that much more
mysterious. I think no
one knowing Gatsby
also makes his
introduction to Nick
that much stranger. He
is so kind to him, yet
Gatsby has been
described to those who
don’t know him as a
cold-blooded killer. He
almost is foil of himself.

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