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months (tháng) (___April, ____May)

years (năm) (____2000, _____2015)
seasons (mùa) (____summer, ____spring)
in times of day (các thời đểm trong ngày) (_____the morning, ____the afternoon,
____the evening)
dates (ngày) (____4th March, ___June 2nd)
on days of a week (___Monday, ___Sunday, _____ weekdays, ______weekends)
days (___Valentine’s Day, ____New Year’s Day, ___Christmas Day)
times (giờ) (____7 o’clock, ____9.30)
at festival periods (các dịp lễ) (___Christmas, ___ Easter)
___night, ___noon (midday), ____the weekend
from – to/ __Monday ___Friday,____2000 ___2005
between - and
since _____1985, _______2 o’clock
for _____3 hours, ____a long time, _____5 years


countries and cities (quốc gia và thành phố)(____France, ____Paris)

rooms (phòng)(___the kitchen, ____the bedroom)
in buildings (tòa nhà)(___the shop, ____the museum)
closed places (những nơi khép kín) (___the park, ___the car, ___the garden,
__the cupboard)
transport (phương tiện vận chuyển) (a bike, a bus, a plane, a train, a ship (but in
a car/taxi)
on surface (bề mặt) (___the floor, ___the table, ___the balcony, ___the roof,
___the wall, ___the shelf)
_____TV,______ the radio, ____ the phone
___home, ____school, ____university, ___work
at ___the airport, ___the station, ___a bus stop
___a party, ___the door

1. Complete the sentences with at, in, or on.
1. We'll meet you ______ the bus stop
2. I often listen to music ______ my car.
3. ______ my room I have a poster _____ the wall and a photo of my parents _____ the table by my bed.
4. My family is from New York but we live ______ Washington D.C.
5 Her mother is cooking ______the kitchen.
6. There is some sugar ________ the shelf ________ the cupboard.
7. They swam _____ the swimming pool and then went for a walk _____the park.
8. He arrived _____the station at midnight.
9. The president is being interviewed ______ television.
10. Let's meet next Saturday ______ 3.00.
11. I hate driving _______night, getting up early _______the morning, and working ______ weekends.
12. Our flight is leaving ______ Monday ______ 7.30 ______ the evening and arriving ______midday
13. We have an exam ______ Friday afternoon.
14. In most countries, banks and offices are closed ______Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
15. Albert Einstein was born _____ March 14, 1879 ______Germany, and he died ______ 1955 _______ the

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