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It all happened at about one o'clock in the morning, I

would say. I had gone to bed at 10 As usual, but I had
to get up to go to the bathroom. As I was getting back
into bed, I heard this dreadful noise outside in the
street, men shouting. So of course, I went to the
window to see what was going on. Anyway, I looked
out and saw these two young men just outside my
house. They were swaying all over the place, shouting
and swearing at each other. They had obviously been
drinking, you could see they were drunk, very
aggressive and nasty looking types. Then I noticed
that they were doing something to the cars. There was
a very clear night with a full moon so I could see
everything. They were banging on all the car windows
trying to break into them. Obviously, as soon as I
realised what was going on, I called the police
straightaway and thank goodness, they came more or
less immediately and arrested them before they could
do any damage. It was very lucky I happen to wake up
and catch them. Otherwise, I'm sure half the cars in
the neighbourhood would have been robbed, even
stolen. This is a nice neighbourhood. People have
expensive cars with radios and CD players and all
sorts. It was very lucky that I saw it all.
it was about midnight, I guess. I was coming home from a
Christmas party with my friend Frank. It was very, very cold,
absolutely freezing those thick ice everywhere. And it'd
been snowing for several hours. Actually, maybe it was still
snowing, because we really couldn't see where we were
going. The roadway of walking down was on a really steep
hill too. So you can imagine, it was just so slippery, and we
couldn't see a thing. So while we just kept falling over, we'd
get up. And two seconds later, we fell over again. Not
because we were drunk or anything, but just because it was
so slippery. Anyway, for some reason, this all began to
seem very funny. And we were laughing our heads off a
calling to each other for help. You know, we really didn't
know how we were going to get down that hill. We weren't
making any progress at all. Well, eventually, we realised
that the only way we could move at all was if we held on to
the cars that were parked in the streets for support. So that's
what we did. And slowly, we're managing to move along.
Except suddenly, this police car drew up and two police
officers got out and started shouting at us. We tried to talk
to them and find out what the problem was. But they
wouldn't listen to us. They just pushed us in the back of the
car and drove us to the nearest police station. To be honest,
I can't remember much after that. But a few hours later, I
woke up in a police cell feeling absolutely terrified. Not to
mention freezing cold

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