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Teacher’s notes
Task 1
The students each have two photos.
Student A prompt: Your photographs show young people doing different part-time jobs. I’d like you to
compare the photographs, say what jobs the young people are doing and what are the advantages and
disadvantages of each job.
Student B prompt: Your photographs show young people doing different part-time jobs. I’d like you to
compare the photographs, say what jobs the young people are doing and what are the advantages and
disadvantages of each job.

Task 2
Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Prompt: Now discuss the questions in pairs.
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job?
2 Is it more important to have work experience or good qualifications? Why?
3 What can young people gain from doing voluntary work?
4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the media?
5 What qualities do you think you need for a career in advertising?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments.

Student A
Both photographs show young people doing part-time jobs. In the first photograph, someone is working as a
waiter in a restaurant or cafe, and in the second photograph the person is looking after a young child – she’s
probably babysitting. When you’re a waiter, you have to take orders for food, carry food or drinks to people,
and you have to deal with customers, so I think it could be quite tiring. It might also be difficult if a customer
wants to complain about something. On the other hand, I think you can probably earn quite a lot of money
doing this job because customers often leave tips for you. You can also do this job during the summer holidays
and earn money to pay for a holiday or something. Being a babysitter could be fun, I think. If you get on well
with children, and if the children behave well, it could be very enjoyable. You can play with them and read
them stories. But this job could also be very difficult, if the kids don’t want to go to bed, for example. I think
probably babysitting isn’t as well paid as being a waiter, but on the other hand it doesn’t take up so much
time. And if the kids go to bed, you can watch TV or do your homework, just like you would at home. I think
it’s a good idea to have a part-time job when you’re a teenager, and for me working as a waiter would be
better because you can earn more money.

Student B
The photographs both show young people doing part-time jobs. The first photograph shows someone walking
dogs for other people. I think this could be fun, especially if you like animals. It isn’t a very difficult job because
you just go for a walk and take the animals with you, but I guess it could be difficult if you have a few dogs and
they don’t get on with each other. Then it might not be fun. Also, I think it wouldn’t be very enjoyable when
the weather’s bad. Most people like going for walks when it’s sunny, but not when it’s cold and raining. On the
other hand, I think you can earn quite a lot of money, and of course it’s nice to spend time with animals. The
other photograph shows someone working in a large shop like a supermarket or hardware store. It looks as if
they are helping some customers find something. Personally, I think this would be quite a boring job, because
you’re mainly just doing things like stacking shelves or packing people’s bags for them. But, on the other hand,
I guess you might chat to the customers, and another advantage is that customers might give you tips, so you
could earn quite a lot of money. With this job, you would also be working with other people, whereas if you do

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)


dog-walking, you are working alone. I would like to have a part-time job because I think you can learn some
good skills, and also earn money. Personally, I would choose dog-walking because I love animals and I like
being outside.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Describes some Hesitates a lot Does not engage Uses only very Lots of errors even
aspects of the and does not with the listener. basic vocabulary in basic language,
photos but seem confident. and grammar, which impede
doesn’t focus Is not easy to with a lot of communication.
on similarities understand. errors.
and differences.
Doesn’t fully
answer the task
1.5 Describes the Speaks with some Engages with the Uses simple Generally accurate,
photos and confidence and is listener to some vocabulary and but with some
mentions some comprehensible. extent, and basic grammar errors, especially in
similarities and Some hesitation, makes an effort structures more advanced
differences but not enough to to communicate accurately. Uses language.
between them. impede effectively. some more
Gives an communication. advanced
opinion and vocabulary and
answers the grammar
task question. structures with
2 Describes the Speaks with Engages fully with Uses a wide range A few mistakes in
photos in detail fluency, with very the listener, using of vocabulary more advanced
and mentions little hesitation. Is gestures to help appropriately, language
several clear and express meaning. and uses a wide structures, but
similarities and comprehensible. range of grammar generally very
differences. Uses some structures accurate.
Uses the photos intonation to add accurately and
to speculate emphasis. appropriately.
and give
Answers the
task question in

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)


Task 2
Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments.

Students A and B
1 For me, the main advantage of having a part-time job is that you can earn money and become independent.
If you have a job, you don’t have to ask your parents for money, and you can spend your money on what you
want. You can buy clothes or shoes, or you can save up and buy bigger things like a computer. The
disadvantage is that you might get tired, and you might not have enough time to do your school work, and
I think that doing well at school is really important.
2 I think that both these things are important. It’s important to have good qualifications, to show that you are
intelligent and you can work hard to do well. On the other hand, if you have work experience, it shows you can
actually do a job. You know how to get on with your colleagues, and you understand what it’s like to work with
adults. I think probably qualifications are more important for me because there are lots of jobs you can’t do if
you don’t have the right qualifications.
3 I think young people can gain a lot from doing voluntary work. For example, they can work in an old people’s
home, and this will help them learn how to get on with people of all ages. They could also work with children
who have disabilities. I think it can be very rewarding to do this kind of work, where you’re helping people.
I think these kinds of jobs can help you to become more caring, and also more responsible.
4 I think that working in the media could be very exciting, especially if you are working in TV. It would be
amazing to meet all the famous people like singers and actors. On the other hand, the disadvantage is
probably that there is a lot of pressure on you. Famous people like everything to be perfect for them, so you
would have to make sure that everything goes well, and that could be quite stressful.
5 I think for a career in advertising you need to be creative, because you have to think of clever ways to sell
things. For example, you have to think of a clever idea for an advert that will make people want to buy your
product. I think also you need to be perhaps not completely honest. For example, a lot of adverts distort the
truth slightly because they want to make something look good so that people will buy it. I don’t really agree
with this, so I don’t think I would like to work in advertising.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction
0-1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot Does not really Uses only very basic Lots of errors
answers to the and does not engage with their vocabulary and even in basic
questions. seem confident. partner. Doesn’t grammar, with a lot language, which
Doesn’t develop Is not easy to respond to what of errors. impede
ideas and doesn’t understand. their partner communication.
express opinions. says.
1.5 Gives clear Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally
answers to the confidence and is their partner to vocabulary and basic accurate, but
questions, and comprehensible. some extent. grammar structures with some
develops some Some hesitation, Agrees or accurately. Uses errors,
ideas with but not enough to disagrees, and some more especially in
examples. Gives impede may ask for the advanced vocabulary more advanced
opinions. communication. listener’s opinion. and grammar language.
structures with

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)


2 Gives very full Speaks with Engages fully with Uses a wide range of A few mistakes
answers to the fluency, with very their partner, vocabulary in more
questions, little hesitation. Is responding to appropriately, and advanced
developing ideas, clear and what their uses a wide range of language
expanding comprehensible. partner says by grammar structures structures, but
through examples Uses some adding to it or accurately and generally very
and expressing a intonation to add contradicting. appropriately. accurate.
range of opinions. emphasis. Asks questions
and asks for their
partner’s opinion.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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