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My name is Happy, I'm from Lamongan, do you know Lamongan, Lamongan is a city near Surabaya.

Lamongan there are many seas. and why is it called lamongan. Here I will tell you about the city of
Lamongan. In the past, there was no name Lamongan. In the past, Lamongan was still a Gresik region
under Giri Kedaton. Lamongan existed after it became a duchy. The Duchy of Lamongan was formed
because of Mbah Lamong's services. It was Mbah Lamong who became the first Duke of Lamongan with
the title Tumenggung Surajaya. Mbah Lamong was one of Sunan Giri II's favorite students. After his
knowledge was deemed sufficient, he was trusted to spread Islam in his hometown which would later be
called Lamongan. Residents nicknamed him Mbah Lamong because of his affectionate nature. The
typical food from Lamongan city is soto Lamongan. Soto Lamongan is known as one of the most delicious
soto because it is characterized by a sprinkling of koya prawns which other soto do not have. do you
know koya. Koya is made from shrimp crackers and garlic which are finely ground into powder. When
combined with soto, the soto sauce will be thicker than creamy. Another typical food is Sego boranan.
The word boranan is taken from the name for a container or place for rice made of woven bamboo.
Usually this place is carried by carrying it using a scarf. Sego boranan contains rice mixed with various
side dishes that you can choose yourself, such as milkfish, chicken, tofu, tempeh, offal, salted eggs,
omelettes, and even sili fish. then sprinkled with peanut brittle on top. There are two types of chili sauce
that are commonly used. Namely chili sauce and sambal urap. If you're in Lamongan, don't forget to try
these foods, thank you

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