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(Từ ngày 29/3/2021 ->4/4/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 29/3/2021

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Ambitious a /æmˈbɪʃəs/ Tham vọng, rất quyết tâm

They were very ambitious for their children
(= they wanted them to be successful).
Ambition n /æmˈbɪʃn/ Sự tham vọng
She was intelligent but suffered from a lack
of ambition.
2 Gratitude n /ˈɡrætɪˌtjuːd/ Lòng biết ơn
I felt I owed a debt of gratitude to my old
3 Crisis n /ˈkraɪsɪs/ Cơn khủng hoảng
The government is attempting to solve the
debt crisis through spending cuts.
4 Unfailing a /ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ/ (never changing or ending) Không bao giờ
thay đổi, liên tục, bền bỉ
I could not have completed the book without
the unfailing support of my husband.
5 Unbending a /ˌʌnˈbendɪŋ/ Cứng rắn, kiên quyết, khó thay đổi
inflexible Her father was a stern unbending man.
6 Unmoving a /ˌʌnˈmuːvɪŋ/ Không chuyển động
He stood, unmoving, in the shadows.
7 Unfeeling a /ʌnˈfiːlɪŋ/ (not showing care or sympathy for other
people) Không cảm xúc, không cảm động
Her eyes were cold and unfeeling.
8 Graphics n /ˈɡræfɪks/ Hình minh hoạ, đồ hoạ
Text and graphics are prepared separately
and then combined.

9 Original a /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl/ (new, interesting, and different from
anything else; able to produce new and
interesting ideas) Độc đáo, ấn tượng
a highly original design
10 Chapter n /ˈtʃæptə(r)/ Chương (sách): a separate section of a
(abbreviation ch., book, usually with a number or title
chap.) I've just finished Chapter 3.
11 Character n /ˈkærəktə(r)/ (a person or an animal in a book, play or
film) Nhân vật
the main character in the film
12 Page (abbreviation n /peɪdʒ/ (one side or both sides of a sheet of paper
p) in a book, magazine, etc.) Trang
Turn to page 64.
13 Content n /ˈkɒntent/ (the subject matter of a book, speech,
programme, etc.) Nội dung
Original, quality, rich content
14 Scrutinize v /ˈskruːtənaɪz/ (to look at or examine
somebody/something carefully) Nhìn
chăm chú, kiểm tra cẩn thận để tìm thông
The statement was carefully scrutinized
before publication.
15 Hypertension n /ˌhaɪpəˈtenʃn/ Chứng tăng huyết áp
16 Marvel(l)ous n /ˈmɑːvələs/ Tuyệt vời, kỳ diệu
fantastic, splendid This will be a marvellous opportunity for
Marvel v /ˈmɑːvl/ Ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc
Everyone marvelled at his courage.
17 Prescribe v /prɪˈskraɪb/ Kê thuốc
He may be able to prescribe you something
for that cough.
Prescription n /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/ Đơn thuốc
The doctor gave me a prescription for
18 Secret a /ˈsiːkrət/ Bí mật
secret information/meetings/talks
19 Wonderful a /ˈwʌndəfl/ Tuyệt vời
This is a wonderful opportunity to invest in
new markets.
20 Attractive a /əˈtræktɪv/ Ấn tượng, thu hút, hấp dẫn
I like John but I don't find him attractive
21 Terrible a /ˈterəbl/ Tệ, khủng khiếp
What terrible news!
22 Typically adv /ˈtɪpɪkli/ (used to say that something usually
happens in the way that you are stating)
Thường, điển hình
A typically priced meal will be around $10.
23 Normally adv /ˈnɔːməli/ Thông thường
It normally takes 20 minutes to get there.
24 Rarely adv /ˈreəli/ (not very often) Hiếm khi
She is rarely seen in public nowadays.
25 Directly adv /dəˈrektli/ Thẳng, trực tiếp
She looked directly at us.
26 Storm v /stɔːm/ (to go somewhere quickly and in an angry,
noisy way) Xộc, lao vào, đi một cách xồng
He burst into tears and stormed off.
27 Furious a /ˈfjʊəriəs/ Giận dữ
She was absolutely furious at having been
28 Emotional a /ɪˈməʊʃənl/ (causing people to feel strong emotions)
emotive Gây xúc động mạnh
The anniversary of the accident was very
emotional for him.
29 Anxious a /ˈæŋkʃəs/ Lo lắng, băn khoăn
worried, nervous, I felt very anxious and depressed about the
concerned future. (anxious about sth)
Parents are naturally anxious for their
children. (anxious for sb)
Anxiety (about/over n /æŋˈzaɪəti/ Sự lo lắng
something) worry, concern acute/intense/deep anxiety
Waiting for exam results is a time of great
30 Calm a /kɑːm/ Bình thản, bình tĩnh
He always stays calm under pressure.
31 Hard a /hɑːd/ (done with a lot of strength or force) Dùng
nhiều lực
He gave the door a good hard kick.
32 Firm a /fɜːm/ Cứng, chắc
These peaches are still firm.
33 Gentle a /ˈdʒentl/ Nhẹ nhàng: not violent, severe, hard or
a gentle reminder that your next payment is
due on Friday
34 Plain a /pleɪn/ Đơn giản
simple The food was fairly plain, but well cooked.
35 Frightening a /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ Gây hoảng sợ
a frightening experience/prospect/thought
36 Panic n /ˈpænɪk/ Sự hoảng loạn
Office workers fled in panic as the fire took
Panic v /ˈpænɪk/ Hoảng sợ, hoảng loạn
I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of
the engine.
Panicky a /ˈpænɪki/ Hoảng sợ
hysterical He was feeling panicky.
37 Pirate v /ˈpaɪrət/ Vi phạm quyền tác giả, vi phạm bản quyền
Jones was accused of having pirated the
scientist’s work.

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Put on Mặc vào, đeo vào
Kim had forgotten to put his watch on.
1 Give up Bỏ cuộc, từ bỏ
After ten minutes trying to get the answer I gave up.
2 Turn down Khước từ, từ chối
How could you turn down such a fantastic job?
3 Take something back Trả lại đồ mua vì sai kích thước, hỏng…
If you don’t like the scarf, I can take it back.
4 Be no good (doing something/to Không có tác dụng, vô ích
somebody) | not be any/much It’s no good complaining—they never listen.
5 Make/kick up a fuss Làm ầm ĩ lên
I’m sorry for making such a fuss about the noise.
6 Regard Được cho là, xem là, đánh giá là
somebody/something/yourself Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.
as something
7 Be part and parcel of something Điều cần thiết, cơ bản = an essential part of something
These little arguments were part and parcel of their
8 Wait for Chờ đợi
We’re waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.

9 Expect to do something Mong đợi làm gì
They never expected to find their dream home.
10 Hot under the collar Tức giận
He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he’d
been all day.
11 State of mind Cảm xúc, tâm trạng nhất thời
She shouldn’t drive in her present state of mind.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Ethnicity n /eθˈnɪsəti/ Sắc tộc
Many factors are important, for
example class, gender, age and
2 Endeavour v /ɪnˈdevə(r)/ Nỗ lực
We have endeavoured to make the
vehicle environmentally friendly.
3 Unique a /juːˈniːk/ (belonging to or connected with
one particular person, place or
thing) Chỉ có ở, chỉ thuộc về
The koala is unique to Australia.
4 Sole (ony before noun) a /səʊl/ (only, single) Duy nhất, chỉ
My sole reason for coming here was
to see you.
5 Break something down phrv (to remove a difficulty that
prevents something from
happening) Phá bỏ khó khăn, cái
gây cản trở
Attempts must be made to break
down the barriers of fear and
hostility which divide the two
6 Properly adv /ˈprɒpəli/ (in a way that is correct and/or
appropriate) Một cách đúng đắn,
một cách chính xác, hợp lí
The television isn't working properly.
7 Occasionally adv /əˈkeɪʒnəli/ (sometimes but not often) Thỉnh
We occasionally meet for a drink
after work.
8 Excessively adv /ɪkˈsesɪvli/ Vượt quá, quá mức
The country relies excessively on
borrowing from abroad.
9 Initially adv /ɪˈnɪʃəli/ (at the beginning) Từ lúc đầu
More people had been infected than
was initially thought.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Alarming a /əˈlɑːmɪŋ/ Đáng báo động, lo ngại
The rainforests are disappearing at
an alarming rate.
2 Cholera n /ˈkɒlərə/ Bệnh tả
3 Diarrhoea (diarrhea) n /ˌdaɪəˈrɪə/ Bệnh tiêu chảy
4 Hygienic a /haɪˈdʒiːnɪk/ (clean and free of bacteria and
therefore unlikely to spread
disease) Hợp vệ sinh, sạch sẽ
Food must be prepared in hygienic
Hygiene n /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ Sự giữ vệ sinh
Many skin diseases can be prevented
by good personal hygiene.
5 Filtration n /fɪlˈtreɪʃn/ Sự lọc nước, gas…
a filtration system
6 Urgent a /ˈɜːdʒənt/ Khẩn cấp, cấp bách
pressing The law is in urgent need of reform.
7 Decompose v /ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz/ (to decay by a slow natural process,
decay, rot especially through the action of
particular bacteria or fungi) Phân
The garden was dank with
decomposing vegetation.
8 Trivial a /ˈtrɪviəl/ Tầm thường, không đáng kể, ít quan
Why do they get so upset over such a
trivial matter?
9 Pressing a /ˈpresɪŋ/ Khẩn cấp, cần được giải quyết ngay
urgent There is a pressing need for more
specialist nurses.
10 Baby boomer n /ˈbeɪbi buːmə(r)/ (a person born during a baby boom,
especially after the Second World
War) Trẻ được sinh ra trong thời kỳ

bùng nổ trẻ sơ sinh của thế giới sau
Thế chiến II
11 Bookend generations n (the elderly and the young) Người
lớn tuổi và người trẻ
12 Drive-though (also drive- n /ˈdraɪv θruː/ Dịch vụ có thể mua ngay trên xe
thru) They picked up coffee from the drive-
through on the way.
13 Insight n /ˈɪnsaɪt/ (an understanding of what
something is like) Sự hiểu, nhìn sâu
vào bên trong
She has some interesting insights on
the principles that have guided US
foreign policy.
14 Dine out phrv Ăn tối bên ngoài
He dined out every night.
15 Millennial (usually plural) n /mɪˈleniəl/ Thế hệ 9X
Millennials are willing to take risks
and see career change as normal.
16 Takeout (or Takeaway) n /ˈteɪkaʊt/ Bữa ăn mua tại cửa hàng rồi mang
17 Incremental a /ˌɪŋkrəˈmentl/ (increasing in regular amounts)
Tăng dần
incremental costs
18 Uptick n /ˈʌptɪk/ (a small increase in the level or
value of something) Sự tăng nhẹ
The futures market is showing an
19 Proceed v /prəˈsiːd/ Tiếp tục
We're not sure whether we still want
to proceed with the sale.
20 Flip side n Mặt trái, khía cạnh khác
It was only after they were married
that she began to see the flip side of
the fairy tale.
21 Realization n /ˌriːəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ Sự nhận thấy, nhận thức
awareness the sudden realization of what she
had done
22 Wisdom n /ˈwɪzdəm/ (the ability to make sensible
decisions and give good advice
because of the experience and
knowledge that you have) Sự khôn
He is too lacking in worldly wisdom
to be a politician.

23 Consistent a /kənˈsɪstənt/ (in agreement with something; not
contradicting something) Phù hợp,
thích hợp, nhất quán
The results are entirely consistent
with our earlier research.
24 Extra a /ˈekstrə/ Hơn, thêm vào
additional Breakfast is provided at no extra

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 30/3/2021

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Bruise n /bruːz/ Vết thâm tím

His legs were covered in bruises.
2 Obvious a /ˈɒbviəs/ Rõ ràng, hiển nhiên
clear It soon became obvious that the machine did
not work.
3 Unfair a /ˌʌnˈfeə(r)/ Không công bằng
unjust We hope the authorities will move to end
such unfair practices.
4 Unclear a /ˌʌnˈklɪə(r)/ Không rõ ràng, khó hiểu
It is unclear whether there is any damage.
5 Storm v /stɔːm/ (to go somewhere quickly and in an angry,
noisy way) Xộc, lao vào, đi một cách xồng
He burst into tears and stormed off.
6 Anxious a /ˈæŋkʃəs/ Lo lắng, băn khoăn
worried, nervous, I felt very anxious and depressed about the
concerned future. (anxious about sth)
Parents are naturally anxious for their
children. (anxious for sb)
Anxiety (about/over n /æŋˈzaɪəti/ Sự lo lắng
something) worry, concern acute/intense/deep anxiety
Waiting for exam results is a time of great
7 Calm a /kɑːm/ Bình thản, bình tĩnh
He always stays calm under pressure.
8 Furious a /ˈfjʊəriəs/ Giận dữ

She was absolutely furious at having been
9 Emotional a /ɪˈməʊʃənl/ (causing people to feel strong emotions)
emotive Gây xúc động mạnh
The anniversary of the accident was very
emotional for him.
10 Hit n /hɪt/ (a person or thing that is very popular)
Thành công lớn, vang dội
The films have proved a hit with older
a big/huge hit
11 Success n /səkˈses/ Thành công
The company has achieved considerable
success in this market.
12 Failure n /ˈfeɪljə(r)/ Thất bại
All my efforts ended in failure.
13 Threat n /θret/ Nguy cơ, mối đe doạ
Officials were confident there had been no
threat to public health.
Threaten v /ˈθret(ə)n/ Đe doạ
intimidate, bully, One man has been threatened with legal
menace action.
Threatening a /ˈθret(ə)nɪŋ/ Mang tính đe doạ, hăm doạ
She’s been receiving threatening phone calls.
14 Beat n /biːt/ Nhịp tim, nhịp đập
a heart rate of 80 beats per minute
15 Decision n /dɪˈsɪʒn/ (a choice or judgement that you make after
thinking and talking about what is the best
thing to do) Quyết định
No decisions have yet been taken.
16 Appearance n /əˈpɪərəns/ Diện mạo, vẻ bề ngoài
17 Booking n /ˈbʊkɪŋ/ Sự đặt vé, đặt chỗ…
Can I make a booking for Friday?
18 Benefit n /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Lợi ích
19 Gratitude n /ˈɡrætɪˌtjuːd/ Lòng biết ơn
I felt I owed a debt of gratitude to my old
20 Unfeeling a /ʌnˈfiːlɪŋ/ (not showing care or sympathy for other
people) Không cảm xúc, không cảm động
Her eyes were cold and unfeeling.
21 Unmoving a /ˌʌnˈmuːvɪŋ/ Không chuyển động
He stood, unmoving, in the shadows.

22 Unbending a /ˌʌnˈbendɪŋ/ Cứng rắn, kiên quyết, khó thay đổi
inflexible Her father was a stern unbending man.
23 Unfailing a /ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ/ (never changing or ending) Không bao giờ
thay đổi
I could not have completed the book without
the unfailing support of my husband.
24 Spectator n /spekˈteɪtə(r)/ (a person who is watching an event,
especially a sports event) Khán giả (người
xem các sự kiện ngoài trời như thể thao)
25 Viewer n /ˈvjuːə(r)/ (a person watching television or a video
on the internet) Người xem (truyền hình,
British television viewers saw him this week
in a BBC documentary.
26 Witness n /ˈwɪt.nəs/ (a person who sees something happen
and is able to describe it to other people)
Người chứng kiến, người làm chứng
Police are appealing for witnesses to the
accident to come forward.
27 Audience n /ˈɔːdiəns/ (the group of people who have gathered to
watch or listen to something (a play,
concert, somebody speaking, etc.) Người
dự, nghe, theo dõi buổi nhạc, vở kịch…)
The audience was/were clapping for 10
28 Lull v /lʌl/ (to make somebody relaxed and calm) Ru
soothe ngủ
The vibration of the engine lulled the
children to sleep.
29 Preventive (only a /prɪˈventɪv/ Phòng ngừa, ngăn chặn
before noun) The police were able to take preventive
action and avoid a possible riot.
30 Outlook n /ˈaʊtlʊk/ Cách nhìn, quan điểm
attitude, view, opinion a/an positive/optimistic outlook
He had a practical outlook on life.
Most Western societies are liberal in
31 Compulsory a /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ Bắt buộc
School uniform is no longer compulsory in
many British schools.
Compulsion n /kəmˈpʌlʃ(ə)n/ Sự bắt buộc, cưỡng bức; ước muốn không
chế ngự được

He felt a sudden compulsion to tell her the
Compel v /kəmˈpel/ Bắt buộc ai đó làm gì
The order compelled him to appear as a
32 Miraculous a /mɪˈrækjələs/ Thần kỳ, kỳ diệu
extraordinary, A teenage boy had a miraculous escape from
phenomenal death last night when he fell into an ice cold-
Miracle n /ˈmɪrəkl/ Điều kỳ diệu
33 Tempting a /ˈtemptɪŋ/ Hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn
It was a tempting offer.
34 Expose v /ɪkˈspəʊz/ (to put somebody/something in danger)
Đặt vào tình thế nguy hiểm, không lành
Children are being exposed to new dangers
on the internet.

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Hot under the collar Tức giận
He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he’d
been all day.
2 Sell out/Be sold out Cháy vé, bán hết
The tickets sold out within hours.
3 Reserve (your) Dè dặt phán đoán, chậm, hoãn việc đưa ra ý kiến về vấn đề gì
decision/judgement I'd prefer to reserve judgement until I know all the facts.
4 Under threat (from Bị đe doạ
someone/something) She left the country under threat of arrest if she returned.
5 Famous for something Nổi tiếng về cái gì
He became internationally famous for his novels.
6 Pack into something (=cram) Tràn vào, đổ về một nơi rất đông
Over 80 000 fans packed into the stadium to watch the final.
7 Make up (to invent a story, etc., especially in order to trick or
entertain somebody) Bịa ra một câu chuyện
I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along.
8 Splash something across/over (to put a photograph, news story, etc. in a place where it will
something be easily noticed) Phơi bày, đưa lên

The story was splashed across the front pages of the Sunday
9 Part and parcel of something Phần cơ bản, thiết yếu, tất yếu
These little arguments were part and parcel of their
10 Do more harm than good Có hại nhiều hơn là lợi
Strenuous exercise can often do more harm than good.
11 Not mind doing something (to be willing to do something) Sẵn sàng, không ngại làm gì
I don't mind helping if you can't find anyone else.
12 On the outlook for something = Xem, canh chừng, quan sát cái gì
Keep your eyes open for
13 Suppose/supposing (that) Giả sử, cho là
Suppose you won the lottery, what would you do with the

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Abuse n /əˈbjuːs/ Sự lạm dụng
alcohol/drug abuse
Abuse v /əˈbjuːs/ Lạm dụng
The boy had been sexually abused.
2 Infanticide n /ɪnˈfæntɪsaɪd/ (the crime of a mother killing her
child when it is less than one year
old) Tội giết trẻ sơ sinh
These conditions lead to neglect,
child abuse, and even infanticide.
3 Mutilation n /ˌmjuːtɪˈleɪʃn/ Sự tàn tật
Thousands suffered death or
mutilation in the bomb blast.
4 Unkempt a /ˌʌnˈkempt/ ((especially of somebody’s hair or
dishevelled general appearance) not well
cared for; not neat or tidy) Không
chải chuốt, không gọn gàng, rối bù
The children were unwashed and
5 Malnourished a /ˌmælˈnʌrɪʃt/ Suy dinh dưỡng
Tired, malnourished people are
prone to infection.

6 Cast someone/something phrv (to get rid of somebody/something,
out especially by using force) Đuổi,
tống cổ đi
He claimed to have the power to cast
out demons.
7 Charitable a /ˈtʃærɪtəb(ə)l/ Có lòng từ thiện, giúp người
The entire organization is funded by
charitable donations.
Charity n /ˈtʃærəti/ Tổ chức từ thiện
8 Sympathy n /ˈsɪmpəθi/ Sự đồng cảm, cảm thông
I have no sympathy for Jan—it's all
her own fault.
9 Attentiveness n /əˈtentɪvnəs/ Sự quan tâm, chăm sóc
He shows genuine attentiveness to
10 Abandonment n /əˈbændənmənt/ Sự bỏ rơi, ruồng bỏ
their childhood abandonment by
their mother
11 Tenderness n /ˈtendənəs/ Sự tử tế, quan tâm, yêu thương
She always treated him with
tenderness and compassion.
12 Advocate v /ˈædvəkət/ Ủng hộ, tán thành
The group does not advocate the use
of violence.
Many experts advocate rewarding
your child for good behaviour.
(advocate sb doing sth)
Advocacy n /ˈædvəkəsi/ Sự ủng hộ, sự tán thành
He won the Peace Prize for his
advocacy of non-violent protest.
13 Nevertheless adv /ˌnevəðəˈles/ (despite something that you have
nonetheless just mentioned) Tuy vậy, tuy thế
There is little chance that we will
succeed in changing the law.
Nevertheless, it is important that we
Our defeat was expected but it is
disappointing nevertheless.
The old system had its flaws, but
nevertheless it was preferable to the
new one.
14 By/In contrast (to phr Ngược lại, trái lại với
someone/with something) The technology sector is doing badly.
Old economy stocks, by contrast, are
performing well again.
In contrast to his predecessor, Bush
has little appetite for foreign travel.
15 Coin v /kɔɪn/ (to invent a new word or phrase
that other people then begin to use)
Tạo ra, nghĩ ra từ mới
The term ‘cardboard city’ was coined
to describe communities of homeless
people living in cardboard boxes.
16 Manifestation n /ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn/ (evidence that something exists or
is present) Sự biểu lộ, biểu thị
The riots are a clear manifestation
of the people's discontent.
Manifest v /ˈmænɪfest/ (to show something clearly,
especially a feeling, an attitude or a
quality) Biểu thị
Social tensions were manifested in
the recent political crisis.
17 Kind n /kaɪnd/ (a group of people or things that
are the same in some way; a
particular variety or type) Loài,
They sell all kinds of things.
18 Form n /fɔːm/ (a type or variety of something)
Loại, hình dáng, hình thức khác
Swimming is one of the best forms of
19 Genre n /ˈʒɒnrə/ (a particular type or style of
literature, art, film or music that
you can recognize because of its
special features) Thể loại
Crime fiction is a genre which seems
likely to stay with us for many years.
20 Type n /taɪp/ (a group of people or things with
similar qualities or features that
make them different from other
groups) Loại, kiểu, mẫu
What type of dog have you got?

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Trace n /treɪs/ Dấu vết, vết tích

Police searched the area but found
no trace of the escaped prisoners.
2 Prehistoric a /ˌpriːhɪˈstɒrɪk/ Thời tiền sử
man/remains/animals/burial sites
3 Tubular a /ˈtjuːbjələ(r)/ Có hình ống
a tubular metal chair
4 Intersect v /ˌɪntəˈsekt/ Cắt nhau, giao nhau
The path intersected with a busy
5 Diverse a /daɪˈvɜː(r)s/ Phong phú, đa dạng
New York is a very
culturally/ethnically diverse city.
Diversity n /daɪˈvɜː(r)səti/ Sự phong phú, đa dạng
We value the rich ethnic and cultural
diversity of the group.
Diversify v /daɪˈvɜː(r)sɪfaɪ/ Đa dạng hoá, làm cho khác nhau
Diversification n /daɪˌvɜːsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Sự đa dạng hóa
6 Descend v /dɪˈsend/ Đi xuống dốc
She descended the stairs slowly.
7 Untouched a /ʌnˈtʌtʃt/ Còn nguyên vẹn
The area has remained relatively
untouched by commercial
8 Fern n /fɜːn/ Cây dương xi
9 Varied a /ˈveərid/ Đa dạng, nhiều loại
They stock a wide and varied
selection of cheeses.
10 Related a /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ Liên quan
10 Sparse a /spɑːs/ Thưa thớt
Vegetation becomes sparse higher up
the mountains.
11 Accelerate v /əkˈseləreɪt/ Tăng nhanh chóng
Exposure to the sun can accelerate
the ageing process.
12 Unchecked a /ˌʌnˈtʃekt/ Không thể kiểm soát, ngày một tệ
uncontrolled The plant will soon choke ponds and
waterways if left unchecked.
13 By-product n /ˈbaɪ prɒdʌkt/ (a substance that is produced
during the process of making or
destroying something else) Sản
phẩm phụ

When burnt, plastic produces
dangerous by-products.
14 Infrared a /ˌɪnfrəˈred/ Dùng tia hồng ngoại
an infrared lamp
15 Reverse v /rɪˈvɜːs/ Đảo ngược
Falling birth rates may reverse the
trend towards early retirement.
16 Mitigate v /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ Làm giảm, làm dịu
alleviate Soil erosion was mitigated by the
planting of trees.
17 Viability n /ˌvaɪəˈbɪləti/ Tính khả thi
feasibility There are doubts about the
commercial viability of the
Viable a /ˈvaɪəb(ə)l/ Khả thi
feasible Hospitals plan to stop services that
are not financially viable.
18 Make a dent in something phr Giảm bớt
The latest health scare has made a
significant dent in the sales of beef.
19 Inject v /ɪnˈdʒekt/ Bơm, tiêm vào
Chemicals are injected into the fruit
to reduce decay.
20 Crude a /kruːd/ Còn nguyên, sống, thô
crude oil/metal
21 Justify v /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ Bào chữa, biện hộ
The Prime Minister has been asked to
justify the decision to Parliament.
22 Modify v /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/ Điều chỉnh, thay đổi
A modified version of my article was
published in the newspaper.
23 Endurance n /ɪnˈdjʊərəns/ Sức chịu đựng
They were humiliated beyond
24 Survivalbility n Khả năng sinh tồn
25 Vitality n /vaɪˈtæləti/ (energy and enthusiasm) Năng
vigour lượng, sức sống
She is bursting with vitality and new
26 Feasibility n /ˌfiːzəˈbɪləti/ Tính khả thi, thực tế
practicability I doubt the feasibility of the plan.
27 Inevitable a /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/ Hiển nhiên, không thể tránh

unavoidable They came to see defeat as
It was inevitable that there would
be job losses.
28 Phenomenon n /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ Sự việc, hiện tượng
cultural/natural phenomena
the global phenomenon of climate
Phenomenal a /fəˈnɒmɪnl/ Phi thường, ấn tượng, tuyệt vời
He has a phenomenal memory for
facts and figures.
29 Hurdle n /ˈhɜːdl/ Vật cản, rào cản, khó khăn cản trở
The plan fell at the first hurdle.
30 Anthropogenic a /ˌæn.θrə.pəˈdʒen.ɪk/ Gây ra bởi con người
anthropogenic emissions of
greenhouse gases

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 31/3/2021

I. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc hiểu 1

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + SYNONYM Nghĩa

1 Intense a /ɪnˈtens/ (very great; very strong) Rất
extreme tuyệt; rất mạnh mẽ, dữ dội
We were all suffering in the
intense heat.
2 Scuba diving n /ˈskuːbə daɪvɪŋ/ Lặn có bình khí
to go scuba diving
3 Observe v /əbˈzɜːv/ Quan sát, theo dõi
It is the parents who actually
observe these behavioural
problems in their children.
4 Passionate a /ˈpæʃənət/ Đam mê
She was passionate about
5 Recreation n /ˌrekriˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ Thú vui giải trí, tiêu khiển
Emma's only form of recreation
seems to be shopping.
6 Commercial (only before a /kəˈmɜːʃl/ (making or intended to make a
noun) profit) Đem lại lợi nhuận
The data cannot be used for
commercial purposes.

7 Military (usually before a /ˈmɪlətri/ Liên quan đến quân đội
noun) We may have to take military
8 Attached a /əˈtætʃt/ - (joined to sth) Gắn vào
The ball was attached to a
length of thin chain.
- Rất thích, mê, ghiền
She found herself growing
deeply attached to the old lady.
9 Gear n /ɡɪə(r)/ (the equipment or clothing
needed for a particular
activity) Trang thiết bị sử dụng
cho một hoạt động nào đó
climbing/fishing/sports gear
10 Snorkel n /ˈsnɔːkl/ Ống thở dưới nước
11 Regulator n /ˈreɡjuleɪtə(r)/ (a device that controls
something such as speed,
temperature or pressure)
Thiết bị điều khiển
a pressure regulator
12 Moderate a /ˈmɒdəreɪt/ (that is neither very good,
large, hot, etc. nor very bad,
small, cold, etc.) Bình thường,
khiêm tốn
The team enjoyed only
moderate success last season.
13 Obtuse a /əbˈtjuːs/ Chậm hiểu
Perhaps I’m being obtuse, but
what has all this got to do with
14 Enclosed a /ɪnˈkləʊzd/ - Gửi kèm, đính kèm với
Please complete the enclosed
application form.
- Được bao bởi
I can't stand being shut in a
small enclosed space.
15 Indispensable a /ˌɪndɪˈspensəb(ə)l/ Rất quan trọng, không thể
thiếu được
Cars have become an
indispensable part of our lives.

II. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc hiểu 2

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa
1 Dire (usually before noun) a /ˈdaɪə(r)/ (very severe or serious) Rất tệ,
nghiêm trọng
Such action may have dire
2 Spectator n /spekˈteɪtə(r)/ (a person who is watching an
event, especially a sports event)
Khán giả (người xem các sự kiện
ngoài trời như thể thao)
3 Moderate a /ˈmɒdərət/ (doing, eating, or drinking only
sensible amounts of something)
Vừa phải, điều độ
a moderate drinker (=of alcohol)
4 Sense n /sens/ (a feeling about something
important) Thái độ, quan điểm,
phán đoán
I had the sense that he was worried
about something.
5 At risk phr Gặp nguy hiểm
If we go to war, innocent lives will be
put at risk.
6 Line drive n /ˈlaɪn draɪv/ ((in baseball) a powerful hit in a
straight line near to the ground)
Quả bóng được đánh mạnh đến nỗi
gần như đi theo một đường thẳng.
7 Altercation n /ˌɔːltəˈkeɪʃn/ (a noisy argument or
disagreement) Cuộc cãi lộn, đấu
A youth became involved in an
altercation with a police officer over
a parking ticket.
8 Hostile a /ˈhɒstaɪl/ Không thân thiện
The speaker got a hostile reception
from the audience.
9 Hydrate v /haɪˈdreɪt/ Cung cấp nước cho cơ thể
It is important for people to stay
hydrated in the hot weather.
10 Dehydrate v /ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪt/ Thiếu nước, mất nước
Runners can dehydrate very quickly
in this heat.
11 Overturn v /ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn/ (to show that a belief or an idea is
not correct) Thay đổi suy nghĩ, ý
kiến, cho rằng là sai

She completely overturned my
preconceptions about film stars.
12 Misconception n /ˌmɪskənˈsepʃn/ Quan niệm sai lầm
Let me deal with some common
13 Direct a /dəˈrekt/ Trực tiếp
14 Inevitable a /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/ Hiển nhiên, không thể tránh
unavoidable They came to see defeat as
It was inevitable that there would
be job losses.
15 Unintended a /ˌʌnɪnˈtendɪd/ (not deliberate or planned) Ngoài ý
muốn, không lường trước được
In law you are considered
responsible for the unintended
consequences of your actions.
16 Adverse a /ˈædvɜːs/ Bất lợi, hại, tiêu cực
Lack of money will have an adverse
effect on our research programme.
Adversity n /ədˈvɜːsəti/ Tình huống khó khăn
He overcame many personal
Adversary n /ˈædvəsəri/ Kẻ địch, đối thủ
The two of them were old
Adversative a /ədˈvɜːsətɪv/ Đối lập
the adversative conjunction ‘but’
17 Elite (only before noun) a /eɪˈliːt/ ((especially in sport) having or
showing the greatest ability at the
highest level of competition) Giỏi
nhất, tài năng nhất
an elite athlete/swimmer/runner
18 Intrinsically adv /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪkli/ Về bản chất, thực chất
Salary increase is intrinsically
linked to performance.
19 Detrimental a /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ Gây hại
This move could be seriously
detrimental to the economy.
Detriment a /ˈdetrɪmənt/ Sự thiệt hại, sự gây tổn hại
Too many tests are a detriment to
good education.
20 Feeling n /ˈfiːlɪŋ/ (an attitude or opinion about
something) Quan điểm, thái độ

My own feeling is that we should buy
the cheaper one.
21 Recognition n /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ Sự nhận ra, nhận thấy
22 Awareness n /əˈweə(r)nəs/ Nhận thức
The campaign aims to raise
awareness of the dangers of passive
Aware a /əˈweə(r)/ Nhận thức, có ý thức
They’re aware of the dangers.
Unaware a /ˌʌnəˈweə(r)/ Không nhận thức được
Tom carried on reading, seemingly
unaware of my presence.
23 Wisdom n /ˈwɪzdəm/ (the ability to make sensible
decisions and give good advice
because of the experience and
knowledge that you have) Sự khôn
He is too lacking in worldly wisdom
to be a politician.
24 Guard rail n /ˈɡɑːd reɪl/ Lan can bảo vệ
25 Vigorous a /ˈvɪɡərəs/ (very active, determined or full of
energetic energy) Sôi nổi, mãnh liệt, mạnh mẽ
Take vigorous exercise for several
hours a week.
Vigour n /ˈvɪɡə(r)/ Sức mạnh, sự nhiệt huyết
He worked with renewed vigour and
26 End up phrv (to find yourself in a place or
situation at the end of a process or
period of time) Kết cục, nhận dược
kết quả như thế nào
I ended up doing all the work
If he carries on driving like that, he'll
end up dead. (+ adj.)
If you go on like this you'll end up in
prison. (+ adv./prep.)
27 Cardiovascular a /ˌkɑːdiəʊˈvæskjələ(r)/ Tim mạch

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc hiểu 3

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Origin n /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ Nguồn gốc
The origin of the word remains
Originate v /əˈrɪdʒəneɪt/ Có nguồn gốc, xuất phát
Many herbs originate from the
Original a /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl/ Nguyên bản, mới
Our original plan was to go to Spain,
but it was too expensive.
2 Observe v /əbˈzɜːv/ Quan sát, theo dõi
It is the parents who actually observe
these behavioural problems in their
3 Date back (to…)/date from… phrv Xảy ra vào thời gian nào trong quá
/date to… khứ
Our friendship dates back to the late
4 Myth n /mɪθ/ Thần thoại
legend ancient Greek myths
5 Chief n /tʃiːf/ ((often as a title) a leader of a
people or community) Thủ lĩnh,
người đứng đầu
6 Tribe n /traɪb/ Bộ lạc
tribes living in remote areas of the
Amazonian rainforest
7 Tame v /teɪm/ Thuần hoá
Lions can never be completely tamed.
8 Bury v /ˈberi/ Chôn vùi, che giấu cảm xúc, sự
She had learnt to bury her feelings.
9 Integral a /ˈɪntɪɡrəl/ Cần thiết, quan trọng
Music is an integral part of the
school's curriculum.
10 Prestige n /preˈstiːʒ/ Danh vọng, địa vị, uy tín
There is a lot of prestige attached to
owning a car like this.
Prestigious (usually before a /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ Uy tín, danh giá
noun) a prestigious award
a highly prestigious university
11 Catch on phrv (become popular or fashionable)
Trở nên phổ biến, thịnh hành
He invented a new game, but it never
really caught on.

12 Emerge v /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ (to start to exist; to appear or
become known) Bắt đầu xuất hiện,
được biết đến
The University of Colorado emerged
as the overall winner.
13 Take off phrv ((of an idea, a product, etc.) to
become successful or popular very
quickly or suddenly) Trở nên phổ
biến, thịnh hành
Her singing career took off after her
TV appearance.
14 Garner v /ˈɡɑːnə(r)/ Giành được, đạt được
gather, obtain All the information that we garnered
has been kept on file.
15 Take (a) hold phr Trở nên mạnh mẽ, bùng phát, nắm
quyền kiểm soát
It is best to treat the disease early
before it takes a hold.
16 Subculture n /ˈsʌbkʌltʃə(r)/ (the behaviour and beliefs of a
particular group of people in society
that are different from those of
most people) Nhóm văn hoá
the criminal/drug/youth subculture
17 Downplay v /ˌdaʊnˈpleɪ/ Hạ thấp giá trị, vị trí
play down The coach is downplaying the team's
poor performance.
18 Impetus n /ˈɪmpɪtəs/ (the force or energy with which
something moves) Sức đẩy
The slope added impetus to his speed.
19 Catalyze v /ˈkætəlaɪz/ Xúc tác, đẩy nhanh
20 Assemble v /əˈsembl/ Tập trung lại thành nhóm
All the students were asked to
assemble in the main hall.
21 Hoard v /hɔːd/ Tích trữ, sưu tầm, thu thập giấu kín
They dug up a hoard of Roman coins.
22 Gather v /ˈɡæðə(r)/ Thu được giành được
23 Garner one’s attention = phr Thu hút sự chú ý của ai/cái gì
Gather one’s attention

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa

1 Flock v /flɒk/ Tụ tập, kéo đến

Thousands of people flocked to the beach
this weekend.
2 Succession n /səkˈseʃn/ Sự kế tiếp, liên tiếp
She has won the award for the third year in
Successive a /səkˈsesɪv/ Kế tiếp, nối tiếp
There has been low rainfall for two
successive years.
3 Success n /səkˈses/ Thành công
The company has achieved considerable
success in this market.
Succeed v /səkˈsiːd/ Gặt hái thành công
He succeeded in getting a place at art
4 Amazement n /əˈmeɪzmənt/ Sự ngạc nhiên, sửng sốt
To my amazement, he remembered me.
She looked at him in amazement.
5 Hail v /heɪl/ (to describe somebody/something as
being very good or special, especially in
newspapers, etc.) Khen ngợi, tung hô
Union leaders hailed the socialists’ victory
as a huge step forward.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 1/4/2021

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Courage n /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/ Lòng dũng cảm

bravery They had the courage to stand up and fight
for what they believed in.
Courageous a /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ Dũng cảm
brave I hope people will be courageous enough to
speak out against this injustice.
2 Encourage v /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ Khuyến khích, cổ vũ, động viên
We were greatly encouraged by the positive
response of the public.
3 Agree v /əˈɡriː/ Đồng ý
You can't expect them to agree on
4 Correct v /kəˈrekt/ Sửa lại cho đúng
Read through your work and correct any
mistakes that you find.
5 Justify v /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ Bào chữa, biện hộ
The senator made an attempt to justify his
actions. (justify something/yourself)
6 Approve v /əˈpruːv/ Đồng ý, chấp thuận
He seemed to approve of my choice.
Approval n /əˈpruːv(ə)l/ Sự đồng ý, cho phép
Most of his girlfriends failed to meet with his
father’s approval.
7 Draft n /drɑːft/ Bản nháp, phác thảo
I've made a rough draft of the letter.
8 Endurance n /ɪnˈdjʊərəns/ Sức chịu đựng
They were humiliated beyond endurance.
Endure v /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/ - Chịu đựng (=bear)
He can't endure being defeated.
- Kéo dài, tồn tại (= last)
traditions that endure
Enduring a /ɪnˈdjʊərɪŋ/ Kéo dài
long-lasting, lasting What is your most enduring memory of her?
Endurable a /ɪnˈdjʊərəbl/ Có thể chịu đựng được
bearable I felt that life was no longer endurable.
9 Insurance n /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/ Sự bảo hiểm
health/medical insurance
10 Assurance n /əˈʃʊərəns/ Sự chắc chắn, đảm bảo
Unemployment seems to be rising, despite
repeated assurances to the contrary.
Assure v /əˈʃʊə(r)/ Bảo đảm, chắc chắn
I won’t let you down, I can assure you of
Assured (aslo self- a /əˈʃɔː(r)d/ Tự tin, chắc chắn
assured) You can rest assured (feel certain) that the
salesman won’t bother you again.
11 Headquarters n /ˌhedˈkwɔːtəz/ Trụ sở chính
(abbreviation HQ) The firm’s headquarters is/are in London.
12 Position n /pəˈzɪʃn/ (the place where somebody/something is
located) Vị trí, chỗ

The hotel stands in an elevated position
looking out over the lake.
13 Situation n /ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn/ (all the circumstances and things that are
happening at a particular time and in a
particular place) Tình hình, hoàn cảnh,
trạng thái
the present economic/financial/political
14 Location n /ləʊˈkeɪʃn/ (a place where something happens or
exists; the position of something) Địa chỉ,
địa điểm, nơi
The harsh climate and remote location made
mining even more difficult.
15 Place n /pleɪs/ Nơi chốn, nơi
Keep your purse in a safe place.
16 Diverse a /daɪˈvɜː(r)s/ Phong phú, đa dạng
New York is a very culturally/ethnically
diverse city.
Diversity n /daɪˈvɜː(r)səti/ Sự phong phú, đa dạng
We value the rich ethnic and cultural
diversity of the group.
Diversify v /daɪˈvɜː(r)sɪfaɪ/ Đa dạng hoá, làm cho khác nhau
Diversification n /daɪˌvɜːsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Sự đa dạng hóa
17 Distant a /ˈdɪstənt/ (far away in space or time) Xa xôi
The airport was about 20 kilometres distant.
18 Isolated a /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ Bị cô lập
lonely I felt very isolated in my new job.
19 Admit v /ədˈmɪt/ Thừa nhận, chấp nhận, nhận sai
confess She admitted to having stolen the car.
20 Refuse v /rɪˈfjuːz/ Từ chối
He flatly refused to discuss the matter.
Refusal n /rɪˈfjuːz(ə)l/ Sự từ chối, khước từ
21 Argue v /ˈɑːɡjuː/ Tranh cãi
We're always arguing with each other
about money.
22 Deny v /di’nai/ Từ chối, phản đối, phủ nhận
He said the police assaulted him while he
was in custody, a claim which the police
23 Calculate v /ˈkælkjʊleɪt/ Tính toán
He calculates that the proposal would cost
£4 million a year.

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Be/become/get involved in (taking part in something; being part of something or
something connected with something) Tham gia vào, liên quan đến
He became actively involved in politics.
2 Enjoy doing something Thích làm gì
I don’t enjoy going on holiday as much as I used to.
3 Meet/miss a deadline ((=finish/not finish something in time)) Hoàn thành, kịp/trễ
thời hạn
If we can’t meet the deadline, they won’t give us another
4 Cut up Làm bị thương ai đó; chặn đầu xe; chia ra nhiều phần nhỏ
5 Cut something down (to…)/cut Cắt giảm, hạn chế
down (on something) The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.
6 Cut off Ngắt lời; ngừng cung cấp;…
7 Cut in Xen vào, cắt ngang…
8 In accordance with Theo sự thoả thuận, theo sự đồng ý, phù hợp với
We acted in accordance with my parents’ wishes.
9 Through and through (used for saying that someone has all the qualities of a
particular type of person) Hoàn toàn, có đầy đủ đặc điểm
He was obviously a city kid through and through.
10 Once (and) for all (now and for the last time; finally or completely) Lần cuối,
dứt điểm
We need to settle this once and for all.
11 To and fro (backwards and forwards) Đi tới đi lui, theo một hướng và
ngược lại
She rocked the baby to and fro.
12 Over and over (again) Lặp đi lặp lại, nhiều lần
I read the report over and over, till I almost knew it by heart.
13 Take it/things easy Bình tĩnh, thư giãn thoải mái
The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.
14 On the horns of a dilemma Trong tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan
The dire economic situation had placed the prime minister on
the horns of a dilemma.
15 With flying colours Tốt, điểm rất cao
She passed the exam with flying colors.
16 Keen on doing something Thích thú làm gì
I wasn't too keen on going to the party.

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Prestige n /preˈstiːʒ/ Danh vọng, địa vị, uy tín
There is a lot of prestige attached to
owning a car like this.
Prestigious (usually before a /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ Uy tín, danh giá
noun) a prestigious award
a highly prestigious university
2 Consider v /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ Xem xét, nhìn nhận
She is widely considered to be the
greatest player ever.
Consideration n /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự cân nhắc, xem xét
After serious consideration of
all the issues, the school decided to
expel the three students.
3 Play a part/role in phr Đóng vai trò
something She played a key role in campaigning
for equal opportunities in the
4 Laid-back a /ˌleɪd ˈbæk/ Thoải mái, không lo lắng
easy-going She’s very laid-back about her exams.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Deadly a /ˈdedli/ Gây chết người
lethal This is a potentially deadly disease.
Death n /deθ/ Cái chết
He suffered a slow and painful death.
Deathly a /ˈdeθli/ (like a dead person; suggesting dead)
Như đã chết
A deathly hush fell over the room as he
walked in.
Dead a /ded/ Chết; không hoạt động nữa
He was shot dead by a gunman outside his
Suddenly the phone went dead.
Die v /daɪ/ Chết

My father died suddenly at the age of 48.
2 Destructive a /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ Gây ra nhiều hư hỏng, thiệt hại
I worry about the destructive effect that
violent films may have on children.
Destroy v /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ Phá huỷ
Destruction n /dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ Sự phá huỷ
The building must be saved from
3 Surge v /sɜːdʒ/ Dâng trào, ập vào
Flood waters surged into their homes.
4 Nuisance n /ˈnjuːsns/ (a thing, person or situation that is
annoying or causes trouble or
problems) Sự phiền toái, gây thiệt hại
I hope you're not making a nuisance of
5 Nuisance flooding (or n Triều cường
tidal flooding)
6 Thermal (only before a /ˈθɜːml/ (connected with heat) Liên quan đến
noun) nhiệt
thermal energy
7 Density n /ˈdensəti/ Sự đông đúc
The population density in this city is very
Dense a /dens/ Đông đúc
a dense crowd/forest
8 Erode (often passive) v /ɪˈrəʊd/ Làm giảm, suy yếu dần
Her confidence has been slowly eroded by
repeated failures.
Erosion n /ɪˈrəʊʒn/ Sự giảm, suy yếu
the erosion of her confidence
9 Hazard n /ˈhæzəd/ Mối nguy hiểm
Growing levels of pollution represent a
serious health hazard to the local
Hazardous a /ˈhæzədəs/ Nguy hiểm, gây hại, rủi ro
10 Toxic a /ˈtɒksɪk/ Độc, gây hại
11 Lethal a /ˈliː.θəl/ Làm chết người, gây chết người
deadly, fatal

Three minutes after the fire started, the
house was full of lethal fumes.
12 Isolate v /ˈaɪsəleɪt/ (to separate a single substance, cell, etc.
from others so that you can study it) Cô
lập, tách ra
Researchers are still trying to isolate the
gene that causes this abnormality.
13 Dengue fever (or n Sốt xuất huyết
breakbone fever)
14 Mumps n /mʌmps/ Bệnh quai bị
15 Fizzle out phrv Kết thúc trong thất bại
Her parents are hoping that the
relationship will fizzle out.
16 Trigger v /ˈtrɪɡə(r)/ Gây ra, dẫn đến
cause Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic
17 Veteran n /ˈvetərən/ Chuyên gia, người có kinh nghiệm
the veteran American actor, Clint
18 Mutation n /mjuːˈteɪʃn/ Sự đột biến
The disease is caused by genetic mutations.
19 Generate v /ˈdʒenəreɪt/ Tạo ra, phát ra, xuất ra
The wind turbines are used to generate
20 Contain v /kənˈteɪn/ Chứa, chứa đựng, bao gồm
I lost a file containing a lot of important
21 Transform v /trænsˈfɔː(r)m/ Chuyển đổi, biến đổi
Working with abused children
transformed Scott’s life.
They’ve transformed the old train station
into a science museum.
22 Lead v /liːd/ Dẫn đến, gây nên
result in The carbon tax will inevitably lead to an
increase in energy bills.
23 Variation n /ˌveəriˈeɪʃn/ Cái khác hoàn toàn, cái biến thể; sự biến
đổi, sự thay đổi
The dessert is a variation on a classic
24 Symptom n /ˈsɪmptəm/ Triệu chứng

Symptoms include a headache and sore
25 Variety n /vəˈraɪəti/ Loài, loại khác nhau
There is a wide variety of patterns to
choose from.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 2/4/2021

I. Vocabulary(phần trắc nghiệm)

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Infect v /ɪnˈfekt/ Làm nhiễm bệnh

people infected with HIV
Infection n /ɪnˈfekʃ(ə)n/ Sự lây, nhiễm bệnh
Breast milk can help protect babies against
Infectious a /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ Lây lan, dễ lây bệnh
Flu is highly infectious.
2 Plagiarize v /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/ Đạo văn
He was accused of plagiarizing his
colleague's results.
Plagiarism n /ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm/ Sự đạo văn
a text full of plagiarisms
3 Discharge v /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ Cho xuất viện
Patients were being discharged from the
hospital too early.
4 Deadly a /ˈdedli/ Gây chết người
lethal This is a potentially deadly disease.
5 Specific (usually a /spəˈsɪfɪk/ (connected with one particular thing only)
before noun) particular Rõ ràng, cụ thể
The money was collected for a specific
6 Specify v /ˈspesɪfaɪ/ (to state something, especially by giving an
exact measurement, time, exact
instructions, etc.) Chỉ rõ, ghi rõ
Remember to specify your size when
ordering clothes.
7 Specifically adv /spəˈsɪfɪkli/ Cụ thể, riêng biệt
The service has been designed specifically
for use by children.

8 Specification n /ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ (a detailed description of how something
is, or should be, designed or made) Bản mô
tả chi tiết, thông số kỹ thuật
The house has been built exactly to our
6 Issue v /ˈɪʃuː/ (to make something known formally) Đưa
ra, làm cho cái gì được biết tới
7 Instruction n /ɪnˈstrʌkʃn/ Chỉ dẫn, hướng dẫn
instruction on doing The government has issued specific
something instructions on reducing waste disposal.
8 Enact v /ɪnˈækt/ Ban hành (đạo luật)
Their crimes were committed before the law
was enacted.
Enactment n /ɪˈnækt.mənt/ Sự ban hành, ban bố
The goal of the legislators was enactment of
a tax bill.
9 Selective a /sɪˈlektɪv/ Có tính lựa chọn, chọn lọc, khắt khe
a selective school (= one that chooses which
children to admit, especially according to
10 Permission n /pəˈmɪʃn/ Sự cho phép, chấp nhận làm gì (đặc biệt là
người có cấp quyền cho phép)
11 Admission n /ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự nhận vào, cho vào, kết nạp
Many students apply for admission to more
than one university.
Not all of those who applied gained
admission to the classes.
12 Acceptance n /əkˈseptəns/ Sự chấp thuận; đồng ý, chấp nhận
13 Rehearse v /rɪˈhɜːs/ Luyện tập, tập dượt để chuẩn bị trình diễn
We're rehearsing for the show.
Rehearsal n /rɪˈhɜːsl/ Sự tập dượt, chuẩn bị
to have a rehearsal
14 Precise a /prɪˈsaɪs/ (clear and accurate) Chính xác
exact Can you give a more precise definition of the
Precision n /prɪˈsɪʒn/ Sự chính xác
accuracy He chose his words with precision.
15 Exact a /ɪɡˈzækt/ (correct in every detail) Chính xác từng chi
precise tiết
The model is exact in every detail.
16 Word-perfect a /ˌwɜːd ˈpɜːfɪkt/ Trôi chảy, nhớ cái gì một cách cụ thể chính

By the evening of the performance, she was
17 Perfect a /ˈpɜːfɪkt/ (completely correct; exact and accurate)
Hoàn hảo, chính xác đến từng chi tiết
What perfect timing!
18 Accurate a /ˈækjʊrət/ Chính xác
We need to get an accurate estimate of what
the new building will cost.
19 Compel v /kəmˈpel/ Bắt buộc ai đó làm gì
The order compelled him to appear as a
Compulsory a /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ Bắt buộc
School uniform is no longer compulsory in
many British schools.
Compulsion n /kəmˈpʌlʃ(ə)n/ Sự bắt buộc, cưỡng bức; ước muốn không
chế ngự được
He felt a sudden compulsion to tell her the
20 Recommend v /ˌrekəˈmend/ Gợi ý, giới thiệu, tiến cử
The hotel's new restaurant comes highly
recommended (= a lot of people have
praised it).
21 Instruct v /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ Chỉ dẫn
direct The letter instructed him to report to
headquarters immediately.
22 Motion v /ˈməʊʃn/ Ra hiệu
He motioned for us to follow him.
23 Outcome n /ˈaʊtˌkʌm/ Kết quả
He refused to comment on the outcome of
the election.
24 Realize v /ˈriːəlaɪz/ (to understand or become aware of a
particular fact or situation) Hiểu, nhận thức
Many families fail to realize the importance
of a well-balanced diet
25 Rare a /reə(r)/ Hiếm có, ít khi xảy ra
It’s extremely rare for her to lose her temper.
Rarity n /ˈreərəti/ Điều hiếm có, ít xảy ra
Visits by presidential candidates are a rarity
26 Common a /ˈkɒmən/ Phổ biến, phổ thông
Breast cancer is the most common form of
cancer among women in this country.

The disease is very common in young horses.
27 Exhibit v /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ (to show clearly that you have or feel a
display particular quality, ability, feeling or
symptom) Biểu lộ
The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and
memory loss.
28 Withdrawal n /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/ Sự không muốn tiếp xúc, chỉ muốn một
She is showing signs of withdrawal and
29 Rebelliousness n /rɪˈbeljəsnəs/ Sự phản kháng, chống đối, nổi loạn
30 Restlessness n /ˈrestləsnəs/ Sự bồn chồn, không thể ngồi yên
31 Depressed a /dɪˈprest/ Chán nản, buồn bã
She felt very depressed about the future.
32 Compare v /kəmˈpeə(r)/ So sánh
My own problems seem insignificant
compared with other people's.
33 Assert v /əˈsɜːt/ Khẳng định, quả quyết
She continued to assert that she was

II. Cấu trúc trong các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Dependent on/upon Phụ thuộc vào ai, cái gì
somebody/something You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.
2 Deny doing something Phủ nhận làm chuyện gì
He denies attempting to murder his wife.
3 On average Trung bình
On average, women live between five and seven years longer
than men.
4 Off and on/on and off (sometimes, but not regularly) Đôi lúc, lúc có lúc không
It rained on and off all day.
5 Hop in/on/out Lên, xuống xe, phương tiện
Hop in. I’ll give you a lift into town.
6 Jump up and down Nhảy lên nhảy xuống
7 Be jumping up and down Tức giận hay phấn khích về điều gì
The local residents are jumping up and down complaining
about the noise.
8 Over and over (again) Lặp đi lặp lại, nhiều lần

I read the report over and over, till I almost knew it by heart.
9 Cut back (on something) = reduce Cắt giảm
If we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production.
10 Cause someone an alarm Làm ai lo lắng và sợ hãi đột ngột, đặc biệt là điều gì đó nguy
hiểm hoặc khó chịu có thể xảy ra

III. Từ vựng và cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Be infected with/by Bị nhiễm, mắc phải cái gì
something You can only be infected with HIV in
a limited number of ways.
2 Mild a /maɪld/ Nhẹ, không nghiêm trọng
a mild case of flu
3 Moderate a /ˈmɒdəreɪt/ (that is neither very good, large, hot,
etc. nor very bad, small, cold, etc.)
Bình thường, khiêm tốn
The team enjoyed only moderate
success last season.
4 Underlying (only before a /ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ/ Quan trọng, chính nhưng không dễ
noun) nhìn thấy
Unemployment may be an
underlying cause of the rising crime
5 Diabetes n /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/ Bệnh tiểu đường
6 Chronic a /ˈkrɒnɪk/ Mạn, kinh niên, kéo dài
She suffers from chronic pain in her
7 Be likely to do something phr Có thể, có khả năng sẽ
Tickets are likely to be expensive.
8 Prone to something phr Có khuynh hướng, dễ bị
Working without a break makes you
more prone to error.
9 Probable a /ˈprɒbəbl/ Có thể
It is probable that the disease has a
genetic element.
10 Be capable of sth/doing sth phr Có khả năng, năng lực làm gì
You are capable of better work than
He's quite capable of lying to get out
of trouble.
11 Droplet n /ˈdrɒplət/ Giọt
water droplets/droplets of water
Infectious diseases are spread by
airborne droplets.
12 Present v /prɪˈzent/ Có mặt, hiện diện
13 Express v /ɪkˈspres/ Biểu lộ, bày tỏ
Teachers have expressed concern
about the changes.
14 Conduct v /kənˈdʌkt/ Thực hiện một cách cẩn thận, có tổ
We are conducting a survey to find
out what our customers think of
their local bus service.

IV. Từ vựng và cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng và cấu trúc Từ Phiên âm + Nghĩa

1 Dimension n /daɪˈmenʃn/ - Chiều kích thước
We measured the dimensions of the
- Cách nhìn, khía cạnh về gì
We should also consider the social
dimension of unemployment.
2 Novel a /ˈnɒvl/ Khác lạ, lạ thường, mới, chưa từng có
new, different, It was an American who came up with the
unusual novel idea of drive-in restaurants.
Novelty n /ˈnɒvlti/ Sự mới lạ, khác lạ
It was fun working there at first but the
novelty soon wore off (= it became
3 Gear n /ɡɪə(r)/ (the equipment or clothing needed for a
particular activity) Trang thiết bị sử dụng
cho một hoạt động nào đó
climbing/fishing/sports gear
4 Infancy n /ˈɪnfənsi/ Giai đoạn đầu
a time when the cinema was still in its
5 Converter n /kənˈvɜːtə(r)/ Bộ chuyển đổi
6 Imaginative a /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ Giàu trí tưởng tượng
inventive You’ll need to be a little more imaginative
if you want to hold their attention.
Imaginable a /ɪˈmædʒɪnəbl/ Có thể tưởng tượng, hình dung được
These technological developments were
hardly imaginable 30 years ago.
Imaginary a /ɪˈmædʒɪnəri/ Trong tưởng tượng, không có thực
The equator is an imaginary line around
the middle of the earth.
7 Innovative (also less a /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ (introducing or using new ideas, ways of
frequent innovatory) doing something, etc.) Mang tính sáng
tạo, đổi mới
There will be a prize for the most
innovative design.
Innovation n /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ (the introduction of new things, ideas or
ways of doing something) Sự sáng tạo,
đổi mới
The company is very interested in product
design and innovation.
innovation in engineering
Innovate v /ˈɪnəveɪt/ (introduce new things, ideas or ways of
doing something) Sáng tạo
The company can once again innovate its
way out of tough economic times.
8 Inventive a /ɪnˈven.tɪv/ Có tài phát minh, có tài sáng chế, đầy sáng
He is very inventive, always dreaming up
new gadgets for the home.
9 Significant a /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ Quan trọng, đáng kể
The drug has had no significant effect on
stopping the spread of the disease.
10 Breakthrough n /ˈbreɪkθruː/ Sự đột phá, bước tiến
to make/achieve a breakthrough
11 Hallucination n /həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃn/ Ảo giác
Was the figure real or just a hallucination?
12 Ominous a /ˈɒmɪnəs/ Đáng lo ngại, bất thường
foreboding She picked up the phone but there was an
ominous silence at the other end.
13 Impending (only before a /ɪmˈpendɪŋ/ Sắp xảy đến
noun) imminent warnings of impending danger/disaster
14 Phantom (only before a /ˈfæntəm/ (existing only in your imagination) Ảo
noun) giác, ảo ảnh
a phantom pregnancy (= a condition in
which a woman seems to be pregnant but
in fact is not)
15 Analogous a /əˈnæləɡəs/ Tương tự, giống nhau
Sleep has often been thought of as being in
some way analogous to death.
The national debt is analogous with
private debt.
16 Respectively adv /rɪˈspektɪvli/ Tương ứng với, riêng từng cái, theo thứ
Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19
17 Mismatch v /ˌmɪsˈmætʃ/ Không hợp với nhau
18 Desire n /dɪˈzaɪə(r)/ Mong muốn, khao khát
He now had enough money to satisfy all his
19 Illusion n /ɪˈluːʒn/ Ảo giác, ảo ảnh
Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of
20 Illustration n /ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn/ Hình ảnh minh hoạ, tranh minh họa; sự
minh họa
He produced illustrations for children's
21 Contrary to something phr Ngược lại, trái lại với
Contrary to popular belief, many cats
dislike milk.


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