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Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant


♦ Appreciate the important aspects
PREPARATION TIME: of a WTP and complete an
activity that shows some
processes of a WTP.
♦ Understand the role of
technology in a WTP and its
impact on society and the
Supervision is recommended as the
activity uses:

♦ Aluminium Sulfate Solution

OBJECTIVES: ♦ Use only in ventilated areas

♦ Learn where our drinking water

♦ Do not drink any samples

comes from and how it gets to

our household tap. WORDS TO KNOW:
♦ What makes water unclean and
♦ Aluminium Sulfate, Al2(SO4)3
what harmful contaminants it can
contain? ♦ Coagulation
♦ Understand the extreme ♦ Flocculation
complexity of providing water to
society. ♦ Filtration

♦ Discover the water cycle. ♦ Clarifier

♦ Recognise the need to conserve ♦ Sedimentary Tank

and protect our environment and ♦ Disinfection
water sources.
♦ Sludge Thickening
♦ Discover how water quality is
♦ Reservoir
tested and the guidelines that
exist in controlling the quality of ♦ Scour
water. Australian Drinking Water
Guidelines (ADWG).
♦ Flash Mixing

♦ ADWG 2002 (Australian Drinking

♦ Jar Testing
Water Guidelines) what it is and ♦ Turbidity
how to test for it?
♦ To explore and identify the
different types of processes in a
Water Treatment Plant (WTP).

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Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant


THE PROCESS Drinking water is water that is safe for
humans to drink and to use for
The process from rainwater to tap domestic purposes, such as cooking,
water is more complex than you washing up, bathing and showering.
might imagine. The water that comes
out of your tap has been through The Australian Drinking Water
various processes that clean and Guidelines (ADWG) provides the
change its original properties, Australian community and the water
physically and chemically. supply industry with guidance on
what constitutes good quality drinking
Do you know what the processes water, it is concerned with the safety
are? The aim of this Engineering Kit of water from a health point of view
is to introduce you to a number of and with its aesthetic quality.
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) According to the Australian Drinking
processes that are commonly used in Water Guidelines:
getting clean potable water to your Ideally, drinking water should be
household. clear, colourless, and well aerated,
with no unpalatable taste or odour,
Civil Engineers design, monitor and and it should contain no suspended
maintain water treatment plants and matter, harmful chemical substances,
water supplies. Civil engineers are or pathogenic microorganisms.
vital in the treatment and delivery of
water to your household. Drinking water must not contain
chemicals, organic substances or
Water supply is the water that comes organisms that may be harmful to
into your property from the water human health. Drinking water should
mains via a service pipe and through also be at a reasonable temperature
the water meter into your home. and be free of unappealing odours,
tastes and colour.
Water is a limited resource. Less
than one per cent of the earth's water The ADWG also define drinking water
is fresh and can be utilised for human as water
consumption. The amount of this ‘…which, on the current state of
water will never increase as the water knowledge, is safe to drink over a
cycle is a closed system. lifetime: that is, it constitutes no
significant risk to health’.
Australia is the driest inhabited
continent on earth. This seems hard When most Australians turn on the
to imagine when we have always tap, they expect a continuous supply
been able to turn on a tap and out of drinking water that meets these
comes as much water as we need. guidelines – water that is safe and
pleasant to drink.
Have you ever thought what would
happen if you turned on the tap and Do you think that water from the tap
no water was available or the water is safe to drink? Do you observe your
was unfit to drink? What would you tap water’s aesthetic quality – that is,
do? How would you survive? Where its taste, colour and odour or do you
would you get water from? just drink it regardless?

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Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant


MATERIALS: 1. Divide the class into 4 groups and

allocate them materials.
♦ 4 Students Booklets
♦ 1 Master Booklet MATERIALS:
♦ Activity Worksheet Part One
♦ Bottles (Samples 1-3) of water Group 1-4 Coagulation and
Flocculation and Filtration
RAIN TO YOUR TAP…. ♦ Activity Instruction Booklet
1. There are 3 bottles of water to ♦ Activity Worksheet Part Two
assess; the object of this task is to
Part A- Coagulation and Flocculation
use one of the physical properties ♦ 4 500ml Plastic Beakers
of water, colour, to determine ♦ 4 Plastic stirring paddles
which one is suitable to drink. ♦ 4 120ml Plastic Beaker
♦ 3 25ml plastic beakers
2. Using the sheet provided mark ♦ 3 1ml Pipettes
selections. ♦ 2L Jug
3. Identify the waters and reasons ♦ Timer- stop watch
♦ White Paper
why you chose them?
♦ Alum Solution 10mg/L
♦ pH Strip
♦ Water 2L
♦ Soil 1gram

Part B- Filtration
♦ 1 120ml Plastic Beaker
♦ Plastic Funnel
♦ Wet Sand Media
♦ Special Coal
♦ Small Gravel
♦ Stand & Holder for Funnel
♦ Tweezers
♦ Filter Paper
♦ Pump
♦ Laboratory Filter
♦ White Paper

2. Each group will now start the

coagulation and flocculation
process as outlined in the
instruction sheets.
3. Part A involves a Jar Test and
sedimentation of the suspended
4. Part B involves investigating
filtration systems in the water
treatment process.

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Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

WATER TREATMENT PROCESS Jar testing determines how much

alum to add to the water in a
A Water Treatment Plant aims to treatment plant to economically settle
ensure that water is: out the particles. Jar testing is widely
♦ Safe for human consumption
used in industry.

♦ Pleasant to consumers FILTRATION

♦ Provided at a reasonable cost Filtration is also another important
element of the treatment process.
Water Treatment Plants have many This process involves the water
processes and steps before a passing through a bed of fine
household turns on their tap and particles, usually sand. This process
receives water. From the dam to the is called sand filtration. Other
tap there is a vigorous process with materials are also used in the
many steps that are all essential in filtration process. Generally they are
assuring high quality water for layered.
Originally filtration was a slow
This activity looks at two of these process, however because the sand
processes; it will help you understand filtration processes become less
the processes of coagulation, effective at removing fine suspended
flocculation and filtration which are all particles at higher water flow rates.
steps in water treatment. The water must be pretreated –
coagulated and flocculated – before
passing through the filter bed. Such
high rate direct filtration processes
When particles are slow to settle or
are widely applied to raw water with
are non-settling, chemicals
low levels of suspended matter.
(coagulants), such as alum
(Aluminium Sulfate), are added to the
The diagram below shows the
water. These react with the
complete water treatment plant
unwanted suspended particles to
processes. Note: where coagulation,
form larger particles, called floc. The
flocculation and filtration occur in the
larger size and weight of the flocs
then causes them to settle rapidly.


The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment, 8 July 2004.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

1. Fill the plastic jug with 2L of tap water.

2. Add the 1gram of soil to 2L of tap


3. Using the large stirring paddle mix and

stir it well into a homogenous solution
for ~1min. This represents the soil
that can be eroded and washed into
dams from catchment areas before
the water is treated.

7. Place the corresponding 25ml plastic

beakers next to the corresponding
500ml beaker. Repeat this for each of
the quantities of alum.

4. Using the 2L jug pour 500ml of the

dirty solution into 4 separate
containers, being careful you don’t
spill the water. Make sure they’re as
close to 500ml as possible.
8. Designate 1 person for each beaker to
5. Place the four containers in order, stir the mixtures and start each one at
next to each other as shown below. the same time.

9. Start the timer, from the moment you

add the Alum solution to all mixtures.
Continue timing the entire activity.
Control 1ml 2ml 5ml
10. Add each alum solution (1ml, 2ml and
6. Leaving one of the 500ml containers 5ml) to the corresponding 500ml
as a control in this experiment, container and start to mix the solution
measure 1ml, 2ml, and 5ml with the with the paddles provided quickly for
mini plastic pipet from the Alum 1min. This is flash mixing so you
container supplied. Place the need to do it fast and quickly (careful
measured alum into the 25ml plastic not to spill the dirty water). Make sure
beakers provided. you stir the control too.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant
17. What do you observe? Does more
alum take less time or more time to
settle out? Is there an effect of
increasing the alum? Is it economic to
add more chemical?

18. After completing the jar test using

alum, think about the following

11. ♦ What step in the Water Treatment

Process is coagulation and
12. After ~1min start to stir slowly
(continue the timer) continue to stir the
Coagulation and Flocculation is the 1st
solution for another 5min
steps in the WTP process. This is where
coagulant is added (in this case, alum)
13. After a total of 6min stop stirring and and the mixture is stirred rapidly and then
remove the stirring wands. Let the slowly. Then the particles settle out ready
solutions settle. Continue timing the for the sedimentation process.
activity. ♦ What do you think you will observe in
the water when you test your
14. Complete the Part Two questions, process?
remembering to check the timer to The particles are settled out and the
obtain your results. water becomes clearer.
15. After 10min using the four ♦ How do you think this process
corresponding 120ml plastic beakers, contributes to the overall water
carefully pour the top layer of water treatment process?
from the 500ml plastic beakers into It allows water to be cleaned more quickly
these, one by one, including the as the larger particles are removed at the
control water. beginning of the process.

16. Place a sheet of white paper in front of

♦ Did you even consider that treated
water that comes out of your tap
the plastic 500ml beakers, line up the
goes through many different
120ml beakers on the white paper.
Compare and contrast the
The processes are vital to maintaining
appearance of the 4 samples.
clean potable water to society.
Continue to answer the questions in
Part Two.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

1. Place the plastic funnel on the


6. Drain the water from the white

sand and place the wet white
sand above the gravel. Why does
2. Using the plastic funnel, follow the the sand have to be wet? What
steps to produce an individual would happen if it’s not wet?
filter for each group.
The sand needs to be wet so the
3. Place another marked 120ml water solution can be absorbed more
beaker under the funnel, ready to easily. If it was not wet there is a
collect the filtered water. possibility that the water would catch
dry sand particles and pull them
4. Place cotton wool at the bottom of through into the clean water.
the funnel.

7. Start to add the special coal on

top of the sand layers (media
5. Place the washed gravel into the layer).
funnel above the cotton wool.
8. You have made your filter.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

filtered ~60ml. Make sure there is

always about 30mm from the top
so that the water doesn’t overflow.

13. Place the original 120ml beaker

next to the filtered 120ml sample
respectively and compare the

14. Discuss and comment on the

clean water that has been
produced by the filter. (Do not
drink this water- it is not clean as
the process is only to help you
understand the WTP process.)
9. Make sure you don’t scour the
top of the filter when you are 15. Why can’t the WTP stop after this
pouring the water in as it lessens step of filtration? What follows
the effect of the filter. Filtration? The water is clean
however it needs to progress
10. It is now time to test the filter you through the rest of the processes
have made. Flush clean tap water to become safe to drink.
through the filter to dislodge loose
media. Use the given “filtered After the filtration process the
control” container and then tip the water needs to be disinfected and
water out and continue the in some case fluoridised. It then
activity. goes into the distribution system
where it gets stored in reservoirs
11. Pick up the settled water from the ready for transport through pipes
coagulation and flocculation to your tap.
process and slowly start to pour
this water sample into the filter 16. Fill out the filtration activity sheet.
and allow it to soak through,
17. Now its time to test the filter you
notice the clean water running
have just constructed, using the
through the tube into a new
laboratory filter provided.

12. Continue to pour the water

through the filter until half is

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

18. Now unscrew the top of the the pump draw the water through
laboratory filter off. the filter into the container below.

19. Using the tweezers, place a filter

paper on the top of the plastic

22. Then release the pump by

releasing the plastic nob on the
side then take the pump off.

23. Screw off the top of the filter and

remove the filter paper with the

20. Place the round lid on top and

then screw the top section of the
filter on, this should secure the
filter paper.
24. Place the filter onto another piece
of white paper.

25. Repeat these steps with the

filtered control water.

26. Note the difference between the

filtered and the unfiltered filter
paper. See below the samples
and what you should observe.

21. Using the control water only, run

through the unfiltered control
water into the filter. Then using

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

♦ How do you think this process

contributes to the overall water
treatment process?
It is an important step that filters dirty
water into clean, drinkable water. It is
one of the only processes some WTP
use and in that way a very important

Unfiltered Control Water Sample

Filtered Control Water Sample

27. After testing your filter, think about

the following questions.

♦ Did the media filter work?

♦ What step in the Water
Treatment Process is filtration?
Filtration is the 5th process. It is one
of the last processes at the WTP
before disinfection and the
distribution system.
♦ What do you think you will
observe in the water when you
test your process?
After the filtration process you will
hopefully see cleaner water.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

Part A – Coagulation and

1. Why do you think it is 1. What do you think would

necessary to treat water for happen if you put more alum
drinking? solution in the dirty water?
Treating water is an important There is a threshold for the amount of
process in maintaining a healthy alum what will affect different
society. The treatment of water solutions that are what a jar test is
removes germs and viruses from the actually for, to determine the amount
water that can cause disease and of alum for each individual situation
sickness in humans. out on site, at the WTP.

2. Can you identify which 2. How does the flash mixing

processes are the most assist the jar testing?
important in treating drinking The flash mixing assists the jar test
water? by allowing all the alum to be
All processes in the WTP are absorbed into the mixture. The flash
important however filtration is one of mixing will allow the flocculation to be
the most important processes as it completed efficiently.
cleans the water in an affective way.
Part B – Filtration:
3. Do you know where your water
comes from (which WTP)? 1. What do you think will happen
Look on the Maps provided to see the if the water is dirtier (the river
closest WTP to your home. is polluted in real life?)
• Mt Crosby Water Treatment The jar testing will have a new
threshold and you may need more
• North Pine Water
alum to produce the correct
In Brisbane there are 3 treatment
plants. Mt. Crosby water supplies
Brisbane to area south of a line that
The filter will get dirtier quickly and
roughly runs from Enoggera across to
this can produce an inefficient filter
Nundah. We also supply Logan city,
that does not clean the water
Ipswich City and when required
properly. This is important in real life
Logan on- sell to Gold Coast City
due to the fact that the filter needs to
(last summer up to 50 ML/day). North
be backwashed more than regular to
Pine supply north of the same line
clean the media.
and also to Redcliffe and supplement
the Pine Shire and Caboolture's
The media can get clogged up and
water. Please note that in winter,
produce unclean water.
North Pine can be turned off for up to
three months for economic &/or
2. If you had time you could add
maintenance purposes and Mt.
more dirt to the water and try
Crosby's two plants will supply all
the process again. What do
you observe? Write down your
If the water is dirtier the water will be
cleaned but not as capably as if it
was cleaner as the media gets

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

clogged with the sediment through continues and the water is re cleaned
the water. in the WTP.

3. How have these minor

modifications changed the way
♦ How does the distribution
pipeline network change in real
the treatment process is
life and how does the demand of
community change the quality of
The minor change of dirtier water
a WTP?
changes the flocculation and
Depending on the distribution
coagulation and then also changes
pipelines and whether it is a branched
the filters ability to produce clean
system or a linear system, will have a
change ion the level f disinfection that
A stronger dose of alum may be
the WTP needs to provide, so that
needed and also the filter media may
there si always residue in the system.
need to be altered to clean the water
Also the demand will affect the quality
more thoroughly.
of the WTP as if there is a higher
demand the water may not be as
4. In real life how do Engineers
clean, over loading treatment plant or
rectify this situation?
if there is not enough water can go
Engineers in real life change the
stagnant in the tanks.
process by adding more alum or
changing the filter material to capture
the sediment as it passes through the ♦ What materials might Engineer
filter. use to design real WTP,
In a laboratory, chemical engineers concrete, steel?
test the samples of untreated water to The WTP are made on concrete
find the amount of alum that is tanks that are deep into the ground,
required. they have steel and concrete pipes.
All WTP are different. Take a look at
Discussion challenge: some pictures of real WTP’s in the
South East Queensland region.
♦ Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of treating water,
cost, health, and environment?
The advantages of treating water are
plentiful. The cost of treating water
far out ways the cost of the health
issues that arises from unclean water.
The health benefits from treating
water can be seen in Australia
compared to 3rd world countries that
have increasingly more waterborne
The environment benefits for WTP’s
due to the fact that unclean water is
purified and cleaned. The
environmental aspect really plays
apart with WWTP, as they clean the
water before it renters the rivers and
streams. So then the system

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

When most Australians turn on a tap,
clean, clear water runs out. But how
does the local water supplier make
sure the water is safe and pleasant to Figure 2 WATER CYCLE
drink? The answer is likely to include Securing Our Water Future. A State Water Strategy for Western Australia.
9 July 2004
some form of water treatment.

Most urban communities collect water Surface Water- used to describe

from a natural water body in the water on the earth’s surface.
catchment, whether a stream, river,
or underground aquifer. The water ♦ Lakes and Reservoirs
collected may then be stored in a ♦ Rivers and Streams
reservoir for some time.
Groundwater- all water that is
Unless it is already of very high beneath the earth’s surface.
quality, it then undergoes various
water treatment processes that When we turn on the tap, start the
remove any chemicals, organic washing machine or take a shower,
substances or organisms that could we don’t necessarily think of the sun
be harmful to human health. The and the rain, but that is where the
water is then delivered to the water comes from. The process
community through a network of known as the water cycle begins with
mains and pipes called a distribution energy from the sun reaching water in
system. oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.
Water evaporates and becomes
Why learn about water: water vapour. As the water vapour
♦ Water issues affect everyone. rises, it cools and condenses into
billions of droplets to form clouds.
♦ Understanding how water is
supplied and managed assists in Vegetation is another source of water
a better appreciation of this vapour. The roots of plants pump
precious resource. water out of the ground and pass it
into the atmosphere in a process
THE WATER CYCLE known as transpiration.
(HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE): Clouds hold rainwater as long as they
The movement of water above, on stay warm. If the air cools, the
and below the earth’s surface has no droplets merge until they are so
beginning or end. heavy that they fall back to Earth as
rain, hail or snow. The atmosphere is
capable of holding about 10 days’
supply of rain – enough to drop about
25 millimetres of freshwater over the
entire surface of the planet.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

Rain and snow falling within describe the solar-powered system

catchments can take several routes. that provides freshwater to the land-
Some evaporates, some seeps into based ecosystems upon which we
the ground to become groundwater depend.
and some stays on or near the
surface to form streams, and The physical processes related to the
ultimately rivers. movement and storage of water
within the environment are seen in
The water cycle is also referred to as the diagram below:
the hydrological cycle. Both terms


NSW EPA, What is Water Quality? 12 July 2004.

HISTORY OF WATER adopted in Europe during the

eighteenth century.
WATER: Exactly why a clean and reliable
water supply was needed was not
The importance of good drinking known until the second half of the
water in maintaining human health nineteenth century, when the nature
was recognised early in history. of infectious disease was first
However, it took centuries before recognised and the ability of water
people understood that their senses supplies to transmit diseases such as
alone were not adequate judges of cholera and typhoid was first
water quality. The earliest water demonstrated. After this, concerns
treatments were based on filtering about the quality of drinking water
and driven by the desire to remove focused on disease-causing micro
the taste and appearance of particles organisms (pathogens) in public
in water. Filtration was established water supplies.
as an effective means of removing
particles from water and widely

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

Scientists discovered that visible

cloudiness, or turbidity, not only made
♦ Storage of sludge, reuse and
the water look unappealing; it could
also indicate a health risk. The ♦ Filtration
turbidity was caused by particles in
water that could harbour pathogens.
♦ Disinfection and Fluoridation
♦ Water Storage
As a result, drinking water treatment
systems were designed to reduce
♦ Water Distribution
turbidity, thereby removing pathogens
that were causing typhoid, dysentery
and cholera.

By the early twentieth century, better

protection of water supplies from
sewage pollution and simple but
effective methods of water treatment
(chlorination, sand filtration) had
greatly reduced rates of waterborne
disease in developed nations.

The water treatment processes

developed in the 19th century and
refined during the 20th century are
simple in nature. However, engineers
have since developed ways of Figure 4 Water Treatment Process
making these processes happen Where does my drinking water come from and how is it treated?
9 September 2004
faster, in a smaller area and in a

more controlled way at lower cost.

As you will see in the coagulation and
flocculation test (jar test), different
amounts of alum in the process The water is collected from the dams
change the time the process takes to and reservoirs via a pump to the
produce a result. Water Treatment Plant.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF The entire area from which a stream

or river receives its water is called a
PROCESSES: catchment. A catchment is a natural
drainage area, bounded by sloping
♦ Collection of water from the dam ground, hills or mountains, from
or reservoir which water flows to a low point.
♦ Coagulant (Alum and Lime
Virtually everybody lives in a
catchment, which may include
♦ Flocculation Tank hundreds of sub-catchments. What
♦ Sedimentation Basin or Tank happens in each of the smaller
catchments will affect the main
♦ Sludge Collection catchment.
♦ Sludge Thickening

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

The water that comes out of a tap Coagulation/flocculation processes

once flowed across a catchment and generally use aluminium sulphate
that is why catchments are a crucial (alum) or ferric chloride as the
part of urban water systems. coagulant.

The quality of the catchment The process is controlled so that the

determines the quality of the water coagulant chemicals are removed
harvested from it. Few communities along with the contaminants.
have pristine water sources and the
quality of water from most sources is A combination of coagulation/
at risk from activities occurring in the flocculation/ sedimentation and
catchment. filtration is the most widely applied
water treatment technology around
Water resources can be classified as the world, used routinely for water
surface water or groundwater treatment since the early part of the
resources. In both cases the quality 20th century.
of the catchment determines the
quality of the water harvested.
Groundwater is a significant source of TANKS:
supply in many parts of rural
Australia. It is also a significant Some particles will spontaneously
ongoing source for several major settle out from standing water (a
urban centres. In parts of inland process called sedimentation).
Australia, water from the Great
Artesian Basin is used for urban, Sedimentation is used to remove the
agricultural and mining purposes. majority of settleable solids from
coagulated/flocculated raw water.
The solids are removed before the
COAGULATION AND water passes to the filter hence
FLOCCULATION: reducing the solids load on the filter
and increasing the efficiency of the
Coagulation and Flocculation is a treatment plant.
process where by adding aluminium
sulfate to the raw water, settlement
can be achieved in a considerably
shorter time. THICKENING:

In traditional water treatment, certain Sludge produced in water treatment

chemicals are added to raw water to processes is both a waste product
remove impurities. While some and a resource. Normally, the sludge
particles will spontaneously settle out is contaminated by heavy metals and
from water on standing (a process sometimes by organic micro
called sedimentation), others will not. pollutants. This makes it necessary
To cause particles that are slow to to treat the sludge before the valuable
settle or are non-settling to settle out products can be recovered.
more readily, a soluble chemical or
mixture of chemicals is added to the The filter press is another process
water. Such a chemical is called a option available for dewatering sludge
coagulant and the process is called for final land disposal.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

scientists call it a biofilm. Even very

small particles stick to this biofilm and
are held, while water of greatly
improved quality passes out through
the filter.


Dintrade EKOSEP, Effective Belt Filter Press. 12 September 2004

The sludge which gathers at the base

of the mixing tanks is released into a
valve and gravity fed through pipes to
thickening tanks. At the thickening
tanks the sludge is further processed
and polyelectrolyte is added to help
the settling process.

The sludge is dewatered on a belt

press and then squeezed into a dry
cake are produced. The conveyer
belt collects the dry cake and it is
transported into a storage tank.

One of the oldest and simplest
processes used to treat water is to Figure 6 FILTER
pass it through a bed of fine particles, Where does my drinking water come from and how is it treated?
9 September 2004
usually sand. This process is called

sand filtration. In its simplest form,

First operating in London in the 19th
the water is simply passed through
century, slow sand filters are still
the filter with no other pre-treatment,
widely used throughout the world
such as the addition of a coagulant.
today. Although very effective, they
Usually this type of filter will remove
require a large area of land to
fine suspended solids and also some
achieve the sort of flows required by
other particles such as larger
a large modern city. Additional
processes may also be needed to
achieve adequate water quality.
Sand filtration is even more efficient
when the water being treated passes
In the early 20th century, engineers
through the sand filter very slowly.
developed rapid sand filters, which
Over time the sand particles become
use high rates of water flow and
covered with a thin surface layer of
sophisticated backwashing of the
microorganisms. Some might refer to
this layer as a slime but water

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

filter bed to
remove trapped
♦ Potential to form possibly harmful
disinfection byproducts.
The sand filtration processes become ♦ Ability of the disinfecting agent to
less effective at removing fine remain effective in the water
suspended particles at higher water throughout the distribution
flow rates, the water must be system.
pretreated – coagulated and
flocculated – before passing through
♦ Safety and ease of handling
chemicals and equipment.
the filter bed. Such high rate direct
filtration processes are widely applied ♦ Cost effectiveness.
to raw water with low levels of
suspended matter. A summary of each of the main
disinfection processes is given below.

Chlorination is the most widely used
disinfectant for drinking water in
Australia. Its introduction a century
ago removed the threat of cholera
and typhoid from Australian cities.

It is cheap, easy to use, effective at

low dose levels against a wide range
Figure 7 Types of Media Filters
of infectious microorganisms, and has
River Sands, Product Range. 12 September 2004 a long history of safe use around the
Disinfection is carried out to kill Chloramines are produced when
harmful microorganisms that may be ammonia and chlorine are added to
present in the water supply and to water together. They are less
prevent microorganisms regrowing in effective than chlorine in killing
the distribution systems. microorganisms because they are not
as chemically active. However,
Good public health owes a lot to the chloramines maintain their
disinfection of water supplies. disinfecting capability longer than
Without disinfection, waterborne chlorine and are ideal for very long
disease becomes a problem, causing distribution systems or for water
high infant mortality rates and low life supplies with long holding times in
expectancy. This remains the service reservoirs.
situation in some parts of the world.
Key factors considered by a water Ozone (O3) is the most powerful
authority in selecting a disinfection disinfectant used in water treatment.
system are: It is even effective against the difficult
to treat protozoan parasites,
Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
♦ Effectiveness in killing a range of

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

Ozone, which only recently began to Water may also be released from a
be used in Australia, destroys soluble reservoir as an "environmental flow"
contaminants such as algal toxins, to maintain the health of the
taste and odour compounds and ecosystem downstream of the
trace levels of insecticides. reservoir.

Ultraviolet irradiation It is estimated that the significant

Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is a reservoirs built around the world store
component of sunlight. Sunlight five billion megalitres of water.
achieves disinfection by ultraviolet
irradiation naturally. In water The water mains and pipes beneath
treatment, an appropriate level of UV the streets of a community are
irradiation, produced by mercury described as the water supply
lamps, can kill bacteria and viruses. distribution system or reticulation
However, there is some uncertainty system. As part of this system,
surrounding the effectiveness of UV strategically located service
irradiation against Cryptosporidium reservoirs store and supply enough
and Giardia. water to meet local peak demand at
sufficient pressure. These service
UV irradiation adds no chemicals to reservoirs are often large covered
water and uses equipment that is tanks in an elevated position.
relatively simple to operate and
maintain. Pumps and valves also form an
important part of the distribution
system. The end points of the
system are the consumers’ taps.
After water has been treated to
After treatment, drinking water is protect public health, improve
distributed via large trunk mains to aesthetics by removing colour and
water storage reservoirs. From these taste and odour as required, it is
reservoirs water is reticulated to each ready to be delivered to consumers.
household through a network of The system of mains and pipes used
smaller water mains. to deliver the water is known as the
distribution, or reticulation, system.
In some urban water systems, the
water supply is obtained directly from Treated water may be held at a
a river or another body of freshwater. treatment plant or immediately
In others, rivers are dammed and the discharged into the system of mains
water supply is distributed from and pipes that will transport it to
artificial storages, such as reservoirs. consumers’ taps. On the way it may
be held in short-term storages,
Dams are built across rivers and usually known as service reservoirs,
streams to create reservoirs to collect which are located as close as
water from catchments to ensure possible to where the water will be
sufficient supply will be available used.
when needed. Dams also have been
built for a range of purposes besides Sufficient water is required in a local
water supply, such as agriculture and area to supply periods of high
hydro-electricity generation. demand, as on a hot summer day.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

From a design perspective, the needs

of fire services usually determines the
capacity of the system. WATER:

An important characteristic of a What are the alternatives to tap

drinking water distribution system is water?
that it is closed, to prevent
contamination by birds, animals or Boiled water: boiling water for one
people. In contrast, irrigation water is minute kills most harmful microbes
usually delivered in open channels or but does not remove chemical
aqueducts. contaminants. In fact, if water is
boiled for longer than one minute, it
A significant part of the water supply can actually concentrate some
system lies buried underground. Out chemicals.
of the public eye, such infrastructure
can be overlooked. It is easy to Bottled water: while bottled water is
forget how valuable and essential generally of good quality, some
water distribution systems are to the brands are simply glorified tap water
community. In terms of money spent with basic filtering and a good
on supplying water in Australia, most marketing campaign.
of it has been invested in the mains
and pipes buried under the streets of Water filters: water filters can be
towns and suburbs across the installed either at the tap without a
country. plumber, under the kitchen sink with a
plumber, or at point of entry (i.e.,
Most distribution systems have installed on the main water supply).
developed and expanded as urban The most effective filter is generally
areas have grown. A map of a water thought to be a reverse-osmosis
distribution system would show a system, which filters out lead and
complex mixture of tree-like and other toxic metals and other
looped pipe networks, together with contaminants. This type of filter can
valves and pumps. be expensive and the cartridges have
to be replaced every year at an
Distribution systems require regular additional cost.
cleaning (flushing and scouring),
maintenance and a program to WATER QUALITY:
replace pipes and other equipment as
they near the end of their useful lives. Water is essential to human life and
Water mains can be expected to have to the health of the environment. As
a useful life of 40 to 100 years. Many a valuable natural resource, it
of the pipes under the older parts of comprises marine, estuarine,
our cities may be towards the upper freshwater (river and lakes) and
end of this range. groundwater environments, across
coastal and inland areas. Water has
two dimensions that are closely linked
- quantity and quality.

Water quality is commonly defined by

its physical, chemical, biological and
aesthetic (appearance and smell)

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

characteristics. A healthy GLOSSARY:

environment is one in which the water
quality supports a rich and varied Australian Drinking Water
community of organisms and protects Guidelines – The key Australian
public health. reference to drinking water quality
published by the National Health and
Water quality in a body of water Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
influences the way in which and the Agriculture and Resource
communities use the water for Management Council of Australia and
activities such as drinking, swimming New Zealand (ARMCANZ).
or commercial purposes.
Backwashing – In water treatment,
Why is water quality important? the process of reversing the flow of
Water resources are of major water back through the filter media to
environmental, social and economic remove the entrapped solids.
value to Australia, and if water quality
becomes degraded this resource will Chloramines – Compounds formed
lose its value. Water quality is by the reaction of hypochlorous acid
important not only to protect public (or aqueous chlorine) with ammonia.
health - water provides ecosystem Used to disinfect water supplies.
habitats, is used for farming, fishing
and mining, and contributes to Chlorination – The application of
recreation and tourism. chlorine to water, generally for the
purpose of disinfection.
If water quality is not maintained, it is
not just the environment that will Chlorinator – A mechanical device
suffer - the commercial and which is used to add chlorine to
recreational value of our water water.
resources will also diminish.
Coagulation – The clumping
How is water quality measured? together of very fine particles into
The presence of contaminants and larger particles caused by the use of
the characteristics of water are used chemicals (coagulants). The
to indicate the quality of water. chemicals neutralise the electrical
These water quality indicators can be charges of the fine particles and
categorised as: destabilise the particles. This
Biological: bacteria, algae clumping together makes it easier to
Physical: temperature, turbidity and separate the solids from the water by
clarity, colour, salinity, suspended settling, skimming, draining, or
solids, dissolved solids filtering.
Chemical: pH, dissolved oxygen,
biological oxygen demand, nutrients Coliform – A group of bacteria found
(including nitrogen and phosphorus), in the intestines of animals (including
organic and inorganic compounds humans) and also in soil, vegetation
(including toxicants) and water.
Aesthetic: odours, taints, colour,
floating matter Colloids – Very small, finely divided
Radioactive: alpha, beta and gamma solids (particles that do not dissolve)
radiation emitters that remain dispersed in a liquid for a
long time due to their small size and

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

electrical charge. When most of the Filtration – A process for removing

particles in water have a negative particles from water by passage
electrical charge, they tend to repel through porous media.
each other. This repulsion prevents
the particles from clumping together, Flocculation – The gathering
becoming heavier, and settling out. together of fine particles in water by
gentle mixing after the addition of
Condensation – The process of coagulant chemicals to form larger
water vapour in the air turning into particles.
liquid water. Condensation is the
opposite of evaporation. Fluoridation – The addition of a
chemical to increase the
Contaminant – Any physical, concentration of fluoride ions in
chemical, biological, or radiological drinking water to a predetermined
substance or matter that has an optimum limit to reduce the incidence
adverse effect. of tooth decay in children.

Disinfection – The process designed Giardia lamblia – a protozoan

to kill most microorganisms in water, pathogen that can cause
including essentially all pathogens. gastroenteritis (called giardiasis) if
ingested. The infective form , known
Distribution system – A network of as a cyst, is shed in the faeces of
pipes leading from a water treatment people and animals.
plant to customers·plumbing systems.
Great Artesian Basin – Largest
Drinking water supplier – An artesian ground-water basin in the
organisation, agency or company that world. It underlies approximately
has responsibility and authority for one-fifth of Australia and extends
treating and/or supplying drinking beneath the arid and semi-arid parts
water. of Queensland, New South Wales,
South Australia and the Northern
Drinking water supply system / Territory, stretching from the Great
water supply system – All aspects Dividing Range to the Lake Eyre
from the point of collection of water to depression. The Basin covers a total
the consumer. It can include area of more than 1.7 million square
catchments, ground-water systems, kilometres and has an estimated
source waters, storage reservoirs and water storage of 8,700 million
intakes, treatment systems, service megalitres.
reservoirs and distribution systems,
and consumers plumbing. Hydrology – The study of the
occurrence, distribution and
Evaporation: The process by which circulation of the natural waters of the
water or another liquid becomes a earth.
gas. Water from land areas, bodies
of water, and all other moist surfaces Inorganic – Material such as sand,
is absorbed into the atmosphere as a salt, iron, calcium salts and other
vapour. mineral materials. Inorganic
substances are of mineral origin. Also
see organic.

Activity Kit 4 Water Treatment Plant

Ion – An atom or group of atoms recently deposited from suspension.

which has gained or lost electrons In the plural the word is applied to all
and carries an electric charge kinds of deposits from the waters of
streams, lakes, or seas.
Nutrient – Any substance that is
assimilated (taken in) by organisms Sedimentation – A water treatment
and promotes growth. process in which solid particles settle
out of the water being treated in a
Organic – Substances that come large clarifier or sedimentation basin.
from animal or plant sources.
Organic substances always contain Service pipe – A pipeline extending
carbon. from the water main to the building
served or to the consumers system.
Ozonation – The application of
ozone to water for disinfection or for Service reservoir/tank – A storage
taste and odour control. for drinking water generally within the
distribution system used to meet
pH – A measure of the basic fluctuating demands, accommodate
(alkaline) or acidic condition of a emergency requirements and/or
solution. A pH of less than 7 is equalise operating pressures.
acidic, of 7 is neutral and of more
than 7 is alkaline. Natural waters Surface water – All water naturally
usually have a pH between 6.5 and open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes,
8.5. reservoirs, streams, impoundments,
seas, estuaries, etc.).
Potable water – Water that is safe
and satisfactory for drinking and Total dissolved solids (TDS) – The
cooking. concentration of dissolved solids in
water. TDS is measured on a sample
Protozoa – Single-celled microscopic of water that has passed through a
animal. Plural protozoa. very fine mesh filter to remove
suspended solids. The water passing
Quality – The totality of through the filter is evaporated and
characteristics of an entity that bear the residue represents the dissolved
on its ability to satisfy stated and solids.
implied needs.
Turbidity – The cloudy appearance
Reservoir – Any natural or artificial of water caused by the presence of
holding area used to store, regulate, suspended and colloidal matter. The
or control water. water quality parameter indicating the
clarity of water. Turbidity is
Sand filter – Device to remove measured by the amount of light that
suspended solids from water by is reflected off particles in the water.
passage through a bed of sand. It is measured by a nephelometer in
nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).
Scouring – Interrupting the first layer
of the filter so it is unusable. Virus – A large group of infectious
agents, much smaller than bacteria,
Sediment – Usually applied to that are able to be viewed only
material suspended in water or through an electron microscope.

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They are not cells, but biologically

active particles that vary in size from /Consumersp9.htm [Accessed on 9/7/04]
0.01 to 0.1 microns.
/Consumersp11.htm#T2 [Accessed on
Water cycle – The circulation of
water on Earth as it evaporates from
the sea and lakes, condenses into /Consumersp17.htm#T1[Accessed on 9/7/04]
clouds and falls again as precipitation
(rain, hail, sleet, snow). sh/Applications/Sludge+treatment/ [Accessed
on 9/7/04]
Water quality – A description of the
chemical, physical and biological l.htm [Accessed on 12/7/04]
characteristics of water for a
particular purpose. roducts/FilterProductRange.htm [Accessed
on 12/9/04]
Water supplier – The owner or
operator of a public water system. entSupply/default.htm [Accessed on 12/9/04] [Accessed on 12/9/04]
Water supply system – The
collection, treatment, storage, and tertap/ch3.pdf [Accessed on 9/9/04]
distribution of potable water from
source to consumer. ater_Strategy_complete.pdf [Accessed on
Water table – The level of ground-
water in an unconfined aquifer. This
level can be very near the surface of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the ground or far below it.
Created by Laura Winkle in the
School of Civil Engineering, 2004
34&pgid=372[Accessed on 9/7/04]
er/manual/sect5a.htm [Accessed on 9/7/04]
thehome.cfm [Accessed on 12/7/04]
DWFact_All_About_Water.pdf [Accessed on
cation/whylearnaboutwater.htm [Accessed on
/Consumersp4.htm#T1 [Accessed on 9/7/04]
/Consumersp5.htm#T4 [Accessed on 9/7/04]
/Consumersp8.htm [Accessed on 9/7/04]


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