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Final exam level 1B Duration: 90min Date / /2024



1. Read the article and choose a phrase (a–f) to complete each gap.
The Larmer Tree Festival
If you love music and 1 a , you have to go to the Larmer Tree. Every July near a small village called Tollard
Royal in the south-west of England there’s a four-day music festival. Musicians
come from all over the world to play there 2 .
The gardens are big enough for 4,000 people and you can buy day tickets, or you can stay for the weekend
or for the four days. Most people decide to camp 3 , so they take their tents and bring all their food and
drink with them. There are a lot of different food stalls as well, so you can try all kinds of foods. There are
also lots of stalls where you can buy jewellery,
clothes, books and paintings, 4 .
There are lots of things for children to do as well. They can learn to make things like decorations and they
can play games and make new friends. On the Sunday afternoon there is always a parade and they can
take part in it with their parents. Often they dress up as
different animals or birds 5 . It’s very colourful and everyone enjoys it.
Although there are a lot of people there, you feel as if you’re at a party because everyone is so friendly and
relaxed, 6 . The sun doesn’t always shine, but that doesn’t matter because people are always in a good
mood. The main thing is the music, so if you want to experience
something special, I recommend this festival. I guarantee you’ll have a good time.

a going to concerts and festivals

b and you often meet old friends
c so it’s a great place for buying presents
d because it’s such a special place and the atmosphere is so friendly
e and they make their own costumes
f because there is no accommodation there


2. Write negative sentences.

I drove to work.
I didn’t drive to work.
1 We went to the cinema.

2 Anna bought a new laptop.

3 They enjoyed the party.

4 I did my homework.

5 Paul studied German.

We are the future

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
I’m older than my sister. (old)
1 Tom’s boy in his class. (intelligent)
2 What’s thing you’ve ever bought? (expensive)
3 Tokyo is Paris. (big)
4 Today’s weather is it was yesterday. (bad)
5 Sally is girl I know. (happy)

6 Find and correct two mistakes in the sentences below. Tick () the sentences that
are correct.
Peter comes from Canada.

1 Are you knowing my brother Jack?

2 We often go to Spain in the summer.

3 I’m reading a really good book.

4 We aren’t understanding your accent.

5 I don’t play football every weekend.

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to and the verbs in the box.
visit not get up buy not speak organise come over
We’re going to visit our grandparents this weekend.
1 I’ to John again because he clearly doesn’t like me.
2 (you) for supper this evening?
3 We early tomorrow as it’s the weekend.
4 Jane’ a surprise party for her husband.
5 We’ tickets for the concert. Do you want to come?

8 Complete the sentences with the correct Present perfect form of the verbs in the box.
not take send remember not be break meet
I’ ve sent you lots of emails this week.
1 Daniel at work for a week because he’s sick.
2 (you) Julia’s birthday?
3 Lucy’s really lucky because she’ Brad Pitt!
4I many photos today because it’s raining.
5 Clare’s in hospital because she’ her leg.

We are the future


I. In minimum of 70 words, write a composition about your experience in English class during the
term. (25%)

Good Lucky

We are the future

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